Gay Erotic Stories

Aaron: Part 1

by David

I remember the first time I saw him. It was during the summer vacation after my ninth grade year, at High School Summer camp. He was about five foot two, and he had thick brown hair, parted down the middle, and reaching down to the middle of his ears. His soft white skin had a couple small dark moles on it, and was untouched my any of the red bumps of puberty. His dark eyelashes highlighted a small button nose and dark brown eyes. His small frame was perfect, exactly what I looked for at that time, hell, and it still is. He wasn’t fat nor was he muscular, just thin, and normal. All I knew about him was that he worked at the camp, and from reading his name tag, his name was Aaron. What a wonderful name it was, personally I hated the name, but it was my middle name, and the fact that he shared it made it glorious. When you are lusting all that you can every wish for is a link of some sorts, and that was my link. But unfortunately, I was only there for a week, and I had to leave. After tenth grade, during the same time in summer, I was yet again able to go up to summer camp. I still remembered Aaron and from the deep darkness inside me, I began to remember all the thoughts that I had had about him. As soon as I got there, he was the first thing I looked for, that one person. Then I saw him. He was on the playground, on a swing, talking to two girls. Normally this would have broken my heart… well to an extent, but I was also with two female friends, so it was reassurance to me to know that he could still be of the other persuasion. All of these thoughts and I had never even talked to him before. So I thought about it and I started to listen in on his conversation, planning ways that I could interject myself into the dialogue. It was then that I realized that there was a very small whole in the crotch of his pants. I t was only about the size of a dime, and nothing could actually be seen, but it was enough to imagine. I had an instant erection. Thoughts of what I could do with that whole and just one finger began to surge through my brain. All of what I wanted to see began to flash before my eyes. Did he wear boxers or briefs? Was he hung, or did he have a small package? I don’t remember how, but I managed to get into the conversation, and I began to learn a few things about Aaron. He lived in Las Vegas, an unfortunate circumstance; it would have been much better if I had learned that he lived two miles away from me. But a good thing happened; I found one more link for my soul to find with his. He, like myself, was in Air Force Junior ROTC. We Smurfs were hard to find, so I felt like it was fate that I had found Aaron. He was about to start his second year in the program. That marked the end of that interlude. For the rest of the week all I could do was watch him when he played games outside every once in a while. When we passed by as I walked from place to place, I would of course be sure to great him, but nothing more happened. I didn’t see him again for about a month, when I was fortunate enough to be chosen to be a counselor for Light-Seekers camp. At first I was under the impression that he was not there, but one night I saw him, inside one of the meeting buildings, talking to another teenage guy that worked there. They were sitting at the piano, and the other guy appeared to be trying to teach Aaron how to sing a scale. A wonderful feeling went through my body as I listened to him attempt to sing. Not that he was any good, but it was the fact that he was doing something as feminine as singing. Macho men didn’t sing, and therefore, Aaron had at least a little femininity in him. Not that this wasn’t normal, but at least it didn’t rule him out from my reach. It may not have meant anything, but the mere possibility was enough to keep up the lust that I had been keeping for so long. I didn’t see him for the rest of the week. I was sad, but I lightened up to the fact that I would be able to see him in a year. Unfortunately, I would find out that I would not be going to High School camp the next year, and I didn’t see him that July at Light-Seekers camp. I had almost forgotten about him. It would not be until the winter of 2000 that I would see him again. I went as a counselor to Junior Winter Camp. Winter camp was for only a weekend however. Aaron didn’t even enter my mind until Saturday. When the kids were playing a game on the fields, I saw a guy with short, dark hair, and dark eyebrows. I couldn’t believe that it would be Aaron, it was a weekend, and so he should have been at school, way back in Vegas. I doubted my instinct. Logic would not allow me to believe. About three hours later I would have my proof. I saw him up close, and it was then that I knew it was him. But he looks so different. He had cut his hair, now wearing it in more of a military style, combed forward in a “Ross” style haircut. Also, puberty had unfortunately gotten a hold of him. He had grown about four inches, and he had a little touch of acne on his cheeks. His once little nose, had now grown longer, and it better fitted his face. He was thinner as well, at least in the face, and he had been putting on a little bit of muscle since I had seen him last. Such a change would have normally turned me away from someone, but there was still a hint of that cute guy I had fallen for, and there was one attribute that puberty would never be able to touch. For years I have known that purity was a large draw for me, and Aaron reeked of it. Just in the way he walked, and presented himself, I could tell that he had never had anybody. I could feel his innocence. Considering his basic good looks, it was actually quite surprising, because anybody can get laid; it is just that your chances increase the better you look. And he looked good enough to have been able to score at least a couple of times. It racked him quite a few points in my eyes. Oh how wonderful it was, I once again was able to see him, my little man had grown up. But there would be another twist to this story. When I was very little, I used to be baby sat by a family. The Bruce family apparently had me a couple of times, according to my mother. I don’t personally remember this. But the overall director of the camp I go to is Scott Bruce. The man who baby sat me now ran the camp I was going to. Well off that sidetrack, I was talking to Scott Bruce, and he said something about going in and checking on his son to see how he was doing in editing the camp video. So I asked Scott who his son was, and he told me it was Aaron. “Whoa” was the word that went through my mind. It was amazing. It was yet another chain link that was forged. We shared the name, ROTC, and now I knew his father. It was destiny that I would be with Aaron, I just knew it, or at least, I hoped it. Later that night, there was a knock on the back door of the cabin. I walked back, and opened the door; I was somewhat shocked to see that it was Aaron. He asked me where Scott Bruce was, and I told him I didn’t know where his dad was, so he began to walk off. But before he was out of sight in the darkness he turned around and walked back. He came up to me and asked how I knew that Scott was his dad. I told him the whole story about how I was babysat, and all that. He looked pretty amazed, and then he asked me if I would want to watch a movie with him later, after the kids went to sleep. I asked him what movie, and after he told me it was the Matrix I jumped at the chance. I loved the movie, and how in the hell would I be able to pass by a chance to spend more time with him. I said sure, and he told me he would meet me outside the front of the cabin in an hour. About 45 minutes later the kids were asleep, and I waited there for the rest of the 15 minutes until I heard the other counselor begin to snore very loudly. I looked at my watch to make sure about the time, and then I got up and walked out the door. Luckily, I had decided to not get undressed that night. As quietly as I could, I closed it again and looked out ahead and saw Aaron there waiting for me. He was wearing nice fitting blue jeans of light-medium darkness, and a navy blue sweatshirt. His dark hair was in spikes pointed down and forward in the “Ross” style. His dark eyes looked at me, and he cracked a mile and snuffed, “About time!” I smiled in return, and he led me down a dark pathway to where he was staying. He had a doorway directly to his room from the outside. We used that door so that all the other workers in the building wouldn’t see him walk in with a counselor, which was good because counselors weren’t exactly supposed to be in staff areas. Also, it could have gotten out that I was away from my cabin and my sleeping children, I would have gotten in a lot of trouble over that. We went to the back of the room where he kept his videos. The room was rather small, like a dorm room, with a twin-sized bed against the wall with the door that led outside. We sat on the bed as he started the video on his 25” television, which sat on the wall opposite the bed, on top of a light oak dresser about waist high. The room was lit up by an incandescent lamp at the corner of the bed and also by a panel of neon lights atop the ceiling. We sat on the bed, he was actually on the bed, and I was on the floor using the bed as a back support. He asked me if I wanted to be on the bed, and I just told him that I preferred to rest against something. He shrugged his shoulders at the useless knowledge, and then sat back using his elbows as support. About that time all the previews were over and the movie itself had began. We were silent for the first 10 minutes when a scene came up with Keyanu Reeves in it. “I don’t see how a woman could find him good looking,” I stated. Aaron responded with a strong agreement, and then he talked about how he didn’t understand how women wouldn’t instead worship him. I laughed and then I reciprocated the joke by saying, “I worship you Aaron… if that is any consolation.” He smiled and in an Austin Powers accent, “Groovy Baby.” At the same time he put up three fingers and did a cat swipe and a joking growl. I returned the swipe and laughed as I reached up and grabbed his ankle. It was a strong ankle with a huge tendon for an Achilles’ Heel. His face cringed in pain and I quickly asked him what was wrong. He said that is was just a sore muscle from twisting his ankle a little as he pulled his foot back and began to massage it. I smuggle said, “Hey at least this time it is not me rubbing someone’s foot, normally I am the one the women crack the whip at for a foot massage. He looked at me inquisitively and I could tell that he required more detail. I explained to him how I was always giving massages to people, and soon the look of confusion began to disappear, lifted off of his face, as he began to understand. He said that he loved it when his girlfriend gave him massages, but it had been a long time since he had had one from her. Sensing the opportunity I offered my services. “Really?” He asked, and after I reaffirmed my earlier statement, I made it known that I would also be happy to do it. I had never seen anybody get off of a bed so fast until that time. He sat down in front of me, facing with his back turned to me. I put up my hands, and began to massages his neck. I felt around lightly for tightened muscles until I had found a particularly tough strand. I used two fingers on each hand to gyre about the muscle, circling around the entire length of the muscle. He cocked his head to the opposite side of my fingers, and let out sighs as I massaged the muscle. The tight muscle began to expose itself closer to the surface, making it easier for me to loosen it up. He began to groan as I put greater pressure on the muscle, and I told him that I would take offense if he had an orgasm while I was massaging him, or well, at least while I wasn’t doing anything special. He chuckled and said that it was beyond his capabilities to control himself. Then he stopped me and turned around to ask me if I would massage his ankle. I told him that I could massage anything and I would be happy to massage his ankle. He placed his ankle on my leg and lightly prodded to see where it was sore. When I found the right spot, he cringed a little, letting me know that I had it. I used my palm to apply pressure to a wide area so that it would not hurt him as much. Again he groaned, and I looked at him funny, and I joked around telling him that he should save his noises for when I get to the parts of the body that I hadn’t touched yet. “Yet” he said with a mischievous tone of voice. I rolled my eyes and started to whistle, looking away from his face. “How much of the body can you massage?” I told that I could give full body massages, and then he asked me what I meant by full, yet again in a voice that hinted at an ulterior motive. “You name it I massage it.” I told him. “Even…?” I stopped him, and nodded my head. He then told me that he wanted a full massage, a FULL massage. He took off his shirt and lied down on his stomach. He had a lovely tan back, with one or two small red spots on the entire surface. I used one finger to on each hand to lightly trace around his smooth shoulder blades, then two fingers on my right hand to touch the bump at the top of spine and trace the indentation all the way down to the edge of his pants. When I got to the edge I began to head back up, rubbing against the small almost invisible hairs that covered everybody’s skin. He shivered his muscles and began to quiver, and the tiny hairs stood on end as goose bumps began to form on his skin, and a slight giggle came from his mouth. I stopped, and began to massage the general area of his back, slowly feeling the soft skin, and the lack of imperfections. Then I moved upwards and started on his arms. I stretched his arms up so he would form a “Y.” I took place in front of him, placing my hands on his shoulder. I squeezed and massaged as I pulled his arms in my direction. My hands worked towards me, returning to my body, and then released again to the other arm. Then I went back to his shoulders and pulled his arm diagonally upwards. With one hand I cupped his bicep, and the hand was used to tickle the hair in his armpit. The hair was dark and coarse, but he was not overly hairy, in fact, that was the only abundance of hair could see on his body. I had finished his back, and I told him to turn over. He twisted his torso first, and then his legs until he was fully on his back, using his hands as head rests. Before I started I went to the bed and got him a pillow for his head. I looked at his deep brown eyes and I couldn’t help but smile and marvel at the situation I had gotten myself into. He smiled back, showing his perfect, shining white teeth, and he said in a sarcastic voice, “Well…” I snapped out of my trance and looked at his chest. His smooth skin hid tense strong muscles. His pecks were defined but not sculpted to the point where he looked super muscular. His stomach was flat, and unflexed, but when I pushed my fingers to his stomach I was able to feel his six-pack beginning to ripple underneath. I started by putting my hands on the outside corners of his chest and circling around his pecks occasionally going softly up the center, disturbing his developing chest hair. Then I removed my left hand, and traced down the centerline to his belly button, and then I followed his happy trail to the boxers, which stuck out about half an inch above his jeans. I put two fingers underneath the elastic line around his waist. When I did this, he closed his eyes, and moved his head to the side while biting his lower lip slightly. I removed my fingers and traced them back up his chest. Never stopping I split off over the top of his right peck, also placing my left hand over his left peck, I then moved over to his nipples. Two small pink tabs, that were now erect, and felt like little eraser tabs. I gyrated around them occasionally shocking them with the brush of my fingers. Then I took my fingers to my mouth and moistened the tips of my thumbs. I placed them on his nipples and started to circle around the now lubricated objects. I wet my fingers and thumbs again and more smeared the moisture into his nipples this time. Then I bent down, and slightly blew on his wet nipples. When the cold air blew across them he writhed in pure feeling, appearing to hold back everything he could. “That’s cold,” he spurted out as he shuttered, and I saw little bumps begin to rise all over his skin, and the hair on his arms began to stand up. Then he raised his hand and put it on the back of my head. He then quickly, yet lightly pushed my head into his chest. As I got closer I realized what he wanted, and I opened my mouth. He put my open mouth over his right nipple, and he kept his hand on the back of my neck, as I began to use my tongue to play with his nipple. I swirled around his nipple, and flicked at it with the tip of my tongue. I began to suck on it, probing its small tough exterior, memorizing its exact size and shape. His nipples were rather small, actually barely enough to count as a full nipple. But the small, rounded tabs were some of the hardest nipples I had ever run across. Even a cold Ice cube could not have created something this wonderful. I began to smile as a thought passed my head, I should make a porn video and call it “Nipples of Steel.” While I sucked on his nipple, I pulled on it with my lips, and used my left hand to rub the area around his belly button. I then switched nipples, and looked at his face. It looked as if he had just gotten off of a roller coaster. My eyes focused on his chest, where for the first time I was still enough to see and hear that he was breathing fast and heavy. I put my hand over his breast and felt his rapid heartbeat. I told him to calm down, and then he informed me as to the fact that he had never done anything like this so it was very new to him. After I told him that I wasn’t the most experienced person in the area either, he did as I said and began to slow his breathing and he calmed down. “Maybe I should tone it down for a few minutes,” I said, as I sat up and rubbed his eyebrows with my thumbs. I told him that is was time for his legs, as I moved down and began to remove his shoes. He wore hiking boots, and I started to get anxious and frustrated over all the loops and knots I had to go through to get each shoe off. When I got his shoes off, all that remained were his white socks with their blue tips and heels. It amazed me how perfectly clean and white they still were, and as I removed them, I couldn’t help but feel them to my face. They were so soft and smooth, I was able to feel a thousand things just through these socks, they were warm like they had just come out of the dryer, but they weren’t wet and sweaty like my socks would have been, they were also clean smelling. There was something odd, I had never met someone so clean before, it was like he got undressed and took a shower every five minutes. All this from a sock. After I removed the last sock, he began to unbutton his jeans, and then continued to unzip them. He put his hands to the waist and proceeded to push them off till his arms were fully extended. I took over from there, making sure to caress his hands as I passed them, and removed his pants from his legs. His pants were thrown to the other side of the room before I looked at his boxers. They were beautiful plaid boxers, which looked great on him. They were mostly pitch black, but had small charcoal gray lines barely visible. I couldn’t look at the crotch because before I even got a peek, he covered it with his hands and stated that that was for “later.” Unlike his tanned chest, his legs had not seen much sun, it was obvious that he was not a huge fan of wearing shorts. He had a good amount of dark straight hair up to his knees, where it quickly disappeared into his almost bare thighs. I touched his feet; his skin was smooth and soft. They were not sweaty, and he had soft shiny toenails. I asked him if he had any lotion around, and he told me that it was in the bottom left drawer of the dresser the TV was on. I walked over to it, and focused on the TV as I moved. I reached down and got the lotion just as Neo took the pill. I turned around and went back. I placed a dab of lotion on each of his toes, and then smeared a larger dot on the middle of his feet. I started to massage the lotion into his foot. I massaged harshly so that I would not tickle him. I suspected he was ticklish after I saw his face when I first touched his feet. I figured that if I did a sensual massage he would end up laughing in a big puddle from when he lost all bladder control. So I deeply pushed the white lotion into his feet, as the sweet smell of raspberries filled the air. I HOPE TO BE ABLE TO TYPE OUT THE REST OF THE STORY SOON, E-MAIL ME AT ETHEREAL ANGEL 5@HOTMAIL.COM


24 Gay Erotic Stories from David

A Big Surprise

I was at home one day, watching a basketball game. I was kind of bored and was waiting for my big brother to come home so we could go to meet up with some of our friends. Its just the two of us living in a small house with a pool in the back. Im 25, 5'11", weigh 175 pounds, have a 30" waist, 43" chest and 15.5" arms. My brother, Jeff, is 28, 5'11", weighs 180 pounds, also has a 30"

A Hairy Office Tale

I was working in my office. I did not realize that I was after 6 p.m. and most of the office was gone. My secretary came into my office and asked if there was anything else I needed before she left for the day. I told her to go home. After 30 minutes, I noticed that the office was dead silent. Kind of weird silent. So, I walked around to see who else was in the office. The

Aaron: Part 1

I remember the first time I saw him. It was during the summer vacation after my ninth grade year, at High School Summer camp. He was about five foot two, and he had thick brown hair, parted down the middle, and reaching down to the middle of his ears. His soft white skin had a couple small dark moles on it, and was untouched my any of the red bumps of puberty. His dark eyelashes

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An Encounter With Mr. Adams

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Jonathan And Me, Part 1

Jonathan lived down the street. He went to my school and was a year older than me. He was the hottest guy I knew and is still one of the hottest guys I've ever met. He had brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He had a beautiful body, because he played soccer and basketball. He also played saxophone in the band and always won the science fair (he wanted to be an engineer when he

Jonathan And Me, Part 2

2. Several months later, I had to make up a gym class (At our school, if you missed a day of PE, you had to make it up by going to PE some other day during your study hall period.) So I went down to PE one day during my study hall period, and, lo and behold, my study hall period was Jonathan's PE period. So you can be damn sure that I kept my eye on him while we were in the locker

Jonathan And Me, Part 3

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Jonathan And Me, Part 4

4. Jonathan and I were both in the school band. He played saxophone. I played oboe. One day, before a big competition, I offered that I could come over to his house and practice our band songs with him. He agreed, so I got my oboe and went over to his house. Now, I'm going to warn you ahead of time: This was to be the first and only time that I would ever get to fool around with

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Out Of The Blue

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Prison Slut

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Some Things Come Naturally

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Super Strong Dave

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To That Guy Who Has Been Watching Me!

I know that you've been watching me during my workouts and I know that you noticed the bulge in the crotch of my CK underwear that I wear as workout shorts. Last night I caught a glimpse of you as you were coming out of the shower. Your smooth skin and tight muscles made me dream of you last night ... here's my dream ... I can hear the shower running as soon as I get into the


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