Gay Erotic Stories

A Man's Man, Part 1

by Roof Raiser

I had been working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months and was more than ready for a vacation, when my co-worker Jack mentioned that he was heading up north for the weekend and wondered if I would consider coming along with him. He was building a small log cabin in the woods and needed some help in raising the roof rafters. I gladly accepted and we arranged to meet after work. Jack and I had worked together for 3 years at a chemical processing plant. Our job was to monitor the process by computer. We worked nights, from 8:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning. It was just the two of us on duty and we rarely saw another person during our 10 hour shift. We seldom talked during our shift - we didn't need to. We each seemed to sense the other's thoughts and anticipated each other's actions. I was the same age as Jack, 32, yet I always thought of him as the older, wiser man. Jack was what was referred to as 'a man's man'. I'd always heard that expression and never knew what it meant until I met Jack. He had rugged good looks and a strong healthy body. He had piercing blue eyes and sandy colored hair that had a habit of falling down into his eyes. This man exuded confidence and masculinity like no other. Jack's only fault was that he had this habit of falling asleep while sitting at the computer control panel. I usually didn't mind, because minutes after going to sleep the man would get an erection and I was always rewarded with a great basket shot. Once he was asleep, he was impossible to wake. I had always been single and dated mostly women, but I'd had a couple of experiences with men, mostly in my teen years. The fact is, I'd had a crush on Jack almost since we started working together, but knew that nothing would ever come of it. Jack was definitely straight. I'd sometimes fantasize about him while jerking off. When working with him I'd sometimes have to leave the room - just to calm my desire for him. I thought this weekend would be a chance for us to become friends outside of work and decided that it would be unwise to act on my desires. We reached the work site after dark and got busy setting up the 2 man pup tent that Jack had brought along. We built a fire and sat near it drinking a beer and talking. It was a beautiful night and we decided to bring our sleeping bags outside and sleep out in the open. In the middle of the night I heard Jack get up. He stepped just outside the campsite and unzipped his pants to take a leak. He stood sideways to me with the full moon beyond him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Silhouetted by the moon was what looked like a horse - sized dick hanging from him! It appeared to be semi-hard, protruding straight out from his body for about 3 or 4 inches and then curving downward, the weight of the massive head pulling the bulk of his dick down toward the ground. It was by far the largest dick that I'd ever laid eyes on. I yearned to put my hands on it too! It had to be illusion caused by the moon light I decided. No man is that well hung. He returned to bed and before long was snoring softly, and moments later, I too, drifted off to sleep. The next morning we were up early and went into town for breakfast and supplies. We were back by 9am and got busy hoisting the roof rafters up into place. As the day progressed it got hot and sticky and before long we were both shirtless and had changed into cutoff jeans. The sight of his bare chest taunted me. He was lightly tanned and had a rich carpet of short, sandy colored chest hair. He also had the largest nipples I'd ever seen on a man! They had to be the size of silver dollars! He broad shoulders narrowed down to slim 30" waist. Jack wasn't a big man. He was about 5 ft. 9 but was solid and sturdy. The sight of him drove me absolutely crazy - I almost fell off the roof! I managed to control myself as we worked side by side until about 2:00 PM when we broke for lunch. We'd brought sandwiches and beer back from town that morning and settled back on the long grass to eat. When he'd finished eating, Jack laid back on the grass with a sigh of contentment and within seconds I could tell that he'd dozed off. I took the opportunity to gaze at his strong unshaven face and especially marveled at his hands. They were large and rough from heavy work. His fingers were long and thick and the back of his hands were heavily veined. His knuckles and the back of his hands were covered with tufts of fine blond hairs. I'd always admired men's hands. They were what I first notice about another man - particularly the thumb nails. Jack's nails were wide and long, almost massive. I could picture his beefy hand wrapped around his cock and the thought of it excited me. Before long, I too, fell asleep. I was only asleep for 10 minutes and was half way into a dream involving Jack when I was jarred awake by the sound of a hawk screeching in the skies above. The noise hadn't disturbed Jack's sleep one bit. He was obviously an extremely sound sleeper. When I looked over at him, he had one arm under his head and the other lay on his stomach. The hair from his chest trailed down towards his navel, getting darker as it disappeared into to his cutoffs. He stirred in his sleep and reached his hand into his jeans and scratched at his crotch hair. His left leg was outstretched but he cocked his right leg in my direction. He stopped scratching, but left his hand where it was, and settled back into a deep slumber. In his scratching he must have awakened his cock, because soon a thick mass started to rise up in his pants and began to creep down the right leg of his cutoffs. I watched in amazement as it slowly and steadily continued down his thigh, forcing the material out of its was as it went. My heart began to race at the thrill of witnessing the event undetected. The distance from his crotch to the end of the leg of his cutoffs I estimated to be about 8 inches. His cock was already at the 7 inch mark and still growing! I watched in fascination. Jack stirred briefly and pushed his hand further into his jeans and in doing so forced his cock further down the pant leg until the head popped into view. For a moment I was breathless. I'd heard somewhere that the diameter of a man's nipple gives a hint as to the diameter of his cock and now I had my proof! Suddenly, Jack's breathing stopped and he seemed about to awake. I held my breath along with him and thought I pass out from lack of oxygen, when at last he let out a snort. His cock began pulsing in a steady rhythm. Each pulse forced his cock further and further out of his pant leg. There was 8 inches of cock in the pant leg and the massive head was poking out of his shorts. With each pulse of blood to his cock, it would grow another 1/4 inch. His cock was perfectly proportioned, thick and meaty from the base to the massive head. When it had grown to 10 inches, it stopped growing in length, but now proceeded to grow in thickness. A dew drop of juice appeared from its head and lingered. Jack stirred in his sleep and began to rub his hand along its length, moaning softly. Just when I thought I could stand it no longer, he retrieved his cock back up into his cutoffs and rolled on his side away from me. He settled back into his rhythmic snore. I quietly got up and went to the woods to take a piss, which was a little difficult to do with a roaring hard on. My own 7 inches throbbed and I quickly whacked away my desire and frustration a few quick pumps, picturing in my mind what I could do with Jack's huge cock in my mouth. Spent, I returned to the job site and found Jack standing on the roof ready to work. His cutoffs still showed a long soft bulge and from the angle down below I could just see his cock head peeking out of his pant leg. I like looking a stiff hard cock, but my favorite view is just after a hard on has gone soft, but hasn't yet lost its length or girth, arching outward and then down. I imagined Jack's cock hanging that way now. Of course Jack didn't know what I was seeing from my angle down below. We worked until sundown and managed to completely finish the roof, shingles and all. Jack was thrilled with our progress. He thought it would take 2 full weekends to finish the job. He praised my speed and craftsmanship. Little did he know that my quick work was my way of controlling my pent-up desire for him. We decided to treat ourselves to a night on the town as a reward for a job well done. We both stripped down naked and dove into the river to wash off the day's sweat and grime. I made a great effort not to look in his direction, and he showed no interest in seeing me naked either. I did manage to grab one quick peek and was amazed to see that his once monstrous cock was now shriveled up and woefully small. I thought it absolutely amazing that a part of the human body could undergo such a transformation. We ate dinner at a small dinner in town and on the way back stopped at an old country tavern on the shore of a small lake. The place was very rustic, yet comfortable, and we had several beers before switching to shots of rye whiskey. Neither of us had tried it before and only did so at the urging of a group of older women at the table next to us. They were friendly and talkative and I couldn't help but notice that they ALL had the "hots" for Jack. I guess he was not only a Man's Man but a Ladie's Man as well. After 6 beers each and about has many shots of whiskey, we decided to head back to the cabin. With the progress we had made on the first day, Jacked hoped that we might be able to set all the doors and windows in the place the next day. Jack had finished the fireplace the weekend before, so the place was starting to look quite cozy. We got back to camp and as we walked toward the tent we heard something making one hell of a racket. We were approaching the tent cautiously when some kind of animal shot past us in the dark. When I opened the flap on the tent I knew instantly what kind of animal it was - a skunk! The odor was everywhere! Jack didn't seem too upset about the situation and said not to worry - we'd sleep in the nearly completed cabin and start a fire in the fireplace. Which was just as well, because a cold front had moved in and it was starting to rain and thunder. Suddenly I thought - we've nothing to sleep in - our sleeping bags were ruined by the skunk! Jack said not to worry, he had an extra large sleeping bag in the truck that we could share. He mistook the look of glee on my face for apprehension and said it didn't bother him to share the sleeping bag. He said that nothing short of a lighting strike would wake him up, especially with the drinks he'd had. Just then lightning DID strike!. With the grounding rods not yet in place for the electrical system, the lightning struck the tallest structure in the area - the roof! Flames flickered up almost instantly from the eaves at the far end of the roof. We were momentarily stunned, but quickly went into action. Outside in the pouring rain, we set a ladder up against the side of the cabin and Jack dipped buckets of water out of the stream and passed them up to me on the ladder. Within no time we had the fire out and were back inside the dry cabin. We, however were far from dry. Every inch of our clothes were drenched. We built a fire in the fireplace and stripped down to our underwear, hanging our clothes from the mantel to dry. We stood in front of the fire, each of us turning slowly to warm our bodies. Finally Jack said that he'd had enough excitement for one day and was ready for bed. By this time, I too, was totally exhausted and craved sleep, but I knew I couldn't climb in the sleeping bag with wet underwear. With my back to Jack I slipped off my shorts and hung them on mantel. I dove into the cold sleeping bag and laid on my side away from the fire. As I dozed off, I heard Jack walk over to the door to the outside and take a leak into the pouring rain. I pictured his horse dick hanging in the air and fell asleep before he returned and climbed in next to me. I awoke minutes later to the loudest crack of thunder I'd ever heard. Jack was facing the fire and was sound asleep. The thunder hadn't stirred him one bit. As we lay back to back, our buttocks touched lightly and I noticed that he must have taken off his wet underwear. In moments I too was sound asleep. Sometime during the night, I awoke - not fully awake- not fully asleep, and felt Jacks body next to mine. He had turned over in his sleep and his body rested against mine, spoon to spoon. What a wonderful feeling it was. The warmth of his body lulled me into feeling of contentment and comfort. His breaths were warm against my neck. His chest hair tickled my back. The feeling was so wonderful. I thought this must be what it's like to sleep every night with the man you love. With those thoughts, I drifted off to sleep again. My dreams were scattered and made no sense. Most of them were about Jack. I awoke at what must have been about 3:00 AM to the sound of a light rain outside and the crackle of the dwindling fire. Jack's snoring was erratic -he must be dreaming I thought. We were still sleeping spoon to spoon but our bodies didn't touch. I laid there half asleep, listening to the sounds of the night, and sensed a warmth from behind me, between my legs. A moment later I felt a gentle nudge against my buttocks. As I lay there the nudge came and went. It was Jack's cock pulsing against me, flexing intermittently, each time spreading the cheeks of my ass a little wider. I was frozen with fear and desire. What if he wakes up? We lay in this position for what seemed like hours until his cock head was pushing at me, on the verge of entry. I was so aroused I had to fight to control my breathing. The pressure of Jacks cock was now constant and steady against me. I fought to control my breathing and to remain relaxed. I flexed the muscles of my ass, trying to give his persistent cock entry. His snoring was strong and steady - still sound asleep. Slowly, very slowly, I gently pushed back against him. I had never been so aroused in my life! This was wonderful! It seemed impossible, the head of his massive cock would rip me to shreds, I thought. I concentrated my thoughts and willed myself to relax every muscle in my body. Jack's cock used the opportunity to make its entry. Just the head at first, then, with each pulse, it entered a little more. I felt no pain- just total bliss. We lay like this for a long while, neither advancing or retreating, with just the head of cock within me. Suddenly Jack's heavy breaths became erratic, as if entering another dream. Slowly, deliberately, his body pushed against me. His cock advanced a 1/4 inch at a time. It seemed to go on forever until, finally, the hairs around his massive balls brushed against my ass. I could take no more. My cock exploded without my even touching it. Jack's snoring never wavered or changed. Slowly I started to pull away, but with each movement Jack would start to rouse. I couldn't risk the chance of waking him. Again, I fell asleep, but this time with Jack buried deep within me, long and hard. I awoke sometime later to find Jack's cock moving inside me. It was moving slowly out of me, minutes to the inch, still rock hard and pulsing. No wait! Don't stop! I thought, but dared not risk waking him. Still he snored, heavily and fitfully. He was almost fully out of me now. Only the tip of the head could be felt inside me. I resigned my self to the fact that it was over. Oh but what a night! Then, just when I thought he was almost out, back it came with force and desire, pushing further and deeper. I gasped at the thrill of its motion and pushed against it. When it could go no further it stopped. Each flex of the muscles of his wonderful cock sent me to the moon with desire! Surely he must be awake to make his cock flex and grow like this. His breathing was fast and raspy but he wasn't snoring. Oh my God he's awake! I'll die of shame to have him catch me at this. SNORT! was his reply. Fully asleep, he began to slowly withdraw from me. Just as before, when his head was almost withdrawn, back it came steadily and forcefully. But this time it didn't stop! In a slow steady rhythm it would retreat and then quickly force its way back as far as it could go. Each withdrawal taking 2 minutes, each forward thrust taking 2 seconds. Again and again and again. Each thrust in time with a snore. I came once, moments later I came again. With each thrust his cock seemed to grow. 10 inches quickly in - 10 inches slowly out. His body was sleep fucking me like I've never been fucked before. Suddenly his last thrust bored deep into me and tried to keep going! I could feel his cock swell as he tried to push further and further into me. His body tensed and his snoring became louder and echoed about the room. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, I came again, and so did he. I felt the warmth of his cum fill me, spurting with each snore of his sleep. Jack moaned in pleasure and as his body relaxed, so did mine. As his breathing returned to normal, so did mine. As his snore settled into the steady rhythm of a restful sleep, I joined him, his body still within me, and I slept like I've never slept before. When I awoke at dawn, Jack was up and standing at the door, naked, taking a leak. His cock, semi-hard, was extended to its full 10 inches - arching out and down -a heavy stream of urine flowing out. It was a picture perfect in my favorite pose. My cock stirred as I watched him. He was unaware that I was awake and I took the moment to admire him - not just his body or that magnificent cock, but Jack the man: a Man's Man. We started to work after breakfast and by 2:00 PM, we had finished setting the doors and windows. On the drive back to the city we passed the time talking about how great it will be to have a hideaway in the woods. Jack said that it was strange, be he remembered having the most fantastic dreams while we were there. He thought it must be the fresh air and the lack of stress that seemed to totally relax him. When I asked him what his dreams were about, he said he couldn't remember the details, but did remember that I was in them. He said he'd be returning the next weekend to bring up some of the furniture. Nothing major, just 2 easy chairs and a bed. Would I be interested in coming back with him? Hmmm, only ONE bed! You bet! Stay tuned for part 2!


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Roof Raiser

A Man's Man, Part 1

I had been working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 months and was more than ready for a vacation, when my co-worker Jack mentioned that he was heading up north for the weekend and wondered if I would consider coming along with him. He was building a small log cabin in the woods and needed some help in raising the roof rafters. I gladly accepted and we arranged to

A Man's Man, Part 2

All during the ride home from Jack's cabin, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Is it possible that he really did sleep through what was the most erotic experience of my life? But I then realized that the experience WAS so erotic BECAUSE he slept through it! The feeling of suspense and danger was what had thrilled me. Now there was a chance of a repeat

A Man's Man, Part 3

It was a couple of weeks before we could make it back up to Jacks cabin. We made plans to go up the first weekend in August. It had been a hot summer and I had hoped it might be a little cooler up in the mountains. Jack was to go up on Thursday afternoon in order to order the lumber and materials that we needed for the jobs we had planned. We wanted to make sure that they would

A Man's Man, Part 4

That glorious weekend with Jack and his kid brother Sam had created a dilemma for me. I now realized that I was totally and hopelessly in love with Jack. I don't mean in love with his cock or his body, but in love with the total package including his mind, heart and soul. He was all that I thought about. I wanted to spend every waking minute of the day with him. I wanted to spend

Jacks Are Wild!

EIGHTEEN--nine little letters that were to shape my future. I was certainly not a kid anymore, but not yet a man. I was well on my way to manhood with my body changing in delightful ways. Hair in the pits, the beginnings of a beard and the deepening of my voice all were adding to my physical appearance and what I would look like as a grown man. I have to admit that I was shaping up


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