Gay Erotic Stories

A "Newsworthy" Event - Me and Bill Hemmer

by Jeff Brown

***The following is a work of fiction*** Few TV viewers have any idea of the logistics involved in deploying a news team to cover a big breaking story. In addition to their star reporters, networks have to send cameramen, sound crews, scriptwriters, teleprompter operators, and guys to load and unload the equipment. All this requires some coordinating. Even fewer would guess that another small group also has to pick up and move at a moment's notice; the crew that keeps those star reporters looking so good on camera: That well-groomed and polished look is no random accident of good cheekbones and a great complexion, let me tell you. And their hair often requires some special talents. It's got to cover any thin spots, stay in place ALL THE TIME, but still convey that "natural" look. All in all, it can be quite a balancing act to pull it off. So that's what I do for a living. It might not be much to brag about, but it suits me. I've worked on some of the big ones at CNN, but one I've never had plop his ass down in my chair was Bill Hemmer. That is until last week. We got the call to saddle up and move out a few minutes past 9:00 AM. I didn't find out until later that it was to cover one of the biggest fires in the history of New York City. I swept all my stuff off the counter into a bag and lit out of there like a bat out of hell. We never bother much about clothes and stuff as the network always buys us what we need once we're on location. An expensive way to run a railroad, but that's how you get to be the best. Anyway, I made it to the Transportation Dock just in time and boarded the bus and we sped off to the airport. Once we arrived in New York, we checked into our hotel rooms and then crowded around the assignment white board that shows whom we have to work on, where they are, and what time they have to be ready for the camera. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that I was assigned to Bill Hemmer. I mean I'd seen Bill once or twice in the prep room but only from a distance. And let me tell you, I liked what I saw! I sprinted to the elevator, jabbed the button for the 23rd floor, and zoomed up. I've got to admit that my knees were a little shaky as this was going to be on the order of a "dream-come-true" or something like. I went down the hall to Bill's room and knocked twice. From inside I heard, "Just a minute," and in a few seconds the door opened and that great smile flashed a greeting at me. Bill saw my CNN ID badge and looked back at me and said, "What's up?" Not exactly rousing conversation, but that engaging smile was all the icebreaker I needed. I cleared my throat grinned back and said, "I'm Jeff Brown. I'm here to make you look good." I lifted my bag so he could see it. A quick look of recognition passed over Bill's face and was gone just as quickly and he opened the door wide and said, "Come on in,” he stepped into the suite of rooms and looked around. What a place! So this is how the talent lives. None of my group ever got a room like this. Bill must have noticed my jaw drop as I looked around. He said, "Yeah. Really nice. It would be better if I actually got to spend some time here." We both laughed deprecatingly and I said, "Well, Mr. Hemmer, my call sheet says you have to be ready to go out the door in 30 minutes and I don't want to be the reason you're late. What do we need to do?" Ever the professional, Bill said, "Right! I'm going dressed the way I am. I think casual's best for this story, don't you? That stuffed suit look's not what I want to project. I just took a shower, so my hair's clean. Blow dry it for me and do it up like this." Bill handed me a couple of studio shots of himself: full-face, three-quarter view, and profile. It's a lot easier to work from something like this than for the talent to have to describe the look they want: fewer mistakes and re-dos that way, too. I took a look at the photos and looked at his hair and said, "Okay, Mr. Hemmer, I can do that," and looked around the room for the best place to work. He walked over to the dresser and said, "What about over here?" I quickly followed and said, "Great!" The light wasn't what I was used to but I've worked with less. Bill pulled out the chair and sat down and I got to work. His hair was thick and dark and straight, really easy to work with. I added a little gel and worked it in and went to work with the blow dryer. A little combing here and a little brushing there and we were done. Bill looked great. "All done, Mr. Hemmer. Take a look and see if you like it." Bill looked appraisingly at his image in the mirror. He turned his head from side to side and grinned. Bill turned around and looked at me and said, "Hey, that looks pretty good, Jeff. I'm going to remember you,” he stood up and checked himself in the mirror. I've been in the business long enough to know that was my cue to split. I quickly gathered up all my stuff and was just zipping up my bag when Bill looked at his watch and said, "Hey, I've got to run!" and we both started for the door at the same time. I opened the door and stepped out into the hall and Bill was right behind me. He closed the door and pocketed the key and stuck out his hand. I took it and we shook. "Thanks again, Jeff." "You're welcome, Mr. Hemmer." "Call me Bill. See you," he said and started for the elevator. Well, my work was done. I stood there for a minute and then started for my room. On the way down, I decided to go out of the building and pick up a few things I needed. I spent about and hour screwing around and then came back to the hotel. I went upstairs and decided on a quick shower before getting a bite to eat. Whew! I was horny as hell! I'd done Bill Hemmer. Well, his hair at least. Maybe I'd get lucky and be assigned to him again on this trip. I stripped down and went toward the bathroom. I passed by a full-length mirror and stopped to look at myself: cute face, medium height, blonde hair, slender build, with just a little body hair. I keep it neatly trimmed too, just enough to make it interesting. And my dick was aching for release. I closed my eyes and let my hand wander down to play with myself. All I could think of was how Bill had looked. If you think he's handsome on camera, you wouldn't believe what a knockout he is in person. I went into the shower and turned on the water and began to soap myself down thinking all the while what it might be like to be naked with Bill. As I washed myself I soaped my ass real well and moaned as I let my fingers slip in. With one hand practically up my ass my other was pumping away at my dick. It didn't take but a minute and I was spurting all over the walls. My knees were actually weak but I had relieved the pressure. Later on, a few of the guys and I went down to the dining room for dinner and had just ordered when my cell phone went off. It was Chuck at the assignments desk. "Jeff. I'm glad I got you. Where are you?" "I'm here in the hotel. Why? What's up?" "Hemmer's just come back and needs you right now. Grab your stuff and get your ass up there! You remember the room number?" As if I could have forgotten. "On my way, boss," and hung up. I went upstairs and grabbed my magic bag of tricks and was back on the elevator heading up to the high rent district in nothing flat. When the door opened on the 23rd floor I got out and went right to Bill's door and knocked twice. I could hear some commotion inside, but that’s about par for the news game. The door opened and the room was full of news people; script writers, editors, producers, you name it. "Jeff Brown, makeup,” I said and was let in. Apparently all hell had broken loose with the story. Bill was in the middle of the room in the thick of the activity; he had to be back on camera at 10:00 and a whole new speech had to be written. It might only take a minute for the talent to deliver a few pithy, well-chosen words but scripting them took considerably longer. Anyway, I kind of stood there waiting for some directions but none were forthcoming. I stepped back into a corner and took a good look at Bill. He was a mess; his clothes and face were streaked with soot and ashes and his pants were torn at the knee. The script conference spun up and was suddenly over. Bill said, "Okay. That's it. Everybody clear out so I can get cleaned up." We all turned to the door and Bill said, "Not you, Jeff. You've got your work cut out for you tonight." I said, "Yes sir, Mr. Hemmer," and stepped back. Everybody else was piling out the door and the last secretary closed it behind her. I turned around and Bill was already pulling off his clothes. "Goddamn I'm a mess. I've got these fucking ashes all over me and one of the firemen lost control of the hose and I got wet. Jeff, give me a hand with this, will you?" as he was trying to get his pullover over his head. I stepped over and helped with the dirty, sopping wet sweater. Bill started unbuttoning his shirt and whipped it off. "Shit! And I stink too. I've got to grab a quick shower and wash this stuff off me," Bill said as he kicked off his shoes. I turned as if to go and said, "I'll come back," when what I really wanted was to keep my eyes glued on him. He had reached down and was pulling his tee shirt up and off and while his face was covered I got a good look at him. Bill was stocky but very well built. His chest was deep and broad with just a little hair right in the middle. He had small, hard, brown nipples and muscular arms, and a flat belly with just a hint of hair pointing up to his navel. His head popped out of this tee shirt and he said, "The hell with that. We don't have a minute to spare. I need you to get out some clothes out for me while I get cleaned up - suit, shirt, tie, underwear - and have it ready for me when I get out of the shower." He gestured toward the closet and an opened suitcase. "Then you've still got to do my hair. And, besides Jeff . . ." He paused and I looked up at him questioningly. He grinned and said, "I don't have anything you haven't ever seen before." and with one fluid motion pulled his pants down to his ankles and stepped out of them. I couldn't help myself; I just stared. Bill Hemmer standing there in his tighty-whities; flat belly, strong legs, and a big big bulge. Now, I pride myself on being a good judge of man flesh and believe you me, what I was looking at was definitely NOT a case of "all potatoes and no meat" as so often is the case. There was something definitely hanging down in those jockeys, not just a little something sticking straight out. My dick was standing rigidly at attention and my tongue felt thick and dry in my mouth. I guess my eyes had kind of glazed over with lust. He was so close! I could have reached out and cupped that huge dick . . . but years of restraint won over and I kept my cool. Bill sprinted to the bathroom and I heard him turn on the water. He stuck his head out of the door and leaned out with one hand grasping the doorframe. I could see some of his bare hip and I knew he'd taken off his underwear and was standing there naked. "I want the blue suit and the white shirt. Pick out a tie that looks good with them." He ducked back in the bathroom and I heard the shower curtain hooks rattle as he pulled it closed. I was literally beyond lust. If I'd touched myself, I think I would have creamed in my jeans. I got a grip on myself (figuratively, not literally) and went over to the closet. I looked through the garment bags until I found Bill's blue suit. I took it out of the bag and laid it out on the bed. Shirts were in the suitcase and I got out the white one he'd mentioned. He had a few ties over to the side and I picked out one I liked. Then I saw his neatly folded underwear, tee shirts and white briefs. I reached in and picked up a pair and held it in my hand. I was actually holding a pair of Bill Hemmer's jockey shorts. At that minute I heard the shower curtain open and the water cut off. A second or two later, Bill poked his wet and tousled head out and said "Jeff. Oh, yeah man, you're way ahead of me. I need that underwear." As he hadn't come out naked or with a towel wrapped around his waist I figured that was all I was going to get to see. I held them out in front of me and took a few steps toward him. He held out his hand and took them from me and ducked back in to put them on. He came out then still drying his hair with a towel. Bill crossed to the bed and put on his tee shirt and sat down to put on his socks. As he dressed he was telling me about the fire while I laid out all my stuff on the dresser. Bill put on the shirt and suit pants and came over to the mirror to put on his tie. "Ready?" he looked at me. "Next customer!" I said as I slapped a towel on the chair in imitation of an old-time barber. Bill sat down and I started on his hair. This time was a little bit different, though. Instead of going over his lines as he had earlier, Bill was looking at me in the mirror as I worked. I knew he was looking at me almost as if he wanted to say something but couldn't and for some reason I kind of avoided his gaze. When I finished, Bill was still looking at me and didn't get out of the chair. I raised my eyes to his in the mirror and he said, "Jeff, I hope I haven't made you mad over what I said." "I'm not mad, Mr. Hemmer." "It's Bill, Jeff." "Okay, Bill. I can't think of anything you've said that would have made me mad." "When I said 'I don't have anything you haven't seen before.'" "Oh," I said and looked down now very red in the face. Bill stood up and faced me and said, "I know you're gay, Jeff. I was just teasing you, not making fun of you." I couldn't think of anything to say and stood there feeling like an idiot. I kind of halfway felt like I was being busted. Not that I made a big secret over the fact that I was gay, but I didn't go around wearing a sign around my neck either. Bill could tell that I was really uncomfortable, but what he said next really blew me away. "Truth to tell, Jeff, I can't think of an easy way around this so I'll just come right out and say it: I had planned on meeting up with Rosy Palm and her five sisters after tonight's gig but I'll gladly cancel that date if you can think of something we can do together," and looked meaningfully at me. I nearly fell down on the floor but managed to mumble, "Yeah, I can think of one or two things you might like," and grinned weakly. Bill looked at his watch and said, "I hate to be rude, but . . . duty calls,” he took my cue and we both moved toward the door and went into the hall. "Well I'll call you when I get back. And if it's not too late maybe we can get together for a bit?" "I'll be here,” I answered. Bill went to the elevator and went down to his gig. I had planned on laying low until he came back - like I expected he was really going to call me - but some other CNN faces needed some help looking great and I was busy until after eleven. I went back to my room and checked the phone. No messages. Damn! I knew it was too good to be true. I checked with the assignments board for my first call and got ready for bed. I had just lain down when the phone rang and jolted the hell out of me. I answered on the second ring. "Jeff? It's Bill." "Hi Bill, how was the gig?" I asked lamely. "Oh the usual. Schmoozing around with the big wigs. I finally managed to duck out. I'm sorry I couldn't get back sooner." "That's okay, Bill. I understand." "Were you already in bed?” Bill asked. “I'm sorry if I woke you." “Not at all, Bill! I had just lain down." ‘Well . . .” Bill said and the silence was palpable. “ . . . does that mean you're too tired for what we talked about?" "No. I'm still really wired." Bill laughed, "I was hoping you'd say that. Come on down!" and hung up. I lay there for about half a minute with the receiver in my hand just staring at it and wondering if I was up for this. "Hell yes!" I said and I threw back the covers. I hopped in the shower for a quick scrub and was out and dried in five minutes. I brushed my teeth and threw on some jeans and a tee shirt and was down the hall ringing the elevator button in a flash. I went in and was about to press the button for Bill's floor when it struck me that I didn't want to appear TOO eager. I went all the way to the top floor of the building and then back down to the 23rd floor. I got out and marched down the hall to Bill's room and knocked twice. Bill opened the door to see who it was and opened it wider for me to come in. He had on a robe kind of thing; guess you could call it a dressing gown. "I'm glad you could make it, Jeff. You're sure you're not too tired?" "Oh no. I'm just fine, Bill." "Good," he said. We walked over to the bed area and he took a deep breath and said, "Let's get back to where we were earlier." With that he reached down and undid the belt at his waist and opened the robe and let it slip to the floor. He had on just his white briefs and I could see that he had a fine boner. "No fair," I said, "You're already undressed." and I stripped off my tee shirt and kicked off my shoes. I undid my belt and pushed my jeans down and stepped out of them. "Now we're on an even footing,” I said. Bill grinned at me and took a step closer. He put his arms around me and pulled me close and our lips came together as our bodies touched. We rubbed against each other for a few minutes and I felt Bill's hands at the waistband of my bikini briefs. Bill began pulling my underwear down and I moved my pelvis away so they'd come down to my thighs unhindered. I pulled away and took them off and moved back into Bill's arms my hard cock rubbing up against his. He held me close as we kissed some more. I sank naked to my knees in front of him. Bill put his hands up to the elastic waistband at his sides to pull down his own shorts but fumbled a little as if getting up the courage to do it. His penis was throbbing with the urgency of release and Bill stepped closer to me. I knew he wanted me take his shorts off him. I put my hand on his cock and rubbed it and he quickly drew in a hissing breath. "Easy Bill. There's a lot more where that came from," I said and pulled his jockeys away and down from his cock. It sprang forward. I pulled his jockeys down to his ankles and he stepped out of them and was completely naked in front of me. Now I've sucked a lot of dicks in my day, but Bill's was about the prettiest I've seen. And I've seen all types; the blunt types, the bottle types, and the prow types. Bill's dick was circumcised, straight and thick with a finely formed mushroom head. It was about seven inches long and stood straight out from his body. Yeah, I've had bigger but after a certain point what can you actually DO with such a big dick? And when they fuck me it usually hurts. Anyway I was happy with what Bill had for me. His pubic hair was dark and curly but not too thick and I let my fingers play in it for a moment. I circled my thumb and forefinger around his dick and moved it up and down a few times experimentally. Bill said "That feels good, Jeff. But what do you do for an encore?" "Encore? That wasn't an encore. That was a preview of coming attractions,” he opened my hand and slid it down to cup his balls and said, "For starters, how about I suck these big boys dry?" Bill laughed and said "Well, how can I say no to a man who's holding my balls in his hand?" I took that as a yes and moved my head down to Bill's dick. I licked the head several times and then up and down the shaft. I had Bill really going now and he said, "Suck me, Jeff! Take me in your mouth. I want to come in your mouth." And I obliged him. I opened up as wide as I could and took him in. I couldn't take Bill's dick all the way in but enough to please him. I mean, you have to leave what I like to call some "in and out room" so you don't gag. Bill put his hands on the top of my head and pushed himself in just a little more and began thrusting his hips. I could feel tremors running through his body and knew he was just about at the point of no return. He might have been ready to blow his balls out through the head of his dick, but I wasn't. I mean, what's the point of being a world-class cocksucker when you just let yourself be used as just a convenient fuck hole? I put my hands up and took his in mine and pulled them away from my head and then pulled away from his dick. Both of us were breathing hard and Bill asked "What's wrong, Jeff? Did I hurt you?" I laughed, "No Bill, you didn't hurt me. I just thought we'd move onto the bed. It will be a little more comfortable than the floor." "Okay, Jeff. I lay down on the bed and moved over to the other side and Bill lay down next to me. He leaned forward and we kissed again and I ran my hand over his chest and stomach and to either side of his throbbing cock. I didn't want to make him come just yet with any manual stimulation, I planned to make this last as long as I could. Tentatively and with just a little bit of shyness, Bill put his hand on my chest. He let it rest there for a minute almost as if he were putting a toe in the water to test it before going in further. He let his hand drift over to one of my nipples and I moaned appreciatively. "Do you like that, Jeff?" He whispered to me. "Oh yes, Bill. I was beginning to think you were afraid to touch me,” he breathed. "I was." Bill answered. "I've never been with another man before and . . . I really don't know what to do." "Bill, don't worry about knowing what to do. Do what you feel is right. In fact, you can "feel" whatever you want to,” I laughed. "Like this?" Bill breathed and he let his hand run down my chest to my belly and just a little bit more. "Yes Bill. That's just right,” I answered. "But you can go lower if you want to." "I'm afraid to." Bill said as he continued to feel of my stomach. His hand did begin to brush against my pubic hair but he was really reluctant to do more. "I mean, I want to take your cock in my hand but I'm afraid to, I guess." I've been here before and knew what to do. I leaned my head forward and kissed him full on the mouth and took his dick in my hand. It took him just a second or two and he was kissing me back and his hand came down and took my cock and he began to play with me. This was really getting good! We played around like this for a few more minutes and I started kissing his face and worked down to his neck and upper chest. I licked each nipple until he moaned. He couldn't reach my dick by this time but he was feeling of his own. "Down boy. Let me do that. Remember you said you wanted to come in my mouth. Let's keep that goal in mind." and I insinuated my hand in his and took over the soft kneading of his dick. I was kissing down his flat belly by now and was licking the root of his penis in his pubic hair. I was in my element now. My head was resting on his belly and I had his shaft in my hand. He had opened his legs wide and I reached down and cupped his big balls. I opened my mouth and teasingly took the head of his cock in my mouth and moved my tongue over it. He literally shook all over. I pulled my mouth off his dick and licked it and said "Bill. You act like you've never been blown before." He raised his head off the pillow and laughed a little shakily and said "But I have. Many times. Just never like this." And lay his head back and sort of thrust his pelvis up some as if asking me to continue. And I did. After all, he was being most appreciative of my efforts. I took him down as far as I could and started moving my head up and down. Bill was loving it . . . or giving a damned convincing performance if he wasn't. He was starting to rock in tune with my motions. As I moved my head up, he pulled his pelvis down. As he moved his pelvis up I moved my head down. I still had his dick in my hand by the base otherwise I would have choked for sure. I could tell by his movements that he was very close and I decided to let him come. He'd been an honest and gentle lover and I thought I owed him one. I only had to continue to do what I was doing and Bill's body would do the rest. He tensed up and said "Jeff! Jeff! Jeff!" and went rigid as he started to pump volley after volley into my mouth. I was ready though and swallowed each shot like the trooper I am. Bill finished and his body relaxed. I opened my mouth and let his dick slip out and removed my hand. A lot of guys can't stand to have their dicks touched just after they come and as a matter of policy I always move back and give them some room. Another slick trick I use is to get up and go to the bathroom to rinse out my mouth and put a dab of toothpaste in my mouth. Few guys want to kiss you after if your breath smells like come. After what I deemed to be a reasonable recovery period for Bill, I came back in the room and stood by the bed. This was always the crucial point – will the guy act like he can’t wait for you to leave or is going for another round? Bill was very sweet about it. He had pulled back the bedspread and the sheet and was under them. He smiled up at me and moved over for me to lie down beside him. From all appearances, I was going to have another shot at him . . . or he was going to have another shot at me. I slid onto the bed and lay there on my side looking at Bill. He leaned his head over to mine and kissed me gently. “Jeff, I’ve never come like that before. I hope I didn’t hurt you or anything.” I laughed. “Not a bit, Bill. I’m just glad you liked it.” “But you didn’t come, Jeff. I feel like I’ve left something halfway done. We need to make you come too.” And he kissed me again and took me in his arms. Ever the gentleman. Those courtly manners you see on Bill’s broadcasts aren’t faked, he really is like that. “Oh. I’m sure something will come up,” I said and brushed my hand against his cock and we both laughed. It was soft now, but still admirably large. “You know Jeff, you may be right. As a matter of fact I think quite soon now.” “Oh?” I said and took his cock in my hand and began to stroke it. He answered by kissing me again and I could feel him growing larger in my hand. “Oh YES, Bill. I’m beginning to see what you mean,” he was fully erect now and was holding me tightly and was rubbing my back with his hands. We were kissing like crazy and his hands started to rub lower and lower until he had his hands on my cheeks and kneading them. I broke away for a minute and whispered to him “That’s what I want, Bill. Do you want to fuck me?” Bill considered it for a minute and said “Yes, Jeff. I sure would like to fuck you.” I slipped out of bed and went back to the bathroom and grabbed a plastic bottle of lotion I’d seen when I was in the bathroom and got a towel for good measure. By the time I came back, Bill was sitting up in the bed and was feeling of his cock. “Just keeping the fires burning while you were gone, Jeff. But you do it much better than I do.” Without a word I moved into position and started kissing and licking his cock. “Oh yes, Jeff. You are the master,” I had him in my mouth by this time, partly to stoke him up but mostly because I really liked sucking his dick and it really got me hot. After a few minutes, I broke off and opened the bottle of lotion. I squirted a generous portion into my hands and began to lube Bill up. I put the towel down on the bed got down on my hands and knees and assumed the position. Bill didn’t hesitate a minute. He quickly got into position behind me on his knees and holding his cock by the base aimed the head right at my ass. He pushed it in just a little bit to see how tight I was and apparently liked what he found. He shifted position on his knees a couple of times and leaned into it more with steady pressure. He was on his way in my ass now. I relaxed as much as possible and pushed against him. The head was all the way in now. He was in what I call the vestibule, that open cavity just before the inner sphincter. “This is what you want, Jeff?” “Oh yes, Bill, this is what I want . . . need.” “I’m not hurting you, am I? “No Bill. Just apply steady pressure and I’ll open up for you in just a minute.” And just like that I did. The inner muscle went slack and Bill was able to push his whole cock in me. I felt him fill me and was close to coming. Very slowly, Bill began to pump his dick in me. “Christ Almighty, Jeff! That feels good.” Bill might not have know much about getting a blowjob, but he sure knew how to fuck. He was slow but steady, gentle but firm in his resolve to plow me. I knew it wasn’t going to take much for me to come and I had to slow us down some. I began to pull us down onto the bed and he followed my lead exactly. In just a minute we were laying on the bed on our sides and Bill was still in me from behind. I turned my head around and said “Oh Bill.” and he kissed me long and deep never missing a stroke. It was great. He put his arms around me and his great strong body was pumping me from behind. I was definitely getting close and I said “Bill! Bill! It’s happening,” he couldn’t help myself, I put my hand down to my cock and gave it one or two strokes and Bill said, “Let me do that.” And he moved my hand away and his fingers wrapped themselves around my dick and started stroking and accelerated slamming his cock into me from behind. I felt that peculiar twitching deep in my balls that meant an orgasm was on its way and my whole body started vibrating. “Bill, I’m coming now. I’m coming,” he pumped harder and said, “I’m coming too, Jeff. Come on, come for me. I want you to shoot.” That was all it took. Bill let go and shot deep inside me. That made me let go and I started spurting. Both of us were lost in a kaleidoscope of moving bodies and hands and mouths and shooting cocks. After a minute or two, we both came back to Earth and lay there panting and sweating until things returned to normal. I recovered first. I started to get up and Bill’s cock slid out of my ass. I looked down at myself and saw that I was streaked with my own cum. Bill lay on the bed looking at me. “Bill,” I said “I’ve got to get cleaned up a little bit. Mind if I use your shower?” “No, Jeff. Not at all.” Bill said languorously and he stretched his arms out and yawned. I went into his bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower and stepped in. I was soaping myself down and I knew that Bill had come into the room. “Mind if I join you, Jeff?” he called. “Come on in, Bill,” I said and opened the curtain for him. Bill stepped in and I moved aside for him to stand under the stream of water. God, he was a goodlooking man. “Bill, mind if I do something?” I asked. “What’s that, Jeff? “Let me wash you all over.” “Bill laughed, “That sounds exciting.” I got the shampoo and put some on his head and began to work up a lather. Then I took the bar of soap and began on his chest and his arms. I knelt down in the shower and washed his legs and feet and then soaped his cock and pubic hair and cleaned off the dried semen. He was of course, starting to get hard again. I turned him around and washed his back and then began to work on his ass. Bill was a little shy about it, but I finally got his cheeks apart and washed him there too. Bill liked being washed so much he decided that one good turn deserved another and started washing me. He paid particular attention to my cock and then turned me around and started washing my ass. As he slipped his hand in between my cheeks, I put my hands behind me and opened them up for him. Bill’s fingers had found a new toy and he played at the opening of my as for a moment or two and then started to work in one finger and then another. I was rock-hard again and reached behind me to feel of Bill’s dick and found that he was too. Nothing to do but surrender to fate. “Take me again, Bill. Right here,” I said. “No.” Bill replied. I want you on the bed. Let’s get out now.” We rinsed off the soap and Bill turned off the water. We got towels and dried each other off and went hand in hand back to the bed. I got in first and Bill came in right after me. He turned me over onto my side and picked the bottle of lotion and squeezed some into his fingers. He began to lube up my ass and soon had three fingers up in me. “Are you ready for me now, Jeff?” Bill asked. “Uh-huh,” he said. I could hardly wait. Bill squeezed some more lotion onto his hand and lubed up his rigid cock. I rolled over on to my back and raised my legs in the air. Bill moved into place and pointed his dick right at the heart of the matter and pushed in. I was already opened from our previous bout and as Bill had taken the time to lube me up inside, he went in me easily all the way to the hilt of his cock. He leaned down over me and kissed me long and deep and began to pump in and out. I was putty in his hands. We fucked long and hard that night until we were both exhausted. I think we both learned something that week in New York while the fire burned. Of course, we had sex when we could and it was always good between us. Bill learned that sex with another guy could be great fun, but I didn’t think that deep down inside Bill was gay. I learned that there’s more to a person than just a pretty face and a good body. I was under no illusions that it was the start of anything and it wasn’t. The fire was eventually put out and the whole team went back to Atlanta. Bill went off on another assignment almost immediately thereafter and I got called away again myself in a few days. That’s the news game; we go where the stories are. If we ever find ourselves together again on assignment, Bill and I might get together again but I don’t let that stop me from having a good time when it presents itself to be had. Besides, there’s somebody here in the studio in Atlanta that I have my eye on – that new guy on Headline News, Kris Osborne. Now, he looks like he’d be good in the sack.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Jeff Brown

A "Newsworthy" Event - Me and Bill Hemmer

***The following is a work of fiction*** Few TV viewers have any idea of the logistics involved in deploying a news team to cover a big breaking story. In addition to their star reporters, networks have to send cameramen, sound crews, scriptwriters, teleprompter operators, and guys to load and unload the equipment. All this requires some coordinating. Even fewer would guess that


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