Gay Erotic Stories

Dreams Can Come True Part 2

by Kaly

After spending the night loosely tied, in Eric’s surprisingly warm and gentle embrace, I awoke to find myself free of the bonds, but completely alone. I slowly realized what had awoken me. The annoying electronic bleating of my alarm clock was still going a full five minutes after it was set to go off. When I reached over to turn it off, I saw a hasty note scribbled on a piece of scrap paper. Kitten, Will went home to Ashley, look up and you’ll see me still there, alarm or not. I sleep soundly. Eric and John said they would go out and get breakfast. So hurry and wake me so we can start the day and get you to work. Adam. Doing as told, I gently shook Adam until he gave a grunt and finally rolled over and peered at me through one eye. “Good morning, Princess,” he said, punctuating it with a yawn. “Good morning my Prince,” I replied with a smile. “This is a great start to the week, kitten. You should hurry and dress though, Eric and John will be back with breakfast soon. It shouldn’t be that hard, though. No undergarments, just that suit and heels,” he said with a grin. “Somehow I knew that was coming,” I said, shaking my head. I heard the door open and the loud chatter of John and Eric as they shouted that they’d bought us Burger King biscuits. “Kat! Don’t get dressed yet!” Eric yelled. “Come out here first!” “Hey Adam! You too!” John yelled. Al and I sauntered into the kitchen about the same time, still rubbing sleep from out eyes. “What do you think, Eric? New house rule, unless otherwise specified, Kat stays on all fours like any other cat?” John asked with a devious glint in his beautiful blue eyes. “Smashing idea!” Adam exclaimed as all eyes turned to me. Slowly, meekly, hating every lovely delicious, wonderful sensation and every excruciating second, I complied. Carefully squatting and going forward to hands and knees, I waited at Adam’s heel for their next move. “C’mon,” John said, patting his thigh, “sit over here by me.” “Yessir,” I said quietly and settled back on my heels at his side. “You’re so beautiful like this Kat. I mean it. The glow you get, and your sweet demeanor just adds to what was already there. Here, have a biscuit. It's bacon, egg, and cheese, your favorite,” he said gently, handing me the biscuit and setting an OJ on the edge of the table. There was the usual morning chatter about how good breakfast was and plans for the day, but that didn’t last long because we all had to work, so the discussion therefore turned to what Adam had planned for me today. “So far she’s going to work with no underwear. I’d not gotten any farther than that because breakfast arrived. Anyone have any more ideas?” “Hmm,” Eric mused. “Anyone think to get a corset?” All three of them shook their heads and then turned to look at me. “How about you, lil miss subbie? Do you own a corset?” John asked. “Actually, yes, but it’s a size or two too small.” “Perfect!” Adam exclaimed. “Go get it. That’s what you’ll wear under your suit today. Good work Eric!” “Thanks,” he said with a grin. “Alright kitten, you’ve had your biscuit, now go get dressed before you’re late. Remember the corset, and no undergarments.” “Yessir,” I said quietly, crawling back to my room and doing as told. It was difficult fitting into the corset as it was about two sizes too small, and very difficult to move and breathe. But it was very flattering to my figure. I walked back out to the kitchen and stood by John again, sipping my juice. I didn’t look up, and I didn’t have to look in order to know that they were staring at me. I hoped they weren’t expecting me to be down on all fours in this suit. After all, I am a professional, a manager at Rimley’s. I couldn’t chance doing something to this suit, so I’d have to change, and I’d be late. I must have been lost in my own little world again because I got a poke in my tightly restrained ribs. I looked over at John. “Yessir?” “I thought we’d discussed a rule?” “I was hoping that once I was dressed for work that we could make an exception until I got home, sir.” “Then you should ask for a discussion about it, not go against the rule first, and then discuss it.” I’d never figured John for a hard-ass, but I’ve been wrong before. “I’m sorry. I’m still getting used to this.” “Understandable. There will be punishment, and this will not happen again. But you bring up a good point. Once you’ve dressed and gone into professional mode, we should draw the line. So go on to work now, we’ll discuss your punishment when you get back tonight.” “Not to rain on your parade, John, but tonight’s mine. You get your turn with Will tomorrow. Tonight she’s mine.” I couldn’t suppress a smile, so I demurely looked down at my feet, trying not to laugh. “Now princess, there is one thing I would like to change. Open your shirt.” commanded Adam. There was enough playfulness in his voice to make me blindly do what he said. Thinking back though, I probably should have been wary. But oh well, hindsight’s 20/20. So I opened a shirt, baring my unrestrained chest to him. First, being the devil he is, he gently flicked his tongue over my nipples until each one was rock hard and I was biting my lip and had my eyes closed. What came next is where the true devilishness comes in. He took a roll of thick cotton sewing thread and wound it several times around each still-hard nipple. When he was sure they were sufficiently bound, but not too tight for circulation’s sake, he put two pieces of electrical tape over each breast, with the center on the nipple in an ‘X’ shape. “There, that should keep you reminded of what’s in store for you tonight. Now close your blouse back up and put that jacket on. That’s beautiful princess. Now you’re ready for work,” he said, smiling at his handiwork. “One last thing kitten. C’mere.” “Yessir?” I said, moving closer. He merely slid his hand under my skirt, felt the wetness already there and smiled. I sighed deeply and waited for the next order. He withdrew his hand and swatted me on the rear. “Go to work,” he said quietly. I kissed him on the cheek and said quietly, “Yes, Master,” and headed out the door, planting a quick peck on John and Eric’s cheeks. Work was hell. It was very hard to concentrate on conducting meetings when I was sure that everyone could see right through to the black electrical tape crossing over my breasts. It was even harder to walk the floor with employees or guests when I was sure that the first time I sat down I made a wet spot on the back of my skirt. Better (or worse) yet, when the air blowing across my bare pussy excited me so much that I was sure moisture was oozing down my thighs for all to see. It was a very agitating day, even for a closet exhibitionist. Most of my fantasies somehow involve me being completely immobile and on display in either a public place or some place where many carefully selected people will have unrestricted access to my naked and fettered body. I imagined that at every meeting, I was the centerpiece on the table, my limbs tied to the corners and my eyes blindfolded so that I could be a play toy while the meeting went on around me. I also loved to imagine myself as a part of one of A. N. Roquelaure’s books about Sleeping Beauty, except without all of the spanking and paddling. Mostly what really thrills me is the interesting ways the slaves are bound, not tested. Simply being put on display in a sultan’s corridor, completely immobile, but barely even glanced at brings about a wonderful weakness inside. I wouldn’t want to be left like that for long. I’d feel so alone and neglected, but to be left that way for a fixed time, knowing that someone will come for me and put me to some good use, even if it is just a footstool or a serving tray, as long as I’m tightly (not painfully - usually) bound. I’d been sitting in my office just staring out the window, and I must have been pretty lost in my thoughts because I was quite startled when my assistant tapped my shoulder and asked if I was okay. I told him I was fine but he didn’t seem to believe me and asked if I was sure. I laughed nervously and reassured him and sent him on his way, pondering if he’d be a better Dom or sub. He was a tall, powerful man, an ex-Marine, which was mostly why I him. I’ve always had a soft spot for Marines, usually a wet spot too, but that’s better not pondered, especially while I’m very obviously watching Greg leave. Handsome, ex-Marine, and almost painfully organized, and ready to jump at my every command, so long as it’s reasonable. Though, I’ve yet to run across anything he wouldn’t do for me. I haven’t needed to ask anything out of the ordinary. What an assistant! After over four excruciating hours, it is finally time for lunch, and I’m not at all surprised to get a call from Adam telling me to wait for him out front in visitor parking. Right on time, Adam rolls up, and as soon as the door closes, he tells me to take off my jacket and unbutton my blouse to my waist, and let whatever falls out fall out. I was shocked, but so thrilled at the same time that I almost couldn’t undo the buttons. All we did for lunch was the drive-through at McDonald’s and cruise until we were both finished. Since he was driving he had me feed him. I can only imagine the view the teenager at the drive-through got, or what seemed like the millions of truckers we passed saw. I must have been a real sight for those poor lonely guys. As he turned on to the road back to Rimley’s he reminded me to button my blouse back up so I could be his ‘little office toy’ again. When I got ready to leave the car, I was surprised to see him get out as well. “Don’t you have work?’ I asked. “Yes dear, but it’s not your job to question my motives now is it?” he queried. “No sir,” I replied quietly making my way back to my office with him following quietly behind. When we reached my office, Greg was diligently at work, eating his lunch at his desk. “Welcome back,” he said, grinning. “Sir,” he said politely, acknowledging Adam’s presence. At that, Adam smiled and nodded shooting me an amused glance. We continued on into my office, which was quite cozy, almost like a living room because we wanted our clients comfortable. Al flopped down on the couch and I sat at my desk to get to work on the piles of papers that seem to grow faster than I can deal with them. I’d already gotten well into ‘professional mode’ again when I heard Adam clear his throat. “Kitten.” “Yes?” I answered, looking up, my pen still writing. “Yes what.” “Yes, Master?” “That’s better. I want you to slide your chair back,” he said as he started walking toward me. Instantly I felt that delicious shudder and the heat between my legs. I slid my chair back and awaited his next orders. “Hmm,” he said, sizing up my chair. “No legs to work with. Switch with that one there,” he finished, pointing to another that had four legs, unlike mine, with the rollers radiating from a central post. While I was making the switch, he got a pillow from the couch and tossed it under the desk, in the open space where my legs usually are. I immediately saw what he was doing. “Al, I can’t possibly –“ I protested, but he cut me off. “Yes you can. Have your Marine cancel all of your meetings. You have what, two? None of them are vital. I checked. Now, hike up your skirt, sit down, and cancel them.” So I hiked up my skirt, watching him for a hint as to when I should stop. By the time he motioned for me to stop, I might as well have not even kept it on, but for emergencies; I could always slide it back down quickly. That done, I sat down and soon after, felt the pressure of soft ropes being wound around my ankles and the chair. So much for a quick save come an emergency, I thought. Frightening, but delicious was the sensation as I felt him wind the ropes around my calves and the chair legs, all the way to the knees. Okay, so I can stand, I thought, only to be quickly contradicted as I felt more rope around my middle, tight on my tummy, holding me against the back of the chair. Standing back to admire his handiwork, he gave me a Cheshire grin, then proceeded to back into the open space under my desk and situate himself on the pillow. The desk really was quite massive, with plenty of space, and, in order to keep me from bending over my work all day, it was slightly higher than usual. This suited Adam’s purposes wonderfully, as when I was hunched over working, the lower portion of my breasts could not be seen. Once he figured this out, I could see another idea forming in his devious little mind. He stood back up, coming toward me and unbuttoned my shirt, exposing the tape that crossed my breasts. Quickly he ripped off all of the tape and all I could do was whimper, lest the ever-attentive Greg hear something he shouldn’t. Grinning, Adam pulled out more tape, and, measuring it to the other pieces, cut small holes in the center of the strips, about the size of the fingernail on my index finger. His imagination continued to astound me as he carefully replaced the tape, pulling my nipples through the holes, and fastening small clips to them. I couldn’t help but let out a long moan and grab the armrests on my chair as if my arms were bound, too. But he wasn’t finished. The clips he used had little chains dangling from them, and as I stared at them, lying on my thighs, waiting for his next move, I had only a bare glimmer of what he might do. Again he crawled gracefully under my desk, and pulled me with him. He ordered me to button all of the buttons on my shirt, except the one level with my nipples. He then reached up and pulled the delicate chains through the opening, letting the chains fall, he pulled me forward even more, so that I was in a comfortable working position at my desk. “Now get back to work, there’s nothing keeping you,” he said, and I could tell that we’d only just begun. Upon slouching over to work on some of the stacks of papers, I felt the chains grow taught, and minor adjustments being made to the rope around my knees. Just out of curiosity I straightened up a little, and sure enough, I felt the tug on my nipples, letting me know that I was also anchored by that sensitive part of my anatomy. After much rustling as Adam tried to find a comfortable spot, I felt his hot breath at my thighs. “I don’t hear you working away, love,” he said, his breath hot against my own heat. I hadn’t been able to concentrate, and I wanted nothing more than for him to touch me. But with that gentle reminder, I quickly set to work, scratching away on what seemed like hundreds of documents I needed to sign. It was like breathing sand to keep my hand steady as Adam quietly but steadily licked and nipped his way up my thighs, around my mound, and then finally zeroed in on the center of my desire. He carefully parted my swollen lips and just held them for what seemed like forever. When I realized why he had stopped, I quickly set back to work. With that, he plucked the little chains from my nipples sending a visible shudder through my body. “Oh God,” I whispered. “Not a word, love, not even a sound, lest your boy toy outside should hear and worry over your welfare, understood?” “Yessir,” I muttered. “That’s a good kitten,” he said, bringing his lips to my over sensitized clit. Gritting my teeth to keep from moaning, I went back to work best I could. “When you finish, we’ll do the grand finale together,” he said, blowing cool air across my poor, overheated little love bud. I merely whimpered quietly as his tongue began a slow, methodical exploration of all I had to offer. “Al,” I whispered hoarsely about a half-hour later. “I can’t finish all of this today, especially not in the current situation.” “I know, kitten, but it has been terribly fun helping you realize this,” he said, attacking the hard little nodule with his tongue, his lips, his teeth. “Oh my God,” I said, shuddering. “Contrary to the little science fictions always running that pretty little head, no one’s stopping your orgasm, kitten. You don’t need permission,” he whispered, going back to his attentions. With that, and his renewed efforts, I was glad I was tied to the chair, or I would have writhed right out of it. I rode the edge of orgasm until he sucked my clit between his teeth and stabbed at it rapidly with his tongue, pushing me over the edge, leaving me to take flight into ultimate release. It felt as though I’d been floating for hours before I finally came down. When my eyes came back into focus, I was already untied and Adam was gently wiping my face. “Welcome back, princess,” he whispered, kissing my quivering lips chastely. I merely smiled and took a deep breath. “Well, as much as I hate to do this, it’s already half-way through the afternoon, so I’m going to head back to work. Unless you’d like to return the favor…” he added quietly. When we looked up at each other, we knew I wasn’t to that point just yet. This voyage to the depths of our souls, hearts, and desires was not just my first journey into the BDSM lifestyle, but the first journey into any physical relationship. Since every sensation was so pleasurable, and even the small pains were nothing unbearable, I’d held no objections to the shameless exploitation and mundane usage of my body. I was only grateful that the guys knew what they at least wanted to do. I knew Adam and Will had experience in these areas, not just the sex, but the whole BDSM idea. I’d lusted after John and Eric too much to ever want to think about their experience, but my own experience didn’t exist, and I needed the safety of solitude to be taught what to do when called upon to perform. I had no doubts that this lesson would be soon to come, if the hungry look in Adam’s eyes was any indication. to be continued . . .


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kaly


Get in here NOW!” she yells from the front door. He struggles to obey on hands and knees, his cock still tethered at the base to his knees and his wrists also bound to opposite knees. She’d left him like that this morning to ensure he’d not be moving any other way but on hands and knees. She stands there, hands on her hips looking down at him. “Yes, Mistress?” he pants. She

Dreams Can Come True Part 1

This isn't exactly how I'd imagined things starting, I think to myself upon regaining consciousness. I couldn't move; I couldn't see; even my breathing seemed hushed and sucked into silence. I became aware of why I couldn't move very gradually as the drugs wore off. My legs were spread completely against the wall. I had bands around my ankles and thighs anchoring me there. There was

Dreams Can Come True Part 2

After spending the night loosely tied, in Eric’s surprisingly warm and gentle embrace, I awoke to find myself free of the bonds, but completely alone. I slowly realized what had awoken me. The annoying electronic bleating of my alarm clock was still going a full five minutes after it was set to go off. When I reached over to turn it off, I saw a hasty note scribbled on a piece of

Dreams Can Come True Part 3

When I got back to the apartment Wednesday night, it was quiet. I was hoping it would be, but I wasn’t really expecting it. There was a note on the counter saying they decided to give me a day to myself to get used to the new arrangement. I was really glad, because there were a lot of thoughts running around in my head. I didn’t really know how I felt about all of this, but I did

If Only Reality Felt So Good

Chapter 1, Flashes Quietly she crawls in on all fours, cat-like, muscles rippling, her long slender body slinking toward him, and then folding gracefully to kneel at his feet. Without a word, so as not to disturb him while he’s working, she leans back against his shins and closes her eyes. She feels his hand absently stroking her hair as he buys and sells companies, stocks and

Outdoor Pet

“ I want to be consumed by you,” she whispered. “You are,” he said. “I want to lose myself in you,” she whispered. “You will never be lost in me, you will always be yourself, now open your mouth,” he said quietly as he slid the penis shaped gag past her glistening lips. Now all she could do was watch him silently as he gently tied her to the lumber rack of his


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