Gay Erotic Stories

A Joey Day, Part 1

by MarkeePoo

  As I lay here in my bed, looking at the ceiling, the sound of the clock ticking away. I lay there, not believing what had happened earlier that day. As I finally start to drift off to sleep, what had happened that day filled my dreams............... I was jogging, as I do on a regular basis, this morning.. The sun was bright and warm. The air was crisp and clean. There weren't many 'fellow joggers' that day, but that didn't bother me. I was able to pace myself, and enjoy the outdoors. As I was nearing the end of my 'jog', I noticed a guy laying on the grass several yards ahead of me massaging his foot. As I neared, I could tell that he just wasn't resting, he was in some semi-pain. As I approached him, I smiled so as not to make him nervous like I was some psycho or something. Nearing him, I introduced myself, and asked what the problem was. He told me he had tripped over a stone or something a ways back, and that he just had to stop and see what was going on because his foot really started to bother him. I wasn't a Doctor. or anything, but said I’d take a look at it to see if I could tell if was serious or not. I couldn't really tell anything, but it didn't look like anything serious had happened, except maybe just a little discomfort from the tripping and what-not. It wasn't swelled or anything, so i joked with him that maybe he should take it easy for a day or two and if it isn't better then to call me. At that, we both laughed out loud. Though a little nervous, I said to him, "If you want to rest for a bit out of heat and all, my place is just a couple of blocks from here. I mean if you want to. Heck, I might even spring for a beer!" Again, we laughed, as he nodded his head up and down and out-stretched his hand in a joking motion for me to assist his getting to his feet. As we made our way to my apartment, we chit-chatted about this and that, and what we both did for a living. After I told him my occupation, which I guess he was interested in, I then asked him what he did. This caused a momentary stop, which surprised me for a second as he just looked at me with an ear to ear grin. "You do know who I am, don't you? "Should I?" I wasn't sure what to say, as I really didn't know who he was except a guy on the guy. His smiled dimmed a little, and he said, "You are gay, right?" "Yes, so.........." I answered. "It's all cool with me, but I just thought your main reason for helping me was because you thought, I don't know, I was cute or whatever. You honestly don't know who I am?" I looked at him and half-smiled, nodding my head from side to side. "Blossom, the t.v. show........You've never seen it? Brotherly Love?" I guess he could tell I hadn't. "I'm Joey Lawrence." This he said with a very large, and very cute, smile. "Well, pleased to meet ya." was all I could think of to say. Again we continued on our way til we arrived at my place. The last part of the walk we didn't say much, but my thoughts were not walking, my thoughts were of this guy who was hella-cute, and very well built, or so it seemed from what I could tell from his sweat-soaked tank-top. I tried to get my mind off him, as I thought it would be nice just to help a fellow jogger, have a beer or two, and that would be that. His foot seemed to be feeling better as he made his way to the couch in the living room, and proceeded to make himself comfortable on it. "So, are you springing for a beer or what?" As I turned to face him, he had, again, that huge cute smile on his face. "Not a problem" I responded, as I got two Ales from the fridge. [For those of you who don't know, Ales are beer, but much stronger that normal beer.....] I handed it to him, as he said, "Ale, mmmmm. Haven't had this in a while and it's a 16 ouncer, wow." With this said he, I sat down in a chair opposite the couch as both of us opened our Ale took a drink to cool down from the heat and the walk. My drink was small compared to Joey who must have devoured almost a quarter of the bottle, which seemed to please him as his big, cute smile returned. As I reached towards to coffee table which was between us, I looked up and asked, "Do you 'indulge' at all?" "It depends on what." he responded with such a look that almost made me a little nervous. From a little box on the table, I withdrew a joint. With my eye-brows raised in a questioning look, I looked at him to see what his response would be. "Not a lot, but once in a while when i'm not working and someone has some, I do." As I listened to his answer I really took a good look at him, and saw what a really good-looking dude he was. A face that must make women everywhere, wet their pants. And a body that seemed so in-shape. Dismissing those thoughts, before I did something stupid, "Shall we...?" I said, as I lit the joint and passed it to Joey. I took another hit, and a drink of my beer, and while Joey was 'indulging', I got up and put some tunes on the stereo. For the next few minutes we didn't say much, just enjoyed the music, the beer, the joint, the moment. Tho I was feeling slightly stoned from both the 'J' and the beer, I was pleased with myself that I liked Joey as a person and not because of what he looked like. I didn't even have any more thoughts about 'him', as we resumed 'yaking' about whatever. After almost an hour, a 'J', and 3 beers a piece, we were both having a real cool time. Laughing at stories he was telling me about shooting this, or taping that for whatever, and all the funny things that happen behind the scenes. Both of us were laughing and really having a good time. "Wait!! Hold it!!" I said, as I stood up. "Push your pause button. I gotta take a leak...." as I walked out of the room laughing. By myself, now, for a minute or two I couldn't believe how much fun this was and I genuinely wasn't even horny, which surprised me. As I finished, I was proud of myself at being able to meet someone-tho cute-and just get to know them instead of 'wanting' them. Before exiting the bathroom I smiled at myself, proudly, in the mirror. Returning to the living room with my little sense of pride, I was dumb-founded as my eyes locked on Joey. I knew he felt comfortable and all, but here he was, this guy I should have known but didn't, very relaxed. Stretched out on the couch without his tank-top, his shoes next to the couch, one arm behind his head, the other still holding what was left of the 'J' which he was 'hitting' again and a look that almost made me trip over my own foot. "Comfortable, are we?" I said, with a smile as he reached out to hand me the 'J' which was small but I managed to get one more 'hit' off it before putting it out. With a slight smile on his face, he said, "I can't believe you stopped and assisted me without knowing who I was. I would have guessed in a second, that you were just 'helping' me because of who I was. The Gay thing doesn't bother me a bit, but most of the time whenever a guy introduces themselves to me at whatever, 9 times out of 10, they are obviously gay, and they just go on about how cute I am, or how they have fantasies about me because of my body, and shit like that. It doesn't bother me, like I said, but here you are. Your gay, yet your cool and i'm almost embarrassed to say, but i'm surprised that you haven't said one word about any of that." As he was saying this, I did notice that he was constantly caressing his chest and running his fingers through the hair on his chest. I even saw him, or at least I think I saw him, actually pinch his nipple a couple of times. i didn't think anything of it at the time, tho. "Thanks, I guess" I wasn't sure how to respond. "Another Ale?" I asked him. He didn't say anything, just picked up his empty bottle, handed it to me with another one of those very cute grins, and layed back down. I returned with another for both of us, and as I handed him his he looked up at me, and asked, "Are you the first gay guy i've met who doesn't think i'm cute?" How to reply, I didn't have a clue. How I wanted to shout, "Are you serious? Your gorgeous!! Let's get naked so i can suck you, and have you fuck me!!" But I stopped myself from saying that as I wasn't sure if he was just 'high', or messing with me or what. "No, you are cute........." was all I could manage to mutter as I sat back down in the chair across from him. "Why are you sitting over there? I mean, this is a large enough couch for the both of us, ya know. I don't think we'll be crowded or anything." As he said this, he sat up a little more than he was, and I didn't want to be a bad host and I was intrigued as to where this might go, tho I knew it would probably be just 'talk' and what-not about this and that, so I got up and sat down on the couch as he had suggested. "Arn't you hot with your shirt on? I was sweating like a pig. That's why I took my top off. I won't get 'scared' or anything if you want to take your shirt off and be a little cooler. It's hot as hell, and most people do that when their at home. Your cool, I 'trust you'." he said with a laugh so as not to offend me or anything by his cute remark. It was hot, and my air-conditioning wasn't the best, so I took off my shirt which was a relief and instantly I felt cooler, and sat back down on the couch not intentially but I plunked down closer to Joey than I had planned. We both laughed about it, which made me really start to relax. With my shirt now off, starting my 4th Ale (16 once) and 'high' from the 'J' we had smoked, I was feeling just fine. I layed my head back,closed my eyes just for a second, feeling comfortable, feeling relaxed, still feeling proud as I had minutes ago, feeling cool, feeling lips...................................... My eyes darted open, not knowing what the hell was happening! My eyes, wide open, were being looked back at by the most beautiful set of eyes I had ever seen. Before a second passed, there Joeys lips were again. Gently pressing against mine. He brushed his lips over mine a couple of times, and the electricity that went through me was so new to me. Brushing his lips over mine again he slightly opened his lips and I could not help but respond by doing the same. I could tell that when he felt me responding, he took it a step further and before I knew what was happening I felt his tongue slowly enter my mouth, and the feel of his stubble against my face. My head was spinning! I enjoyed that kiss immensely!!! Well, as much as I could enjoy it, what with my head spinning-partly because of what we had 'in-took', but mostly from this out of blue, incredible, kiss that was happening. I didn't want to end the kiss, but now that some of my 'buttons' had been turned on, I wanted to kind of figure what the hell was happening here! My hands, which have a life of their own, I found caressing Joeys muscular, well-developed, chest. Up and down his abs, his stomach, back up to his shoulders, and those arms. The way his firm body felt under my hands was almost indescribable. Not a lot of hair on his chest, but just enough to run my fingers through as his tongue explored, and my tongue explored. Grabbing firm on his chest, I pushed him back a little bit. With as cute a smile as I could muster, I asked him, "So, what's up?" I tried to say it in as joking a sounding way as I could so as not to possibly blow a fun afternoon. Joey sat up a little bit as he reached for his Ale, which he took a swallow from. Wiped his mouth in such a 'macho', 'manly', way. Sat the Ale down again, looked at me and said, "Me." with such a shit-eating grin, I couldn't help but laugh. "With all the opportunities I know you've had, did you ever 'do it' with 1 of your 'male fans'?," Whatever the answer, it didn't matter not to me. He was in my place, right now-WITH ME. He made himself comfortable on the couch, and responded, "A couple of few times, the 'situation' came about. I thought about it, and whatever. But it always got screwed up before I knew if I would have done anything or not. But, I will be honest and say that I have often thought about 'doing it' with a guy. Especially when i'm horny and can't find a chick, know what I mean?" He paused for a second, took another drink, and continued, "Why today, right now, with you. I don't have a clue. But, I feel real comfortable here. Relaxed, not feeling nervous about you 'trying' anything, content. Then to add to that, the fact hat you didn't 'gay-out' about me. For some reason, it turned me on. Is that nuts, or what?" Now, I felt he might be a little embarrassed by the whole thing, and not wanting to screw any of my-now-plans, in 1 swift move, I planted myself sort of next to him-sort of on top of him. It stunned him for a second because he wasn't expecting it, not that I was planning or expecting it either. But, during his stunned moment, I just relaxed and decided to 'go for it'!! My lips brushed the back of his neck, his shoulder blades, the neck t self. Not kissing, not sucking, not licking, just tasting his salty, manly, skin. To my slight joy, small moans were escaping from Joey, that I don't even think he knew he was doing. He was making them, and that was all that mattered now. As I kept 'finishing' 1 side of his neck, i'd glide to the other side, the middle, the very back of his neck......"Oh my God......" he started to say several times. Moaning a little now, and moving his head from left to right clenched back, and he had such uforic look on his face, it drove me even more wild! His strong hands grasped my face and kissed me like I don't think i've ever been kissed before!! It was gentle. It was wild. It was slow. It was fast. IT WAS A DAMN TURN ON!!!! As he continued this kiss his hands were all over me. Touching every part of my body. Every part except 'that 1".But his kiss was so damn good, I really didn't care about that!! After many minutes of turning over and moving every which-way on the couch, with his face-and those eyes-staring straight into my eyes he asked in a low, but very seductive voice, "I want to get to where I haven't got to before. I've had the opportunity, but never the 'fun' that should have followed." Still with our eyes locked, his strong hand came upon my face and brushed against my cheek, which I thought would make me 'explode' right then and there. "Show me your bedroom." and he took my hands in his and lifted me off the couch, and motioned for me to 'show him the way'. The sun had set, and we hadn't even noticed till we started walking down the hallway. "What time is it?" Joey asked in not a really caring tone, just. "I'd say, by how dark it is right now, it's probably after 7:00 or around there. Why?" "Just making conversation." He answered with a laugh. As we reached my bedroom door, Joey stopped, and said half nervously, "I'll be in, in a second." With that, he walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. I wasn't surprised, as this was his 'first time' and all. But, I couldn't help wondering what he was thinking about at this very moment. It was sort of, a kind of, 'turn-on' in a way. I got my mind off that by 'preparing' things. As I lit a couple of candles, I was glad the time had passed and it had gotten dark. "Can't get more perfect than that, can ya?" I thought to myself. As I didn't want to rush things, or make him uncomfortable in any way, I didn't turn back the bed or anything like that. I figured with the soft light from the candles, and the low volumed music playing, this would be enough to 'do it', or not 'do it'. Sitting on the bed, with my back against the headboard, I made myself relax, and wait to see what my future held. My wait only lasted a few seconds as he strutted into my room. I could tell that whatever he had been thinking about or whatever had helped him to relax or whatever you want to call it. But, he had a certain confidence about our 'situation', or some thing like that. I wasn't real sure and really didn't care!! "I hope you don't mind," he said as he sat down on the bed, "But, I sort of helped myself and grabbed another 'J' from the box. I really only want like a hit or two, if that's ok with you." The tone of his voice, as he said this, was so cute, and such a turn on, all I said was, "Cool..." Before he lit up the 'J', he smiled a cute little smile, and said, "What, no movie? His question was so out of left field, that it made me laugh, which in-turn made Joey look me. Luckily he had big smile on his face letting me know he knew he surprised me. I reached onto the night table for the remote with which I flicked on the TV/VCR and with that a movie was now there for the viewing. As Joey watched what was going on in the video, he lit the 'J' he had brought in. As he inhaled a hefty hit his eyes didn't leave the TV screen, even as he handed me the the 'J' reaching behind. As I took a hit, I watched Joey watch the 'movie', as he slowly ran his hand over his chest and arms. Watching this was making it difficult not to leap right on top of him and 'do it'. But, knowing what the situation was I didn't. I moved down the bed a little bit and the 'J' back to Joey who fumbled around for it still peering at the TV. He took it from me and inhaled another enormous hit, which he held for quit some time. Knowing he was probably a little stoned, and tripping on what he was seeing, I stretched out on the bed where I had moved, as I was quit content to just lay there and look up and down his glorious physique, and fantasize. Laying my head down on the bed, I noticed him finally exhale the hit he had taken, and his face had such a relaxed, contented look that I let myself relax and not think about what if..... As I closed my eyes I listened to what was going on on the video and from what I could hear the 2 guys were kissing one another all over, and touching each other, as loud moans were heard from the TV. As I lay there, feelng very relaxed, listening to the sounds that the 'guys' were making, I could feel my entire boy relaxing, feeling the bedspread beneath me, feeling basically fine and contented. As I started to sort of drift off I felt finger tips lightly caressing my legs, and thighs, my stomach. As I felt those finger tips start to caress my chest I could feel my nipples harden from the sensation of feeling Joeys finger tips touching me. I was done with my 'drift off' as I felt his hot breath against my cheek. As I opened my eyes, there was Joeys face so close to mine and the instant my eyes opened there his were looking into mine with such a look almost undescribable that it made me just a bit nervous. Looking into each others for what seemed like forever, he stroked my cheek with his hand as I felt those soft, yet masculine, lips connect with mine. His lips gently pressed against mine, sliding them over mine, back and forth and then I felt his lips 'nudge' mine in such a sensual way I couldn't help but just let whatever was going to happen, happen. Both of us felt the other yielding to the kiss as our lips parted and inside the depth of my mouth I could feel his tongue exploring and licking my tongue with his as the hand on my cheek started to move to my neck which he lightly squeezed that let a moan escape from me. The moan was obviously what he needed to know that everything was cool and not to stop as that soft, light kiss became more and more intense, and his hand was gliding over my chest and nipples, which by now, were hard as ever. After a few minutes of real GOOD kissing, he pulled back a little with a look that told me he wanted to do more but wasn't sure how to proceed. Knowing this, I decided to 'help him out". As I began to touch and feel his chest and arms, I pressed slightly on his chest to get him to ly down from his upright-on his side-position, which he did without much 'pressing' from me. He rolled onto his back and out-stretched his arms above is head. As my hands were enjoying what they were feeling, a strong, well developed set of pecs with a light amount of hair that felt so soft, and arms that were so full of muscles. I noticed, as I ran my hand over his nipples again, that they were hard and couldn't stand it any more as I tongue slowly circled, and my teeth grazed them and made Joey let out a much pleasured moan. Hearing this wonderful sound come out of him, I let me dick take control of my brain as I started moving up to his neck , but first kissing his neck which got another moan, and then to his neck I headed. Running my tongue over his adams-apple, the left side, the right, 'biting' all right places as moans were coming out of him more and more. Enjoying what I was hearing, I decided to head south, and down his chest again I went running my tongue over each nipple and down his stomach which caused him to squirm a little and down to his now erect dick. I took his dick-which I would say was a good 8 1/2 inches-and massaged it as my lips drew closer to the head of dick. As my lips first made contact with his head, again his body juggled and another moan was heard. Opening my mouth, I began to allow his dick to come into my mouth. Slowly I let his cock go into my mouth, inch by inch it went. After three quarters of it was in my mouth I pulled back a little bit to get ready for all of him. Taking a deep breath and making my neck relax, I descended down again, and within seconds I had his whole cock deep in the depths of my throat.  


6 Gay Erotic Stories from MarkeePoo

A Joey Day, Part 1

  As I lay here in my bed, looking at the ceiling, the sound of the clock ticking away. I lay there, not believing what had happened earlier that day. As I finally start to drift off to sleep, what had happened that day filled my dreams............... I was jogging, as I do on a regular basis, this morning.. The sun was bright and warm. The air was crisp and clean. There

A Joey Day, Part 2

In the back of my throat I could feel the full extent of his tool. It hurt a little, but it also felt so good. The instant the head of his dick hit that back of my throat, his hips quivered as he felt the back of my throat hit against his head, and he made sure-without even realizing it-that e went 'all the way' in. And the moan that came out of him, in that instant, was more

Mario's Photo Shoot

"Turn your head a little more to right, and up just a bit." Looking through the lens of my camera, making sure he was positioned just right. Having done a lot of photo shoots, it had become 'old hat'. But, today, it was more difficult as the guy I was photographing was non-other than that well built, and very handsome, Mario Lopez. I had watched him when he was on, "Saved By The

Soap Stars, Part 2

"CAMERON MATHISON GETS 'LUCKY'!!!!!!!" (part 2) "Let's go into the bedroom," Cameron whispered into Jonathan's ear. He lifted his head to look again into Jonathan's deep blue eyes. The smile that greeted his eyes was something Cameron had never experienced before. So soft looking, so sexy, so masculine-yet not a turn off. The slight grin on Jonathan's face said more than

Soaps Stars, Part 1

ABC hosts 3 of daytimes hottest soaps, and once in a while 2 shows will shoot scenes using the same studio and set. This happened about a week ago. Cameron Mathison - "All My Children", and Jonathan Jackson - "General Hospital", were filming on the same set together. It was a long hard day for both, and when the shoots finally wrapped for the day and the crew had almost

Stalled on Joshua Avenue

A work of fiction and in no way implies or suggests ANYTHING concerning Joshua Morrows sexual preference!!] The breeze felt great on my face, the sun shining brightly, cool tunes rockin' out of the radio, and luck was with me as there was not many people on the highway. So, for me, it was very relaxing as I was about 1/4 of a mile from my turn-off and then just minutes from my

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