Gay Erotic Stories

The Police Officer

by DutchBoy

Author's Note: This is really part two of "The Chess Player", as it took place immediately after the incident in the motel with the chess game. Thought you'd like to know that in case you're keeping score. * * * * * As I got into the front seat of our BMW, I made no effort to cover my legs with my dress. It had settled comfortably about two-thirds up my thighs. I knew Patrick enjoyed looking at my exposed skin, at my long, silk-encased legs, and there was no reason to cover them up. As we drove along, his right hand rested on my left knee. I parted my legs just a bit, in case he wanted to go higher. I always try to make myself accessible to whoever has their hand on my body. Always! "Bet a button?" My husband asked. Now, I should probably explain what "bet-a-button" means. We often play this game, especially when I'm wearing a dress that buttons up the front. As a prelude to our game, Patrick will often bet me a button that a certain event will take place. If he wins, I undo a button off my dress, either from the top or the bottom, my choice. If I win, I get a monetary payoff, fifty dollars usually. Now the dress I was wearing that night had twelve buttons, all fastened. The top button was affixed about two inches from my neckline; the bottom one was about two inches from the hem. As I mentioned, this dress, when buttoned all the way, was quite respectful, but as they came undone, the dress gave way to a more sexual quality. "On what?" I replied. "Oh, I don't care. You pick something." "Pull over here." Patrick curbed the car, facing a small grocery store. "Look at me," I said. "How can I help looking at you," he replied with a grin. "Next person out of the store across the street. Man or woman?" "Man." We both turned to watch the store. The front door opened. A man walked out. I'd lost that one. I reached down to the hem of the skirt and undid the bottom button. Patrick smiled. "Looks like I'm off to a good start." He glided our BMW back into traffic. I didn't mind losing, but I hated the smugness on my husband's face. I began looking for another opportunity to place another bet. I didn't have to wait long. I spotted a car pulling into a liquor store. "Patrick, driver gets out and goes into the store!" My husband looked over at the car, still not yet parked and replied, "Deal, but for double stakes." "Done," I replied. We watched as the car parked, and the passenger side door opened. Damn! I'd lost again! "That'll be two buttons, ma'am." "I know. I can count." I undid one more off the bottom, and one from the top. I was still pretty respectably dressed. I could easily go into any store without raising eyebrows. As we continued to our destination, Patrick teased me some more. "Care to try to win back your honor?" He is such a prick! He knew I didn't mind undoing my dress, but I absolutely hate to lose a bet. Yeah, I wanted a chance to avenge myself. "What did you have in mind?" "Nothing really, just wanted to know if you were still game for the game? "Yeah, I'm game. Pull over." Once more, Patrick stopped our car. "What did you have in mind, sweetie?" I didn't really have a plan, but I didn't want him to know. I sort of made it up as I went. “I'll bet you three buttons that I can make a car stop for me in less than a minute." Patrick thought about that for a second. This had possibilities, but there was also an element of danger, and Patrick always tries to keep me safe, even on adventuresome nights like that one was. "Okay, but if someone stops, you get back in this car immediately." With that, I was out of my seat belt and out of the car in a flash. I started to walk down the street, heels clicking, my dress whipping in the wind. I didn't make any overt effort to stop a vehicle, even though there was nothing in the bet to say I couldn't. I know this world well enough to know that any man driving past me on this highway would stop his car to offer me assistance, even if it meant dumping his wife and kids on the side of the road! And I was right. I hadn't taken twenty steps when I heard a car pull off the road behind me. I knew Patrick was close by, so I wasn't worried. I turned around, however, and was surprised to see who'd stopped for me. It was a police cruiser! I smiled at the officer behind the wheel, and turned to walk back toward our car, parked just a few feet behind the cop's car. As I walked past the passenger side of the patrol car, the officer got out of his vehicle. "Excuse me, ma'am. I need to talk to you." I started to explain to him that my husband was right behind him, parked about a half-block away, but thought better of the idea. After all, it is kind of hard to explain some of the games Patrick and I play, especially to a straight citizen like I was sure this guy was. I decided to see what this scenario would hold for me. "Yes, sir?" He came around the back of his car to the side I was standing on. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, how virile looking in his uniform. There's something about a man in leather and brass, and the gun made him look sooo rugged! I could feel my pussy start to juice. "Are you in some sort of trouble, ma'am?" "Oh, no, officer. I was just taking a short walk." I realized how lame that sounded. But at that point, there was no way to make it sound better. "May I see some identification, please?" His voice was becoming more formal. And it was then I realized I didn't have my purse. It was in the car with Patrick, and Patrick wasn't coming to my aid. I stalled for a moment, thinking of how to handle this. I needn't have worried. My policeman was doing the thinking for both of us. "You do have some I. D., don't you?" "Well, no, not exactly. You see, I left my purse somewhere." "Ma'am?" "Well, I I have no I. D., officer. Sorry." I knew that wouldn't be good enough, but then, I also knew that if push came to shove, Patrick would rescue me. "I'm going to have to ask you to step inside my car." "Are you arresting me?" "No, but I want to get you off the side of the street. It isn't safe to be standing here. We could get hit by an oncoming vehicle. Please step inside my car." I absolutely loved the way he spoke. His voice was so calm, yet so controlling. He was in charge, and I was being told what to do. But this was not the time for fantasy, and I knew I had to get control of the situation back. "Officer, I really don't think that will be necessary. My husband..." I never finished the sentence. The police officer took my left hand, and before I knew what was happening, he'd slapped a handcuff on it, and bringing it around behind me in the same motion, he'd cuffed my right hand also. In the blink of an eye, my hands were suddenly cuffed behind me, and I stood helpless on the side of the road. "Sorry, ma'am, but I must have your cooperation. We're looking for a woman who robbed a liquor store a few blocks away and fled on foot. Now, please get inside the car." I didn't know what to say, or how to react. Patrick was still inside our car, and even now, with the escalation of this situation, he had made no move to get out and come to my rescue. Fine, I'll go along with this. After all, I hadn't done anything wrong. I was sure I'd be able to clear this up as soon as we got inside the officer's vehicle. I started to walk over to the side door when the cop spoke again. "Wait just a second, ma'am." He walked up behind me, and I was totally unprepared for what happened next. I felt his hands touch the top of my shoulders, and start to pat me down, along the arms, under them, and down my side. He brushed over my breasts, down across my stomach, and around my waist. They continued to feel my buttocks, and then, to my surprise, he reached around in front of me and felt the front of my dress, running his hands over my pussy. Next, he ran his hands down my legs, first on the outside, and then, on the way back up, on the inside. Again, his hand touched my pussy, although still through the thin material of my dress. But I was wearing no panties, so when his hand came into contact with my cunny, I know he could feel the pussy hairs right through the dress! "Sorry, ma'am, but regulations require I do a preliminary search for weapons. Please get in the car now." I was speechless. In less time than it takes to light a cigarette, this police officer had felt my body's most intimate places, and touched my pussy twice! And now, I was being placed in the front seat of a squad car, and treated like a criminal. Before I could say anything else, the door was closed, and my police officer was coming around to the driver's side. He got in, picked up a clipboard, removed a pen from his pocket and prepared to write. It was then he noticed my dress had come up when I got in his car. With my hands cuffed behind me, I could not pull it down. The tops of my stockings were visible on my right leg, and the white flesh above the stocking was exposed on the left one. If my being exposed like this bothered the officer, he certainly didn't indicate it. He glanced down at my legs, and then back at his clipboard. "Name?" I started to lie, but this was not the time, nor the place to get cute. I started to worry about just where this might lead. "I said, I need your name, ma'am." "Rachael. Rachael Blaine." I gave it to him. "You live in Dallas?" "My husband...we were just going to the movies..." I didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell him about the bet, but by now, I was getting scared. He might not understand. He might think it unusual that a husband would make bets like Patrick and I'd made. I decided to put together a reasonable story. "My husband and I had a minor difference of opinion. I got out of the car, and started walking down this street. And that's when you stopped me. That's why I don't have my purse. It's in the car with him." "And where is he?" "He was parked about half a block behind us when you stopped me." The officer looked in his rear view mirror. "You all drive a red BMW?" "Yes, sir." The cop picked up his microphone from the console. He called in our license plate number. Within seconds, the radio rasped out Patrick's name and our address. The cop replaced the mike and putting his car in reverse, backed up to where Patrick was sitting in our car. "I'll be right back," he said, exiting the prowl car. I couldn't see much from where I was sitting. I could see Patrick hand his driver's license to the officer, and I could see them talking. Then the officer handed back my husband's license, shook hands, and walked back over to the patrol car. Getting back into the car, I noticed a difference in the officer's attitude. Before, he had seemed overly cautious, almost too polite. Now he seemed friendlier, much nicer. I was confident Patrick had straightened the whole thing out. "Your husband explained to me what you all were doing. Did he tell me the truth?" "Well, I don't know what he told you, but I'm sure it was the truth. Patrick doesn't lie." "He told me that you were walking on the side of the street to see if you could get a man to stop in less than a minute. Said that you and he had a bet going. Is that the truth?" "Yeah, I guess that's about it." "He also told me that you like being handcuffed. That true also?" "Sometimes. Are you going to let me go now?" "Well, in a minute. In a minute. First, I want to tell you how much trouble you could have been in." "Look, officer, I appreciate your time, and I really think you're nice, but if you don't mind, could we skip the good citizen routine and let me go now. I really don't have a lot of time for this sort of crap." I don't know what possessed me to say those things to him. I guess I was just getting tired of this game, and wanted to get back in the car. By now, I didn't really even want to go to the movie. I was getting out of the mood, and getting out quickly! The cop looked surprised by my outburst. "You know, your husband said you could be a real bitch! I thought he was just being a typical married guy, but I believe he was right." "Fuck you. Just undo these cuffs, and I mean, undo them now!" "Well, ma'am. It's not nice to talk to police officers like that. It's not nice, and it's not legal. I'm afraid I'm going to have to book you for that." Saying that, he reached down for the ignition and started the engine. "Wait! What are you doing?" "Why, I'm going to take you to jail. Let's see how cute you are in a cell with hookers, drunks, and druggies." "Wait. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude to you. Please don't take me to jail." "Well, I don't know. I really should book you. I mean, you did break the law and it's not like we were friends or anything. I really should run you in." I suddenly understood. I knew what he wanted me to do. And just as suddenly, I was in the mood again! This would be fun. "Please, officer. Isn't there anything I could do for you to make us friends? I really do want to be your friend!" "Well, Gosh, ma'am. I don't know what it would be. You got any ideas?" "If you undid my cuffs, I'm sure I could think of something." I was really getting into this. I'd never fucked a cop in uniform, and the idea was turning me on something fierce! "Oh, I couldn't undo the cuffs while you're in my custody. If you thought of something, something that would make us friends, you'd have to be able to do it without hands." "I can't unzip your fly without using my hands." "Well, maybe I could help you with that," he said as his fingers went to the tab on his zipper. I waited with anticipation as he pulled down the closure that confined his cop dick inside his pants. Reaching inside his trousers, my policeman withdrew a very nice, firm cock, and laid it on the outside of his pants. "There. That help?" I leaned forward, and to the side. My hands were still cuffed behind me as my mouth made contact with the cop's cock. I spent a few moments kissing it lengthwise, and enjoying the sensation of it as it jerked and started to gain size right before my eyes, or should I say, "mouth?" I lifted it with my lips, and worked it inside my oral cavity. It gained rigidity as my lips worked up and down, in and over, and outside my mouth. It glistened with the love juices my mouth was making for his hard cock. I wanted to touch it so badly, to hold it in my hands. As I continued sucking him, I wanted to run my nails down the shaft, over the sac of balls I could now not see or touch, and still further south, to his ass hole. I wanted to touch his ass hole, to feel its rubbery texture with my fingers, with my tongue. His cock was rock hard now, and he plunged it into my willing mouth! I lifted my head of his dick. "Please, undo the cuffs so I can handle this giant!" His answer was unspoken. Taking his hand, he placed it on the back of my head, and firmly pushed my face back down to his crotch. He wanted no more interruptions. I understood. Sucking now with all the talent I possessed, I pulled his dick hard into my throat. My husband tells me no one can suck a cock like I can, and I meant to live up to that praise. His hard dick fucked my mouth! There was nothing else I could do. His hand held my head in place. His bucking hips kept delivering his loaded cock to the back of my throat. I felt his throbbing dick start to inflate. I knew he was going to shoot, and judging from the thickness of his man meat, I knew it would be a huge load. I was ready! And I was right! Once he started unloading his cum in my mouth, there seemed to be no end to it. I swallowed as fast as I could, and for a moment, I was pretty sure that I would not be able to handle it all. Most of it went in my mouth, down my throat, but a little bit, just a little, slipped down his cock, and settled around the base. I managed to swallow what I had in my mouth, and lick up the spillage. When I finished, his cock was already deflating. I knew he was done for a while. Mmmmm! Cop cock! I'd always wanted to do that, and now I had. I sat back up in my seat. Licking the corners of my mouth, I spoke for the first time in minutes. "Can you un-cuff me now?" Instead of reaching for the key for the cuffs, he reached over and undid one more button on my dress top, and two more on the bottom. "Your husband told me you lost three more buttons, and asked me to assist you in the undoing. As for the cuffs, he has the key. This was his idea." I wasn't surprised. Patrick knows all my fantasies, and does his best to fulfill them whenever possible. He'd told the cop about our adventure, about the button bet, about my fantasy to suck off a cop in the front seat of a patrol car. And he'd given the officer permission to stick his cock in my mouth! No wonder I love him so! He did more than just open the buttons, though. He cupped my breasts in his hand, twisting the nipples around, pinching them, making them stand out, harder, redder than before. Then, when he got to the bottom buttons, he snaked his hand under my dress, found my pussy and shoved one finger inside it. "That's a tight squeeze, baby. I'll bet you're one fine fuck." I thought he was going to fuck me right then. I thought for sure he'd lift the hem of my dress, push me back on the seat, spread my legs, and ram his now hardening cock inside my wet, steamy cunt. But he didn't. Instead, opening the door on my side of the car, the young officer helped me out and walked me, hands still cuffed, to our car. As I got in, he leaned over me and told Patrick, "You were right. The bitch can suck a dick! Thanks." "No problem Wally. Next time, if the circumstances allow it, I'll let you fuck her." "I'd like that. Bet her pussy is tight." "It's tight enough to make a grown man cry." The two men were discussing me, my most intimate body parts, and laughing, like I was some street whore. I loved it! Officer Walter Simms reached across the seat, squeezed my breast one more time, and withdrew from the car. "Night, Phil, and thanks again." "No problem, Wally. Anytime." And he was gone. He hadn't even said goodnight to me, to the woman who'd just sucked his dick to a fare-thee-well, the woman whose mouth he'd used for his passion, and he didn't even say goodnight! I guess he didn't think manners matter with a slut. And I guess they don't! Patrick started the car. "Aren't you going to undo my cuffs?" "Why?" "I feel so vulnerable like this. Please undo them." Patrick's only response was to reach over to my skirt and slid it back, exposing my legs up to my pussy. Then he said the words that started my next orgasm. "No, I think I'll leave you like that for awhile. Who knows who I'll find that wants to fuck you, and with your hands behind your back you really won't be any trouble." Patrick drove down the street, making small talk with me, talking as if everything was normal. Everything was not normal, however! My dress only had six buttons left fastened, and I was virtually hanging out of it. My hands were cuffed behind my back. And my darling husband had opened the hem of my dress far enough to the point my pussy was exposed. As we drove, Patrick fondled my left breast, which was totally outside the confines of my dress. The only saving grace to all this was that it was dark outside. Of course, if a car pulled along side us, the driver would be able to see my breasts, and if it was a pickup or van, my pussy would be visible also. "Oh, my!" Patrick said with an air of mockery. "We only have 3/4 of a tank of gas. That won't do. I think I'll pull into that station and top off the tank." I knew we didn't have to stop. We could have driven all the way back to our house with that much gas. This unneeded pit stop was solely for the purpose of humiliating me, showing me off to other people. But I didn't mind. I never have been shy about exhibiting myself. The only thing that added an element of excitement to this was the fact that my hands were behind my back, and I couldn't stop anyone from touching me, or worse! As we pulled up to the pumps, Patrick completely lowered my window with the button on his side of the car. He stopped the engine and got out. "Gonna stretch my legs, babe. You want to get out?" He didn't wait for an answer. I was into exhibition, but not to the point of arrest. Besides, there was no one there except a young man and the cashier. Patrick went into the station, passing the boy on the way out to service the car. "Fill 'er up, and make sure you wash the windshield, son. Especially on my wife's side." "Yes, sir." The young boy made his way to the pumps. He inserted the nozzle, (from the gas pump, silly!) He was very young looking. I would guess him to be around eighteen. He was tall for his age, and I imagine he must have been almost six foot, two inches tall. And skinny as a rail! As he started washing the window, I knew he still hadn't seen me. But as he progressed to the middle of the screen, he suddenly stopped in mid motion. Bingo! He'd spotted me sitting there, and for at least five seconds he just stood and took in the picture I must have made. And why not? My skirt was pushed up to my pussy, and the top of my dress was open, both breasts visible, including the nipples, which were by that time rock hard! He slowly made his way over to my side of the car. As he washed the windshield, (much slower this time than he was when he was washing my husband's side) he managed to take his eyes off my body and notice my face for the first time. He seemed shocked when, instead of being angry with him for staring at my exposed body, my lips broke into a soft, sexy smile. I winked at him, and I swear I think I saw the bulge in his pants start to twitch! He was standing by my window, leaning over to wash the windshield, (ever so slowly). By now he noticed I had my hands behind my back. He couldn't know I was handcuffed, and must have taken my posture to be one of invitation. I broke the ice by speaking to him. "You did a good job on the window." He stammered out a weak, "Thank you, ma'am." "Am I embarrassing you?" I asked him. "Oh, no, ma'am. I was just thinking 'bout how beautiful you are. I don't think I've ever seen such a pretty set of...of...of..." "Tits?" I asked him with a definite flirt in my voice. "Yes, ma'am. Tits." "So you like them?" "Like 'em! I ain't never seen none that pretty, or that big. Sure I like 'em." Then he suddenly seemed to realize he was talking to a nearly naked woman, and her date was just inside the store. He suddenly seemed almost scared. I knew I could lose him if I wasn't careful. "Listen, sweetie...What's your name?" "Alex." "Listen, Alex. Could you do me a favor?" "Hell yes. What do you need?" "Well, as you can see, my hands are behind my back, and my right breast has a terrible need to be scratched. Would you mind helping me out of this predicament?" "Do what?" "Could you just scratch my right breast for a moment? It really does itch, and I really can't do it myself." He looked back toward the station's office. Patrick's back was toward us, and that was probably the only thing that allowed the boy to stand next to me. He was torn between wanting to touch me, and a genuine fear of my husband. Finally he found his voice. "You want me to scratch it?" "If you don't mind. You see, my husband handcuffed me behind my back, and I just can't make the itch stop!" He didn't need anymore prompting. His hand slipped inside the car, and found my right tit. True to my request, the boy scratched gently all around the firm white boob. My nipple started to get harder as the boy's hand became bolder. His fingers found my nipple, and started twisting it, firmly, but with a bit more pressure then I thought he would. A soft moan escaped my lips. "Oh, Alex. That feels so good. Do the other one too!" Now, to reach the left boob, he had to lean more into the car. And when he did, he saw my pussy was bare. He jumped like he'd just spotted a snake. "Hey, baby, it's okay. Just touch the left one now." "You ain't got no panties on!" "I know. You like the way my pussy looks?" "I ain't never seen a woman's pussy before." "You haven't! Well, take a good look. You like it?" He looked once more in Patrick's direction. Then, looking back at me, (or maybe at my pussy) he sort of whispered, "Can I touch it?" I didn't answer. Instead, I just smiled at the boy, leaned back against the seat, and spread my legs for him. He reached down and put one finger in my hairy area. As soon as his finger made contact, his hand jerked back, like he'd been bit. "Hey, sweetie, relax! It won't hurt you. Go ahead, feel it up real good. Make my pussy cry for you. You ever touched a pussy before?" "Course I have! I get around. I've just never touched a woman as old as you. I mean...I don't mean you're old, I just mean...I like your...It feels hot!" I could tell by how skittish he was that he'd never seen a real pussy, let alone touch one. But that didn't matter. What he lacked in experience he made up for with enthusiasm. His hand was fondling my cunt like he was a gynecologist. I was a bit surprised, however, when he slipped his middle finger inside me. And when he did, the knuckle on his thumb rubbed against my clitoris, making me hotter still. The boy's head was inside the car. I leaned forward just a bit and nibbled on his ear. And he jerked back again. This boy was nervous! He returned to his hand movements, and I returned to his ear. This time, instead of biting it, I ran my tongue around it, licking the lobes, and the nape of his neck. "Is there anything I can do for you?" I whispered against his neck, licking it, kissing it. His hand was all over my cunt now, but he hadn't established any sort of rhythm. It felt good, but I would never be able to achieve a climax with his method of pussy foreplay. He didn't answer my question, so I continued to whisper to him, to allow my words to be delivered to his ears on hot short breaths. "If you'll unzip your pants and pull your cock out, I'll give it a little kiss. Would you like that?" He didn't answer. Instead, he pulled his fingers out of my pussy, withdrew his head from the car and stood next to the window, looking back to the office window. Then, without looking back in to the car, I watched as he unzipped his pants, and pulled open the zipper. He put his hands on the top of the car, and leaned into me. "You've got to take your cock out, sweetie. I can't suck it if I can't reach it." "Oh, sorry ma'am. I'm a little nervous." With that he withdrew his stiff cock from inside his jeans. Now he might have been young, but that dick wasn't! It was larger than Patrick's! I was at eye level with his cock. "Now, lean into the car, sweetie, bring it close enough for me to suck." He didn't have to be told twice. His boy dick was just inches from my face. I made up the difference. Leaning over, toward the open window, (and invading cock) I allowed my mouth to be pierced by his hard penis. I could sense the boy had never had his cock sucked before. He'll never forget me, I thought. Patrick told me once that a man never forgets his first fuck or his first blowjob! As his cock sunk deeper inside my mouth, I became more aroused. I started to moan softly as I continued to suckle this young boy's hard penis. He was pumping his hips back and forth, trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. His balls were still inside his jeans. I would have loved to lick them too! His cock was getting excited, and I knew he wouldn't be able to hold off long. I tried to remember how long it had been since I'd sucked off a boy this young. As I continued to accept him in my mouth, my mind wandered back, back to the vacation we had taken in Jamaica last summer. The boy that summer had been young, too. I first thought he must be nineteen or twenty. It was not until after I'd already had him that his true age became known to me. I was horrified. I'd actually had sex with a boy that age! But he was certainly not built like a boy! It happened by accident, actually. This is not to say that I hadn't planned to get some strange cock while on vacation, it was only that I hadn't planned on giving my favors to a boy. His name was Julius. And he was beautiful. When we checked into our hotel room, it was Julius who had taken our bags up to our room. Patrick noticed me looking at the boy's cute ass, and asked me if I intended to rob the kiddie section while we were there. "Don't be silly! He's just a kid." "They grow up quick in the Islands, sweetie. And I know you've always wanted to be the first fuck of some kid. I don't mind if you want to fuck him." This didn't come as a shock. Patrick wouldn't mind if I fucked a kangaroo, as long as he could watch! As we followed the boy, I realized for the first time that he wasn't exactly white. He wasn't black either, sort of a mixture. "Mulatto," Patrick said. "What?" My husband's voice had broken into the private world of my fantasies. "Mulatto. Half black and half white." It amazes me how Patrick can always seem to know what I'm thinking. It's a good thing we have such an open relationship. If I ever saw someone I wanted to fuck, and didn't tell my husband, he'd know anyway. Luckily that's not a problem I ever face. Our deal is simple. I spot 'em, I come on to them, and I fuck 'em. Unless Patrick tells me otherwise. Only twice has he told me I couldn't fuck someone, and both times he was right. But right then, while watching the boy walk ahead of us, up the steps of the bungalow we had rented for the rest of the month, my mind was turning over the possibilities of tasting a bit of the Island, if you follow my drift! "He is kinda cute," I remarked to my husband. "And I'll bet he's hung like a horse!" Patrick replied. That was the end of the discussion about Julius, and for the next few weeks I spent most of my days on the beach and my nights either in the club near our house, or in bed, with my husband and our new found friends. It was not till I had a conversation with a new lover, Marci, that I learned the true nature of the Island boys. She and I were in bed, both of us blown away by an incredibly hot love making session, when the subject of Julius' brother came up. His name was Ramón, and there should have been a law against any person being that well built. Marci was telling me that Ramón was particularly adept at licking pussy, but that his real claim to fame rested on his seemingly inexhaustible hard-ons. Marci told me that Ramón had fucked both her and her husband, cum in both their mouths, as well as her pussy, her husband's ass, plus masturbated all over her breasts, neck and face! All in one evening. What she felt the worst about was that when the boy left their room that night, his cock was still bone hard! That's when she asked me if I'd fucked Julius yet. I felt really strange, having to say no, I hadn't seriously considered it, when Marci made the decision for me. "Well, if you're not going to use him, do you mind if I do? I've just gotta know if he's as good as his older brother." "No, Marci," I began, "I think I might have just the job for that young man. But you can certainly have him when I'm finished." "Great. Tell you what. You have a time with Julius, and then I'll send Ramón over to finish you off. Heavens knows I can't wear the boy out!" The next afternoon, Julius was up at the house, helping me prepare supper. I was wearing my string bikini, and an apron over it. From the front I looked quite domestic, but when I turned around, all you saw was the strings from the suit. My backside was almost totally naked, including my fine, taunt ass! I made sure I did a lot of turning around, too. I wanted to be sure Julius could see as much as me as he could use, in fact, I wanted to put him into overload. It didn't take long. He was sitting across from me as I was peeling a cucumber. After finishing the third one, I realized how much it looked like a cock, except for the color of course. (It's always been my policy to avoid green cocks.) I offered the cucumber to Julius, thinking he might be hungry. He declined to take a bite. So I did. I slowly brought the slimy peeled vegetable to my mouth, and slipped it past my lips, but not biting, only sucking, slurping, swirling my tongue around it and bobbing my head down the shaft. My point was not lost on the boy. His eyes had not left my lips since I'd begun the cucumber seduction! After about two minutes of this, I set the cucumber on the counter and motioned for him to come to me. "Yes'm?" He asked. "Julius, could your reach behind me and undo my apron strings, please?" He started to walk around behind me, but I stopped him. "No, sweetie, just reach around me." When he did, his face was less than an inch away from my breasts. I pushed forward, and closed that gap. The boy did not pull away, but rather seemed to bury his face in the valley between my two 38DD bikini cups. His hands fumbled around behind us, trying to find the right strings. I felt the strings loosen, but they were not the apron strings. Rather, he had undone the top to my bathing suit. As his face pulled away from my breasts, the top of my suit fell forward also. Now he was staring at my naked breasts. Now he could see my hardened nipples poking straight at him. I considered what to tell him next when I realized the boy was not as shy as he looked or acted. On his own power, Julius leaned forward and placed his mouth on my left nipple, while handling the right one with firmness but gentleness. He sucked my nipple into his mouth, as his fingers twisted the other with the dexterity of someone trying to open a safe, a box full of treasure. My hands found the tie that held his pants around his waist, and without breaking off his oral assault on my breast, I managed to loosen the tie, and let his pants fall around his ankles. I could not see the cock I had just freed, so when my hands plunged downward, into the space I imagined I would find his small, boy-like cock, I was mortified to find myself feeling a dick larger than my husband's. And this young man wasn't even fully hard yet! I pushed his head away from the sucking he was doing. It was my turn to suck now. I slid from the stool on which I'd been sitting, to the kitchen floor. Neither of us needed to be told what we wanted. I wanted to feel Julius' cock in my mouth, and he wanted to put it there! I sucked his hard dick for what seemed like an hour before we heard Patrick come in the front door. Julius hadn't come yet, but I knew he was close. At the point that I anticipated his squirting his load down my throat, the slamming of the front door scared my young lover to the point that he suddenly forced his cock into his pants, and headed for the window. Patrick came into the kitchen, realized what he'd interrupted and started to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked, pissed that I'd been cheated of my young lover's cum. "Nothing, really," my husband responded as his laughing started to subside. "I just can't believe a thirteen year old boy would try to fuck anyone like you!" "Meaning?" "Fuck, Rachael, when I was his age, I'd have been terrified of a woman who looked like you. I mean, you aren't the average woman you know." "I guess that's a compliment. And I wasn't trying to fuck him. I only wanted to taste his...What do you mean...thirteen?" "That's how old he is. I ran into Marci and Ron on the way back to the house, and Marci was bragging about her young island lover, someone named Ramón. Turns out he's Julius' older brother. Two years older. And Ramón is only fifteen!" I was shocked! I had been trying to seduce a child! But his cock wasn't the cock of a child. And he had gotten out the window before we completed anything, but still...My thoughts of Julius vanished as I continued to suck the gas station attendant through my car window. He was starting to convulse his penis now, and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I relieved this handsome youngster of his load and I wanted to swallow it all. I would have, too, had Patrick not chosen that very moment to come out of the station's office. My gas station lad was in the middle of shooting his load down my throat when he spotted my husband walking toward the car. "Oh, shit, lady. Your old man's coming!" Before I had a chance to tell him it's alright, that my husband didn't care if I sucked off a stranger, if I exposed my pussy to a man whose name I didn't know, if I gave up my pussy to a passing man, a man who I wouldn't ever see again. My husband didn't care, but the boy didn't wait to find that out. One moment I was swallowing the boy's hot come, the next his cock was gone, leaving only a small final shot of his juice hanging from my chin. Patrick got in the car. I was so frustrated. Twice in the last half hour, my mouth had been used, had been fucked, by males I would never see again, and neither one had the decency to say, "thanks." If my fantasy tonight was to be a whore, I was certainly getting it fulfilled! My husband, if he had noticed what was going on, didn't say anything. He started the car, put it into gear, and began moving toward the street. He stopped just before returning to traffic. Looking at me, he only said, "Tsk, tsk! Rachael, you are so sloppy sometimes. Look here." With that he reached over to my chin and scooped up the last remnant of the boy's excitement off my skin. Catching it with his fore finger, he only shook his head. And then fed it to me right off his finger. I took it eagerly! We were back on the street, heading toward the theater where Patrick would finish this night of forbidden passion. And I sat next to him, dress open, pussy and breasts exposed, hands cuffed behind my back, and wondering. Wondering if I would suck more cocks tonight. And wondering if I would ever get fucked! To Be Continued... Write me at


16 Gay Erotic Stories from DutchBoy

A Birthday Story

Yesterday was Rachael's birthday. She turned thirty-five, and I swear, she looks younger than when I met her nine years ago. Her firm body is just as firm, her proud breasts are still high and taunt, her bullet nipples still become likes little stones when she's excited, and these days she gets very excited, very often. I want to tell you how we celebrated her "coming" of age into

The Basketball Player

We had been up late the night before, Patrick, my husband, had brought home company. I wasn't really expecting any visitors...but when I saw whom he'd brought, well, let's just say I'm the forgiving type. He'd met this individual on a plane, and I was very excited to meet him. My husband knows a lot of important people, but very few of those people are in sports. This new friend,

The Bellman

Last weekend, Patrick and I decided we'd seen enough of Dallas, and took off for Houston. It was a great trip down, with me giving my loving husband many opportunities to watch as I flirted outrageously with every male we encountered over the two hundred mile trip. I wore my white sundress, nothing underneath. Whenever we stopped, and I got out of the car, everyone could plainly make

The Chess Player Ch.1

Patrick, my husband, and I had spent a long day in Dallas, and instead of going home (we lived about a hundred miles away) we decided to spend the night there. That's not an unusual thing for us to do. We often went to Dallas just to party, and since we were already there, we figured we might as well have some fun. Patrick is always ready to have a good time, and we hadn't really

The Comparison

My wife, Rachael, and I tell each other everything. Thursday, we were on our way to a club for a few drinks and perhaps some dancing, when the subject of my new friend from England came up. I was telling her that he, like myself, enjoyed sharing his wife's adventures with other like-minded men. I told her I'd read several of his stories, and that I noticed a particular fetish of

The Deal Ch. 1

My husband, Patrick, and I have a very active and wide ranging interest in sexual affairs. Ours is a marriage bonded on mutual love, respect and lust! I am a shameless exhibitionist. Patrick is an avid voyeur. Together we have had hundreds of exciting and in many cases, breathtaking experiences. Last week, however, I think we crossed over the last barrier to total freedom of exercise

The Deal Ch. 2

Patrick waited nervously. When he got home Friday night he expected to find me, but instead found only my note. Patrick, Sorry I couldn't be home when you got there. I've had a very hectic day getting ready for the weekend, and decided I needed a few more things. I want you to take a bath. After you finish, go to my jewelry box and you will find another note. Do not open it

The Deal Ch. 3

Phillip did as I'd instructed him. He didn't hesitate when I told him to clean Kyle's cock, sucking it clean from the remnants of our fuck session. I stood outside the car, having slipped my dress back on, with nothing else underneath, and watched as my husband sucked my lover's cock with an expertise I didn't know he possessed. Kyle's hard dick responded to Phillip's mouth, and was

The Deal Ch. 4

I told Patrick to clean himself up as I started to dress. It was already past eleven, and I still needed a hard dick in my pussy. Patrick could have serviced me, and for a brief moment, I considered letting him hammer his ten inch cock into me, but the whole point of this weekend was to drive him crazy with desire, and besides, I could fuck him any time I wanted. After eight years

The Englishman

Last night I wanted to surprise my husband with a special homecoming. He'd been to Scotland for a seminar and I was picking him up at our local airport. Patrick and I enjoy a rather exciting sex life, and there are no taboos or restrictions on our activities. Getting back to last night, I was very anxious to see my husband. He'd been gone five days (and five long, long nights!) I

The Gardener

Rachael was waiting for me when the plane landed. I'd called her that morning and told her what time I'd and, and she said she'd be there with a special present for me. I was sure I knew what that would be. Rachael loved to fuck as much as I did, and she'd been without my cock for almost two weeks. Knowing her as I do, I didn't for a minute think she'd been without any cock all

The Police Officer

Author's Note: This is really part two of "The Chess Player", as it took place immediately after the incident in the motel with the chess game. Thought you'd like to know that in case you're keeping score. * * * * * As I got into the front seat of our BMW, I made no effort to cover my legs with my dress. It had settled comfortably about two-thirds up my thighs. I knew Patrick

The Pool Player

For everything there is a first time. This story is about the first time my husband, Patrick, and I ever partied with another man. Patrick and I talked about opening our marriage, but until that night, it was just talk. But we knew it was only a matter of time before we went all the way, before we invited another man into our bed, into my pussy! It happened kind of suddenly. We

The Shoe Salesman

I knew I was in trouble. I should have been home six hours ago. It was already 11:00, and I knew Patrick would be worried. I started to think of a good excuse, a story I could tell him that he would believe. Car trouble came to mind, but he'd ask why I hadn't called him on the car phone. I looked in my purse. Damn! He'd paged me three times. I didn't have my beeper with me most of

The Traveling Woman

This is a continuation of the story "The Trucker" Hope you enjoy this as much as we did. If you'd like to write to either Rachael or me... * * * * * I lay there for a few moments before I spoke to my husband. It wasn't even ten in the morning and I'd already had my first orgasm of the weekend, and what an orgasm it had been! Patrick had finger fucked me in the front seat of our

The Trucker, Part 1

Patrick and I decided to travel by car on a mini-vacation. Because of time constraints, we usually fly wherever we go, but this time we wanted to relax, so we figured if we vacationed closer to home, we'd have more time, but still enjoy ourselves. Besides, wherever we go, we enjoy ourselves (and others!) Since we live in the eastern part of Texas, we decided New Orleans might be nice.

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