Gay Erotic Stories

A New Chapter, Part 1

by John Stockton

So here’s how the story goes… It was 30/9/1997. A new beginning, another chapter of my life is about to begin. Little did I know that the moment I said goodbye to family, friends and relatives that day and stepped into the boarding gate of Subang Airport I was about to enter a new world… a world of a self discovery which I doubt I would ever experience should I not accept the scholarship. 18 years old… admittedly I was still very naïve to go to England at such an early age. Excited as I was, I was about to learn much more than what the university itself could have offered. As I was settling down in my campus, I noticed that tak ramai malaysian kat university ni. Adala lebih kurang 10… in any way I chose to come to this university purely for that reason. Kalau ramai sangat melayu surely I would not mixed with the locals. Right from the start I told myself that, I’m not just going to get a degree from here but I’m going to learn about the behaviour of the people as well (not really their culture because I wonder if they have any). It all started during the orientation week. So dalam minggu ni, there’ll be a lot of trials for the university sports team and also booth open up to join societies. As a person who loves sports, I was instinctively attracted to join sports club. I joined the badminton club and the basketball club. Fuhh masa nak join basketball club to I noticed that senior students yg lepak kat situ mainly are the greeks. Compared to mat salleh these people can really pump your heart out… with the skin complexion yg taklah putih pucat macam mat salleh these people memang good looking. Come to think about it, baru teringat yg jennifer anniston, george michael and tah sapa-sapa lagi artis memang berdarah campuran greeks. I was personally attracted to this girl, later I get to know that her name was anastasia. Cun habis minah ni… In anyway, after that I jalan-jalanla nak tengok society apa lagi yg ada kat this university. I was personally disgusted, shocked to came across this one particular society, the name is…. The lesbian n gay society. What the f@%k! but dalam diam I was a bit curious to know more about it. Do they openly accept that such people here in UK I wonder? Tak pernahla terlintas that there are ppl in this world that openly out that way… I’m for one, never admitted that I’m plu although I do admit that some guys do have their own attractiveness compared to girls. Ahh biarlaa, diorang ni dah gila kut I told myself, I could never accept these people no matter what. It was my upbringing I suppose that I hate so much. Oh pelease! No way, Jose… Today is the trial for the basketball team… I know at 5 feet nine chances are very little for me to get into the team. Tapi takpela, anastasia maybe ada kat sana bolehla pegi mengorat dia. Mostly yg turn up for the trial much taller than I am and majority are greeks although ada jugak some mat salleh and asians. Greeks ni terror main basketball sebab in europe they are among the best team. Olimpyakos and panatinaikos tu selalu menang competition at european level so basketball ni dah jadi lebih kurang macam badminton kat malaysia. Masa other people were playing, although I thought I was good these greeks are even better. So I told myself that, if there’s any chance for me to get into the team, I better team up with somebody.. yela everybody nak tunjuk skill masing2 tapi I guess they forgot that in basketball as much as you want to show your individual prowess you have to show that you are a team player as well. Come the chance for me n my new fren alex to play… apalagi we work like a charm. I’m the shooter and he’s the rebounder as well as a dunker… my assist punyala banyak kat dia and whenever he stuck in the paint (ni semua basketball term), he throw back out to me for an open shot. Sorryla beb, I rarely miss an open shot, I got a couples of three pointers. Dah habis main tu sementara nak tunggu the final list I saw anastasia by the court. Huh slowly she came towards me and stand by the by the court. I tegurla dia and from then on we became close. Rupanya dia dah perasan yg I dah usha dia since the moment I saw her at the basketball booth the other day. Finally the coach blew the whistle and call up everybody (tersentak dari lamunan asmara seketika). Actually I’m not interested to know the final list because I’m quite certain I wont get into the team and I’m more interested to know anastasia. Masa coach tengah announce the name I tengah main mata dengan anastasia. Tiba-tiba anastasia macam excited semacam heranla apsalla pulak minah ni kalau ye pun suka kat I tak payah buat-buat macam menjerit tapi tak keluar suara.. suddenly my new fren alex, tepuk my back n say congrats… terkedu tu.. my name was called along with his. Yahhoooo! I got into the final 20. Since then on, Anastasia and I became much closer than what I could have imagine and much of time were spent with her if not on the basketball court. Coming into the 4th week I keluar ngan anastasia dia dah mula berani tidur kat bilik i. Tapi tak sekatil yela I told her, asian ni bersopan takleh tidur sekatil selagi belum kawin… tapi bila tengok minah ni geram jugak rasanya. During that week jugak a new coach was coming to coached us. Cuba teka bangsa apa? Greek. The name is Panogiotis. We call him panos. Fuhh orgnya dlm lewat 30an tapi body still tegap.. takla berketul-ketul tapi sedap mata memandang. Handsome pulak tu. Haritu semangat gila I main to impress the new coach and I did. After the training session for the day ended he ask me to stay behind while the rest heading for the shower. Issh apala pulak dia nak cakap ni… nak drop I ke sebab I pendek? Tengah berpeluh-peluh tu I bukakla my jersey while sitting on the floor with him. He praised me for my shooting ability tapi dia kata I need to improve on my vertical jump. Sambil dia borak tu I noticed that at times dia mencuri pandang kat my naval and my shorts. From the look I can tell he was undressing my short with his eyes… to be continued…


1 Gay Erotic Stories from John Stockton

A New Chapter, Part 1

So here’s how the story goes… It was 30/9/1997. A new beginning, another chapter of my life is about to begin. Little did I know that the moment I said goodbye to family, friends and relatives that day and stepped into the boarding gate of Subang Airport I was about to enter a new world… a world of a self discovery which I doubt I would ever experience should I not accept the

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