Gay Erotic Stories

Almost Missing The Boat

by Big Guy

I work hard for a living as a master carpenter. At an early age my dad taught me how to work with wood and use his hand and power tools. So, at the age of 25, I've worked my way up in a local construction company and have a decent job making a decent living. Our latest project has been an addition to a local halfway house. Dave, the assistant director and only person around the place who seems to do any work, would often come outside and bum a cigarette from me. "The staff thinks I quit," he said the first time he asked for one. "So does my wife." One afternoon Dave appeared near where I was cleaning up a botched job by one of the other carpenters. "Hey, Mike! Got a cigarette?" "Sure, buddy," I said, handing him a pack. "Got a light?" "Want me to pat you on the back..." "OK, OK!" he said, tossing them back to me. I saw he wasn't in a very good mood. "What's going on?" I asked him. "Jeez, seems like the architects have a goal of making at least one change order every day. I'm sick and damned tired of it!" "No shit," I lamely responded. "I feel like calling it a day," he said as he tossed half the cigarette away. "Wish I could," I said. "Well, let's go get a beer," Dave said, brightening up. "I gotta finish this job this afternoon. I know where I'm gonna be in a couple of hours, though!" "Where's that?" Dave asked. "In the lake, man! With a whole six-pack!" "You live on a lake?" I smiled. Guess he thought I had some fancy lake house. "No, but I have a little fishing shack a few miles from my house." "Hey, Mike, let's go. Right now!" "Like I said, man, I can't go yet. But if you're really interested, I'll take you out there in a few hours, OK?" "Sure," he said. And he seemed to brighten up. Four o'clock came and Dave was waiting for me in his office. "Just follow me," I told him as we made our way to the parking lot. We got in our trucks and made our way across town and out onto the highway towards my small North Florida town. I began thinking about Dave and why I asked him, just out of the blue, to go swimming. This doesn't make much sense, I thought, as I cruised down the four-lane. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I liked this guy, I liked the easy way he spoke to me, and the feeling I got whenever he came around. It was a damn sight better than the conversation I got at home from my wife. The home scene had been tense the last year, ever since our second child was born. I had tried to figure out why, but nothing seemed to make sense. Whoa! Almost missed the turnoff. What the hell am I thinking about? I looked to see if Dave was behind me, and sure enought, his Dakota was right on my tail. I stopped at our one and only convenience store and asked Dave what kind of beer he liked. "Whatever, Mike. I don't really care what kind." Man, what an easy guy to please! We hit the road again, and in five minutes were pulling off into the the dirt road that leads up to my shack. I had to laugh at the two mid-sized trucks bouncing along that old dirt track. "Well, welcome to the Taj Mahal," I said as we got out. "I like it, Mike," he said as he looked around. "Well, let's get in, dude." He gave me a funny look. "I guess since it's so secluded we don't need any bathing suits, right?" I hadn't even thought about it. "Well, I never use one," I replied. "That settles that, then!" Right, Dave, that just settles that. I never thought about that part. Well, it never bothered me before with my friends, why should it bother me now? We managed to get out of our clothes and manhandle the beer down to the lake's edge. Dave slipped in before I could take a peek, leaving me on the shore. I splashed my way into the water, took a big swig, and said, "Yeah, this is it!" "Damn right!" he said, and we continued to make the usual inane manly small talk for a few minutes. We finished our first beer and I said I'd go for the second round. I realized when I walked up to the porch that I had the beginnings of an erection. Oh, shit! I thought. Can't let him see this! I took my time getting the beers, but the more I tried to will the thing to go down, it seemed to swell up even more. Damn! After a second or two, I sneaked a look at Dave and realized he was looking out towards the middle of the lake. Now was my chance! I began to walk quickly towards the water, and just as I got to the water's edge, he turned around. I saw his eyes take in my hardon and, just as quickly, look away. "You that glad to see me?" he said. "Huh?" I replied, trying to play dumb. He gave me a long look and then immediately changed the subject. "God, I could stay here forever, Mike!" "I take it you like my place, then?" I asked him. "It sure isn't the fanciest place in the world!" "It's perfect, man. I just gotta get home. I promised the kids I'd take them for pizza tonight." "Yeah, I need to go home and face the music, too." I realized I probably sounded like I was whining. "Face the music?" Dave gave me a quizzical look. "Yeah, it doesn't excite me much anymore." Dave cocked his head and said, "What does, man?" I didn't answer. We got dressed, packed up, and made our way out and home. The weekend went by and the next week I didn't see Dave much. He waved a couple of times but didn't come out for a smoke. Old paranoid me, I thought he'd probably had enough of me to last. Then on Wednesday afternoon, he came out and bummed a cigarette. "Well, haven't seen much of you lately," I said. "I've had meetings almost every day this week, and a lot of work that piled up. Sorry!" Sorry? He's sorry? "Hey, Dave, no problem. Everything OK now?" God, how lame can we be, talking like this? "Yeah, I'm caught up today. Any chance for a swim?" Bingo! And right out of the blue, too! "Sure," I said. "I'm ready to leave right now. OK if I go on up and you meet me there?" "Sure, Dave. That's cool." He took off, and the two and a half hours left in the day seemed like an eternity. But four o'clock came and I hit the road. I stopped for beer and then took off for the shack. When I got there, I hopped out and held up the beer. Dave hollered back, "Already bought some! But what the hell?!" Indeed he had. There was a big cooler on the front porch, and it seemed like an entire case was packed inside. Dave also had pumped up my old inner tube and was hanging onto the side. I got out of my clothes and, not giving a damn about what I looked like, ran like a kid into the water. I splashed around for a while, then swam over to the inner tube and grabbed on to the side. As I grabbed on, my lower body began to be pulled under the tube. I started to kick back with my legs to right myself, but felt my legs go even farther underneath, until my dick brushed the back of Dave's hand. "Oops, sorry!" I said. "Hey, I would have helped, but most people want you to leave their handle alone!" Not me, I thought. I realized Dave had already had a few beers. I'll bet he's lost some inhibitions! "Just handle with care," I said, and realized what a dumb conversation we were having. I noticed Dave glancing my way, and turning to look, I saw THAT LOOK. You know the one: the other person looks you in the eye for just a second longer than usual. But then he looked away. LOOK AT ME! I screamed inside. I swam away towards shore. After a minute or so I sensed Dave beside me. That look again, I thought. "Do you believe in magic?" he asked. It was an innocent question, I realized, not just a dumb remark. "Definitely!" I replied. His stare was getting to me. I knew the beer was making him say these things, but I didn't care. I wanted this guy, this average guy ten years older than me. I wanted him. To this day, neither one of us can tell you who reached out first, but things began to happen right away. When I play out this scene in my mind, I can't remember what order things happened. But then, who cares? All I remember is the touch on my shoulder, the feel of his waist, the sensation of his thigh against mine and his erection rubbing my stomach. I remember circling around him, my hands feeling the roundness of his butt, the wiry hair on his cheeks as they floated out from his body in the water. And the moment in time when our hands found each other's penis. The coolness of the water and the white heat of this beautiful man's dick. This is not happening, I remember thinking. This is not the way it is, ever! It's usually a leer in a grimy bar, or a crotch grope in a public park, or bending down to look through a peep hole. Not this! This is heaven! There must be an orchestra in the woods. The earth really DOES move! Then minutes pass and the action moves to the cabin. His mouth on my body, mine on his. God, another guy's mouth on my dick. What a crass, vulgar idea, I think. No, it's not. It's fucking beautiful. Then time stands still, and two orgasms later, we have to look at each other. Only this time it's not a guilty look. He's looking at me and grinning. He knows I wanted him. He knows what I'm feeling. How does he know? Dave says through his grin, "Was it as good for you as..." I slapped him hard on the thigh. "Ow! What did I do?" "Couldn't you manage anything better than that?" I said. "I'm afraid to say what I really want to say." I looked him in the eye. "Go for it!" Dave looked me squarely in the eye and said, "I just fell in love, Mike." I don't believe any of this, of course. I WANT to. He's not giving up. "Give me time. I'll prove it." I lay back on the old bed, springs creaking in the approaching darkness. "I'll give you all the time in the world, my friend."


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Big Guy

Almost Missing The Boat

I work hard for a living as a master carpenter. At an early age my dad taught me how to work with wood and use his hand and power tools. So, at the age of 25, I've worked my way up in a local construction company and have a decent job making a decent living. Our latest project has been an addition to a local halfway house. Dave, the assistant director and only person around

It All Started With My Best Friend's Little Brothe

It All Started With My Best Friend's Little Brother Well, it's that time of year again the beginning of hockey season. Just like I've done for the last two years I was on my way with my best friend Sam to the season opener of his little brother Bo's college hockey team. It was about a 5-hour drive to the college and Sam brought along a case of beer and a couple of

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