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Author 3 Stories

Rick265 Erotic Stories

Rick265 has submitted 3 original stories to's Gay Erotic Stories. His original stories include:

Visit Men At Play

Big Dick Korean

There is a park near where I live that is pretty cruisy. It's been there for years and there have been crackdowns, and landscaping changes, but the action continues. While it's hit or miss, it can be really hot.The other night I went to the park, parked my car and walked around a bit. It was just getting dark. There were a few guys, but no one seemed interested in me. I'm 55 and have a...

Puerto Vallarta, Part 1

I arrived on Saturday afternoon and walked to the beach, hoping to catch the eye of some hot guy, but no luck. So I went back to my room, had something to eat, took a shower, and decided to try my luck again later as the sun began to set and guys took to the beach for cruising. I walked back out to the beach and took a walk down to the rocks at the end of the beach which were known for...

Thai Massage: John

I was certified in Traditional Thai Massage in Bangkok. I'm not Thai. I thought people in the US would appreciate it as much as I did, but it was hard for me to build a clientele. Until I started doing it as erotic Thai massage. This is one of my stories.I got into erotic Thai massage after posting an ad once for...

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