Gay Erotic Stories

Dreams Can Come True Part 1

by Kaly

This isn't exactly how I'd imagined things starting, I think to myself upon regaining consciousness. I couldn't move; I couldn't see; even my breathing seemed hushed and sucked into silence. I became aware of why I couldn't move very gradually as the drugs wore off. My legs were spread completely against the wall. I had bands around my ankles and thighs anchoring me there. There was a band around my waist and under my breasts. The band under my breasts was more of a shelf to display my breasts. My shoulders were anchored to the all behind me in the same fashion, as were my neck and forehead. My elbows and wrists, and even my fingers were anchored to the wall as well, with my hands behind the small of my back. Eventually, it dawned on me that that wasn't all either. I felt unusually full, and it became clear that my rear was plugged as was my pussy and when I tried to close my mouth, it became apparent that wasn't going to happen either. I tried moving a little, but it was useless, I was completely immobile. There was nothing else to do so I tried to remember how I'd gotten into this situation. I remember going out to dinner with a bunch of friends, and some people I didn't know, so immediately my mind jumps to one of them. But I wouldn't have let a stranger get close enough to drug me, and I had my own bottled water that night that I'd kept capped and in my hand all night. We'd all hung out in the park, and as usual the mosquitoes were out. I'd put on some repellent, but every now and then one braved it. The night grew old and the sun even started coming up, and there were only a few of us left. The last thing I remember was Ashley telling us she was going to leave; meaning it was just Will, John, Eric, Adam, and I. I remember one particularly vicious mosquito hastening my decision to leave and I went to stand... And here I am. John and Eric had been talking baseball across from me, and Will and Adam were on either side. Thinking really hard, it had to be Adam, not a mosquito with some sort of drug. I must have been really lost in my thoughts because I didn't realize there was anyone else in the room until I felt a finger on my clit, massaging gently. I moaned and whimpered loving the sensation and hating it too, not knowing who was behind it. I felt the plugs sliding out of my rear and my pussy, and the gag released from my mouth. An androgynous and unidentifiable whisper said, "How do you like it? I want your mental reaction, not just the physical, obvious by the puddle on the floor." This terrified me further because Adam has a very distinctive accent, and Will has a certain unmistakable manner of speech. So, quite honestly, I whispered very meekly, "Scared." Almost instantly I felt lips on mine and another set on my cheek and Will's voice in my ear and Adam's against my lips. "Don't be scared, you're safe," they said in unison. I realized then that I must have tensed up because I instantly relaxed. It's not that the situation was acceptable, but that if I were ever to volunteer for this situation, these would be the only two men, or anyone for that matter, I'd trust to be safe and sane. "Who was the whisperer? And why am I here, like this?" I queried, panic rising in my voice. "Shh," said the whisperer, placing a finger over my lips, "it's Eric." "Oh My God!" I didn't know how to feel. I'd wanted Eric for so long, those beautiful brown eyes, that gorgeous body, silky voice. I was overwhelmed with embarrassment at being so openly displayed like this, but it was so wonderful to know that he's here, not repulsed and running away. "Well, while we're surprising you...” John’s voice trailed off. "Jesus Christ! Anyone else?" said, flabbergasted. I heard Will's rumbling chuckle. "Ashley said she'd have to visit sometime, but she's not here now." A gentle finger caressed the line of my jaw, and soft lips kissed mine. "Are you okay, Princess?" "I'm still in shock, I don't really know," I whispered, with a slight tinge of panic. Taking off the blindfold, I was comforted by the concerned gaze from all 4 pairs of eyes, but it was Will who spoke. "I think we should all talk about this. We did kind of spring this on you... Besides you've been up there for a while, I need you limber and flexible," he finished with a Cheshire grin. I closed my eyes as he ran his hands over my ribs and painfully stretched legs. He slowly unlatched all of the bands holding me to the wall and caught me in his arms when I fell, unable to stand. "Now here's the deal. Adam here gets Sundays, John and I get Monday, Eric gets Tuesday, we all get hump day, " he says with a snicker, "I get Thursday, and Adam and Eric get Friday, and Saturday is John's." Next, Adam explained, "Now we're each getting three days with you. One day alone, one day with one other person, and one day all of us. We'd planned on keeping you here at your place. You know, you go to work and come back home and we take over from there, just like you've wanted, but that's why we're discussing it." I had been leaning back against Eric's chest as he massaged my arms and John worked the circulation back into my legs, so it was a pleasant sensation to feel his chest rumble as he spoke next. "Since John and I are new to this aspect of you, or anyone else for that matter, we need to know what you want out of this. From what Will and Adam have told us, you're very fond of bondage and giving up control right?" "Yeah," I said, nodding. "Well," John began, "since today is your day off we'll all just get started then. But the first thing we've got to do is you're going to take a shower and clean up. Dinner's on the way. We're having a pizza party." All I've ever been able to concentrate on when John's around is those beautiful blue eyes. I was so lost in them that I hardly felt the sharp little pinch as he closed the clamp down on my left nipple. He was already gathering the next tender little bud before I realized what he was doing. With a quick little tug, I was breathless and on my way to stand. "No," was all John said, and it's all he had to say. I quickly went back down to my knees. "Farther," and I was down on all fours. "Good girl." I momentarily swelled with pride, before I was shocked by the way I was already thinking. I must've been lost in my thoughts again because suddenly felt a rather sharp tug on my oversensitive nipples as John pulled on the little chain connected to the clamps. "Maybe I shouldn't have complimented so easily," he said. And since he was talking I looked up to him to listen, earning me another tug. "Now Kat, you know that you just love staring into these eyes of mine, so here's what I'm going to do. Until you start getting used to how things are now, I'm going to deny you that privilege. But when you're a good girl, I'll tell you, and we'll have a staring contest or something," he finished with a twinkle in his gorgeous eyes. A meek "Yes sir" was all I said, gazing at the floor in front of me. "Now come along. Before Eric, John, and Will leave, we're going to get you a shower and have that little party." Putting the end of the chain in my mouth and swatting my rear, he said, "Now off to the shower with you, and I expect you squeaky clean before you come back." As I crawled back to the shower, making sure to keep my ass high and head down, Will took the opportunity to volunteer to oversee the process. Surprise, surprise. When we got back to the bathroom, Will closed the door and sat on the edge of the tub adjusting the water while I sat back on my heels, the chain still between my teeth. "You're okay with all of this aren't you?" "Well," I started, the chain dropping down to tickle my nether lips, "to tell you the truth, I'm not really sure yet. This is like a dream come true, but I don't know if it's going to continue to play out that way. It seems like John's catching on quickly, and you and Adam've always known my feelings in this area. I never even had Eric pegged for involvement in something like this." Laughing, Will informed me that as soon as he and Adam had approached Eric, Eric had made the rest of the plans and brought John in on it. "He's actually the devious mind behind most of this." "Cool," I said, slipping into the deliciously hot water. "So are you guys going to want me to call you Sir or Master or something?" Again chuckling he said, "Kat, this is your call. We're thrilled all to hell to be able to do this with you, but this is all for you. It may be really cool for us," He said grinning from ear to ear, "but we are doing all of this for you." Talk was no longer relevant as everything that needed to be spoken had already been said. Anything else was clearly visible to the to the other in our eyes. I leaned back and simply let him wash every crevice of my body. Oh what a delicious sensation, I thought as I closed my eyes. His gentle fingers massaged my scalp and gently rinsed the shampoo from my hair, and those same gentle fingers paid special attention to the tenderest parts of my body. I moaned quietly as I felt two of his big fingers enter me slowly and massage all around my passage. I didn't even bother to tense up when his fingers slipped into my ass, massaging the gentle soap around the tender rosebud, making everything squeaky-clean. I opened my eyes again when I felt that little tug on my nipples that was beginning to be a familiar sensation. I stood up and followed the tugging to stand outside the tub. One he was sure I was sufficiently dry, he pulled out four pieces of leather with rings all over them and attached them to my wrists and ankles. "There's more when you're ready," he whispered, watching my face carefully. I nodded without saying a word, and he lifted my wrists to the hooks embedded into the wall, pulling my arms high and wide. In response to my quizzical stare, he simply said, "We were busy while you slept off the drug," and continued hooking my ankles wide in more waiting hooks. I moaned as the blood rushed back into my nipples when he released the clamps imprisoning them. Almost instantly I felt his warm, soft mouth sucking and teasing and stabbing at the tender flesh. As he divided his oral attentions between my nipples, his hand lost no time massaging my clit. But even though I knew it was coming, I nearly cried when he stopped just short of my release. He merely smiled and took me down from the wall, setting me gently on my knees. He ruffled my hair when I nuzzled against his leg. He squatted down in front of me and said quietly, "Kat it's things like that, what you just did, that makes me love you, and endears you to everyone who comes in contact with you." We stared at each other for a long moment and then he stood, swatting my rear gently. "Let's go get some pizza." I followed him back into the living room where we found Adam, Eric, and John gathered around something where the coffee table used to be. When we entered, Eric stood back grinning to show some sort of contraption I couldn't even dream what it was for. As if reading my thoughts, he said, "C'mere, let me show you what it's for." I moved over to the contraption and Eric started fitting me into it. I set my knees on the soft pads made for them, settling my thighs against the braces and situating my shins and ankles in the bands provided. He locked the bands around my thighs, calves, and ankles so now all I could do below the waist was wiggle my toes. It was delicious. "We're not done yet. Bend over," Eric said. So I bent over and placed my hands into the braces made for them and I felt the cushioning of a soft padded support under my ribs. He locked my wrists and forearms into the frame and stepped back. About this time the doorbell rang, and a few minutes later Adam and John came back with the pizzas. I heard the distinctive flutter of a large piece of cloth being ruffled and I looked up just in time to be covered with a sheet. And then the pizzas were set on my back. I began to see the reason behind the frame and I was overcome by conflicting feelings. I was merely a piece of furniture. I felt alone and abandoned, but very curiously aroused because I was being used. Not even used for torture, torment, sex, or games, the mere thoughts of which sent chills up my spine. I was just a table. I tried to move, but all I could do was raise or lower my head and lower back. This was quickly remedied. "I was wondering if we'd need the rest. Thank you for answering that question, Kat," Eric said. "Oh what the hell, let's just use it all. John, hand me that box," he finished, taking the pizzas and the cloth off. As my head was still down, all I could see were feet; I began to get a little scared. I guess it must have been obvious somehow because soon, Adam was there, smoothing the hair back from my face. "Shh, calm down princess, you're all right, you're safe," he whispered, holding my face in his hands. Quite suddenly I was filled again in my rear and my pussy. The jolt of being so suddenly filled made me gasp and tense up again. I could only guess what was coming next. Experimentally, I tried moving backward just slightly and I discovered that whatever was plugging me up was also firmly anchoring me in place. It was like a hard bland was going up my crack and between my legs and anchored most likely to the frame. The next thing I felt was what seemed to be a belt, again of hard plastic probably, going around my waist and snapping on to what I guessed to be much like what was holing up my ribcage. I felt some adjustments to the waistband and the contraption between my legs and I realized that they were being attached together. Nifty. I wasn't going anywhere and I could do little more than breathe, but they weren't done with me yet. The whole time, Adam'd been watching the expressions on my face in fascination as each new piece of equipment was added, but now it was his turn. He traced my eyebrows and cheekbones tenderly, then pulled a hood over my head, buckling it in place under my chin. I was hoping that was all, but it wasn't. He pulled my mouth open and gently inserted a rather large, yet short phallus and zipped the mouth hole shut. Still, that wasn't all. All this time, my breasts had been dangling free, and I guess that was too much of a temptation so soon, I felt the bite of the clamps and they were pulled backward and attached to something I couldn't see because of the hood, so now even they couldn't move. I was lost in my thoughts contemplating all of this when I realized how quiet it had gotten. I merely whimpered and settled in as well as I could. Then I felt the sheet and the pizzas again. They probably polished off three pizzas with all sorts of revelry and occasional tormenting of my helpless body. Oh, just the word helpless sent delicious shivers down my spine and a fresh torrent of juices down my thighs. Time elapsed relatively slowly as I was left to stew in my own juices, so to speak. Eventually, the pizza boxes were put aside and the sheet taken off. And all was quiet as I was left alone for another unknown amount of time. When I was finally about to drift off to sleep, even in that painful position, I was being carefully, yet quickly extracted from the frame. "One more activity and it's bedtime, princess," Adam informed me upon taking off the hood. "But first, there's something we need to show you." Shakily I got up on my feet. Since I'd been in the frame so long, I was rather stiff again, so Adam picked me up and carried me back to my bedroom. What was waiting there, I wasn't really expecting. There were two sets of bunk beds in the back corner, and in the open space between them was a large wooden cage, with a pet mat on the floor of it. Adam set me down in front of the open door of the cage and stepped back. I looked over my shoulder to see the four of them in a loose semicircle just watching me. I almost cried. It was like everything that I'd ever found arousing was coming true one piece at a time. Quietly, Will said, "The rest, that we discussed earlier, look over on the dresser." I stood up on my knees and looked at the top of the dresser, and in boxes, and displays, on hooks and on stands were assortments of collars -- the symbol of the Ds lifestyle and the devotion of the partners. "We each got you ... a few," Eric said with a sheepish grin. There were chain collars, leather collars, hemp collars, ones with rings, a few with little tags, some not more than chokers with a small ring in the back, but all were collars. "When you're ready," John said quietly. "And though I know that we're all going to enjoy this while it lasts, whenever you're ready to choose, there'll be no hard feelings between us or you. At least we hope." "It's been a long day, if you want to turn in, you've got the cage, we've got the bunks," Will said, grinning. "Unless you don't want to sleep alone tonight...." "Well, so hard to choose though!" I said, fraught with indecision. "We'll draw straws," Eric volunteered. "Here, bend over ass up. John, go get 4 straws." When John returned, Eric cut three of the straws and inserted them all into my pussy and they drew. I got to sleep in the arms of the man with the long straw, the man of my dreams... To be continued. . .


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kaly


Get in here NOW!” she yells from the front door. He struggles to obey on hands and knees, his cock still tethered at the base to his knees and his wrists also bound to opposite knees. She’d left him like that this morning to ensure he’d not be moving any other way but on hands and knees. She stands there, hands on her hips looking down at him. “Yes, Mistress?” he pants. She

Dreams Can Come True Part 1

This isn't exactly how I'd imagined things starting, I think to myself upon regaining consciousness. I couldn't move; I couldn't see; even my breathing seemed hushed and sucked into silence. I became aware of why I couldn't move very gradually as the drugs wore off. My legs were spread completely against the wall. I had bands around my ankles and thighs anchoring me there. There was

Dreams Can Come True Part 2

After spending the night loosely tied, in Eric’s surprisingly warm and gentle embrace, I awoke to find myself free of the bonds, but completely alone. I slowly realized what had awoken me. The annoying electronic bleating of my alarm clock was still going a full five minutes after it was set to go off. When I reached over to turn it off, I saw a hasty note scribbled on a piece of

Dreams Can Come True Part 3

When I got back to the apartment Wednesday night, it was quiet. I was hoping it would be, but I wasn’t really expecting it. There was a note on the counter saying they decided to give me a day to myself to get used to the new arrangement. I was really glad, because there were a lot of thoughts running around in my head. I didn’t really know how I felt about all of this, but I did

If Only Reality Felt So Good

Chapter 1, Flashes Quietly she crawls in on all fours, cat-like, muscles rippling, her long slender body slinking toward him, and then folding gracefully to kneel at his feet. Without a word, so as not to disturb him while he’s working, she leans back against his shins and closes her eyes. She feels his hand absently stroking her hair as he buys and sells companies, stocks and

Outdoor Pet

“ I want to be consumed by you,” she whispered. “You are,” he said. “I want to lose myself in you,” she whispered. “You will never be lost in me, you will always be yourself, now open your mouth,” he said quietly as he slid the penis shaped gag past her glistening lips. Now all she could do was watch him silently as he gently tied her to the lumber rack of his


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