Gay Erotic Stories


by Kaly

Get in here NOW!” she yells from the front door. He struggles to obey on hands and knees, his cock still tethered at the base to his knees and his wrists also bound to opposite knees. She’d left him like that this morning to ensure he’d not be moving any other way but on hands and knees. She stands there, hands on her hips looking down at him. “Yes, Mistress?” he pants. She tests the position of the large phallus anchored in his ass by pulling on the ring protruding from the base, watching as his painfully stretched rosebud contracts slightly around the rim keeping it from going any further either way. “Have you been good today?” she purrs in his ear. “Only if it pleases you, Mistress,” he answers meekly. “Such a darling angel,” she says quietly as she strokes his hair. Just as he’s nuzzling against her hand, pleased that she’s happy with him, she grips his hair, pulling his head painfully up to look at her. She kneels in front of him, letting him get a full view of her moist sex under her tight black cotton skirt, uncovered by panties, as is her style. “I have a surprise for you, angel. We’re to have a guest tonight. Now, I want you to go and kneel in front of the bath and run my water and wait for me.” “Yes, Mistress,” he said quietly, mesmerized by the glistening pink lips that weren’t speaking to him. It didn’t occur to him how difficult this task would be until he tried to turn on the water. Sighing quietly, he struggled up to a squatting position and risked losing circulation to turn on the water for his Mistress. He made sure the water was just right, and shallow so that Mistress could feel the water flow over her feet, steadily increasing the temperature. It wasn’t just his limits she liked to test. She took her sweet time getting into the room, bringing a small wicker basket of candles, and a glass of wine. She undressed slowly in front of him, enjoying the animalistic glint in his eyes and the firmness of his cock, tethered as it was. “Light them,” was her simple command, as she stepped into the water, turning it back on. She leaned back into the tub as he placed the candles around the room, lighting them with the aim-n-flame as he went. “Hurry up, angel, I want you to wash my back before I get comfortable,” she purred to him. Hurriedly he placed and lighted the rest of the candles wincing with every reach as the thin ropes cut and chafed his skin. As soon as he had lit the candles, he crawled to the back of the tub, reaching for the sponge in the caddy hanging on the inside of the tub. As he reached, he felt the warm clamp of her fingers around his wrist. She held it for a moment, then started untying the ropes. He was slightly disappointed at this, but thoroughly relieved to be able to move a little more freely. His Mistress had rigged up a sort of pen around the tub, as she loved to play in the bath. He was just rubbing the circulation back into his wrists when he noticed the positively chilling look in her eyes. “Angel.” “Yes Mistress?” “Come around here after you wash my back. Now hurry.” He jumped into action soaping up the sponge with her favorite scented soap. The smell of fresh cut flowers filled the room as she murmured her approval at his cleansing massage. He also noticed that she was fingering herself. This was no surprise to him, though he wished he were doing it instead. When he finished, he calmly rinsed out the sponge, squeezing the water over her back, and scrubbing just a little more with the clean sponge, knowing how important cleanliness is to her. Quietly, he positioned himself in an awkward squat, knees wide, bum resting on his heels, and hands on his knees, just as Mistress liked him. The phallus was also still planted deep within him, and he didn’t think he had much hope of losing that adornment any time soon. He knew it aroused her to no end to know he was ‘impaled’. She languidly rolled over in the bath, peering at him. “Climb in.” He nearly spilled over, quite literally, when he heard the unexpected command. “Yes Mistress,” he said excitedly. “Wait,” she said as he was straightening up to step in. “Hand me those ropes you just shed.” He handed her the ropes, fear curling around his stomach in sharp tendrils, clutching. Oh what a delicious feeling, he thought as he trembled under her gaze. His ankles were still tied to his cock, and he could feel the ropes get tighter around it as the fear also triggered intense arousal. She noticed his predicament, and with the cruel glint in her eyes, reached down and stroked him with her wet hand. He whimpered quietly, letting her know how close he was, and how painful the ropes were, cutting into tortured flesh. “You will not,” was all she said, releasing him. “As much as I like seeing you trussed up that way angel, I know you won’t be able to maneuver the way I require if I leave you … bound … like that,” she said, pausing to shiver at the word ‘bound’. He merely squatted there, as taught, awaiting the next command. With the dexterity of a professional piano player, making him wonder what she did before he met her, he was untied before he even had the chance to enjoy the touch of her fingers against his skin. Circulation restored, his cock swelled impressively, twitching at even the breath of breeze that coursed through the house, courtesy of the many open windows. Open windows. Oh hell, he thought, remembering he’d been running around like this with the windows, shades and curtains, all thrown open. “Okay angel, climb in. We both need to be thoroughly groomed for tonight’s activities.” He climbed carefully into the oversized, claw foot tub, inching back to the opposite end as she leaned forward, her upper torso gliding out of the water, like some mythical mermaid, exposing her creamy breasts. As she pointed to the rings hanging from the bars at the side of the tub, he didn’t hear her, but was transfixed on her nipples as he watched them harden in the cool air outside of the bath water. A hard slap across first one cheek, then the other brought him quickly back to reality as the sound reverberated against the pale tile of the spacious bathroom. “I’m sorry Mistress!” he exclaimed, terrified. “I see I’ve taught you nothing. You stare at my breasts like a common mongrel while I’m talking to you. You know how I DETEST repeating myself! GET OUT!” she screamed. Then, in a quiet voice, in which he thought he heard a twinge of defeat, she ordered him to bring her the phone. He dashed out of the tub, rushing to do her bidding, trying to make up for his indiscretion. He was still scrambling when he nearly skidded to a halt, offering the phone in a shaky, outstretched hand. “You’re dripping. And you dripped all over my house. Clean it up and come back to me,” she said calmly, as if reading from a bad script that even her exceptional acting skills could not transform from dull, meaningless words into something tolerable. Quickly he grabbed a dirty towel from the hamper, knowing it would enrage her even more if he wasted a clean one, even though it was his job to do the laundry. He dried himself hurriedly, with a frown from her, and quickly wiped his tracks from the hard wood floors throughout the house. He padded back into the room on all fours, clutching the soiled towel between his teeth. Quietly, he deposited it in the hamper under her watchful gaze. “It seems the floor needs a good scrubbing as well,” she murmured. “Yes, Mistress. I’ll get right on it as soon as you wish, Mistress,” he offered quietly. “Not right now, pet. We have a phone call to make,” she said as she dialed. When she finished, she pressed the phone to her ear, curling her finger to invite him closer. Carefully, he moved toward her in the awkward squat, knowing that’s her favorite position, and hoping it pleased her. “Nick, it’s Andre… What’s wrong?” she asked, having known him long enough to tell even by his hello that something was not right. “Beth left sometime late last night or early this morning,” he said quietly. “Dear God Nick, do you want me to come over? I’d have to bring angel with me, though,” knowing how he often needed to inflict pain when he hurt inside, and how she, more a switch than either a Domme or sub, liked to take the blows he dished out. “No, but thanks. Beth would never forgive me,” knowing full well what she meant. “Have you talked to her at all?” She asked, motioning for angel to come closer, fondling his hair affectionately when he was close enough. Her unexpected kindness brought him great joy, but he knew better than to question it, rather than invoke the fury once more. “No, well, yes. She called for a few minutes not long before you called. Call waiting beeped while she was talking, but I wasn’t about to answer it…” “It wasn’t me, and I don’t blame you,” she said before he could ask. “It must have been one of Jan’s girls,” he said quietly. “I’ll have to call them back.” “How are they?” she asked. “Well,” he sighed deeply, “I think they’re getting along fine, but they’re like lost children now. They call from time to time when a new decision comes up. None of those girls have ever been on their own. Jan brought Meng with him when he first came to the States. He had nearly a harem.” He let out a short chuckle. “And they all loved him, and he them.” Andrea was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. “Nick, angel and I can be normal for a while if you just need some company. His aim is to please me, and mine is to please you. What can we do?” Angel had been quietly squatting as Andrea’s hand massaged his scalp and stroked his hair, and he finally figured out that Master Nick was upset about something. And he thought it had to do with Beth, but he wasn’t really sure. His Mistress never saw fit to tell him anything, he had to glean what knowledge he could from the outside world and the TV. Maybe sometimes they would go out, but those times were few and far between, as she liked to keep him to herself, and she couldn’t do what she wanted to in public, usually. Sad thing, too. He truly loved public humiliation. Lost in his reverie, he didn’t hear the end of the conversation and only knew it was over when her grip tightened on his hair. She tilted his face up to look at hers and just watched him for a while, then nodded, releasing him. She leaned back, resting her head on the rim of the tub and simply soaked. “Angel,” she whispered. “Yes Mistress?” he replied eagerly, but quietly. “I’m going to get us another play toy. Do you prefer a female I can watch you fuck, or a male I can train you to fuck?” “Whatever pleases you, Mistress,” he said shakily, taken aback by the possibility of sharing. “I asked,” she said, in that dangerous tone that sent shivers all the way to the tip of his cock. He swallowed hard, knowing what she wanted to hear, but he couldn’t make himself say he wanted another male in the house. The rivalry would kill him. “Angel.” “A male, Mistress.” “I know you don’t mean that, but I know what you’re doing and how hard it was for you,” she said, hooking her knees over the sides of the tub. “Now I think that deserves a reward. Come here.” Still shaken by what was going to happen, he made his awkward way into the tub again, nearly cowering at the far end of the tub. “Come here angel,” she said, beckoning him with a crook of her finger. As he inched forward, she reached for him, pulling him down with her, stroking every inch of his body she could reach, and kissing him hungrily and possessively. She reached for the odd shaped breathing device she had used on him before. It covered only his nose, with tubes leading into his nostrils. It wasn’t the best thing in the world, so he had to be careful how he breathed, but that’s what she wanted. His heart raced at the sight of it. It was terrifying to him. She usually wanted him under the water as she played with him when she brought that out, and the prospect of drowning was ever present in the back of his mind. He managed to lean close enough for her to strap it on, sliding the tubes into his nostrils, clamping the rest of the apparatus so it didn’t leak, and securing it behind his head. She then gently guided him down between her legs, and pulled his head tight against her. She smiled to herself and stood, pressing his head to make sure he stayed down facing the bottom of the tub, not knowing what was going on. She then reached behind him and pulled one leg up and attached it to the bar above the tub, and did the same to the other. Then she tied his wrists behind his back, and to the phallus, which she in turn attached to his collar, back and front so it was going nowhere. She stroked and fondled him, rubbing not just his intimate areas, but all over his body, right down to his toes. He loved the feel of her hands. They were so smooth and gentle when she wanted them to be. After a while she untied the phallus and rocked it back and forth with one hand while she stroked and fondled his cock and balls with the other and with her mouth. He was in heaven, but she periodically pinched the head of his cock to indicate he should not come. Fortunately for him, he had been in her service long enough to be able to control his orgasms. Then there was nothing. He had been abandoned in the awkward position, with his wrists still tethered to the phallus that was now free. He knew there would be punishment if it came out, so he tried desperately to hold still and keep himself as she left him. She sat back on the window seat watching him, watching the struggle she knew had to be going on within him. She and angel had been involved for nearly 5 years, and they both loved every minute of it. She was still unsure if she wanted to bring in another sub. She and another Dom had been talking and had tried a few scenes. They had worked out beautifully, and not only was she debating whether or not to bring in another sub, she was also considering giving herself to another Dom, still keeping angel, but possibly becoming an equal to him at times. It was all very confusing, but also very exhilarating. She was ready to pull angel out of the tub and fuck him properly, but even more arousing than that was the devilish things she could think of to do to him and to make him do. She truly loved being under the control of someone else, but not without knowing that there was someone for her to control as well. She shivered, and rubbed her bare shoulders. She liked to walk around naked almost as much as she made angel do. She stood up and checked on him. Seeing that he was starting to look a little prunish, she started to untie him slowly. His fading erection instantly started to come back to life as he felt her hands. She simply untied him and watched as he realized that was all she’d done. He floated in the water, face down as if he were a cadaver, knowing better than to move without instruction. I trained him well! She thought to herself before she pulled the phallus from his ass and tapped the back of his head, waiting for him to roll over. When he did, she was stricken by the blue of his eyes once more. They were part of the reason she never tired of him. They were so sweet and gentle. He never wanted anything more than to please her, and wait for the moments when she was kind and loving. But he also loved pain with a hunger that she had never been able to quench. She could tie him completely alone in a painfully contorted position for nearly a full day and he would still be happy as a clam when she took him down. She couldn’t help but smile when she looked at him again, just seeing his eyes peeking over the ledge of the tub. As cruel as she was at times, she did appreciate humor. And he was so cute when he did that. “C’mon handsome, let’s get something to eat. Then I have a present for you.” He quickly soaped up and rinsed off while she watched, drying each other when he was finished. It was times like these that kept them happily together. They were, after all, in love. Not just with what one could do with the other, but with each other. She took his hand and they walked through the house, windows open, but not a stitch of clothing to be found on either of them. She closed the blinds and lit the candles as she went. When they arrived in the kitchen, she pulled him to her and gave him a lusty kiss, and a nice fondle. Sliding her hands over his tight ass, she realized he had healed from the last whipping, and made a mental note to fix that. “What did you want for dinner, Andrea?” he asked, calling her by name as was allowed when they were both upright, like ‘normal’ lovers rather than Mistress and slave. “Hmmm… you?” she said, grinning. He winked and bent to rummage around in the refrigerator. She came over to him, slapping his ass and then kneeling beside him, getting a rush all over again. The cold air hit her breasts and made her nipples stand out to impressive lengths as they hardened. He noticed, but not before he was reaching for the steaks and found his cock sliding into his lover’s mouth. He didn’t know what to do about this situation. Obviously she was hungry for more than just steaks and wasn’t kidding about wanting him for dinner, but his stomach growled loudly and she withdrew, winking back at him this time. “We’ll do that later. Your stomach informed me that we didn’t have time for that right now,” she chuckled, that evil glint back in her eyes. Again, he noticed. It was his job to notice everything about her, as was hers to notice everything about him. Neither of them was self-conscious about their nakedness, even in the informality of this portion of the relationship. She was happily making the salad as he warmed the burner for the steaks. He would grill them, but, looking down, he decided that was not a good idea. Maybe next time. Somehow it seemed he was doing all of the bending, and he fought the strong urge to resume their roles, but his hunger seemed to be the most important consideration right now. As much as he loved Andrea and her sweet offerings, he was truly hungry. Another growl from his stomach was plenty proof of that, and loud enough that she slid a baby carrot between his lips. “For God’s sake, eat something before your stomach goes cannibalistic,” she giggled. He simply smiled and munched on the carrot as he flipped over the steaks. As the other side of the steaks cooked, he carefully set the table, lighting more candles in the center. He loved how the light caught her hair in candlelight. As the steaks sizzled in the frying pan, Andrea finished the salad and set it on the table. She was going for the salad dressing when Angel held up both bottles to her breasts and kissed her hungrily. Sliding her arms around him, tracing his spine with her fingernails, the salad dressing bottles sandwiched between them heightened their arousal and she pulled back. “If we don’t stop this, you’ll starve to death,” she said, poking his chest gently. “I’d starve to death for you,” he said, grinning. “Mm,” she muttered, suddenly fascinated with the knife she’d been using to cut the carrots. “Is that all I get? ‘Mm’? How sad to know that my starving to death for you would go nearly unnoticed,” he pouted jokingly. When she turned to him, brandishing the knife and a positively evil glint in her eyes, he found himself backing away, even though long years of training had prepared him to do exactly the opposite. “Backing away? Oh angel, I thought I’d taught you better than that. Now I’m going to have to be more creative!” she said with a truly chilling cackle. Lunging toward him, she slit him across the chest with the knife, watching as the blood beaded along the superficial wound. He merely stood there, in shock, not knowing what to expect next. She laid the knife down, walking toward him, her eyes on the cut. Before he knew what was happening next she was holding him to her, sucking and licking at the cut while one hand fondled him. She didn’t just stop there, she was soon guiding the head of his cock up and down her slit as she sucked at the wound. He took his cue and hoisted her up, guiding her legs around his waist as she hungrily sucked at the cut, biting randomly to induce more bleeding. This was certainly a twist for him. He’d never seen her do anything like this, and he’d certainly never had anything like this done to him. She was loving every last drop. She had never had another’s blood before, but she had to admit this was exhilarating and she began to bob and contort while he held her, making love to him while they stood in the middle of the kitchen, dinner burning on the stove. Dinner burning. She wrapped her arms around his neck now that they’d found their puzzle fit and looked up at him. “The steaks, angel.” “Shit,” he muttered, looking down at her expectantly and seeing that she meant to continue fucking him while he attended to the steaks. This could be interesting, he thought. Barely able to keep his mind on something as simple as breathing, he somehow managed to make it over to the stove. “Love, I can’t reach the steaks without burning you,” he said breathlessly, looking down at her again. She bit at his nipple, drawing a groan from him. She simply looked up at him, with the Devil glinting in her eyes. He knew then that she didn’t care, but he was uncomfortable causing her harm. Still, it was what she wanted, and who was he to question? Somehow he managed to reach the skillet from the side, only burning her thigh a little, causing her to let out a lusty moan as she grated her teeth along his nipple, never once stilling the movements of her hips. Twice he nearly dropped the skillet, so hard was he concentrating on not coming until she told him to. Even as equals, that was something he never denied her. Finally everything was on the table. The steaks were on their separate plates, and just as he thought they’d never eat, she whispered one simple word in his ear. “Come.” And he did. He nearly tore her in half as he gripped her buttocks, shooting his seed into her, moaning loud enough that he was sure the neighbors a mile away could hear him. He couldn’t even stand when he was done, so long had she kept him waiting. He collapsed to his knees with a thud, panting. As if she were made of energy, she disentangled herself and popped up into the chair, dishing out salad to each of their bowls and cutting on her steak. He was always astonished by her energy, and no less tonight as he heaved himself up into the chair and weakly picked at the food for which he so hungered only moments before. “Good job with the steaks, angel, I hope I rewarded you enough,” she said, grinning. She could tell he was drained after that performance. Usually an avid carnivore tearing into his steak, it seemed he barely had enough energy to bring the fork to his mouth. She reached over and started cutting his steak and feeding him pieces. He smiled tenderly at her. She wasn’t just the commander of his every whim, and he wasn’t just her slave to do her every bidding. They cared for each other. If she were as tired as he was, he would be feeding her as well to make sure they both stayed healthy and taken care of. They finished their meal, taking their time, savoring every morsel. But as they were clearing the table, Andrea noticed that Angel was looking at her strangely. “What is it, Angel?” “The cut, the blood, where did that come from?” She took a deep breath. “I watched another Dom do that to his sub and they both really got off on it, so I thought I’d try. How was it for you?” “I’m not really sure,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at his crossed ankles as he leaned against the counter. “You caught me by surprise, so it was pretty much just shock at first. And then you… and I didn’t think about it anymore. It was just you.” “Hm,” she muttered quietly. He looked down at her, watching her think, wanting to hold her. And as if reading his mind, she lifted his arms and slid under them, nuzzling against his chest as he kissed the top of her head. “Come on, let’s go watch some TV,” she said, that glint back in her eyes. There was the strong bond of love between them, but the lust that they had for each other was at least double everything else. Watching TV never really meant watching TV. Yes, it may be playing in the background and she may watch some of it, but there was always something more interesting unfolding in their living room. “I have that present for you first, though, angel. Out on the back of the truck. Go get the wheelbarrow and get that big box and bring it in here. You’ll have to go through the double doors on the side, though, it’s pretty big.” Giving her a strange look, he went outside completely nude without a thought to retrieve the box from the back of the truck. Positioning the wheelbarrow under the tailgate, he proceeded to push and pull the box down onto the wheelbarrow. She’s right, it is pretty big, he thought. He guessed the dimensions to be about 5’ x 5’ x 3’ and he had no idea what she could be getting that was this big. As he slid the box the last few inches onto the wheelbarrow, he got an idea as a small muffled grunt came from the box. His heart sank. He just knew she’d brought home another male, like he’d actually said he wanted, even though he didn’t. A slow smile creased his face as he realized that while they had been inside playing, having dinner, and watching the sun go down, the new ‘toy’ had been outside as the temperature dropped, locked inside a dark box, probably a cage on the inside judging by the sound it made when the wheelbarrow hit a rock. If he didn’t know Mistress would surely punish him, and not in a way he’d like, he’d ‘accidentally’ drop the box. It was heavy, after all. And as oddly sized as it was, dropping could easily be explained … too bad he wasn’t that cruel. With a sigh, he carefully rounded the corner into the living room and parked the wheelbarrow where she indicated. “Now angel, though this is a present for you, you are not to touch it until given express permission to do so, understood?” “Yes Mistress,” he said, happy not to touch the damned thing. He had no desire to open the box and find another male he’d have to share with Mistress. “You will have to help me with it, as I’m sure you’ve discovered it’s quite heavy,” she said, a glint in her eyes. “Wheel it into the play room first, though, love.” He wheeled the box into the back room that they called a play room, though there wasn’t much in there. They were still working on filling it up with toys, but as she worked and he really wasn’t in the position to build when she left him most mornings, it was slow going. “In the corner, angel.” She said, moving over toward the corner getting ready to help him get the box smoothly down. Stopping a little too quickly, not entirely by accident, angel watched with a mix of satisfaction and horror as the box teetered and slid off the wheelbarrow and thudded on the floor, toppling over with a muffled cry from the occupant. He wasn’t quite able to hide that small smile of satisfaction before Andrea caught it, eliciting a dangerous growl from low in her throat. Immediately knowing he’s in trouble, he righted the box, hearing another muffled cry as the box thudded down again. With a shaky sigh, he squatted at her feet, folding his arms behind his back to await her orders for punishment. “I thought it was about time to paint some more stripes on that ass of yours. I was hoping it would be for fun rather than punishment though. This just means your ‘present’ will have to wait longer to get out.” “Yes Mistress. I can’t apologize enough,” he said, nearly pleading with her. “Lying, as well as intentional abuse of your ‘present’. This is going to be harsh, angel.” She walked over to one of the chest of drawers that lined the wall behind the door and pulled out one of the smaller drawers. When she turned around, she held a vial of amber colored liquid, an anal plug, and his least favorite toy, a chastity belt. He was often plugged, and though he didn’t like the chastity belt, he’d also worn that often. It was the vial that bothered him so much. There really was no way for him to derive even the slightest pleasure from that. Not even the knowledge that he was suffering for his Mistress was his once the liquid came out. That was purely for punishment. “Ass up, angel,” she said simply, carefully adding a few drops to the anal plug. He almost couldn’t move, so much was his dread. But he was well trained, and though slowly, he followed her command, spreading his ass cheeks without her even having to ask. Ever so slowly, she moved the anal plug home and waited. The itching began slowly at first, then hit like a brick wall. God, how he hated this. When he began twisting his hips and whimpering miserably, she told him to stand and spread his legs and she fit the belt around his waist. Next was the small metal tube that barely fit around his cock when it was limp. He was thankful that the itchy liquid did the trick or it would have been his worst nightmare as she tried to turn him off so it would fit. He so hated that thing. She frowned for a moment. “I don’t think I’ll use everything tonight,” she said, cinching the belt in the front, pulling his cock through the hole in the middle. “I think when we open the box you’ll punish yourself more than I could right now.” He frowned, confused, not knowing how seeing another man would be punishment. All he could think was that he’d be so happy to know that he got at least one shot in. And he hoped he caused bruises. She chuckled, watching him, knowing what he was thinking. “I think it’s time to open the box, don’t you, little one?” she said. “As you wish, Mistress,” angel said, his head hanging. “I wasn’t talking to you, angel,” she said, and he felt as though a chill had suddenly filled the room. A muffled whimper came from within the box, and for the first time, he realized it was more feminine. Oh, she was so right, he felt absolutely horrible already. As Andrea snipped the cords that tied the box together around the cage, the sides fell aside one at a time revealing a petite and very well restrained brunette in a fairly spacious cage, considering the amount of space she took up. She was gagged and blindfolded. Her collar was tied on both sides to the bottom corners of the cage, effectively keeping her from raising her head. Her arms tied behind her back, her ass in the air, and held there by straps


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kaly


Get in here NOW!” she yells from the front door. He struggles to obey on hands and knees, his cock still tethered at the base to his knees and his wrists also bound to opposite knees. She’d left him like that this morning to ensure he’d not be moving any other way but on hands and knees. She stands there, hands on her hips looking down at him. “Yes, Mistress?” he pants. She

Dreams Can Come True Part 1

This isn't exactly how I'd imagined things starting, I think to myself upon regaining consciousness. I couldn't move; I couldn't see; even my breathing seemed hushed and sucked into silence. I became aware of why I couldn't move very gradually as the drugs wore off. My legs were spread completely against the wall. I had bands around my ankles and thighs anchoring me there. There was

Dreams Can Come True Part 2

After spending the night loosely tied, in Eric’s surprisingly warm and gentle embrace, I awoke to find myself free of the bonds, but completely alone. I slowly realized what had awoken me. The annoying electronic bleating of my alarm clock was still going a full five minutes after it was set to go off. When I reached over to turn it off, I saw a hasty note scribbled on a piece of

Dreams Can Come True Part 3

When I got back to the apartment Wednesday night, it was quiet. I was hoping it would be, but I wasn’t really expecting it. There was a note on the counter saying they decided to give me a day to myself to get used to the new arrangement. I was really glad, because there were a lot of thoughts running around in my head. I didn’t really know how I felt about all of this, but I did

If Only Reality Felt So Good

Chapter 1, Flashes Quietly she crawls in on all fours, cat-like, muscles rippling, her long slender body slinking toward him, and then folding gracefully to kneel at his feet. Without a word, so as not to disturb him while he’s working, she leans back against his shins and closes her eyes. She feels his hand absently stroking her hair as he buys and sells companies, stocks and

Outdoor Pet

“ I want to be consumed by you,” she whispered. “You are,” he said. “I want to lose myself in you,” she whispered. “You will never be lost in me, you will always be yourself, now open your mouth,” he said quietly as he slid the penis shaped gag past her glistening lips. Now all she could do was watch him silently as he gently tied her to the lumber rack of his


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