Gay Erotic Stories

A Hot Day Together


It was a bright, hot afternoon in the middle of July when Rick and Bob decided to spend some time together. They were classmates in high school and hadn't seen each other in a while. They both were secretly interested in each other. Rick was a beautiful 22-year-old: 5' 11”, blond hair with brown eyes, a magnificent chest with some hair on it, and weighed a healthy 175lbs. Bob was also a very handsome 22-year-old: 6' with brown hair and green eyes, and a nice naturally thin body of 180lbs. Rick and Bob had agreed to go out by the river that was not far from their homes. They got to a beautiful, secluded spot underneath a tree with lots of grass around the area, a nice riverbank going into the river. Rick was dressed in a pair of cut-off jeans with a tee shirt, and a pair of sandals; his hairy legs were just so captivating. Bob was dressed in a pair of bathing trunks with a tee shirt and sandals. They spread out their blankets, removed their towels, and tee shirts and sandals, and went into the waiting river to escape the heat of the day. They swam for quite a while. Then Bob said to Rick: "So, have you dated anyone since high school?" Rick said: "Oh, no. Actually, Bob there is one thing I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but never quite had the nerve to say." “And what is that, Rick?" "Well, Bob, I am gay." Bob said: "You know what? I am, too, and I always knew you were and wanted you to say something to me, cause I have always liked you a lot." Rick said: "That's funny, I have always been kind of interested in you, but was always afraid to say it, for fear that you would turn me down or make fun of me." "Oh, no," said Bob. "You and I have always been good friends; we have both known each other a long time." With that Rick moved closer to Bob in the water. Rick looked deep into Bob's eyes and their mouths opened as they locked into a deep, passionate kiss and embrace. They kissed for what seemed like forever, with their tongues roaming through each other’s mouths. They moved out of the water, back to their blankets. They took each other’s towels and dried each other off a bit, kissing each other deeply as they did. Bob put his hand on the front of Rick's shorts, which was already tented from Rick's obvious hard-on. Rick began to play with Bob's nipples which were also very hard. Bob pushed Rick's shorts off of his hips to reveal his hard 7". Bob moved down on Rick, licking his neck and his chest, his nipples. All the while just rubbing Rick's cock and balls, while Bob lovingly licked down Rick's body. Getting to Rick's hot cock, Bob stuck out his tongue to lightly lick the head of Rick's cock. He licked over it very lightly and then proceeded to lick down each side and back up to the head. He then lifted up Rick's cock a bit so he could lick the back underside and then lick up very gently to his cock head, before opening his mouth to take in the entire length of Rick's dick. Bob buried his face into Rick's cock by taking the whole cock into his mouth with his nose in Rick's pubic bush. Bob held the head of Rick's cock in his mouth and sucked on him so lovingly, while fondling his balls with one hand and feeling Rick's asshole with the other. Meanwhile, Rick was rubbing Bob's back while enjoying the sensation of what Bob was doing. Rick began to fuck Bob's face while he sucked his dick. "Oh man, that feels so good," said Rick. Bob continued to suck on Rick's dick while he fingered his ass until he stopped for a while, got up and kissed Rick on the mouth. They kissed and kissed for a long time. Now Rick reached down into Bob's shorts to feel Bob's throbbing 8 1/2". Rick pushed off Bob's shorts and played with his huge hanging balls. They both lay down on their blankets and got into a 69 with Rick on the bottom licking the head of Bob's 8 1/2", while Bob went back to work on Rick's 7". They both licked and sucked each other for what seemed like hours. Rick finally said to Bob: "Bob, please fuck me. I want you to fuck me so bad." Bob said: "Ok, babe." So Bob got up and raised Rick's legs. Bob leaned down with his face and started to lick Rick's asshole a bit. He plunged his tongue deep into Rick's hole and Rick moaned and groaned with the sensation he was getting, all the while saying: "Fuck me, fuck me." Bob then put the head of his cock against Rick's asshole and pushed inside, then went all the way in. He began with slow strokes and slowly fucked Rick's ass. Rick moaned with pleasure that the guy that he had always wanted from high school was finally inside him. Bob fucked Rick's ass harder and harder. As he fucked Rick, his balls slapped against Rick's ass while Bob kissed Rick and fucked him harder and harder. Rick moaned while he jacked off his hard cock, getting the pleasure from Bob massaging his prostate while fucking him. Suddenly Bob's cock expanded and his face got more tense, while Rick was getting more intense from the sensation in his cock and ass. Bob shouted: "Oh! I am going to cum now." And he loaded streams of hot wet cum into Rick's ass. Rick came in globs of hot wet cum all over his chest. Bob collapsed on top of Rick in exhaustion, and they held each other for what seemed like hours. They got up and went into the water to clean each other off. Then they packed up their stuff, and went back home. They have now been dating for nearly a year. If any of you like this story please let me know at Thanks!!!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from

A Hot Day Together

It was a bright, hot afternoon in the middle of July when Rick and Bob decided to spend some time together. They were classmates in high school and hadn't seen each other in a while. They both were secretly interested in each other. Rick was a beautiful 22-year-old: 5' 11”, blond hair with brown eyes, a magnificent chest with some hair on it, and weighed a healthy 175lbs. Bob was


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