Gay Erotic Stories

First Fisting Experience

by G

I'm pretty small, but once had the glorious joy of being fisted by a very dear friend. He has big hands. We eventually succeeded in the process by his starting with two fingers and stretching and spreading until I was more relaxed. Then he added one finger at a time until all four fingers were in deep, just past his knuckles. It just took a while and a little ingenuity. We seemed stuck at this point. I was just too small, it seemed. I was frantic with overwhelming desire, frantic to feel all of his hand inside. Don't ask me how I knew that this is what I wanted; it was my body. I slathered KY all over his hand and then spread as wide as possible by "throwing" my legs to each side while lying on my back. He was so close, four fingers and his thumb together at the entrance of my pussy, but he seemed stuck. Then, I had him press in and back toward my ass at the same time that I was pressing down on his hand by pushing on the headboard. There are no pelvic bones at the back as a barrier. He pressed in and back and, at the same time, wiggled his hand from side to side. Then, like a miracle, I felt the back of my pussy slip up over his knuckles and he was in. Gawd, I can still feel him there. He turned his hand so that his knuckles were "up." That is, they were on the clit side of my pussy. He began to twist his hand back and forth with his knuckles rubbing across my g-spot and I came off the bed. I'd swear that the only part of me touching that bed were my head, arms, and heels. He says that I was screaming with sexual release; I remember none of it. He did that twice. The second time he got his hand in more easily, but I came just as hard and as long. Finally I just lay on the bed where I landed; he slipped his hand out. The silence was deafening. I felt glory in my lassitude. I never wanted to move again, but of course I did when he took me in his arms and we made love again. I can hardly wait to replicate that experience.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from G

First Fisting Experience

I'm pretty small, but once had the glorious joy of being fisted by a very dear friend. He has big hands. We eventually succeeded in the process by his starting with two fingers and stretching and spreading until I was more relaxed. Then he added one finger at a time until all four fingers were in deep, just past his knuckles. It just took a while and a little ingenuity. We seemed


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