Gay Erotic Stories


by Jimi Linden

THE VOICE by: Jimi Linden THE FOLLOWING STORY IS TRUE. ALL EVENTS AND BEHAVIOR ARE FAITHFUL ACCOUNTS OF PAST EVENTS, ALTHOUGH NAMES HAVE BEEN ALTERED TO PROTECT MY POSTERIOR AND KEEP ME OUT OF COURT. WRITER'S LICENSE AND HUMBLE DISCRETION HAVE BEEN USED WHERE AND WHEN I FELT IT EXPEDIENT TO AVOID ADVERSITY OR TO ENHANCE EPISODE INTERVALS. Chapter 1 - GETTING READY Jill stared at her reflection thinking it must surely be someone else. The young lady in the mirror staring back at her couldn’t possibly be her. That girl was much too pretty and her body had way too many curves in just the right places. Her shoulder length auburn hair was carefully combed and squeaky clean unlike Jill’s normal haystack loose mop. She looked for her familiar scratched, scraped and bruised tom-boyish mug but found instead a soft, round almost pixyish cute, young woman's face with mischievous green eyes, a button nose and one very kissable small mouth. It was the kissable mouth she now anxiously decorated with what she hoped was just the right shade and texture of lipstick to turn Jerry on tonight. She knew she would have to carefully wipe every trace of lip gloss from her face before her father glimpsed it, but now the selection of color and the practice of putting it on just right were worth the risk. Besides, her dad never came into her room without knocking and waiting for an answer, and she could always stall him by saying she wasn’t dressed. Her father, the local sheriff was anything but shy, but he felt that since his daughter was now a young lady, her privacy was mandatory. He was sometimes downright paranoid about his daughter’s activities and location, but when she was safe in her room he would never enter without plenty of warning. When she was not in her room, she was supposed to act like a virtuous angel around the house. She was required to always be properly dressed, didn’t dare let out with an unladylike burp or fart, and God forbid she should swear! Her dad did have provocation though not from Jill. Repeatedly he would tell her mother that no matter what, his little girl was not going to wind up like those little sluts at her school. His officers had caught more than a few of them letting themselves be degraded in the back seats of cars on the lonely county back roads. Therefore, he had laid down the law. No dating except to church and other properly chaperoned functions. Satisfied with her mouth, she made up her eyes. Funny, her dad had never noticed her eye makeup and she’d been using that since she turned twelve. Her face decorated to her liking, she stood, slipped her long Tweety bird tee-shirt over her head and stood looking at her naked body in the full length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. Her breasts still seemed too small, though she’d noticed that most of the girls in gym class really didn’t have boobs any bigger than hers. Definitely, she was too skinny although she supposed some folks might call her coltish. Her soft brown bush had filled out nicely and was now quite thick and luxurious. Few girls she noticed had as much hair as she did between her legs, and she was anxious for someone that mattered to discover just how soft and mature she was. Someone like Jerry. God he was handsome. He had a face like … like … like no one else she could think of. His eyebrows were so thick they met in the middle and he could say volumes just by raising them. That’s what attracted her to him in the first place she realized, his expressiveness and his humor. He was always laughing about something, but never in a mean way. He was just fun to be with. And God could he kiss. Both belonged to the same Methodist church and had met at MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship). Nothing happened though until they were assigned to the same study hall at school and struck up a friendship. Then they began sneaking off together at church functions. Jerry was the first to notice that during the worship service, the Sunday school area was almost deserted. Since they both sang in the youth choir and it was easy, once the service started, to slip out quietly for a restroom emergency. No one wanted to disturb the service by returning to the choir loft in front of the whole congregation. Most people just quietly came in the back door of the chapel and sat in the rear pews. Jill and Jerry had slipped instead into one of the unused classrooms and initially just sat and talked while the sermon droned on. Then one day he’d held her hand during a particularly intense discussion. That led to an arm around the shoulder, followed by a kiss when she broke down and cried. After the first contact there had been no pretense of talking, they’d just necked like crazy every Sunday. So far, that was all they had done, just necked. Tonight was going to be different she decided as she looked at her nakedness in the mirror. She wanted Jerry to see her nude body and she wanted to see his. Particularly she wanted to see his dick. Jill was no stranger to the male anatomy as she had been babysitting for years. The way she felt though was that she’d seen a lot of little peters, now she wanted to see a real dick. Just the thought brought a wetness to her crotch. In sex education class at school there had been pictures and discussions about the human female sex organs. Amid many giggles and titters, the girls had been able to ask a few questions of Mrs. Horner. Most of the girls had been too shy to ask their teacher A specific question though, because she was so old. No one could imagine her ever having had sex. Mrs. Horner had to be fifty if she was a day, and she had grown-up kids of her own. Jill supposed that she had had sex at one time, unless the kids were adopted. God, she wondered if her teacher was still married. Even if she was, she was probably too old for sex anymore though. Jill had come home from that class and thoroughly investigated herself with a mirror and her fingers. That was when she first discovered her clitoris and her wetness. She dearly loved to stroke two fingers up and down her clit until she was dripping wet, just like she was doing now. She sat down on the rug, put her heels on both sides of the mirror, thought about Jerry’s dick and fondled herself until she caim with a slimy gush. Tonight was going to be great. Chapter 2 – PREPARATIONS Nothing was as solid as a Cutlass. Jerry had scrimped and saved for over two years so he could buy the kind of car he wanted when he turned sixteen. Now he had it. A full sized, American made, two door hard top Oldsmobile Cutlass with full mag wheels and a Pioneer sound system that could blow your socks off. The only flaw, in his otherwise perfect car, was the full width bench seat instead of bucket seats. Maybe that could be useful though if Jill would just agree to stretch out across it. The seats reclined almost all the way flat, which also might be helpful. God, he’d like to get into her pants. They’d kissed and groped just a little bit at church, but so far he hadn’t actually felt her naked tits. Tonight he was determined to get at least that far. Now though, he was working on clearing a barricade from a deserted country lane. The road had been blocked when the spring rains washed out a bridge. It seemed a perfect parking spot as the only farms that had been on the road were all on the other side of the downed bridge. The county had planted a full width metal barrier and sign across the road. Now he was engaged in trying to loosen the bolts from either end of the obstacle. Then the whole thing would swing out of the way just like a gate. Finally, the last bolt loosened, he swung one side of the whole affair away from its pole. After moving only about a foot and dropping down against the ground it stopped cold. The metal was too heavy for him to lift and no way was he going to open it wide enough for his car to pass. He sat down and almost cried with frustration. Suddenly he remembered his car jack. He had bought a small, roller type hydraulic jack when he first bought the Olds. In two years, he had never needed to use it. Now, it just might solve his impasse Sure enough, when he fitted the jack under the end of the barricade he not only could lift it, but he could drag it open by rolling the jack. Now, the only problem would be closing it again because his jack wouldn’t raise it high enough to meet the boltholes. He could get the end high enough by putting a jack stand under the barrier and lifting it a bit at a time, but this wouldn’t be practical with Jill waiting in the car tonight. The barricade was made up of two formed rails with a “closed road” sign attached to the middle of the top rail. Closer inspection enlightened him to the county’s budget cutting half-assed way of doing things. The crew who had installed the sign had only used one bolt on each end of each rail. There were holes in the rails for more bolts, but only the one had been used on each end. A quick trip to town for more bolts plus a slight lift to the opposite end of the sign as he installed them provided an easily swinging gate which only he would know about. Now all he had to do was get Jill out here. The watcher on the hill observed all this through his field glasses. Chapter 3 – DECEPTION Rhonda was just perfect. She had called Jill’s mom and asked if Jill could spend the night. After many assurances that Rhonda’s parents wouldn’t mind, both Jill’s mom and dad had agreed. Of course, her dad had to take her over to Rhonda’s house and make sure the parents would be home. OF COURSE! He could be so embarrassing at times. Immediately after supper, the girls asked if they could go to the mall for a little while. Rhonda’s parents seemed more than anxious to say yes and Jill wondered if they had something they wanted to do while the girls were gone. Probably just some TV they wanted to watch. The mall was always so boring. Rhonda looked at lingerie in Victoria’s Secret for a while, but the hostile attitude of the sales girl finally drove her off. Jill suggested a bit of ice cream to kill the time so they ate sundaes and drooled over the boys passing by. Finally at seven o’clock Rhonda’s boyfriend got off work and they all headed out to the parking lot. Mark and Rhonda climbed into the back of Mark’s car while Jill sat up front and fiddled with the radio. She could hear slushing sounds coming from the back seat and readjusted the mirror to watch. Neither Rhonda nor Mark seemed aware of her at all. As she watched, he slid his hand up Rhondas skirt Rhonda responded by spreading her legs wide and moaning loudly. Jill was so turned on by this display that she too was dripping wet, and her nipples were so hard they actually hurt. Mark had unbuttoned Rhonda’s blouse and unfastened her bra. Now he was leaning down to nurse her naked nipples while his hand was doing indefinable noisy things up her skirt. The mirror was just not giving her a good enough view so Jill turned around and faced the back seat. Mark immediately jerked his hand from Rhonda’s thighs and tried to close her blouse. Jill said “Oh God! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop. I’m going to cum just watching you guys!” Rhonda grabbed Mark’s hand and reinserted it where it had been while Jill rubbed herself to a grinding climax. Before he could protest, she pulled his lips to hers and kissed away any objections. Jill’s orgasm was so intense she almost fainted. Rhonda caim also as much from watching Jill as from Mark’s administrations. She looked at Jill and asked “Are you ready for Jerry now?” “Oh shit! Am I ever! If he was here right now I’d fuck him right here in front of you two.” “Well then watch sweetie” breathed Rhonda “cause that’s what we’re about to do right in front of you!” So saying she climbed astraddle of Mark and guided him into her. Jill couldn’t believe what she was seeing. They were actually fucking right in front of her. Not only didn’t they seem to care that she was watching; it seemed to be making them hotter. Mark kept looking at Jill as he slammed into Rhonda and Rhonda kept asking things like “Is she watching? Can she really see what we’re doing? Pull my skirt up so she can see you going in and out!” Then a little louder “Can you see him going in and out of my pussy?” “Yeah, I can see! Wow, he’s really stuffing you full. God, I can’t wait to do that!” moaned Jill. Then leaning over the seat, she said, “I’ve just got to touch. OK?” and so saying she reached out and cupped Mark’s balls in her hand. She could feel him tighten as he thrust upward into Rhonda. Lifting his delicate testicles with each stroke felt like she was actually feeding him into the now sloppy wet orifice of her friend. “Jesus! What are you doing? “ Rhonda panted, “It feels like he just got bigger and long, long, longer!” At that moment Mark exploded into Rhonda and then, with a gasp, fell back against the seat saying, “Holy shit, what a feeling. I’ve never cum that hard before! I think I shot a full quart!” Rhonda turned around to look at Jill who immediately pulled her hand back into the front seat. "Oh God Rhonda,” Jill said. “I’m sorry. I just got carried away watching you two.” “Sorry!? Sorry doesn’t cut it” Rhonda hissed. “You just played with my boyfriends dick!” Again, Jill could only mumble “I’m sorry. Actually it was his balls!" “Well you should be” Rhonda started to scold, but then couldn’t keep her face straight. Laughing she exclaimed, “That was the most fantastic sex we’ve ever had. What’d you do? Wait! Before you answer I want you to promise me you’ll do it again sometime.” Hardly believing her ears Jill blushed and murmured “I just squeezed his balls a little bit. Yeah! I’d like to do that again. I damn near caim in my pants just watching you two.” Rhonda turned around and kissed Jerry long and hard. "You liked that, huh? I've never seen you that goddamn horny before". Then they both climbed back into the front seat with Jill. Leaning across Rhonda, Mark put his hand up Jill's skirt without asking and felt the wet crotch of her panties. Jill was startled but really didn't mind a bit. She rather wished he would do more because his few quick strokes against her furry crack felt really great. Mark observed as he returned to his place in the car, "I wish I could be a little mouse in the corner tonight when you and Jerry get it on". "I’ll bet he’s going to be surprised. But I ain’t gonna warn him he’s got a wildcat on his hands and you better get ready cause here he comes now.” Jerry’s metallic green and gold Cutlass wheeled into the lot and pulled in a few spaces down from where the three were parked. Jill jumped out of the car, waved a sexy wiggle to the other two with her rear and ran to catch Jerry before he went into the mall. Chapter 4 – THE LANE “Did you have trouble getting out tonight?" Jerry asked as they drove away from town. “I’m not going to get stopped by one of your dads Gestapo guys and wind up spending the night in jail am I?” he joked. “He knows I’m over at Rhonda’s and her parents know we’re at the mall. So long as we make it back to the mall before they close at midnight it’ll be clean” Jill answered as she cuddled closer to him. Jerry was surprised at how tightly she was hanging on to him. He was trying not to get turned on but Jill kept pressing her tits tighter and tighter against his arm. Finally he pulled his arm free and put it behind her, across the back of the seat. This proved to be a mistake because now she was pressing into the softness his ribs instead of the hard muscle of his arm. “Jerry?” “Yeah.” “Would you do something kinda naughty if I asked you to?” Jerry wasn’t just sure how to answer a question so broad but stumbled out with “Sure. You know I’d do anything for you. What do you want?” Stretching out across the seat Jill put her head in Jerry’s lap and said, “Touch my breasts, just a little bit, please.” Jerry wasn’t sure what “a little bit” meant, but he began to gently knead the two soft mounds next to him on the seat. Jill, in turn, began to rub her head against his crotch and stroked his chest with her hand as he drove. Much too soon they arrived at the barricade gate Jerry had modified and he was forced to pull away while he went about the business of opening and closing the gate. He drove down the old deserted country lane about a mile and parked under some overhanging trees. The spot was perfect. No one could see them from any road or house even if they turned on the dome lights. Jerry wasn’t sure why Jill was letting him play with her tits tonight, but God, he wasn't going to question the reason, just so long as she didn’t ask him to stop. He cupped one lovely globe in his hand, squeezed and rubbed with his thumb while kissing her willing mouth. She was responding with her tongue like she never had before. Jill had never been as hot as she was tonight. She knew she wouldn’t even try to say “No “ if Jerry really tried to go too far. After what she’d witnessed with Rhonda and Mark, Jill knew what she wanted, but she was afraid Jerry might not want the same thing. She really wanted to get fucked, then her “precious virginity” would be gone and they could really begin to have some fun. Some of the other girls, who were already into sex, were always telling her about how much fun it was. Well tonight she had seen a first hand demonstration. It was fantastic. Right now though, Jerry was mashing her boob so hard it hurt. She definitely didn’t want him to stop, but she wished she knew how to tell him to be more gentle. All that really mattered though was that he was doing what she wanted him to do to her nipples. Their mouths were so far open, as they locked tongues, that both their cheeks were pulled painfully wide and their jaws ached from the strain. Their bodies swayed against each other causing the car to rock on its springs. Jill was glad now she had let Jerry lay the seats back; otherwise they’d be cramped between the dashboard and the floor. They finally drew apart for air and to relax their mouths. When Jerry looked at Jill, he noticed that her eyes practically glittered with impish ecstasy. “What?” he asked. “You look like you’re up to something. Jill couldn’t bring herself to just tell him what she wanted so she put her hand between her breast and Jerry’s groping paw. “Not so hard” she said. “Rub me, don’t crush me like a rubber ball.” Jerry quickly pulled both hands away from Jill’s mangled mammary causing the top button of her blouse to open. Jill felt it and Jerry saw it, but neither did anything about it for a moment. Then Jerry gently slid his hand beneath the cloth and stroked her bra-covered breast. He could feel the nipple growing with his touch, so he pinched gently and was rewarded as Jill pressed herself harder against his hand. Nothing had ever felt as good as what was now happening to her, but Jill still wanted more. She was afraid to tell Jerry how she felt and what she was thinking but she needed more! Sensing that Jerry was almost as shy as she was she decided to give him a little encouragement by opening her blouse all the way. That shouldn’t be too bold, should it, she asked of her conscience as she undid the buttons. Before she could think of an answer Jerry put both arms around her, under her blouse, and kissed her so deeply she thought she would choke on his tongue. She loved it, and had he but known he could have done anything he wanted to her at that moment. Yet she was surprised when he unsnapped her bra and before she could react he had cupped both bare breasts in his hands. It felt wonderful! Jerry was almost as surprised as Jill. He had never unsnapped a girl’s brassier before. It worked! Her tits felt like silk to his fingers. They were both soft and heavy at the same time. The nipples were hard as rocks and felt like they stuck way out. Lifting her bra up and out of his way, he examined Jill's bare breasts for the first time. Both were heavy but very firm and stuck straight out from her chest with no sag whatever. The areolas were only about an inch in diameter and her hard nipples were almost as large as the surrounding dark circles. He kissed first one, then the other, then sucked each again, switching back and forth, back and forth, back and forth; never able to satisfy his long held fantasies. It felt wonderful! She had always known it would be like this but still could hardly believe how good her chest felt. She wanted him to suck harder. She wanted him to suck both at the same time. She wanted… Chapter 5 – BOO! Suddenly they were bathed in light! Bright, unwavering light! The passenger's side car door was jerked open causing the dome light to come on. A distinctly adult voice said in a loud stage-whispery voice “Now ain’t this pretty. I got me a couple of children about to fornicate.” Jerking away from Jerry, Jill grabbed her blouse around her. Jerry started to reach for the ignition switch but was stopped by a blow to his wrist from a long police baton. “Now you wouldn’t want to do that would you? It’s not nice to run away when you're being talked to, you know?” “Little lady, why don’t you reach over there and gently toss me those keys.” The dome light revealed only the lower part of a well-starched and creased pair of tan pants and a waiting open hand. “Do I know you?" Jill demanded. The hard wooden nightstick slapped into the seatback right next to her shoulder. “Don’t matter whether you do or not” he growled. “Just do as you’re told or your boyfriend’s gonna get hurt. Now give me those keys!” Jill handed the keys to the light bearer, but still couldn’t resist asking, “Who are you?” “Well honey, I’m the best news you’ve had all night, cause it looks to me like you and your beau were fixing to get into some heavy loving and I’ll bet neither of you came prepared.” “We weren’t going to do anything wrong. We were just kissing and petting a little” Jerry half sobbed. “This is really our first honest to goodness date. This the first time we’ve ever been alone.” “Well now ain’t that sweet. Next I’ll bet your gonna be telling me you’re both virgins.” “Please sir” Jill wailed, “My dad will kill us if you tell him” “If I tell him what? And why would I be wanting to tell you dad anything anyway?” “Aren’t you one of his deputies?" Jerry asked without thinking and was rewarded with an elbow in the ribs from Jill. “One of whose deputies? Oh, I get it. This must be Sheriff Droopie’s daughter. Well now ain’t that just grand. This is going to be more fun than I thought.” Though her father did have a bit of a potbelly, and his face was rather long and baggy, Jill hated to hear people compare her dad with the little Droopy dog cartoon character. She started to protest but decided silence might be a better choice. “Well now, let’s just say I’m not one of his regular deputies and leave it at that. OK?” “What do you want of us?" Jill demanded. “Are you going to rob us? “No honey, I’m not going to rob you. I’m going to help you enjoy this beautiful night. So let’s start right now. You, little honey, what’s your name?” “Jill.” “And what’s your boyfriends moniker?” “He’s Jerry. And you’d better not hurt us cause my dad’s the sheriff and he’ll get you if you do something bad to us." Jill sobbed. “I’m not planning to hurt you” The Voice answered. “We’re just going to have fun.” “You’ve already hurt me,” Jerry added rubbing his wrist “and it still hurts like hell!” “I’m truly sorry about that son” The Voice said “but you shouldn’t have tried to run away.” “That’s what anybody would have done” Jill whined. “Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn’t matter now. Let’s get started. Jill, that was your name right?” Dutifully Jill answered “Yes sir”. “OK, Jill. Take off Jerry’s shoes, socks and shirt.” “What?" Jill asked incredulously. The truncheon slapped hard against the dashboard and The Voice said, “I told you to take off his shoes, socks and shirt.” Both teenagers jumped at the sudden violence of the baton’s smack. Jill began removing Jerry’s clothes. Gently but steadily slapping the baton against his palm The Voice said, “That’s better Now toss those items into the back seat. Jerry, now it’s your turn. Take off Jill’s shoes and blouse and toss them back there with your clothes.” “That’s better. No arguments or silly questions. Very good! Now Jill, throw his pants back with the rest of the clothes.” As Jill complied she whined, “Are you going to make us get completely undressed?” The palm slapping paused momentarily as The Voice purred “Would that really bother you pretty one? I’ll bet you’d like to see just how big Jerry’s dick actually is, now wouldn’t you? Let’s not rush things just yet. Jerry, take off her skirt and add it to the pile back there.” The two kids sat there in their respective underwear, Jerry in his shorts and Jill in her loose bra and panties. “Well now, this is starting to look better and better. Time to move on though. Both of you lay back on the seats. That’s right. Okay, take off his shorts, Jill.” Jerry just knew the moment Jill began to pull his shorts down he’d get a hard-on. So he was shocked by how soft he remained. Then he was embarrassed because he couldn’t get it up. Jill wanted nothing more than to stare at Jerry’s cock, but for some reason couldn’t bring herself to even look at him. Chapter 6 - FORCED? The Voice said “Not bad for starters. I’ll bet we can make it nice and hard before we’re through. Now Jerry, slip Jill’s bra the rest of the way off and then help her out of those pretty little panties.” Jill shucked her bra off as Jerry reached to take it. Then she raised her hips from the seat to help him work her panties down. Reaching in with his wand The Voice stopped Jerry before he could pull Jill's last piece of clothing completely off. Wrapped around her ankles the panties held her feet together. Still using his baton, The Voice pressed first one knee open and then the other until Jill was spread wide before both males. Then he rubbed her crotch with the tip of his magic wand until she began to breathe heavily. “Time to get those panties out of the way Jerry. You don’t need me to show you how do you?" The Voice crooned. As her panties slipped from her toes Jill opened her legs wide and defiantly asked “Is that what you wanted? To see my pussy? Well take a good look! What’s next, are you going to rape me?” “Very nice. Yes, very very nice! No, my sweet, next you must help poor Jerry join in the fun. Jerry, stretch out with your head on the driver’s seat with your legs pointing out this door. Jill watched as her partner arranged himself as ordered. “Now Jill, I want you to kneel down with your legs on both sides of Jerry. Very good! Now take his dick in your hand and gently rub it up and down.” All her life Jill had been waiting for this moment it seemed, but this was definitely not how she had pictured it. She stretched Jerry’s prick out to its full length and then relaxed it back to its soft mount. Only twice was she able to do this though before it was long and hard it wouldn’t relax. Then she ran her hands up and down his shaft and watched his face go from grimace to a pained grin. “Well done my sweet. Now back up toward the door and take his dick in your mouth. No, no, don’t suck, not just yet anyway, just lick it gently at this point. That’s it, round and round and every so often push the tip of you tongue into the little opening in the end. Grip it with your lips, not your teeth. That’s it, now slide your mouth all the way down (or is that up) his shaft to the hair.” His shaft was warm and hard in her mouth and she could tell she was giving him immense pleasure whether he wanted it or not. She gasped as she felt a hand on her exposed pussy lips and then an exploring finger enter her most private parts. “Oh, you’re going to like this Jerry. Jill’s tight as a drum and wet as a waterfall. That’s right, I’ve got my finger in your girlfriend getting her ready for you. Is he about to explode, Jill?” Jill could only mumble around the monstrous erection in her mouth, but she managed to say, “I don’t know. He sure is long and hard though.” “Well we’ll just have to take a short break. Turn your head and watch for a minute.” A hand appeared just inside the car with a small, square foil packet. “Here Jill, open this rubber and put it on Jerry.” “I don’t know how. I don’t want to hurt him.” “Oh you’ll not hurt him, I promise. Just tear the foil open and then roll the condom down his dick. That’s it. See how nicely it’s rolled and ready for use. Wrap your boyfriend's dick in it, all the way down. Good.” “Now stroke him some more with you hand until the rubber is tight against his prick.” Suddenly as Jill stroked she felt something enter her pulsing vagina. Before she could jerk away it was withdrawn and she felt a warm wetness inside. “What …” she began. “Nothing to be afraid of. That was a small plastic tube containing a spermicide. A female contraceptive. Now you are doubly protected from getting pregnant. So, climb astraddle, slip that nice long shaft into your nice wet opening and FUCK!” Never had she felt anything so exciting as Jill followed her orders. Jerry was by now very hard and very long and Jill was doubly wet. His dick slipped completely in without the slightest resistance and Jill began to move up and down on his shaft. Jerry for his part couldn’t lay still and had to follow her crotch each time it lifted from his body. After a surprisingly few stokes, and much before Jill was ready, Jerry filled the balloon of his rubber almost to bursting. Jill continued to stroke up and down but to no avail as Jerry withered back to nothingness. Just as Jill was about to cry out and complain, The Voice said, “Now my dear, you must help him rise again to the occasion. Gently roll the condom from his dick and then suckle his shaft some more. I assure you it will reward you a with second cumming.” Jerry winced as Jill pulled several hairs along with the now spent rubber. He could only lay quietly and enjoy though as she took his tool in her warm mouth and began to lick and stroke again. As Jill straddled Jerry to excite his manhood to a second rising she felt their attacker fondle her now drenched pussy. She gave no protest as he ran his fingers in and out of her and was not terribly surprised when she recognized the feel of his prick enter her still steaming pussy. “Oh you’re tight!” he said as he slowly stroked in and out. “I knew you were going to enjoy this but I never dreamed how much you’d get into it.” He reached around and massaged both nipples with his thumbs and Jill felt herself letting go. She didn’t really want to give him the satisfaction of making her cum, but she couldn't stop herself. She began to clamp down on his shaft so tightly her muscles actually quivered and then she suddenly sent a gush of fluid shooting from deep within her cunt. Yes, her cunt! Not her vagina nor even her pussy, but that had come from her cunt. She suddenly loved that word. She said cunt, cunt, cunt over and over in her mind! “That was fantastic little one." The Voice said, “It came from deep inside didn’t it? Where did you feel it, my love?” Before she could stop herself, Jill pulled Jerry’s dick from her mouth and screamed “It came from my CUNT! Way up inside my CUNT! I want to do it again!” “Well we certainly wouldn’t want to disappoint, now would we?” soothed The Voice as he continued to stroke. “Is Jerry about ready again? I hope so, because I just shot my load up inside you and I'll be soft in just a moment.” Instead of answering aloud, Jill simply pulled away from The Voice's pumping imposition and mounted Jerry's rigid shaft. They exercised their new talents again until both collapsed from exhaustion. "I hope you're satisfied now,” Jill eventually snapped at The Voice. "I don't know about Jerry, but I'm too tired to do anything more. And I stink!" Jerry affirmed her statement by saying, "Yeah, man. I couldn't get it up again with popsicle splints! Can we put our clothes back on and go home now?" They waited several seconds before they realized there was no one to answer their pleas for they were all alone in the dark with their nakedness and memories. THE END FOR NOW be kind -


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