Gay Erotic Stories

Friends and Neighbors, Part 1

by Patrick

Philip and I had moved into this house three years ago, just two weeks after our whirlwind marriage. It had been one of those situations that you sometimes read about, but never quite believe. Introduced by friends at a party, we took one look at each other and just knew that we were going to be together. Within six months we were married, had enjoyed a highly erotic Caribbean honeymoon and moved into this brand new house in a new development on the edge of town, and life for us had been fantastic ever since. Now, at age 24 we both had excellent jobs, good friends and supportive families that were never too intrusive, in fact, life couldn’t have been better Three weeks after we moved in we had new neighbors, Peter and Marie. They were about 10 years older than us, but we hit it off immediately. As soon as we saw them arrive with all their furniture and possessions, we were outside offering our help. We both felt it was important that in such a new development, creating a community spirit was essential, and what better way to make a start on that than to offer help to a new neighbor. That was the beginning of what turned into an amazingly close friendship, considering the differences in our ages. Philip and Peter worked marvelously together to establish both the gardens, with some rather inept help from Marie and myself before we were banished to the ‘keep the cool drinks coming’ brigade! But we didn’t mind, we helped each other with the insides of the houses and swapped shopping tips and recipes almost constantly. She became almost like a sister to me, although we couldn’t have been further apart in looks, Marie was a fairly tall, blonde, long legged female with fairly large breasts ... whereas I was barely 5ft 2, had dark hair, a bronzed skin that took the sun easily and looked good, and had small to medium breasts. I often saw Philip staring at Marie’s breasts and almost licking his lips, and I used to tease him about it. At first it used to embarrass him a little, but once he realized that I wasn’t the least bit jealous of Marie or her breasts, it became almost a game between us. A game that intensified even more after we got the Pool put in the back yard. We’d been invited over to some friends one really hot summer evening and fell in love with their pool after we’d spent most of the evening soaking in it, and as soon as we got home we talked about having one ourselves. Of course we talked about our plans with Peter and Marie and they expressed their desire to help us organize it and set it up ... as long as they could have a dip now and again, as they couldn’t possible afford to get one themselves at this stage. We all laughed at that, because there was no way that we were going to bar them from the pool, in fact we suggested that at the same time we were setting up the pool we should place a gate in the fence between the properties so they had ready access to it. They were quite stunned…and highly delighted…at that gesture of friendship. It must have been a pretty slack season for pools because ours was in, filled and working within a month, and Philip and Peter had organized a Patio and some shaded loungers and some tables. I remember the first night after it was all completed, it was amazingly hot and we’d decided that we should christen it first with a gathering of just the four of us, scheduling a proper pool party with friends for a few days later. Philip and I came home from work and prepared a light salad meal and some drinks, and at the agreed time stood at the new gate adjoining our properties with a tall glass of champagne in each hand calling out to Peter and Marie. As they came out of their house and walked towards us, I heard Philip’s sharp intake of breath, and I couldn’t blame him in the least, Marie looked absolutely stunning! wearing, or almost wearing, a pale blue bikini that barely covered her ripe breasts or her incredibly tight and firm backside, and for a fleeting moment there was just a touch of envy in me as I looked at her. But that disappeared completely when Peter walked up and gave a very loud wolf whistle and told me I looked absolutely stunning in my somewhat more modest bikini ... actually it wasn’t any more modest, it was just that I didn’t have quite as much filling it out ... then winked very theatrically at Philip and warned him that he’d better watch out or he might get run over in the stampede of males towards me when we held the pool party. To say that made me feel good was an understatement, and I secretly thanked Peter for it, actually noticing for the first time what a handsome and well-proportioned man he was. Well we had plenty of laughs and plenty of fun that evening. Jumping in and out of the pool and swimming around and playing catch as catch can, and splashing each other, all the sorts of things that silly teenagers do, and at times I guess we all felt a little like a child with a new toy. But later, when Peter and Marie had returned home and Philip and I were alone in our room the sexual energy that had been hovering around all evening really exploded, and we had the most amazingly frantic sex we’d ever had. Philip had always been full on, and could never be accused of being gentle or sensual in his love making, but that night it was even more so. He was like a rampaging bull, his big cock pistoning into my tight pussy liked he’d never been there before! It was like that first time he’d ever seen me naked, when his passion had exploded in an orgy of love making the like of which I’d never experienced before. Mind you I was almost a virgin at that time, having only one real sexual experience previously that was more of a ‘god I’ve got in and I’ve cum’ situation. The first time with Philip gave me a realization of what sex was really meant to be like, powerful and totally satisfying for both of us, and on this night it was reinforced with a vengeance! He pounded his cock into me as I came and came and came and screamed and screamed, and he came not once, not twice, but three times, a fact that astonished him as much as me. Afterwards, as we lay, totally sated in each other’s arms, I teasingly asked if he’d liked Marie’s bikini. It was like I’d pushed a magic button, because his cock leapt into hardness all over again! “Mmm, don’t think you need to answer that question” I gurgled as I reached down and stroked his cock, making him groan. Then he’d turned and was grinning down at me, “Oh, and what about you?, I saw you perving at Peter, all evening, especially when he started to get that bulge in his bathers” he said. I felt myself blush, really blush, “I didn’t!” I stammered, “I mean I might have looked at him once or twice, but really, I mean ... And anyway he didn’t have ...” He threw his head back and laughed, “Oh, didn’t he? So how do you account for tonight? You’ve never been this hot and horny before; you just couldn’t get enough sex. I mean, look at you now, even after all that your nipples are still rock hard, your pussy still soaking wet” he said, and reached down and stroked his hands over me, and I groaned, damn he was absolutely right, I was still horny, but it couldn’t be Peter, I mean nothing had happened. “I don’t know” I groaned, “I guess it was the whole evening, the water, the heat, all of us playing and touching, the fact we weren’t wearing much, but I wasn’t perving at Peter, I wasn’t!” and I beat a sudden tattoo on his chest with my clenched fist. He laughed even louder, “Well I think I’d better listen to what Peter said when he arrived and keep my eyes on you at the Pool party” I sat up and crossed my hands under my firm, breasts, “Oh, and I don’t suppose I have to watch over you as you drool over all our friends” I said poutingly. “Me,? Drool?, never” he said, then chuckled, “Well maybe your friend Katy, wow wasn’t she stunning at that last party, thought she was going to fall out of her outfit” “Damn you” I hissed, “You and big tits, I don’t know why you bothered to marry me” He reached over and grabbed me and rolled me over and immediately impaled me with his hard cock, “Because, big tits or not, no one turns me on the way you do” he growled, “And I’m about to prove it to you all over again!” ... and he did! .. again and again!! The next few days were busy at work and also busy shopping and preparing for the pool party, so the thoughts, feelings and events of that night were quickly swept into the background. Maybe they would have resurfaced at the pool party, but that turned into something of a fizzer, as on the morning of the party, a coolish change blew in and although everyone stood around and admired our new pool, no one got up the courage to disrobe and go in.. Not even my friend Katy, despite some almost frantic pleading from Philip! It was still a fun night with lots of dancing and drinking and went well into the early hours of the morning. Peter and Marie came of course and got on well with just about everyone there, in fact I can’t remember a time in the evening when Marie was not surrounded by a mob of males with their tongues hanging out ... of course she was wearing the kind of dress that showed her beautiful breasts off to perfection, and when she occasionally bent down to put her glass on the table the communal intake of male breath was like a sudden breeze flowing through the room! A few of my girl friends from work were a bit miffed, but it didn’t bother me, I found myself with quite a little crowd myself at times…especially after I’d snuck into the bedroom and removed my bra so that the thin material of my dress really showed off my perky nipples!, something Peter seemed to notice straight away, although it took Philip until almost the end of the party to notice .. grin ...then it was me he was drooling over again, and when the party was over, he was very, very attentive!, although as I lay alongside him afterwards I had to admit that it lacked the intensity of a few evenings before. That was my last thought before I fell asleep. The cold change surprised everyone, including the weather experts by lasting over two weeks, so there was virtually no use of the pool, well, at least not communal use. I took to getting up early and swimming a few lengths just to freshen me up for the day, and occasionally Peter would lean on the fence and watch and smile and say hello, but he always laughingly declined when I challenged him to come in, “Oh no, Amelia, not me, it will need to be much, much warmer to tempt me” he’d say, then wave and walk off. Finally, however, the cold change started to recede and the days started to warm up again, and occasionally when I got home from work I’d hear someone in the pool and look out. It was always Marie, and always in a surprisingly modest one piece. We’d exchange greetings and occasionally I’d take her out a drink and we’d chat for a while, and I got to realize how really beautiful she was, so natural and unaffected. I grew to like her even more. Perhaps that’s why when her suggestion dropped out of the blue a few days later, I had no real hesitation in going along with it. We’d arranged some time before to go out to dinner at a nightclub with Peter and Marie on the Friday night, and I’d really looked forward to it, so even though the evening itself was incredibly hot and muggy, I was determined to enjoy it. Fortunately the night club was air conditioned, so the meal was wonderful, but when we moved into the dance area and started to dance, we very quickly got all hot and sweaty again, and by the time midnight came along we decided we’d all had enough. As Peter’s car was off the road for some repairs we’d traveled to the nightclub in ours, so it seemed only natural when we arrived home to invite them in for a cool drink. It was as we were all standing around in the kitchen, and I was getting drinks from the fridge, that Marie dropped her little bombshell. She stared out of the kitchen window into the back yard, seeing the moonlight bouncing off the surface of the water, and I guess it looked just too inviting, because she suddenly spun around and announced a little breathlessly, “Oh, god I’ve just got to take a dip, right now” I saw Peter start, flush, then grin, “Yeah, that would be nice, it wouldn’t take long to nip over and get our bathers, if that’s all right with you two” he said, swiveling his head around to cover both Philip and myself. Before we even had a chance to respond, Marie broke in, “Damn, I can’t wait that long, it’s dark and we’re all friends, why don’t we go skinny dipping?” Her words exploded in the room like a bomb, and as with a bomb the aftermath was an eerie silence, as eyes seemed to be darting everywhere, and mouths had opened slightly. Then to my absolute amazement, I found myself grinning widely and saying. “Why not, damn it, we’re all too hot to be in here”, then my eyes seemed to really focus on Marie and I saw that she was grinning widely too, and I stuck my tongue out at her and cried “Last one in’s a you know what!”, and made a dash for the door with Marie scrambling after me and the two men frozen to the spot with their mouths still wide open. I got out the door first, but Marie’s long legs got her to the edge of the pool before me, and laughing and giggling we struggled out of our dresses and our bras and panties, and just about dead heated as we dived into the pool, to come up squealing and threshing, because it felt exceedingly cool after the hot night air. We both stroked down to the other end of the pool and hung onto the edge there catching our breath. Marie glanced over her shoulder and giggled, “Do you think they’ll follow?” she asked. I threw back my head and laughed, “Well I don’t know about Peter” I said, “But Philip would run to the ends of the earth to see you like this”, and I let my eyes drop to her ripe naked breasts bobbing in the moonlight. I’m sure I detected a flush in her face, before she lowered her eyes and giggled again, “Oh, you’re having me on, with you around, he doesn’t notice me” she said. I grinned at her, “Want to bet that he’ll be the first one out here, and he’ll make a beeline for you?” I asked. This time I definitely saw her flush, but before either of us could say any more, the door banged and with a wild howl a very naked Philip bounded out and threw himself head first into the pool, but not before I noticed that he was sporting a magnificent hard on. His startled cries as the cold water hit him, combined with his threshing as he powered down the pool, all but hid the fact that Peter slipped out too, and he was equally naked, and unless the moonlight was playing tricks on my eyes, also sporting a sizable erection! His entry into the pool was a little less dramatic than Philip’s, he just stood on the side for a moment and then quietly dived in, but that moment seemed to last an eternity as I found my eyes drawn to him, sweeping over him, seeing him completely naked for the first time, even though I was at the other end of the pool it was as though I had suddenly developed magnified vision and it honed in on his stiff and swollen cock jutting outwards and upwards, and his heavy balls bouncing slightly beneath it, and I felt a fire start to pour through me. Then there was a huge splash and Philip was there, “Damn, you two are crazy, you know that?, skinny dipping? god, what will the neighbor’s think” It was Marie who chuckled and answered, “But we are the neighbors Philip, and we’re skinny dipping too” “You are?, wow I didn’t realize” he said, laughing loudly and staring unashamedly down at her naked breasts. I smiled to myself and winked at her, letting her know that I’d won my bet, and she winked back at me, then lifted herself slight on the side of the pool, letting her breasts come fully out of the water and fully into Philip’s sight, and I saw the suppressed shudder that ran through him. Then she pushed herself off and started to swim back down the pool, almost colliding with Peter on the way, and with another wild howl, Philip took off after her. Then Peter was alongside me, smiling softly, “Looks like Philip’s really howling at the moon tonight, does it always affect him like that?” I tossed my head back and laughed, “Oh, a combination of the moon, the heat, the water and a beautiful woman will do that to him every time, and Marie’s certainly a very beautiful woman” I said. He nodded, staring back down the pool where Philip and Marie were busy thrashing the water over each other, “She is incredibly beautiful, and sexy ...then he turned his warm smile on me ... but so are you too” he almost whispered. I felt the color flood through my face, “Oh, I don’t know about that, not compared to ...” He didn’t let me finish, “You are to me” he said, and his eyes nearly bored right into me. I gasped, “Oh no, you mustn’t, you mustn’t say that” I stammered. He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a slow smile that seemed to light fireworks somewhere deep inside me, I groaned silently ... oh god this was all wrong, I had to get away. I pushed off and swam back down the pool, his smile seeming to haunt me every inch of the way. Philip and Marie had jumped from the pool and were racing round and round it, Philip making no real attempt to catch Marie, content to lope along behind, enjoying the sight of her tight naked ass and those gorgeous breasts bouncing around. I quickly glanced behind and sighed with relief as I saw that Peter hadn’t moved, he was hanging on the edge of the pool watching the high jinks between Marie and Philip, calling encouragement occasionally as they came past him. I was glad to be alone, yet I found myself thinking of Peter, wondering what he was really thinking as he watched the two of them, I mean you didn’t need to have 20/20 vision to see that as the chase continued, Philip was becoming more and more aroused, his big cock, sticking straight out in front of him and waving like a flag pole. Still it was a surprise when Marie suddenly veered away from the pool and, not bothering to stop to pick up her clothes, disappeared in through the back door, with Philip in hot pursuit. I could hear her squeals and Philip’s bellows long after they disappeared into the house. Perhaps it was because I was listening to them that I failed to hear Peter swim up behind me. The first inkling I had that he was there, was when his hands touched my shoulders and stroked down my back like a feather, causing me to leap almost out of my skin. I could have swung around and slapped his face, I could have taken off like a startled deer and rushed from the pool and inside, I could have done a lot of things I guess, but I just clung onto the edge of the pool, half crouched in the water, and swung my head to look at him pleadingly over my shoulders, “No, Peter, Please” I half whispered, “We mustn’t, the other’s might ...” God, what was I saying,? Not ‘You’ shouldn’t, but “We’ shouldn’t. Peter seemed to pick up on that immediately, and that slow smile burned into me again, “Maybe we shouldn’t, Amelia” he said huskily, “But I want to, and I think you want to as well”, and he stepped half forward and slid his arms around my body and cupped his hands around my breasts, instantly running his thumb over my nipples and causing them to jump into life. “Mmmm, you have the most exquisitely sexy breasts I’ve ever laid eyes on”, he whispered “Oh, no, that can’t be” I stammered, “Marie has magnificent breasts, and so much bigger” “That’s true, but size isn’t everything, yours are so firm, so perfectly shaped, and these nipples, oh god, they drive me wild jut looking at them” he said’ My body instantly jerked and jumped, but that in itself had an unfortunate effect, it straightened me up and my breasts came fully out of the water and into his vision, and my backside collided with one very stiff cock, causing me to gasp out loud, the words of rejection about to be issued, lost in the sudden intake of breath. Before they could be re-gathered, I was almost upright, his hard cock pressed firmly between the cheeks of my bum, rubbing up and down, and his hands caressing my breasts like they’d never been caressed before, so soft and gentle, like being brushed with a feather, and my body was going crazy I finally managed to force the words past my lips, “No ... Peter ... no ... ..., please ... oh god ... what are you doing to me?”, but even as the words were coming out, my body was giving him an entirely different message, my breasts were thrusting forward into his questing hands, my nipples harder and bigger than they’d ever been before, and my ass was pressing back into his hard cock, sliding it into the crevice and rolling it around, and I heard his deep groan. My whole body seemed to be one massive heartbeat pounding through my head, perhaps that’s why I could no longer hear Marie’s squeals, or Philip’s Bellows. Then he was moving away and taking my hand and drawing me after him, and as if in a trance I followed, over to the steps and up out of the pool and over to the lounger, where he sat me down, standing tall in front of me with his beautiful cock almost touching my face, Mmm, my god, and it was such a beautiful cock, sculptured head , leading to a thick stem which seemed to go on for ever before terminating in massive juice filled balls that bobbled and swung. I stared at it in total fascination, knowing ... Knowing I ... oh god ...knowing I wanted it. I jerked my head up, the last vestiges of willpower struggling to overcome the heat that was coursing through me, but even as I did that, and opened my mouth to speak, he placed his hands on my shoulders and slowly pressed me down onto the lounger, and his lips and tongue followed his hands and they were touching me, caressing my neck and my ears, the sides of my jaw, my lips, and all the time with that incredible feather like feeling. And his hands were everywhere, over my breasts, over my stomach, over my thighs, around my ass cheeks, then over my pussy lips. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before, so totally different to Philip’s hard, thrusting approach, and my body lapped it up, responding to every nuance of touch. Then his lips and his tongue were following the path his hands had taken, down over my neck to my breasts, taking each nipple inside as it was made of fragile china, and worshipping it with his tongue, bringing me to an immediate and totally unexpected orgasm, that rocked my whole body. He sensed what was happening and held the nipple in his mouth until the shivers had almost ceased, then he lifted his head and smiled into my eyes. “Mmmm, I just knew your breasts would be as sensitive as they are beautiful, Amelia” he whispered, “ and I know the rest of you is going to be every bit as sensitive” Then he dipped his head again and started to trail his tongue languidly down over my rippling stomach to brush the top of my pussy lips. Suddenly my voice was in tune with my body as it arched into his questing tongue, “Oh yes Peter, ... Oh God--Yes...I want you ... I want you so much”, and the crazy thing was, I did!, suddenly I couldn’t wait to feel his tongue inside my pussy, and then ... oh god ... then that gorgeous cock. Nobody else existed at that moment, not Philip, not Marie, not anyone at all, there was just Peter and that incredible tongue, and the promise of so much more. Now I became more active, lifting and squirming as his tongue slid into my pussy and alighted on my throbbing clitoris like the wings of a butterfly. My hands found his head and pressed him deeper, but he resisted, insisting on doing everything with the lightest of touches and it was driving me to a state of total delirium. I lost track of how many times I exploded onto his tongue and he lovingly scooped my juices out and ate my nectar, but when I thought I didn't have another orgasm left in me, he shifted and came on top of me and slowly, infinitely slowly, slipped his throbbing cock into me. Oh God, I couldn’t bear it, my pussy was screaming out with anticipation and expectation, but he held back, stopping frequently, whispering softly into my ears, telling me how beautiful and exciting and sexy I was, telling how much he’d wanted me that first night at the pool, telling me how aroused it made him to see me at the pool party without a bra, with my succulent nipples just begging to be licked and sucked ... and he promptly did just that, sending me into another swirling shuddering orgasm. Just when I thought I couldn’t be taken any higher, that nothing else could happen, he started to pick up the pace of his thrusts, and I felt ever inch of his big cock caressing every inch of my inner pussy walls, faster and faster. With a cry I wound my legs around his hips and tried to pull him in deeper, feeling his heavy balls thumping against my ass cheeks as I lifted and lifted to meet his every thrust, feeling my pussy start to milk his hard cock, feeling him start to shudder and shake. Even though he now seemed to be pounding his cock into me with great gusto, it still seemed to be with an incredible sense of gentleness, and I was responding totally differently. My own hand strokes on his back became softer and softer as he thrust harder and harder, and I heard the deep groan being wrenched from inside him, and I knew he was close. “Yes Peter” I whispered softly, “Give it to me, give me your big beautiful cock, give me your hot juices. Fill me up like you’ve wanted to all along ...fuck me Peter...please .. oh please...FUCK MEEEEEEEE!!! I want it, I want it now, I want it so bad ... PLEASE” With an almost tortured cry he seemed to freeze in mid stroke, then ram home deeper than ever before and EXPLODE. Oh god, his hot cum shot into me like a river of molten lava, and he kept on exploding and exploding and exploding, each explosion sending another river of hot cum deep into my steaming pussy, and I was spinning out somewhere in the vastness of the cosmos. Never, never, never like this before!! Oh God, Yeah, my body was shaking itself apart. Time stood still, the world stood still, all there was in my awareness was this red hot tube inside me spewing hot lava, and a feeling of such intensity that I thought I would die from it. Perhaps I passed out, I don’t know, all I do know is I lost all awareness of where I was, until I felt him slowly withdraw and slump down by my side. Then I heard his voice, soft and soothing, “Are you ok Amelia?” he asked, his hand coming over and resting on my left breasts. I moaned lightly and turned to look at him, “I don’t know” I whispered back, “I can’t seem to feel my body any more” and I giggled. His smile widened, “Well, perhaps I can feel it for you?” he said I shuddered and then laughed, “Damn I think you’ve felt it more than enough for one night” I said, then reality hit me, and I jerked totally upright, “My God, what about the others? ... where?...looking around” His laugh was as light as his touch had been, “Oh I think they had other things to occupy themselves with, without worrying about us” he said. I stared at him and my eyes widened with comprehension, “You mean? .. they? ... like us?” He nodded and smiled, “You don’t mind, do you?, Marie’s wanted Philip for every bit as long as I’ve wanted you” He said. I guess I must have gaped a little, “And you knew? And you didn’t mind” I finally muttered. His smile widened, “Marie and I are very open with each other about our passions .. for each other and , when it happens, for other people, I just hope she enjoyed Philip as much as I enjoyed you” he said. A shiver ran through me and I found myself smiling down at him, “And I hope Philip enjoyed Marie as much as I enjoyed you” I said. “Did you ever talk about it?” he asked. I shook my head, “Oh, I think we both knew, and we kind of teased each other about it, but we never thought .. I never thought .. Well you know” I said with a slight laugh. He sat up slowly and stared deep into my eyes, “Regrets? .. Any regrets?” he asked. I saw the care and concern in his eyes and my heart went out to him and I quickly slipped my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly, running my tongue across his lips, then pressed harder, pushing my tongue in between his lips, surprising him, then I pulled back and grinned, “Did that feel like regret?” I asked. He lifted his fingers up and brushed them over his lips, where I’d just kissed him. still looking me deep in the eyes, and he smiled that slow, hot smile. “It felt more like a promise” he whispered. Now it was my turn to give him a long, slow smoldering smile, “We’ll just have to wait and see, wont we?” He reached out and took one of my nipples in his fingers and gently squeezed it, causing me to shudder and gasp, “Two can play the tease game” he whispered. I reached down and lightly stroked his cock, causing his body to jerk and jump, “Yes, they can, can’t they” I said, laughingly, “Now, do you think we should go and search for the others?” “I think we should take a swim first, and then go looking” he said, so we did. But we didn’t need to go looking, almost as soon as we’d both dived in the pool, two other bodies flung themselves in, and we all stood there and splashed each other, as if using that as a means of overcoming any residual tensions between the four of us, and it seemed to work, as shortly afterwards Philip and I, our arms clasped around each other, were bidding Peter and Marie goodnight at the gate, each one hugging and kissing the other. Marie’s whisper was faint in my ear as she hugged me, “Thanks, ... god I loved that” she said and I grinned and replied, “Mmmm, me too” Then they were gone and Philip and I looked at each other, and walked slowly back inside. He glanced sideways at me, “Some night, hey?” I held him close, “Oh yes, absolutely fantastic, sure hope there’ll be a lot more like them” I whispered, and he raised an eyebrow, then smiled broadly and hugged me back. “Me too, honey, too!!” Then we went to bed, and do you know ... the sex was absolutely amazing once again...I wonder why? To Be Continued... Contributed by


19 Gay Erotic Stories from Patrick

Anne: Getting Intimate With A Neighbor

Phil and Anne had moved in next door about a year ago, barely into their twenties and recently married, they were both working hard to get their life established. Anne seemed to be quite balanced in her approach to life and work, but Phil was determined to climb the corporate ladder as quickly as possible, so he worked incredibly long hours. Reminded me a little of myself at that age,

Die Gloryhole-Schlampe

Bin ne wirklich total schwanzgeile Homohure, die von Schwänzen nie genug kriegen kann. Deßhalb bin ich auch mind. einmal pro Jahr in Amsterdam und laß mich regelrecht ko vögeln. Besonder heiß ist im Videosexshop "William Higgins Le Salon". SplitterfasernaCKT WARTE ICH IN EINER DER Videokabinen mit Gloryhole. Lange muß ich nie warten. Mit meinen 26 J. und schlankem, burschikosen

Friends and Neighbors, Part 1

Philip and I had moved into this house three years ago, just two weeks after our whirlwind marriage. It had been one of those situations that you sometimes read about, but never quite believe. Introduced by friends at a party, we took one look at each other and just knew that we were going to be together. Within six months we were married, had enjoyed a highly erotic Caribbean

Friends and Neighbors, Part 2

I can remember the day Peter and Marie arrived as if it were yesterday. I’d been hard at work on the back yard all morning and had decided to take an afternoon rest, so was upstairs lying on my bed when I heard the harsh grating of gears and the squeal of brakes and knew that something heavy had just pulled up in the street. Curious, I slid off the bed and padded over to the window

Friends and Neighbors, Part 3

When we walked back from Peter and Amelia’s that night, both Marie and I were on cloud nine. It was quite clear that we had both had some very special experiences, and I knew we would share those as soon as we were alone, that was part of the way we were, open and honest about everything and eager to share every delight that came along in either of our lives. Of course, this was

Good Neighbors

I ran my tongue slowly and sensually up the underside of his cock and was rewarded with a low moan as his cock twitched and jumped, and a thrill ran right through me! Oh I did so enjoy driving a man wild with my educated tongue. There was a beautiful sense of power in bringing a man to the brink of sexual ecstasy and holding him there. But there was also the sheer delight in having

Mary & Tom Ch. 1

Ch. 1: Two's Company, But Three's More Fun! It was just after midnight on a warm summer night and I was poised at the end of our backyard pool, about to dive in to the cool water, nothing particularly startling about that you might say, but it was a defining moment in my life - or at least in my married life! Because I was totally naked, and almost directly beneath me in the

Mary & Tom Ch. 2

Ch. 2: The Morning After After a late night party most people need a little pick me up to get them going for the day, on this particular morning my pick me up was not so little! and came in the form of Bill's gorgeous hard cock! After the fantastic, and totally unexpected threesome with Tom and Bill the night before, I woke up surprisingly early, about 9 o'clock, and slipped

Mary & Tom Ch. 3

Ch. 3: Gail Decides to Join In Almost a week had gone by since the party and the get together with Bill, but Tom and I were still feeling its influence. From time to time we'd find ourselves grinning for no apparent reason, and the sex between us was as red hot as when we first met! I'd been a little surprised that Tom had shown no signs of jealousy or of feeling threatened, even

Mary & Tom Ch. 4

Ch. 4: Gail and Mary Get It On When I reached for the nearest cock, it just happened to be Tom's, but I didn't mind, I suggested he sat on the edge of the pool and began to run my tongue up and down it's generous length ( on the previous weekend I'd jokingly measured both Tom and Bill and found they were both a little over 8 inches in length! ). Tom immediately let out a sigh of

Megan, Chapter 1

Moving house was always a hassle, but after my divorce I decided I needed a change of scenery, and when I saw this place I fell in love with it instantly. The house was set back a little from the road in a lightly wooded area, so there was plenty of privacy, in fact there was only one near neighbor and there was a hedge rather than a fence between the two properties, so the pool in

Megan, Chapter 2

The next afternoon was equally hot and sunny, and it was as if Megan was poised, waiting to hear the sound of me entering the pool, because I was only half way back on the second length when she squeezed through the hedge and walked over to the Pool. She was wearing a green bikini that barely contained her magnificent breasts, and what was little more than a triangle of material at

Megan, Chapter 3

For a number of days I saw nothing of Megan, and began to wonder if I'd upset her in some way during our last get together. Perhaps it had even run its course already, after all I was 56 and she a beautiful 23, I couldn't really expect to maintain her interest indefinitely, but I knew it wasn't over for me, every time she came into my mind my cock throbbed and stiffened and I'd

Megan, Chapter 4

After the successful, and incredibly erotic, house warming party, I allowed myself to sleep in the following day, and didn't in fact surface until just after lunch. That wasn't any great problem as it was Saturday and I'd deliberately left this weekend free, but as I strolled out into the lounge and kitchen area after having a refreshing shower, I was glad that I'd taken some time

Mein Arsch für Alle

Als schwanzhungriger nymphomanischer Kerl (26J.)gibts für mich nicht besseres, als immer wieder neue Kerle zu haben, die sich ungeniert meiner beiden Öffnungen bedienen. deßhalb meldete ich mich auch auf die Anzeige, in der ein bursch gesucht wurde, der sich gerne von mehreren Typen abficken lassenwürde - der Reihe nach! Gesagt, getan! Einige Tage später lag ich schon nackt, mit

Nikki, Chapter 1

Things seemed to be going from bad to worse, just 2 months until I had to hand the final manuscript to the publishers and I was less than halfway through. The kids seemed to be even more Hyper than usual, and there seemed to be a constant stream of visitors, I just knew I had to get away, find somewhere quiet and just concentrate on getting the work finished. I spoke to Jenny and

Nikki, Chapter 2

When I woke up the following day, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the mirror, staring fixedly at my body, trying to see where I’d changed now that I was no longer a virgin. I cupped my small breasts and stroked them, was it my imagination or were they a little bigger today?, did the nipples seem more swollen than normal? I rolled them between my fingers and shuddered as the heat

Two Into One Will Go

Jeremy and I had been married almost 12 months, 12 glorious fun filled and sex filled months! For us it had been love at first sight and we were married in a little over a month after meeting, and it seemed like we'd been on a permanent honeymoon ever since! Everyone said we were perfectly matched, both of medium height, both dark haired, both reasonably good looking - well I

Under His Spell

As long as Patrick could remember he had the power. For about eighteen years now, with no real rhyme or reason, Patrick has somehow acquired the power to put people into deep hypnotic trances. And even more extraordinary, he could have them do his bidding, and wake up totally unaware of any of the activities they may have taken part in! He instinctively knew not to let on the secret


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