Gay Erotic Stories

Always the Last to Know, Part 2

by The Chesire Cat

Part 2 Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan fiction. It contains m/m romance and graphic sexual scenes. If you are too young to read this stop now! I will not be held responsible. You have been warned. I, the author, have not been paid in any way for this. I write for pleasure. This story may be distributed among consenting adults. It may also be posted on web sites by people other than me, if and only if the person(s) doing the posting/ submitting is not out to harm the author in any way, shape, or form, the words of the story are kept the same, and the title and my pen name are kept the same. Corrections may be made, but only if a corrected copy is first e-mailed to me, the author. If you've read this far, you certify under penalty of the laws of G-d and man that you are of legal age, do not find this offensive, and are not trying to harm the author or the web site this may have been found at. Now, ENJOY! Michael slowly nodded and opened the door. Michael sat down on the couch and Nick sat down with him. "Are you sure you want to sit on the same couch? Did you forget what happened last time?" Michael asked, bitterness in his voice, turning away. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" "How was I supposed to? Nick, I'm in love with you, and if you reject me, it might literally kill me. C'mon." "I am sorry, for what it may be worth. I didn't know how to handle it, how to react. I didn't know how to handle what I felt, what I feel." "What's that supposed to mean?" Michael asked, fear cracking voice. "I love you." "No. No. Don't do this Nick. Please, don't do this. If you want my forgiveness, fine. Clean slate. Don't do this." "I understand that you don't love me....after what happened. I just had to tell you." Nick began crying, as he began to get up. "Is that what you think?! The problem is I do love you, Nick. I won't survive this a second time. That's why I'm telling you don't pretend to love me to make me feel better. I won't survive it." "I'm sorry. I am. Michael, this isn't easy for me. I was raised against this. I was in the Navy. Everything in my past says this is wrong. I wouldn't have been able to come it all, if the house hadn't supported me, but I do love you. I tried denying it as long as I could." Michael looked into his eyes, searching the truth as only his kind could. He began crying, as he saw the love. Nick, despite his own tears, played the role of the shoulder. Michael hesitated a little at first, but then grabbed Nick with as much strength as his weakened state allowed. They cried out their tears, until they could finally look each other in the eye. Nick casually broke the silence with a small joke. "I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." "Me too. Do you want to stay here? It's kinda late to go back to whatever hotel you're at." Nick looked into Michael's beautiful eyes. It was a test, he realized. As much as Nick wanted to take this slow, Michael needed confirmation of the love. Nick wanted to tell him he couldn't, but he could never risk hurting Michael, again....never again. He nodded slowly. "Sure. I'll take the couch." "No." "What?" "I said no. You're a guest. You get the bed. I'll take the couch." " need your rest...I--*" "If you sleep on the couch, I'm sleeping on the floor. The only way I'll sleep in that bed is if you are in there with me." "Michael....I'm not....sure...I'm not ready for know..." "Nick, please! I can't stand without a cane, and you think I have the energy for sex! I just....want you near me." Nick nodded. They crawled into bed together. Michael layed his head on Nick's chest, feeling the heart beating beneath him, the way he never thought he would. "Nick?" "Hmmm?" "What would have happened if we hadn't talked? I'm surprised Maxwell even let you in." "He didn't. He just hit me. Elizabeth?...she let me in to see you." "Sorry about that." "What for? I deserved it." "I don't know about that. I didn't tell you what would happen. It was my fault, too. So...what would you have done?" "I'd have to of left the Legacy." "Why?" "Because in only a couple of months, I've damn near managed to drive everyone in the house crazy. Without you, they'd have killed me in another week." "Goodnight, Nick." " love." Michael wanted to desperately to lean up and kiss those perfect lips, but he wasn't sure if Nick was ready. This was something they would have to take slow. He was about to ask if he could, but Nick sensed the question and answered it by pressing his lips to Michael's. It didn't last long, and the kiss was light. It wasn't very passionate, but at the same time, it was the most passionate kiss either had ever had. It would take a long time, but it would be worth it. They just settled back in and went to sleep. Epilogue Note: I really could go on forever with this story, but I'm not going to. I hope you enjoyed it so far. I decided to close it off with an event that happens five months later....the first time Nick and Michael make love. Everything was going better than expected for the two. Nick and Michael were quite happy together in the San Francisco house. While there were some difficulties, they were overcoming the obstacles, as they came up. Nick was still having trouble in public, but he quickly had learned not to be embarrassed around his friends. Michael still wasn't nearly at full strength, but he was well to occasionally enough to join Nick for a light jog in the mornings, since he no longer had need of a cane. He was probably recovering quicker than he would, due to all the fussing Nick made over him. The other members of the house couldn't keep the smiles from their faces at the way Nick time and time again argued with Michael about how he needed to rest more. They still had separate rooms, but Nick often saw Michael to bed, and Michael sometimes talked him into sleeping in there. As much as Michael complained, it was obvious he enjoyed the attention. Nick had his arm around Michael on the couch, as they watched The Godfather. It was a favorite of both. They were watching it, as the rest of the house headed for the door. "What's up, guys?" Nick asked, turning his head. "Oh, we're just going to the mainland tonight. We probably won't be back until late, so you two will have to make due," Derek replied with a grin. "Will do, boss man." Michael smiled. Derek was being true to his word, taking everyone else out to give Nick and him the evening alone. Nick, of course, didn't know Michael had arranged a private evening, but that just made it better. Michael always liked surprising people. "So....what do you want to do, Michael?" "I don't know, love. We have this big house all to ourselves, a romantic movie on, and the lights are dim.....I think I want to kiss you." "Mmmm....go ahead." Michael leaned forward, gently placing his lips to Nick. He always started out slow. Nick was still very new to this type of relationship, so he always had to be gentle at first while making out, to relax him. As Nick relaxed, Michael slipped his tongue inside of Nick's mouth, allowing Nick to explore his at the time. They spent minutes kissing, exploring, before they gasped for air. Michael pulled back and stared into those deep eyes he couldn't get enough of. Nick always blushed when he stared like this, but he couldn't help it. While he stared, he also smelled that spicy scent that was Nick, no other like it to ever be found. "Get on the floor, Nick." "Why? What are you planning?" "You've been taking care of me so long, I'm finally going to start returning the favor." "Yeah, but I'm also the one who made you sick." "Then get on the floor out of guilt." "Alright....but I don't see what I have to be on the floor for...." Nick's voice drifted off in pleasure. As soon as he'd slid onto the floor, long slim hands began massaging his back. Nick had worked out extra hard today, and the backrub was heaven. Nick couldn't recognize some of the techniques, but they felt wonderful. The reason he couldn't recognize them was due to the fact that many had been forgotten, since Michael had learned them in the time of Rome. Nick was growing turned on, much to his surprise. He'd had a hard-on from many things but never a massage. Michael didn't miss it. While he worked the tired muscles, he began nibbling on Nick's neck, causing gasps to join the moans. "You keep this up, and we'll have to go to the bedroom," Nick said jokingly. "Good. That's fine with me." "Michael....uh...I was just kidding....I'm not sure I'm ready...." "Shhh.....don't worry, Nick. I'd never make you do anything you don't want to do. We don't have to go all the way, but I would like to at least try. If you don't like something, we'll stop immediately. I want you to enjoy yourself. Please." "Alright.....but if I can't, you won't be mad?" "No, love. Never. I'm concerned with making you feel good above all else." Nick and Michael walked up to Nick's room. It was the place Nick would be most at ease. They laid on the bed, dressed except for their bare feet. Michael let Nick be on top, knowing he would be most comfortable that way, but that didn't stop him from removing Nick's shirt. Michael kissed from Nick's mouth down to the defined pectorals. He licked every spot, finally coming to the round nipples. Under his gentle nips, darting tongue, and suck lips, Nick's member strained against his jeans, grinding into Michael's own erection. Michael promptly helped remove the rest of their hindering garments. He couldn't help but stare again at the beauty. Michael, for all his centuries, had never seen this kind of beauty. It caused a tear to roll down his cheek. "Michael, what's wrong?" Nick questioned with sincere concern. "Nothing....I just never thought I would see this kind of beauty." Nick, true to form, turned dark red. Michael was never one to waste an opening. He immediately moved his mouth to Nick's straining cock. Nick began panting, drops forming on his forehead, as the skilled tongue and lips worked his organ. He couldn't hold out long. He didn't want to. Spurt after cream colored spurt of his salty seed shot down Michael's throat and into his waiting belly. Michael didn't spill a drop. After Nick regained his breath, he looked down at Michael. "Your turn. I'm not really sure how to do this, but...." "You'll get the hang of it. Don't worry. As you do it, I'll tell you techniques on how to make it more pleasurable." Nick nodded and slid into a 69 position. Nick was only able to take about half of Michael's impressive manhood in his mouth, so he jerked the rest of his cock with his hand. Michael started off coaching Nick, describing some basic techniques. As soon as Nick was doing well, Michael began sucking and jerking Nick back to hardness. If Nick came too close to climax, Michael would pull off. He had something different in mind for Nick's second load. Nick, however, was just concerned with pleasuring his new partner. He kept sucking and jerking, until Michael couldn't hold back. Nick gagged a little and some of the semen ran out of the corners of his mouth, as the thick, hot substance emptied from Michael's balls. Michael took a moment before sitting up. "Well....we're going to have to do something about that, Nick," Michael said pointing at Nick's straining erection, "and lucky you. I've got just the thing." Michael reached under the bed and pulled out a tube of lubricant. Nick stared at it for a moment and shook his head no. "Michael....I can't do that. I'm not ready to try it yet." "It's not for you. It's for me." "But, Michael....I don't know. I feel wrong holding back while you give. I..." "Shhh....I happen to enjoy it. It's very pleasurable. Please....for me." Nick had one weakness with Michael....the look. The pleading puppy eyes was the one thing he could never say no to, and Michael knew it. Nick nodded, and Michael started rolling over onto his stomach, only to be stopped by Nick. "No. Not like that. I need to see your face, Michael. I need to see your pleasure. I won't risk causing you anymore pain. I need to see that there is no pain." "There always is a little at first, Nick, but it leaves quickly to be replaced by exquisite pleasures." Michael laid on his back. He spread his legs, giving Nick total access. Nick wormed one, then a second greasy finger into the puckered opening. He worked them in and out, enjoying every gasp or grunt Michael made with each movement. Soon, Michael was well lubed and his anus relaxed. Nick coated his cock with the slick substance and prepared to enter. Michael's legs were pushed up and spread, as Nick's cock head pushed on the tight ring of muscle. The head forced it's way through. Nick continued pushing. He was about halfway in, when he saw the pain on Michael's face. He considered withdrawing, but Michael must have sensed his intentions. Before Nick could react, Michael locked his legs around Nick. He pulled Nick to him and pushed himself up off the bed, impaling himself the rest of the way. During the process, Michael let out a small scream, but as they settled back down, Nick saw the pleasure mixed with the pain on Michael's face. "There we go, Nick. Isn't that so much better?" Michael asked, his voice coming in deep, husky gasps. Nick didn't have to say a word. He covered Michael's mouth with his own, muffling the grunts and small screams that Michael made, as Nick started moving in and out. Michael's arms wrapped around Nick, joining his legs. They were no longer two separate people but one writhing, moaning entity. As Michael became more and more accustomed to Nick being inside of him, Nick began thrusting harder and faster, their lips never losing contact. While Nick thrust, Michael's cock was hard and caught between their stomachs. The thrusting was inadvertently jerking his cock in time with Nick's. Each of their worlds ceased to be, consumed by the fire, remaking them into one. Michael couldn't hold out. He screamed, as his seed coated both their chests and stomachs, breaking the kiss. As Michael's ass clenched and unclenched during orgasm, Nick joined in with a scream of his own, filling hot bowels with hotter seed. They collapsed, unable to move. Michael would have been happy to stay like that forever, but it had to end. Slowly, he worked out from underneath Nick. Nick's softened penis fell out, leaving him with an empty feeling. Michael stood up, much to Nick's surprise. "What are doing?" "We can't stay like this forever, you know. Derek only agreed to be gone for six hours." "What? I don't follow." "I wanted tonight to be special, just you and me, so I asked everyone to take a night out." "Well, you did it. Tonight was very special." Nick stood up and kissed Michael gently. It was a slow kiss, like that night when Nick came back to Michael. Michael pulled away and looked Nick in the eye. "We need to shower." Nick nodded. They went into the stall together, soaping each other under the hot spray. Had they not been spent, they would have been straining in seconds. They finished pretty quickly and toweled off. Dressing in shorts and T-shirts, they went back into the den. Nick noticed Michael stagger a little. He instinctively rushed over. "Michael, what is it? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry. I didn't mean--*" "No, Nick. You didn't hurt me. I feel better than I've felt in a long time. I'm just a little tired." "G-d, I'm such an idiot! I should have realized. You're not back to full strength. You should be in bed." "I'm a big boy, Nick. I don't feel like sleeping. I'm enjoying the afterglow. I just want to sit down and finish the movie with you." "Alright, but you're laying down. You rest your head in my lap." "Deal," Michael said with a grin. As Nick sat down, Michael stretched out, using Nick as a pillow. They watched the screen, as the movie continued. Nick began absent-mindedly stroking Michael's hair. It was so soft and intoxicating. He was so lost in the feeling, he didn't notice the others, until the door closed. "Hey, guys! Have fun?" Alex asked with a smile. Neither one answered. They just smiled, but none of them, not Derek, not Rachel, not Alex, required an answer. Nick and Michael were positively glowing. The position they were in wasn't anything new, just the attitude. It spoke of a new level of intimacy. They said goodnight to each other. When the movie was over, the two retired to Michael's bedroom. They curled up in each other's arms and fell asleep, knowing there would be many tomorrows, and they would spend them together. The End Want more? If you want this story to continue, or if you have any comments, good, bad, suggestions for improvement, etc. e-mail me at I may or may not write sequels, depending on your response.


18 Gay Erotic Stories from The Chesire Cat

Always the Last to Know, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of

Always the Last to Know, Part 2

Part 2 Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 1

Angel Of The Darkness, Part I Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The Vampire

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 2

Angel Of The Darkness, Part II Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m/f and m/f sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy:

Angel Of The Darkness, Part 3

Angel Of The Darkness, Part III Angel of the Darkness by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work involving m/m sex between vampires. If this does not interest you or if you are too young to legally view this where you are, leave! I mean it. This warning means I'm not responsible for you. The characters are from the show "Buffy: The

Even Angels Have Needs

Even Angels Have Needs by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m sex. If you don't like this or

Renegade Ass

Renegade Ass by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: Warning! Warning! Ah-oo-ga! Ah-oo-ga! This story contains graphic m/m sex, some nc. If this slash does not appeal to you or if you are not of the legal age wherever you may be, GO AWAY! I mean it. If you are of legal age, proceed at your own risk. This story is based on borrowed characters from the TV show "Renegade." They

Three Spirits -The Present

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash fan

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 1

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and whoever else might own them. Warning! This is a piece of slash

Three Spirits--The Past, Part 2

I was a boy among my kind, barely two centuries old. In my youth, I had the wanderlust. I travelled to any land I heard of. It was during these travels that I came to Atlantas. I was amazed at what had been done with the tiny island. Wizards had combined there strength to turn the desert island into a large, thriving paradise kingdom. It was there that I met him. I had finally

Three Spirits-The Future Part 1

Three Spirits: Part Three-The Future by The Chesire Cat Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on the television show "Poltergeist: the Legacy." It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyright or ownership of MGM and the creators of the show. All characters, scenes, places, etc. from the show and any references to them are the exclusive property of MGM and

Three Spirits-The Future Part 2

When the guards came for Phillip that day, they found Michael standing in the only door way. His anger at what they had done dulled the repulsing powers of their charms and left Michael immovable. None of them really wanted to test his power, despite the chains, so they fetched the same older man. He looked at Michael, seeing the anger and hate seething from his cells. Even he was

Three Spirits-The Future Part 3

Hours later, all the survivor's of the Legacy team and the Visagorum met on the main boat. Though two Legacy members had been killed in the fight, the losses were minimal thanks to the Visagorum joining the battle. Derek and a few others had finished their last sweep of the island. Michael, though still weak from this ordeal, joined them in the temporary battle room, despite Nick's

When Angels Fall, Part 2

When Angels Fall, Part II Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if

When Angels Fall, Part 3

When Angels Fall, Part III Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are

When Angels Fall, Part 4

When Angels Fall, Part IV Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/m and m/m/f sex. If you don't like this or if you are too

When Angels Fall, Part 5

When Angels Fall, Part V Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners, and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It contains m/f sex, torture, and NC. If you don't like this or if you

When Angels Fall, Part 6

When Angels Fall, Part VI Disclaimer: This is a fictional work based on the show, "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer." I, the author, have not been paid for this. I write for pleasure. This in no way reflects the attitudes of the actors, owners(the WB and Joss Whedon), and staff of the show that I know of. This is from my mind. It is in no way intended to infringe upon the


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