Gay Erotic Stories

A Fairy's Tail: The Stranger and Mim

by J. Link

Jadon skipped happily down the stairs to the kitchen of the cottage where Ma, Da, and Jonis were already seated around the table for the morning meal. He was dressed smartly in his favorite ensemble; a hooded sweater of rich green and dark blue with soft, blue velvet leggings and the boots he always wore into the forest. His brown eyes twinkled as he kissed his Ma’s cheek and greeted them all with a “good morning”. Jonis did not lift his eyes to meet Jadon’s greeting, only sat in silence looking completely exhausted. The meal ended and Ma handed Jadon his lunch for the day and kissed him on his way out the door. He walked purposefully towards the forest looking forward to his day with Dag after his job of collecting provisions for his family was completed. Dag had bedded himself outside of the dwelling that he shared with Mim to give her the impression that he had been there all night. She gave him a soft kiss to his forehead and asked him if he was hungry. He was, so he followed her into their home and shared a meal with her in silence. “Where have you been keeping yourself the past few days Dag”, she questioned with concern. He did not answer right away and she took the opportunity to proclaim her assumption of his whereabouts in his silence. “You’ve been bedding with another woman haven’t you Dag”, she said accusingly in what seemed a hurt and angry tone of voice. “No, Mim my lover I have not I swear to you” he pleaded. “Then where”, Mim asked through welling tears in her gentle green eyes. Dag explained to her that he had found an exceptionally sweet Fairy in the forest and had been drinking from him. “His cum is sweeter than any other I have tasted Mim, I can’t resist him”. Mim was satisfied with his answer, after all she knew that Ogre’s never fall in love with Fairies they are merely a snack of sorts. “Bring him to dinner tonight Dag I would like to taste of this sweet cum”, she instructed him. He paused, then decided that he would bring Jadon with him if he would come. He would tell Jadon of the situation and was sure he would understand. Jadon was finished with his duty of collecting water and berries and nuts and returned them to the edge of the forest so he would not forget to take them home. He half ran to the clearing where he was to meet Dag. He wanted to be there first so he could position himself seductively for his lover and fake sleep to mimic their first meeting. He heard footsteps advancing towards him and his heart raced in anticipation of Dag. The footsteps came near and stopped in front of him. He kept his eyes closed so that Dag could surprise him. He felt the rough fumbling of hands ripping at his leggings and he opened his eyes up to meet a strange Ogre hovering over him. He screamed in terror and scurried backward on his hands, his heart racing. This strange Ogre had bronzed skin as Dag did but had dark long locks and ominous dark eyes. His loincloth was belted with a thick leather strap and his muscles rippled as he struggled with Jadon. He grew infuriated at the wiggling Fairy and slapped him firmly across his right cheek leaving a red streak on Jadon’s already tear soaked face. The slap made Jadon relent, and he lay motionless for a moment under the Ogre. Dag had heard the scream in the distance and picked his pace up to a run. He was sure that the scream had come from Jadon. Dag reached the clearing at last. He was breathless and stopped at a tree to catch his breath. He saw the red streak across Jadon’s cheek and the tears in his eyes and could not bear to look at him this way. He could see the terror in his eyes. He was being sucked by an Ogre that Dag knew by the name of Volk. Volk was not a friend but nor was he an enemy. Dag was angered that Jadon was so terrified but knew that Volk was just acting in the manner that an Ogre does with a Fairy. The encounters that Dag had with Jadon were rare. Ogres were usually very persistent in getting what they wanted from the Fairies and almost never showed affection or shared conversation. He watched and hoped that Jadon would just sit still and let Volk take from him what he wanted but instead he struggled and screamed. Dag finally emerged from the woods and said, “what have you got there Volk”. Volk stopped struggling with the Fairy and acknowledged Dag. He said, “damn Fairy won’t be still”. Dag replied, “let me see what I can do Volk”. He leaned into Jadon and whispered, “don’t act like you know me lover, only let him have what he wants from you and I promise he will leave.” Jadon looked confused but conceded to do what his lover instructed him to do. He trusted Dag and understood that he could not fight off Volk. Dag motioned Volk to resume sucking the Fairy. Volk grabbed Jadon under his buttocks with one enormous hand sucked him until Jadon moaned signaling the near of his climax. Volk savored Jadon as cum rolled onto his tongue. He dropped him to the ground and offered him to Dag. “You must try him Dag he is the sweetest I have tasted.” “Thank you gracious friend, I shall let him rest then drink from him at once when he is ready to give again.” Volk lumbered away from the clearing whistling and when he was out of sight Dag attended to Jadon. He assessed Jadon’s small body for injuries. His sweater was ripped and his velvet leggings shredded. The red streak across his cheek looked painful and his eyes were red and swollen from crying. He looked exhausted from the struggle and gazed through Dag in a state of shock. “This was my favorite sweater, I wore it for you”, Jadon rambled out in an almost incoherent little whisper. “I know lover, I know”, replied Dag. He cradled Jadon close to him and let him sob. “I can’t let you go home this way”, Dag told Jadon. “I will take you to my castle and my Ogre lover Mim will fix you a meal beyond compare and help me ease your pain.” “ You have an Ogre lover”, asked Jadon. “Yes, a female”, Dag soberly replied. “I understand”, Jadon said with a weak smile forming on his lips. Dag sighed relief, hoisted Jadon over his shoulder, and walked towards his home. Mim greeted Dag at the door and looked puzzled at the sight of him carrying a half-naked Fairy over his shoulder. Dag explained to her that the Fairy was Jadon, the one he had been meeting in the forest and that a rough Volk had ravaged him. She knew that Volk was a rough sort and understood why the Fairy appeared disheveled. Mim helped Dag position Jadon in a large cushioned chair in the receiving room of the castle. Jadon smiled up at her. He thought her eyes were gentle and admired her handsome figure. She was large breasted with defined muscles and soft reddish blond hair. He could see why Dag had chosen her. She left her lover and the Fairy and resigned to the kitchen to prepare the meal. Dag blotted a cool, damp rag on Jadon’s red cheek and gazed into his eyes. Jadon was relaxing and Dag told him to sleep if he could. Mim ran her long slim fingers through Jadon’s hair to wake him and told him that dinner was served and waiting for him in the dinning room. The three ate their meal in silence but without contempt. When the meal ended, Mim motioned to Jadon and told Dag to “stand him up”. He did as Mim instructed him to and smiled slyly at Jadon raising his eyebrows. Jadon giggled at the silly face Dag had made at him. Mim positioned herself in front of Jadon’s midsection and told him that she had been told he was the sweetest tasting Fairy and she intended to see if that was true. Jadon had never been touched by a female before and was apprehensive. Where was Dag, he thought. His question was soon answered as he felt Dag behind him spreading his buttocks and tonguing his hole. He moaned at the touch of Dag’s tongue. Mim kissed the tip of Jadon’s hard pink cock and licked her lips smiling in approval. He was sweet and she wanted more of what he had to offer after tasting the teasing drop of pre-cum that had formed at the tip of his cock. Jadon moaned and gasped as the Ogre couple pleasured him. He came with Dag’s tongue buried deep inside of him. Mim, satisfied at the sweetness of his cum kissed him on the forehead and said, “sweet dreams sweet Fairy”. She dropped her cloth covering and sauntered towards the bedroom for her night’s rest. Dag knelt in front of him and lapped at his soft cock tasting what remained of the cum that he had ejaculated into Mim’s mouth. “You shall sleep between us tonight lover, it is much too dangerous for you to travel through the forest at night.” Jadon agreed and resigned to the bedroom. Dag positioned Jadon between himself and Mim. During the night, the Ogre’s took turns sucking Jadon to climax and enjoying his sweet cum.


16 Gay Erotic Stories from J. Link

A Fairy's Tail

In a world not so different from our own lives two sorts of creatures much like men, the Fairies and the Ogres. The Fairies are a smallish sort with lithe little bodies and an appearance of eternal youth. The Ogres, handsome creatures in their own right, are tall, muscle bound creatures. Both live in their separate villages with the forest separating the two. The Fairies go into the

A Fairy's Tail: Fleeing The Mountain Top, Part 2

Hubin entered his living room to find the three tethered Ogres with their asses still in the air. The rancid scent of their drying urine and sweat filled his nose and stirred his enormous cock. He put his palm to the buttocks of the first Ogre and rubbed it in a circular motion as he assessed his figure: He had a tight bronzed body covered with dark brown hair; he was attractive

A Fairy's Tail: Fleeing The Mountain Top, Part 3

Hubin had gathered the last of the clothing he would need for the journey and put it in the large sleigh that was to be pulled by the white beasts. Jadon's clothing was the last thing that needed to be packed. When he came into the room he found Jadon fast asleep in Dag's embrace. Dag smiled at Hubin and thanked him for everything he had done for Jadon and himself. "I love you both

A Fairy's Tail: Home Again

A Fairy’s Tail: Home Again Jadon strolled toward the Fairy village with a bounce in his step and his head full of fantasies that involved Dag. He recalled the delicious sensation of Dag’s large cock filling him and as he thought of it, he imagined Dag fucking him in various positions. He wondered if Dag was thinking of him at that very moment. Dag walked through the forest in a

A Fairy's Tail: Jadon's Birthday

The three companions rode into the night. Hubin felt weary and desperately wanted the company of one or both of them to keep him awake. When Jadon was awake he chattered incessantly, giggled frequently, and asked volumes of questions. He had considered waking him a few times but felt a tinge of guilt before he could shake him awake. The peaceful look on his sweet face kept Hubin from

A Fairy's Tail: Jonis and the Jackass

Jonis knew he would be found in this compromising position before the next morning was over; it was a matter of who would find him that concerned him the most. His hole ached from the Ogre’s rough finger fucking and the skin around his cock was cold as the spring breeze dried the Ogre cum that covered it. Had the Ogre been teasing him about the wild jackass tastes for Ogre cum?

A Fairy's Tail: Surprise and Passion in the Night

Dag did not want to return home that night until he knew that Jadon was ok. He watched as Da sweetly sobered Jadon with calming words and caresses to his back and hair. He took the younger Fairy by the hand and led him to the bathing pool. Jadon still gasped and gulped occasionally after sobbing so hard into Da’s chest. Da had never punished him in a physical manner before. He

A Fairy's Tail: The Next Day in the Forest

Dag sat in the grassy clearing where he had first found Jadon. He sighed as he thought of Jadon’s sweet face and his petit, beautiful body. He noticed movement out of the corner of his right eye and turned to see Jadon off in the distance. He smiled and felt his cock pulse and grow. Jadon came into view wearing a black tunic belted at the waist with tight brown leather pants and

A Fairy's Tail: The Stranger and Mim

Jadon skipped happily down the stairs to the kitchen of the cottage where Ma, Da, and Jonis were already seated around the table for the morning meal. He was dressed smartly in his favorite ensemble; a hooded sweater of rich green and dark blue with soft, blue velvet leggings and the boots he always wore into the forest. His brown eyes twinkled as he kissed his Ma’s cheek and greeted

A Fairy's Tale: Kidnapped

Jadon woke satisfied and tingling all over. He had never been pleasured that many times in the span of one night. He looked at the slumbering Ogre couple and smiled. He knew that he needed to get home Ma and Da were probably worried sick over his absence. He carefully wiggled out of the bed trying not to wake Dag and Mim and dressed himself. He quietly left the Ogre castle and

A Fairy's Tale: Fleeing the Mountain Top, Part 1

The days that Jadon and Dab spent with Hubin passed into weeks. Jadon, Dag, and Hubin had become a family of sorts, enjoying each other's company and cocks. Hubin and Dag both assumed Jadon as their child and spoiled him with affection, which he returned as graciously as it was given. On a sunny, yet mountain winter cold day, Jadon playfully romped in front of the cottage with a

A Fairy's Tale: The Long Hard Winter

Jadon sat at the breakfast table with a glazed look making no effort to eat. Dag lovingly ran his hand up and down Jadon's small fevered back. Hubin pushed his chair next to Jadon's and looked into his big brown eyes. "You have to eat, wee lad," he said. Jadon gave him a half smile and said he would try. Jadon picked at the food on his plate and announced that he had eaten all he

A Fairy's Tale: The Mountain Beast

Jadon and Dag had been traveling up the mountains for a week and were nearing the top. It was cold and snowy where they were, although in the valley below it was warm and springtime. Dag could tell that Jadon was weary but he had not complained about the long journey. Ever since they left behind the warmth of the springtime, Jadon had coughed and Dag would hear wheezing in his

A Fairy's Tale: The Slaying of Volk

Volk and Jadon spanked and fucked around the clock pausing only to eat and sleep at short lengths. The third morning of being together, they sat at the dining room table for breakfast. Jadon was homesick and decided to tell Volk that he must leave. Volk admired Jadon’s mouth as he ate and thought to himself as soon as the little fairy had enough to eat he would fuck him on the

A Fairy's Tale: Volk and Jadon

Volk woke the next morning to find that he was face to face with Jadon, so close that their noses were almost touching. As Jadon breathed in and out Volk caught the scent of his sweet breath and he smiled. The slumbering fairy looked so peaceful and beautiful and the sight of him made Volk's cock stir. Had he been wrong to want to enslave this beautiful creature and treat him with

A Fairy's Tale: Winter with Hubin-Hubin Ass Fuck'

Hubin shut the door behind him leaving Jadon to sleep and heal. His cock grew just thinking of the sweet cum that had filled his mouth earlier and the delicious ass fucking that Dag had given him. He entered the living room to find Dag stroking his hard cock with one hand and rolling his bulbous ball sac in his other. “Here let me help you with that”, said Hubin. Dag smiled hoping


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