Gay Erotic Stories

The Handyman

by JEdwins

I was one of those young guys who always dropped pencils in class, dreamed about hiding in the girls locker room at the pool, and thought about sex 25 hours a day. Did I do anything about it? Never! I had no line, no guts, and was incredibly shy. Even in the Air Force, I ran from sure things, twice. Once in a girl's apartment in Minnesota, my arriving to take her roller skating while she was still showering was followed by her coming into the living room in a fur coat, plopping herself down on the opposite end of the couch, and demurely opening the coat for my approval. I clearly remember thinking, while I was running down the stairs from her apartment, that she was beautiful and I was very dumb. A couple of years later I went to fix a phone for a young officers wife at a base in Louisiana. While I was checking the lightening protector at the bottom of the basement stairs, she sat on the top step. Legs open. Robe mostly open. A crystal clear, absolute, bona fide invitation. By then, at least, I was no longer a virgin. But did I accept the offering. No! True to form, cussing myself out all the way, I left the house and went back to the telephone central office and my private misery. Even after 16 years of marriage, when widowed, I couldn't initiate a sexual situation with a woman. By offering my house for parties, Parents Without Partners at least afforded me the opportunity to meet people in a situation where everyone came to me. That, at least, got me to know some women. Some of them even wanted to date me (bless this new morality) and broached the subject when it became clear that I seemed incapable of asking them. One of them, after a couple of dates, asked me if I wanted to make love to her. I did and I did. Once started, I am a good lover. I'm caring, slow, very attentive, and work very hard to satisfy (and get a lot of satisfaction in return.) And where I can comfortably talk to ten or a hundred people, about any topic, I can't talk intelligently to one woman in whom I am sexually interested. Besides the world of business, where I am a fairly senior company manager who never appears shy or tongue tied, I was also a very popular discussion leader in PWP; especially if the evenings topic contained sexual overtones. And, of course, in a singles club full of people who are struggling with dramatic personal/social changes, via divorce or the death of a mate, every topic is fraught with overtones of some type. People found me to be open, frank, informative (I believe), and always packed the discussions in which I was scheduled to be the moderator. But, one on one . . . ? Anyway, that was when I was about 36. I was married again for ten years and then my wife and I decided to separate while we were still friends. The first time there was an opportunity for me to recover youthful losses there was Herpes (not only a good excuse to keep it in my shorts, but a very scary disease.) Then in my 46th year a second chance; except for AIDS. But, I'm not cut out for celibacy, so some degree of risk must be taken. In my avocation as a part time Handyman, mostly for older people, I have built up a nice clientele by referral. People know that I charge reasonably, do good work, and can be trusted with the keys to the house. Now, although I have not met too many women around my age (50) who have fit into my mental profile of delectable, I also am old enough to know that very young women are nice to look at but better lovers require some aging. Here it comes. II The work I had been doing for a sixty-three year old lady in Anaheim was the type where progress is slow because of the difficulty in recreating crown and chair rail molding that no one has made in fifty years. So the effort on that and other tasks had been going on for months. Periodically, while working in the house, the lady's divorced daughter would come over to visit her. If I was working in a room where it was convenient, they would often include me in their conversations. So, the daughter and I were not strangers. For the last three weeks of June, the owner went on an extended bus tour with a lot of other elderly people from her "club", leaving me the key so I could continue my work. Knowing she would not be home for that length of time, I had planned on doing some of the really messy work when I didn't have to worry about constantly cleaning as I went along. Arriving at the house at about 8:00 on that first Saturday, I dragged in the oak paneling and started back out for the plaster board when Pam (the thirty-two year old daughter) enters the dining room area with one towel wrapped around her body, toweling her hair with another. I stared. She yelped. I left saying I would wait in the back yard until she was dressed. During the ten minutes that that took, I went through more fantasies in my mind than this essay has room to relate. But most of them focused on my favorite subject; tasting her to confirm my belief that she would taste very good when she was ready to be loved. Even in my limited experience, I'm amazed at the number of women who do not seem to know that a simple soapy wash cloth applied diligently to every luscious fold and crevice, front and back, can be the prelude to long duration pleasure. I always form an opinion of how women I find desirable will taste. Being me, however, I almost never get to find out if my guess is correct. But since I had decided that Pam would taste good, my fantasies revolved around at least a half hour of carefully determining if I was right. By the time Pam was dressed I had myself thoroughly convinced that two tries would be required; once before we made love, and once after she came the first time. The change in the texture of a women's lubrication after she comes, and the marked increase in glucose, absolutely fascinates me. Letting me know she was dressed, my work began, and the talk. Subject to subject, as idle conversations always go. She finally commented that she had decided to stay over at her mothers so that we could visit while I was working and she wouldn't feel so alone on another weekend. She just hadn't anticipated such an early arrival on my part. During lunch break there was an item on the news station of the radio in which Dr. Joyce Brothers stated that a recent survey showed that 65% of the women polled felt that their sexual relationships were unfulfilling. I commented that that was a shame. Pam said that she felt that the fault rested squarely on the shoulders of the men involved. I admitted that there was probably an appreciable percentage of cases where that was true, but that she shouldn't dismiss the fact that many women contribute significantly in a number of ways also, enlightenment on matters sexual being the most prevalent. That theme pretty much prevailed during the rest of the day. At times I launched into my old PWP lead role of John teaching the masses. We touched on style, variety, communication, patience, hygiene, mood, all in a very cool, detached manner. In fact I was anything but cool and detached. By then my most earnest goal was to be attached to this beautiful women. Face first and then cock first. By now I new her well enough that I wanted to "communicate" with her. In my mind, long-duration lovemaking is my way of demonstrating to a woman I feel strongly about how much I care about her. There are no words that can replace the actions of caring lovers making love to each other. That is communicating on a level which leaves no doubts. Finally I finished my work, cleaned up, said good-bye, went home. III On the following Saturday morning I woke up fantasizing about Pam. Would she be there again? Should I arrive at nine so as not to "catch" her again? Should I arrive at eight to be predictably consistent? How could I convince her to change into nylons and a garter belt, a skirt and blouse, with no panties or bra, and get up on the top of a ladder while I held it for her from below? Could I get her to spill something in her lap and then offer to lick it clean for her? Would she think it was too obvious if I brought in my Polaroid camera to take the "after" pictures before I was even finished with my work? Those kind of thoughts continued all through the drive to her mother's house. How I kept from being killed on the Riverside Freeway that morning is a wonder. All I could see in front of me was what I imagined her body would look like; as the towel fell slowly to the floor; as we lay reverse to each other, her over me, sucking each others nipples as we moved toward the real treats; as she crawled lithely across the bed on all fours, back arched, ass high, pussy lips slightly open and inviting. Finally I pulled into the driveway, put on my tool pouch, grabbed some other tools I might need, and let myself in the back door. The shower was running. It was 8:00 exactly. This had to be an invitation, didn't it? Quietly I walked through the living room, into the hall, and found the bathroom door slightly open. A definite invitation, right? Having painted that bathroom five weeks before I knew that you could only get an oblique view of the bath tub from the door. But the new shower doors I had installed were three-section sliders; one is a mirror, one is patterned, and one is clear glass. She was primarily behind the worst two and the clear one was spotted and kind of steamy. But eventually she moved back to the clear one so that the water would hit the lower part of her body as she rinsed off. I was quaking with sexual energy. What I could see was gorgeous. She sort of pushed her hips forward as she obviously rinsed her pussy. Then she turned her back to the shower (and me), thrust her ass out and wiped soap out of the crevice of her ass. In the few brief seconds of viewing her I could have been whipped by any kitten I was so shaky and weak kneed. I ducked back toward the living room before she turned off the shower, banging my damn hammer on a parsons table in the hall. Now my primary problem was to be in a not-too-obvious location if she repeated the towel on the body routine so that I could look at her longer before we "discovered" each other and went on to the "yelp!" bit. Since I had to remove the base molding by the step into the kitchen, I crouched down there and watched the archway from the hallway. Sure enough, here she came. Towel and all (or towel and nothing else). She didn't see me right away and walked over toward the window. When she lifted the bottom of the blinds to look out in the driveway she bent down, the towel crept up in the back, I began to salivate. Knowing I had to do something I pried out on the molding (now with my back to her), it groaned after 65 years of not moving, she yelped, I jumped up and stared. BUT I DIDN'T RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE. I also didn't move. Just stared. Pam had to walk somewhat toward me to get back to the hallway and she did, slowly. She stopped about eight feet from me and asked me why I was staring at her. Because you're beautiful was my horse reply. She said she thought I would have sense enough to arrive later after having this same thing happen the previous week. My thought was to be consistent was my response. Well, replied she, if you're waiting for the towel to come loose you have a long wait. I didn't say anything. I was too busy willing the towel to do just that. Well say something, John, she finally blurted. I barely got out some statement about the longer we stood there the longer I got to look at her and dream. Off she went. DAMN. How come tons of men would have done or said something worthwhile, and I get her to leave the room. My sergeant used to call me Dip Shit. He probably knew how I would turn out. Slowly I went back to work. About twenty minutes later she came back into the room and walked up behind me. Before I could turn around she said, "I owe you an apology, John. My game didn't turn out the way I thought it would. I shouldn't have tried it. I'm old enough to know better." Now I turned around and looked up at her from my position on the floor. She was in a pale blue buffed cotton robe that reached down to her ankles. "I'm not good at boy/girl games, Pam," I explained, "but you are truly beautiful." "Well, I was going to prove to myself that you were not like your words, but just like any other man who will jump at the chance for a quick piece and then be gone. This was all a set-up. I even left the bathroom door ajar for you." "I know. I looked at you as you were rinsing off. My shakes still haven't gone away from watching you." "I knew you wouldn't hurt me," she said, "but why didn't you run over to me and rip the towel off like I expected you to?" "Because I am like my words, Pam. I couldn't do that. I mean not today. When we knew each other better, and if I knew you liked me to do that to you. But not yet." After a long silence I continued, "But I wanted to. I still do. You don't know how desirable you are. For weeks I've been fantasizing about you." "Tell me," she demanded in a very quiet voice. "I can't. I could tell ten or a hundred people, easily. But I can't tell just you - now." "Why not? John, I want to hear them. I need to hear them. I need to know I'm still desirable." She looked so very sad. I guess her divorce had been a bad one. We had never talked about it. Just that she had been alone for about seven months. Standing stone still, I said, "Let me show you. Let me make love to you. I'll be clumsy at first because I don't know what you like; what excites you. Let me taste you and show you how desirable you are to me." Although I could hardly believe those words came from me, I had finally said something positive. Me! The runner. She looked at me for the longest time without saying a word, but I could plainly see she was arguing with herself. Probably wondering why she should risk being hurt again, or some such thing. Then she turned, walked around the chair between us and the hallway, saying, "Come into the spare room in five minutes." Then she stopped walking, turned back to me, and added, "And love me." Then she left the room. Even with all that had just happened (the shower, the window, the towel-clad body, the robe and the talk) I was stunned. I was glad for the five minutes. It would take me that long to get my body to move from the spot to which I was firmly riveted. Shy old John was going to get to make love to this luscious woman. She would be in heaven if there was any possibility of it at all. She deserved confirmation of her sexuality and release from that age old itch and I was the guy who was going to do everything I could to make it happen. From a slightly dictatorial role, which I felt she needed for her self-esteem, I was going to love this lady into oblivion. IV Pam was on the bed, in her robe, on her back, head on a pillow, and looking at me when I came to the doorway. She giggled nervously and asked me if I thought I really needed twenty pounds of tools with me. That is the first time I realized I still had my tool pouch on my waist. I laughed, equally nervously, and took it off, along with my moccasins. Walking up to the side of the bed, I kissed her lightly on the lips and told her to turn over with her hands at her sides. Starting at her neck and shoulders, I did my best imitation of a masseur. Down her back to her waist and then back up to her shoulders and neck. As badly as I wanted to see and feel her skin, the robe stayed in place. Even as an amateur I could tell that her neck was more relaxed the second time there. Next I went down her arms, palms, and fingers. Someone once told me that pushing into the palm by the base of the thumb with your thumb, and rubbing in that little hollow there, was very pleasant and relaxing. I tried that for a couple of minutes on each palm. Then back up Pam's arms and down her back to her waist. By now I was on the bed, straddling her hips, because that was most comfortable for me. But I had to move down quite a ways in order to massage her legs. I left her ass alone (but I didn't want to) and did not force the robe between her thighs, but only massaged what could comfortably be reached. By the time I reached her feet Pam was laying with her face turned sideways. Every now and again I heard a very faint moan. When I massaged her feet, especially with my thumb in the soft part of the sole of each foot, she actually commented on how good that felt. Telling her to just lay there as she was, I got off of the bed on the side away from her face and undressed. When I was again straddling her feet, I worked my way back up her legs. The difference this time was that I was moving her robe up her body as I went. Instead of just massaging, I kissed the backs of her calves, licked the backs of her knees when I got to them, and kissed her thighs as they became exposed. I know she liked all of this attention because of the way she moved her sweet ass around in little movements all during the process. When I had to move further up her body, my cock dangled between her legs and she felt it. She lifted her head and looked back at it and then up at my face, smiling. By the time I got to the tops of her thighs and moved her robe up to her waist I'm sure she thought the sex would begin. But as difficult as it was, and it was, I never touched her ass. Instead I reached under her, untied the robe, pulled it out from under her body and down off of her arms. Finally, she was naked. When I moved up further to work my way up her back again, my now fairly erect cock rubbed along that delectable stretch of womanhood at the tops of her thighs and the base of her ass cheeks. But, I was only massaging my way to her neck again. While I was gently rubbing into her hairline Pam moved her left hand so that she was holding my very excited cock. She didn't fondle or rub, but just held it still. Instead of having her turn over, I decided to start from where she was. With kisses, I started back down toward her waist. Women, who I believe are so much more in touch with their bodies than are men, have so many places which are erogenous (or at least satisfying) that you could spend hours kissing and nibbling your way around until they ravished you. It's wonderful. This time when I got to her waist I didn't skip down to her thighs. I kissed all around her waist and hips, rubbed my face and hair all over her soft cheeks, and she was again demonstrably pleased. Finally, I couldn't wait any longer. Telling Pam to raise her hips up some, I started at the top of her pussy, wet-kissed all around her mound and on the super-soft skin of her thighs. About the time I had kissed down both sides and the logical next step was to lick her lips, she pushed her pussy back against my mouth and moaned, "Oh! Yes! Do it, please." Now came some more of the soft dictatorial stuff. "Do what, Pam?" "Kiss me in the center." "Kiss you where?" I wanted her to tell me exactly. I had already found out during our conversations the week before that she didn't seem to use sex words, so if I could force her to use them during sex, she would become either more excited or she would get angry. The odds were for getting more excited. "Keep kissing me down the center. You know what I mean." I kissed her again, Just at the top of her seam, but just a peck. "You have to tell me exactly where. Tell me, Pam!" She lifted her ass even higher (isn't it amazing how exciting it is to see a woman lift her ass to you.) "Kiss my lips, John. Please. Kiss them nice like you were just doing." To hear is to obey, right? And she moaned so nicely when my tongue flicked out and probed between pussy lips that were looking for an excuse to open. So nice, in fact, that I let my tongue linger there for a couple of minutes while she moved her hips, pleasuring herself. Then came time to move even lower. Although difficult, and kind of hard on the neck, reaching a tongue down to a waiting clit, from behind, has always resulted in the highest ass lift a woman can manage. I think it's because they find it incredibly sexy and satisfying. So do I. With my face almost completely buried in her, my first feel of Pam's soft inner flesh and the taste of her pussy was all it took to get me as hard as I ever get. I spent considerable time poking and prodding gently in her luscious folds with my tongue and lips. I pulled sections of her lips in between mine so that I could run the tip of my tongue back and forth across them. Now that I had her pussy scent all over my wet face, it came time for my planned next step. "Turn over, Pam." My voice was almost horse again with my own pent up lust. She turned over slowly. Now, for the first time I could see her pussy and her nice, nice breasts. Moving up the right side of her body, I put my wet face to hers and kissed her deeply. I could hear and feel her inhaling her aroma. She began licking around my lips and chin. This was my dream come true. A woman who believed, as I do, that sex is beautiful and should be experienced in all of its sounds, scents, feelings, tastes and splendor. Sitting back up next to her, I spent a good while just looking at her. She was so worth looking at. Smooth skin. Medium sized breasts with fairly dark areolas. Nipples that were already hard and I knew I would enjoy teasing with my mouth. Smooth shaven underarms that would be a momentary alternate place to lick and nuzzle as I consumed her. Her tummy was soft and pliant looking but I knew that if I could get her to come while I was licking and sucking on her pussy, my view up along her body would see a stomach with muscles taught, ridged in strain, pushing out her needed release against my hungry mouth. It was time to get started again. "Hold your right breast for me and put your right arm up over your head, Pam." When she complied I bent down for my first contact with her breasts. Rubbing my face over her breasts while I inhaled her scent was very pleasurable, for both of us I think. Then I licked along the underside of each breast. Pam had to move her hand slightly to accommodate me, but began playing with her own nipple while I was busy. That sight was very exciting to watch. For a couple of minutes I just continued nuzzling her while I watched her fingers playing with her nipple. When I moved my head up toward that nipple, she moved her fingers away and repositioned her hand to feed me her breast. As my lips closed around her nipple she moaned and lifted her chest up to me. Almost instantly, her nipple got very firm and I rubbed the tip with my tongue as if trying to memorize each wrinkle of skin. "Do the other one," Pam said. "The other one, what?" I replied, still pressing for 'dirty' talk from her. "Suck my other nipple. My other tit," and with that she moved her hand to her other breast. "This one here?" I said as I closed my obviously exposed teeth gently on her left nipple. Pam immediately thrust upward again and moaned, "Oh, yes. Oh that feels so-o-o good." Before I went further on that nipple I moved up a bit more and buried my face in her right arm pit. It was soft, slightly stubbly, and very sensitive to the touch of my tongue. What also felt good to me was the fact that now her right breast was in the crook of my neck and shoulder, and I could feel her erect nipple as she twisted her upper body around to watch my tongue, and made little sounds in her throat. Back at her nipple again I said, between nips and sucklings, "This is one of life's most gentle pleasures, Pam. Nursing on a beautiful woman and relaxing from all of the built up tensions of the day." "I like it, too." she said, and continued with, "Maybe there are other places you could find gentle pleasure in." Of course she was exactly correct, and I began to kiss my way down her body. It took me a while because I had to rub my face everywhere as well as kiss and lick various delectable looking spots. Since I didn't seem to be moving along quite as purposefully as Pam wanted, she moved herself under me until my face was just over her pubic hair. OK. I needed some time to look at her pussy anyway, so I shifted myself to be in the best position as she opened her legs to provide room for me to lay between them. Her pussy was slightly open; enough for me to see the nub of her clit and some of her inner lips. The hair was clipped fairly short and was the same color as the hair on her head. The hair went down both sides of her pussy, getting more sparse as I looked down toward the base. At the bottom seam, there was no hair at all, but there was a little glistening of moisture. Oh how I wanted to taste that wetness again. But not yet. Then, as if impatient, Pam reached down with both hands and opened her pussy, slowly. Of course my own excitement recharged to see her touching herself. But also there was the slow-motion parting of her lips and the revealing of that heavenly flesh of which my dreams had been made for weeks. Her clit became more exposed from its hood as Pam opened herself, although it was still shy. I knew that later it would retreat as her excitation increased toward orgasm and I wanted to watch that process from just this vantage point. Her outer lips pulled away from her inner lips with just the same kind of resistance that would happen later when I would withdraw my cock from her and part of her pussy would try to hold me back. But the parting continued until her inner lips also began to spread. The coral color or her tissue was deepening as I watched which must mean that her blood was rushing to this glorious spot to make it very warm and very soft. Looking up at Pam's intense face I said, "What a marvel a woman's pussy is." Then I looked back down again. Moving her hips up toward me some, Pam asked, "How long are you just going to look at it?" "You don't understand, my love." I said. "You only get to see this in a mirror, from a distance. I can see individual little drops of your lubrication, your pussy juice, as they form. And little tiny wrinkles that help your cunt stretch around my cock when I enter you. And the color changes. And the fragrance of you. Tell me what you want, love. Tell me what will make you happy." "Love me with your mouth." she said, kind of softly. "Tell me in clearer terms, Pam." "Lick me and kiss me down there." a little louder this time. "Down where?" I asked, all innocence. Opening herself with her fingers even more than she was, and splaying her legs wide apart, Pam finally said, "Lick my pussy, damn it. Lick my pussy - please." The second my tongue licked very lightly under her clit, up-down, up-down, quickly like that, she fell back down on the bed. Her hips began an up and down motion that she may not have even realized she was making. And she moaned, "Oh, god, that feels so good. Ohhhh, it's good." Now I started my grand tour of this lovely nest of warmth and sweetness. With some extra saliva on the tip of my tongue, my exploration began at the very bottom of Pam's pussy, where all of the little, fine hairs make it seem drier than the rest of a woman's pussy. Little flutterings and pokings of my tongue. Then pushing in just enough to feel the puckered entrance to her cunt with its sweet liquid slickness. Pam moved her whole body more toward my face as if trying to impale herself on my tongue, but I instantly pulled back just enough to keep the touch light and enticing. After just a few more moments of this my tongue traveled up the left side of her lips, between the outer and inner, at the very base of the fold where they are very sensitive. Her moanings became stronger and more steady, in time with her labored breathing. Once at the top, I licked up and down the length of her clitoral shaft a few times. Up came her hips to increase the pressure of my tongue. On her third arch my movements shifted again to about an inch below her clit and slowly up to the tip of this most lively and sensitive organ. Just as she was saying, "Oh yes. Keep doing that. Keep going." I moved back down to the bottom of her pussy again and repeated the exact same process coming up between her right lips; digging down between the folds and causing more moans and pleadings. This time when I was again licking slowly up to the base of Pam's clit, and she was moaning for me not to stop, her voice was more desperate. "I've got to come! Don't stop this time, John! Keep licking right there. Please, don't stop." There is no way I would have stopped at that point. She was almost yelling at me in sexual frustration at being held back from her orgasm. I kept licking up, from an inch below her clit to the tip of it. But slower and slower. Her back was arched as she looked down at me with blind and misted eyes. Her stomach muscles were completely tensed and her breathing was now more like gasping. She was repeatedly clenching her abdominal muscles, making little wet popping sounds at the entrance to her cunt. By pushing down a little with my chin I could feel this wondrous, automatic reaction that will milk a man dry. "I'm going to come," she gasped. "Oh, sweet fuck I'm going to come." Keeping the pace very slow despite the thrashing of Pam's wanton hips, my tongue pressed harder against her inflamed tissue. Suddenly her hands, which hadn't touched my head in all of this time, were firmly around the back of my head holding me tightly against her spasming flesh. Her face contorted with what looked like agony, but was really the release of a tremendous build up of long stored tension. There was no need for me to move at all. Pam was doing all of the work for her release now. Holding my head firmly in place, almost smotheringly tight against her, she fucked her hips up and down, up and down against my lips, chin, and nose. I loved it! Pam's final release was so intense, so slow in triggering, and causing such violent shudders in her gorgeous body that it may actually have been painful for her. But that is supposed to be the pain of abject delight. And I had helped her get there. After about 30 or 40 seconds of really hard spasming this sweet woman fell back on the bed as if she had been cold-conked with a baseball bat. With my head released from her desperate grip I began again, firmly but slowly, to lick up the come from her lovely, sweet pussy. Even though I tried not to touch her clit directly, knowing it would now be very tender and uncomfortable to touch, each time I came too near it was as if an electric jolt had coursed through her body, eliciting a sharp gasp and protective movement of her hands to push me away. But I continued to lick her slowly to bring her down from number one orgasm as sweetly as I could. Finally, Pam whispered hoarsely, "That was fantastic. I've never in my whole life come so hard. Thank you, thank you, thank you." While still licking up Pam's glorious pussy I said, "You did most of the work, especially there at the end when you about humped my face off." Raising her head and looking down at me with obvious concern she asked if she had hurt me. When I asked her how she thought such a sweet, succulent pussy could possibly have hurt me she smiled with a Cheshire cat, sensuous look and lay back again. All this time I had been laying with my arms under her thighs, up along her torso, with my hands on her scrumptious breasts. Her legs had moved some during her build up and orgasm, but not like they did now. She splayed her knees and brought them all the way up to her chest. This raised her ass off of the bed and opened the entrance to her cunt so that I was able to push my tongue deeper into her than I had been able to before. Pam's come was viscous, sweet, with a slight metallic taste, and my penetration elicited little hip swishes from my lovely Pam. "You taste so-o-o go-o-o-d," I told her as I moved my hands from her breasts to the backs of her knees. Pushing down on her legs, tighter against her chest, caused her ass to raise ever farther off of the bed. There, fully open and exposed within easy reach of my tongue and lips and nose, was the glorious womanhood I had fantasized about for weeks. V "I love you looking at me with that look you have, but keep licking me. I'm very sensitive." "Where are you sensitive?" I asked. "Back to that, again, are we?" she asked. "My vagina. When you lick me I'm sensitive. I like it. Keep licking my vagina. My pussy! Is that better?" "Much better," I said between lickings and probings. "And more exciting. Besides, you said 'Sweet Fuck' a few minutes ago when you weren't paying attention." "I did? I did. It's your fault for getting me so excited." "Did you ever notice, Pam, how it's always the man's fault? I didn't do anything" "Just Mr. Innocent, right? Speaking of innocent, how about you? I want to feel you filling me up. I want you to come inside me," she said, looking down at me again. "Come up here and let me love you now." "After you come again, I want to lick you some more," I said. "That is so sweet, but I can never come more than once. Come up here and stick it in me and do me. Fuck me. Let me fuck you and make you happy, too." Moving up her body between her splayed legs I marveled, as I always do, at how wonderfully flexible a woman's body is. My groin was now tightly up against hers, my thighs on either side of her ass cheeks with her calves up by my shoulders. Looking down at this piece of unmatchable art treasure, my hands just had to stroke her splayed thighs, tummy and breasts. Pam put her hands on top of mine and mashed them to her. "You are beautiful, Pam," I said. "And a complete sexual turn-on." "And you are every bit the lover you said you were" Pam said very quietly. "And you have a very wet face that I want to lick clean for you," she added, smiling. So I lay down over her so that she could do just that. And she again audibly inhaled her fragrance from my face before she began to bathe me with her warm tongue. I sat back up long enough to wet my cock and stroke it a few times. Then I paused with it at the entrance to her still gleaming cleft. When she felt the head of my cock at her entrance she put her hands at my sides and tried to raise her hips up to me to skewer herself on my stiff cock. That didn't get her very far because her legs were still up at my shoulders, so she moved her hands to the back of my neck and pulled me down on top of her again. That, of course, completed the penetration. It was so exquisite that we both just lay still for a moment experiencing our separate feelings; me reveling in the warm clutch of her tight sheath, she feeling the expansion of her sheath with the fullness of my hot cock. Both of us moaned. Me very quietly because I'm the turned inward kind of guy even though I want a woman to be vocal. She was experiencing a long, guttural moan that really turned me on even more. Then she moved her hips, sort of pivoting on the curve of her back. I raised myself up on my hands so that I had no contact with her except where we were joined. Slowly out, full length, and then slowly back in to heaven. Over and over. I was watching my cock as it moved in and out of Pam. I love watching that. I am a very visually oriented man. When I looked up at Pam, she was watching my face with great concentration. "Look down at your pussy, Pam. Watch how your lips try to keep me from pulling out, and how they suck me back in when I come down to you again." After watching for a minute or so she looked back at me, with a pleased look on her face. "You're beautiful," she said. "Your sweet cock is filling me up. My pussy loves your cock," she finished. Moving my hands from outside her thighs to inside her thighs I told her to put her legs down. When she had her feet on the bed again I started moving in her again, this time with more pressure on her clit. We kissed each others lips and faces for a time while I moved slowly in and out of her. At one point I bent my head down and sucked and nibbled on her left nipple. Pam arched her back to help me nurse on her. Because my fucking motion was interrupted during this pleasurable interlude, she began really moving her hips purposefully, fucking me when I wasn't fucking her. When I finished with her now stiff and puckered nipple, she let me do the moving again. Now, though, each time I came down to her, I purposefully pushed against her pubic bone. After only a few strokes like that, she said," That feels good." In another minute or so, she had moaned a couple of times and was now fucking me back. That's when I knew she could come again. Finally she realized it, too. "Oh, god, that feels good. I think I'm going to come again." She spoke these words with some of the same strain in her voice as she had earlier. Her head was sort of rolling around, in time to our stroking, as if she was listening with abandon to a slow piece of sensuous music. She looked so beautiful and I was so excited that I could make her feel that way. And she was going to come more than just twice if I had my way. If I could last that long! Now she was moving very forcefully, fucking her hips up to my cock. Her hands were kneading my ass cheeks as she pulled me as far into her as she could. Her head wasn't just rolling now, it was thrashing. Moans in time to our movements. Stomach tightening and back arching. "Your sweet pussy is going to be so good to you again," I whispered in her ear. "Wrap you legs around mine," I told Pam. Then, when she had done that and I was in her death-like grip and having MY ass fucked off, I told her to put her hands up over her head. Then I put my arms under her uper arms and over her wrists, with my hands holding hers. Stretched out this way, with her arms pinned over her head, Pam was totally helpless. "Now you can't get away from me," I said huskily in her ear. "After you come, what do you think I'm going to do?" I asked her. "I don't know," she gasped. "come, too?" "No. I'll want to check to see if we did really good together." She was now moaning almost constantly. She didn't want to think, just feel. "How am I going to know if we did good?" Pam started to say she didn't know, again, but then she looked right in my eyes and said, "You're going to go down on me again? Is that it?" When I nodded and looked like there was more that she should add she said, in a very horse voice, "You're going to suck the come out of my pussy." She was very close to orgasm, now, and she gasped. "You're going to suck and lick my pussy and taste my come!" I just nodded and started pounding into her, banging into her pubis relentlessly. That did it. Her orgasm began ripping through her body. I let go of Pam's hands and she immediately locked them around my neck, crying as her release washed through her, taking longer this time than her first had. The contortions of her face and the thrashing of her head told of her gut-wrenching release. VI As she calmed down, I kissed the tears from her cheeks and eyes. I was still moving slowly in her. Not just to bring her down gently, but to both relish in the extra resistance to my movement her second orgasm had caused, and to keep her up enough to start on the third one in a few minutes. "That was so good. Better than the first one." Looking at me lovingly, but seeming to have trouble focusing, she continued, "I've never had two orgasms before in my life. I'm destroyed." "No. You're not destroyed," I replied, "You're a sexy, partially satiated, tasty tart and I'm the lucky bastard who happens to be the consumer of all of your treasures." Oh, how lucky, I thought. "But, I'm not wet enough inside. You didn't come, yet!", she exclaimed. "I want you to come, too. I want you to be as happy as I am. As you made me." "I want that, too, baby, but not yet. I want to be in you as long as possible," and I meant that. We lay quietly, with most of my weight off of her and just little movements from me, for about five minutes. I was actually starting to get soft. Then I told Pam to bring her knees up to her chest, again. That it was taste time. She watched my every move then as if trying to memorize every subtlety of the action as I lifted my self off of her, slowly pulled out my cock, and moved down the bed so that my mouth was right over her wide open pussy. She had her hands around her thighs and her neck craned to look down at me as I lowered my face to her inviting cauldron. The whole area of her pussy was so hot I could feel the heat intensity increase as I started a long, luxurious lick from the bottom of her pussy to the top. She flinched when I went over her clit, but watched me with rapt attention. Especially when I stiffened my tongue, stuck it as far out of my mouth as I could, and pushed it straight into her cunt entrance. Back on the bed she flopped, moaned how good it felt, and then looked down at me again. I wet her thoroughly with saliva, put my tongue deep inside her again, and then went up her body to her face without retracting my tongue. As if she knew I wanted her to suck her come off of my tongue, she moved her face up to mine and sucked my tongue into her mouth. Between licking her steamy pussy and having her suck on my tongue I was hard again. "Wet my cock with your saliva and push it back inside your body again, Pam," I ordered her. When she grabbed my cock with her wet hand to insert me into her she said in wonderment, "God but you're hot!" "You made me that way. With your wonderful body. If there is a next time, I want you to be on your hands and knees, with your ass high in the air and vulnerable, your back arched so that your breasts are flat on the bed, and your knees spread wide. Then, after I finish licking your gorgeous pussy from behind, I'm going to fuck you like an animal. I'll bang against your ass and your whole body will shiver from each impact. And I'll drink in the sight with my eyes. And I'll grab your ass cheeks and your tits and play with your clit until I have no strength left. Then you'll get on top of me and lower your steaming pussy to my mouth so that I can lick and tongue-fuck you all I want. Then you'll slide down and fuck your cunt up and down my cock until I come." After a slight pause, I added, wistfully, "I'll like that a lot." "You'll like that a lot! I'll like that a lot!" said Pam. She was starting to move with me a little. "I don't understand this," she said. "I feel like I can come again. This is so-o-o-o good." "Pam," I said, "I never had a doubt that you could come as many times as your body can stand. I like being right." For a long while we just moved slowly. Her hands moved around my body, almost aimlessly, but arousing me further. When her murmurings became more impassioned, and her hip movements more purposeful, I asked her to lock her legs around mine and put her hands above her head again. She looked into my eyes the whole time I very slowly wound my arms through hers, one at a time, to stretch her out and pin her to the bed. Her upper body was in frozen expectancy while her lower body was humping against me more and more urgently. Finally I had her fully stretched out and weighted down. I absolutely LOVED the feeling of her under me. Her stomach and breasts strained against mine as she moved against the restriction of my hold on her. "Now I can fuck your cunt and you can't stop me." She moaned and move wantonly under me. "I can have my way with your body." She arched her back and pushed her breasts against my chest, continuing to moan, louder now. "When I decide to come inside you you will have no choice but to let me." Now she was really thrashing, looking at me wildly, eyes glazed, face muscles tensed. "And after my cock has spewed my come inside of you I'm going to want you to lick your come and my come off of me." Over the edge she went. Not as powerfully as the first two, but apparently satisfying. Then my own orgasm started to build. My cock suddenly expanded and her eyes flew open, even in the mellow afterglow of her own release. "Yes! Come in me!" she demanded. "Fill me up with your come!." And then she tightened her pussy even more than before and tried to hold me in, immovable. As the ecstasy built up within me, I stroked slower and slower. Short strokes, staying as deep in her body as I could. My face must have been down in Pam's neck because she said, "Look at me. I want to see you come." I raised myself off of her still heaving body, and tried to keep my eyes open and locked to hers as I began spasming in her heavenly sheath, high up in her warm body. "Yes. Yes. Oh, that's beautiful," she said in a horse utterance. "You're coming in me. I can feel the sweat bursting out on your back. Oh! That's gooood." Finally I collapsed on top of her. Then I realized I must be crushing her and tried to lift myself up. She pulled me back down with her arms and said, "No. No, baby. I want to feel you on me and in me. I have never been so loved. My whole body is tingling and if you don't hold me down I'll float away." How I've always wanted some beautiful woman to say that to me. And now I was hearing the words. And vowing that I would hear them again. From Pam, maybe. Soon. Please watch for other stories from me like The Handyman, Again and My Precious Neighbor and At Risk With Lena (three installments so far) and Eva. See if this fine site has an "Authors" list which will bring up all of my stories. If you have comments about my writing, let me know at I promise to respect your e-mail privacy. My stories may not be used for any commercial purposes without my express permission.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from JEdwins

Lois Wins

Lois Wins 07/24/99 Chapter: I Lois sat reading at her desk, taking advantage of the fact that it was quiet in the house. Nick wasn't at home and the kids were still at school. At least once a week she tried to have at least two hours with nothing scheduled so that she could read. What most people would have been surprised at, especially her family, is what she

My "Niece" Eva

I When I was almost 6 years old, I was adopted by two people who already had two sons who were 17 and 19. I’m not sure if they felt at the time that “having” another child would save their marriage or not, but it didn’t. Anyway, of my two “brothers”, one cared about me then and we are still very close today as older adults. The other . . . When my older “brother's” wife suddenly

My Precious Neighbor

Nancy was a little older than I, and my next door neighbor of almost 5 years. She and her husband, Pete, had had a marriage with some real obstacles since each had remarried some years before. A few of the problems were self-evident to anyone who observed the two of them for a while, but some were not so easy to discern. Like the fact that Nancy generally took the low

The Handyman

I was one of those young guys who always dropped pencils in class, dreamed about hiding in the girls locker room at the pool, and thought about sex 25 hours a day. Did I do anything about it? Never! I had no line, no guts, and was incredibly shy. Even in the Air Force, I ran from sure things, twice. Once in a girl's apartment in Minnesota, my arriving to take her

The Handyman Part 2

It's been a while since last I wrote. Now I'm retired from my regular labors in the world of business and depend full time on my Handyman business. Although there have been very few opportunities like the one that occurred with Pam (the occasion of my first writing) I've had some chances to be alone with some really foxy ladies while I earth quake proofed their water


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