Gay Erotic Stories

An Extra Helping

by Crazy Ace

I was a country boy in the big city, and from the beginning it showed. I had the twang, the whole "slow down, enjoy life" type of mentality that some would say is common in the southeast. But in the city, things are different...and adjusting didn't come easy. Thankfully, I had met another gay man through the internet, his name was Mark. We were similar in age (I was 23, he was 25 at the time), and he offered me a place to stay for an incredibly low rate. Mark kind've adopted me, took me under his wing in order to show me the ropes of living in a city. It's through Mark that I met many friends that we would both share, straight and, woman...all types. Nice bunch of people in every way and they all accepted me right away. It was like if Mark was accepting me, they would do so as well. One evening Mark brought asked me to go out to dinner with one of his friends that I had not met yet. Mark told me his name was Rick, and that they had known each other for several years. He also told me that Rick had been married, but was now divorced and living alone in his own apartment. I didn't ask any questions as I got on my jacket and we were out the door. When I first saw Rick I was instantly attracted to him. There was an air about him, a certain arrogance that I found irresistible. He's about 6'2" (same height as I am), a body that reminded me of Harrison Ford (average), dirty blond hair, a brown mustache, blue eyes, and average looks. Not exactly a model, but something better...a real man. And it oozed from his every pore, too. As the waitress would serve us he would say small comments to her that, while suggestive, weren't in any way rude. These comments kept me hard throughout dinner. That, and Rick's looks. The man was obviously straight, but I knew I had to have him no matter what. Myself? I'm 6'2", brown hair and blue eyes...a cute, young looking man. As the dinner finished up we parted ways and Mark knew that I liked Rick. He told me to forget about it because he himself had tried to flirt with Rick and nothing ever came of it. I wouldn't be swayed away so easily, though. As the months passed Rick, Mark and I went out more and more often. I became very comfortable around Rick, eventually forgetting about (at least on a conscious level) my attraction to him. Which brings us to tonight. I was sitting alone in the apartment Mark and I share when the phone rings, I pick up and it's Rick. "Hey Eric, how ya doin'?" I answered, unsure of who it was based on voice alone. "Good, and you?" "Great. Mark around?" I finally realized it was Rick, his voice becoming familiar instantly. "Nope, he's working the late shift again, Rick." "Oh...what are you doing?" "Just sitting around." Which I was. "Wanna grab a bite to eat? Or have you eaten yet?" he asked. I was never one to turn down an offer of dinner, and I hadn't ate at that point. "I'm not too why not?" I answered non-chalantly, followed with a question, "Meet someplace?" "Just come over to my apartment and we'll go together. Don't want you to get lost again." I could almost picture him smiling that smile of his, for I had gotten lost several times. The city streets were a lot harder to navigate than the country back roads. "Okay, be there in 10." The trip to his apartment was nothing new, I had been there several times with Mark. My mind was on my work as I arrived and knocked on the door. Rick answered, opening the door and walking away to let me in. He was wearing a white tee and the pants that I had seen him wear many times from his job. "Whassup, bro?" I said, closing the door behind me and taking off my coat and gloves. I rubbed my hands together to warm them a bit...the city was cold this time of year. "Not much, got in from work and thought I'd give you guys a call. What are you in the mood for?" I considered the question for a second, collecting my thoughts on what food I thought would hit me just right. "How about the diner?" "Sounds good to me." He put on his coat, and I put mine back on followed by my gloves. We took his car to the diner, and were seating. Normal chit-chat friend gossip, all the usual. Suddenly he asked a question unlike anything I had ever hear him ask before. "So I hear you had a date last weekend," he said, looking into my eyes...a small grin apparent on his lips. I had made it a point to leave my sexuality out of any conversations with Rick, not because he was homophobic or anything like that...just because I thought it would make him uncomfortable. His question left me speechless for a very noticeable moment before I collected myself. "Yeah, but the guy was a complete flamer. Nothing came of it." I answered in a much more quiet tone than I had previously been speaking with. "That's funny, I thought you gay guys got laid all the fucking time." he joked, a short laugh following. He kept his gaze into my eyes, and for the first time in a long time I got weak in the knees just looking at him. Yet again I was forced to collect myself. "Wild rumors." I simply returned, taking a sip of my cola. Rick was silent as he took a bite of his food, but didn't drop the line of conversation. "Mark and Fred make it sound as if they get it all the time." "Oh...well they're LOOSE Queens!" I laughed. He laughed, too...a hearty, manly laugh that made butterflies turn in my stomach. "I haven't had any action in almost four months now." he said between laughs, his eyes returning to mine. I could have died...I almost did. I could feel the blood leave my face, I could feel the heat coming from my blushing ears. Worst of all (or is that best) I could feel my cock start to rise. I started to reply, but it came out as a stutter, "F-five m-months here." Rick continues to look into my eyes for a second, then returns to his food. I sighed, turning my own eyes down to the table, vowing never to look into his eyes again. The magnetism coming from him was so strong and his eyes just made it worse. The rest of the meal was relatively quiet up until the time the check came. I got out my wallet, but Rick's hand flew across the table and grabbed mine...stopping me...and shooting sparks down my spine. I immediately moved my hand away from his, looking into his eyes. Time froze as I saw his eyes looking back. "I've got this one." he, he demanded...ordered even. He was going to pay for my meal whether I liked it or not. "Okay." I peeped back silently. The drive back to his place was equally silent, the radio being the only noise. As we arrived back to his apartment I got out of his car and started to turn towards mine. "Why don't you come up for a bit, Eric? I can show you that new program I installed that I was telling you and Mark about." Rick said cheerfully. If it had been any other time I would have cheerfully said "yes", but tonight's circumstances were quite different. I just wasn't comfortable going up there cause those feelings of attraction were back. I politely declined. "Oh come on, man!" he insisted, "You can brag to Mark that you got to see it first." He was all smiles. I could have fainted as I said yes. Rick's apartment wasn't small by any means, but he had so much junk and boxes that it might as well have been. He cleared of a portion of his couch for me to sit on as he sat at his computer, which was directly to the right of where I was. I had to scoot my ass halfway off the couch just to see the screen and my right knee was dangerously close to Rick's. As he went on and on about this new, amazing program I maintained enough interest to nod at the right times and such...but my eyes were trained elsewhere. I couldn't stop myself from looking at his legs, which were tightly hugged by the thin fabric of his work pants. I glanced at his crotch as well, but couldn't see much from my vantage point. "Hello??? You there???" he playfully asked, breaking me from a stare at his crotch. I looked up, his eyes staring into mine a smile on his face. My mouth was open, but words would not come out. I knew he had caught me daydreaming about his manhood. My body weakened, I felt his leg as my knee leaned against it. I forced myself to look down, looking at my knee against his thigh. I started to move it away, but his hand suddenly shot down startling me as he grabbed my lower thigh. I looked back up, his eyes still fixed on mine...but the smile gone. My mouth was dry...still ajar...he was looking at me intensely and my crotch stirred. He had complete power over me, leaving me speechless...breathless...energyless. His hand felt like fire on my leg, which slightly jerked unconsciously from his touch. He didn't move his hand, stayed there. I gathered some reserves...gathering myself the best that I could. "What...doing..." was all that I managed to whisper. His face approached much too swiftly for me to react, his lips touching mine for a brief moment before he moved his lips away...keeping them only inches from my face. He was testing the waters...and had apparently enjoyed his little dip cause he came diving back in. I melted, parting my lips for him full access to my mouth as I breathed deeply through my nose. His tongue darted out and into my mouth...touching my own tongue. I forced my tongue into action, twirling it around his. I could feel his hand moving up my thigh, and I brought my hand around and onto his hairy arm. The farther his hand went up my thigh, the farther up my hand went on his arm. His other hand grabbed the back of my head, forcing me deeper into him. I could smell him, and it was intoxicating me as he continued his tongue barrage. I offered no resistance, but he knew I wouldn't. Finally, with a gasp, he released lips quivering for more, my body shaking. He backed away, rolling the chair away from my body. I was confused, a second ago he was all over me and now he was backing away. I could only look at him, but he didn't return the looks...he stared blankly into the computer screen. "Rick..." I began to say. "I can't do this." He interrupted. And at that point I knew that he couldn't, and no matter how much I wanted him I would not put him in a situation that would make him uncomfortable. I ignored my engorged member as I dug around in my pocket for my keys. I stood up, starting for the door. "I understand." I whispered to him from across the room. I turned, heading for the door. I was taking my time, too. I didn't want this to be over in any way, shape or form. My relief came when he called to me. "I just...need a release, you know?" he offered. I turned back. I completely understood that, too. He just wanted me to get him love, no attachment...he was 'straight' after all. A horny straight guy who needed someone else to get him off, no matter what sex they might be. I wasn't opposed to him using me for sex. "What did you have in mind?" I replied playfully, moving back across the room. He sat there, finally turning to me. His eyes met mine, I could see the lust in I'm sure he could see it in mine. His hand moved to his crotch, feeling the bulge that I glanced down at. And what a big bulge it was, too! My eyes widened hungrily as he played with it. "I need...want a blowjob." he almost whispered, feeling a bit ashamed by his own revelation. I moved closer, gathering more confidence with every step. I stopped as I was right next to his computer chair. He looked away, unable to stare into my eyes any longer...ashamed? I wasn't sure, I didn't care. I grabbed the arm of his chair and turned him towards me. His eyes were on the same level as my own bulge, but he looked up at me. His eyes tracked mine as I slowly knelt down between his legs. My eyes left his as I stared down at his massive bulge. His hand rested there, motionless. I reached up, moving his hand away. As my own hand moved back down it ran over the bulge...his stiff member rubbing against my hand. His head shot back, his eyes closing...he hissed a "yes" at me. I didn't waste any time, I started to undo the top button of his work slacks. The tip of his cock was in-between my two hands as they worked the button through. Once the button was undone I grabbed the zipper between two fingers. Slowly, sensously I unzipped his pants, which immediately produced a white bulge from between the dark brown material. The scent of his crotch was magnificent...made me light-headed. He had been working all day, and the day's worth of sweat had made the smell intoxicating. I felt his stiff member through the material of his underwear...I could feel the wetness of precum already. He was more excited by this than I had thought. My other hand was already down at my own crotch, massaging the bulge there. "Let's get these pants off." I nearly moaned. He lifted his ass off the chair, allowing me to pull his pants down and off...leaving him with only his white tee and his white briefs on. Quite a site, it made me so fucking hard I thought I'd cum right then. I went down without a pause, mouthing his cock through his underwear...sucking in the wet spots from his pre-cum. I could barely taste it, but what little I had gotten was well worth it, and I knew it was just a sneak preview to main course. He moaned and writhed beneath me as I licked up his covered shaft. It didn't take long to completley soak the front of his briefs. Unable to continue with this particular action, his hands came down to his crotch as he moved the underwear off his cock and rested it directly underneath his balls. I licked his hand before he could retract it...and he brought it up to his face to lick up my saliva. I stared for a second, taking in his six and a half inch cock with a wonderful pair of hairy balls hanging underneath. I admired the little golden hairs on his balls for a moment before sucking one of his nuts into my mouth, then the other. He moaned again, lifting his ass from the chair once more as he tried to put his whole crotch into my face. My tongue darted out, licking his sack as his thick cock rested on the side of my's velvety skin warming my face. My tongue worked up his balls, then connected with the bottom of his shaft, and I slowly made my way up his cock using my tongue. When I arrived at the beginning of his large cockhead I licked around it...and moved my way to his piss slit. My tongue darted back and forth quickly as I lapped up the droplet of precum from his tip. "Yeeeeah...suck it..." he growled at me. I didn't need any convincing as I took his cock into my mouth, working my lips halfway down the shaft while my tongue swirled around the cockhead. I sucked in as I moved back up, and as I returned down I took all of his manhood into my mouth. It touched the back of my throat, his golden cockhairs tickling my nose...his balls resting on my chin. His hands grabbed my head, holding me there as he whispered obscenities that I couldn't hear. Taking control he slowly began to move my head upwards. When half his cock was in my mouth he held my head still once again, then proceeded to gyrate his hips causing his cock to move in an out of my hot mouth. It was my turn to moan as he began to slowly fuck my face. My hands were fumbling with my pants, getting my own thick meat out and stroking it in unison with his thrusts. As he strokes quickly became fast, I realized that he was so excited that it wouldn't take him long to cum. I wanted to slow down, to enjoy this...but he was in control here. I could feel his cock get thicker, harder...the head becoming more engorged as it moved across my tongue and hit my throat. "Oh shit yeeah...take that cock, boy...I'm gonna..." he moaned and grunted. The first stream of cum hit the top of my mouth, which was quickly followed by another spurt which landed at the back of my mouth. His eyes squinted shut as the third shot ran across my tongue. He forced me off his cock as the fourth shot came out, hitting my lips with surprising force. I watched as a fifth spurt slowly oozed out of the head of his cock. My own hands were a flurry of jacking action, and I forced my head from his hands as I licked the cum from his head. His body was motionless, but I continued to suck on his cock as I jacked my own. He suddenly muttered out weakly, "Cum on me..." He put his hand underneath his shirt as he moved it up, revealing his golden hairy belly. I took but a moment to admire the treasure trail that lead to his thick bush as I stood, still jacking my thick dick. Seconds passed as I felt my cock harden, waves of pleasure taking over me as I began to cum. Cum shot out of my dick, landing on his hand which was holding up his shirt, then landing on his stomach, inside his belly-button I created a small puddled of cum...and the last shots landing in his golden bush and cock. I looked down at him as my orgasm subsided, he was looking back up at me. As our eyes met, he smiled THAT smile...almost a smirk. I smiled back.


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4 Gay Erotic Stories from Crazy Ace

An Extra Helping

I was a country boy in the big city, and from the beginning it showed. I had the twang, the whole "slow down, enjoy life" type of mentality that some would say is common in the southeast. But in the city, things are different...and adjusting didn't come easy. Thankfully, I had met another gay man through the internet, his name was Mark. We were similar in age (I was 23, he was 25

Night Class

I had been taking much needed Math classes throughout the summer and fall. Other people in the class were also required to take this particular class, and they had been in the class with me throughout the summer and fall. So I got to know them pretty well. There was Sarah; a red head with a good sense of humor, Kevin; a hairy man who is in his late 30s, and Jimmy; a hunky guy who

Showers With My Uncle

At the time of my story, my Aunt had been married to Mark for about a year and a half. They both lived in a trailer park, and on occasion I would visit them for weekends. Towards the end of their marriage (they eventually got divorced), I got to see my Uncle naked for the first time, and I liked what I saw. We had been at the public pool, just him and I. He didn't have the

The Just-Ass League

Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern) sat at the Watchtower's computer board. He was making a statue with his ring power. "I hate when I'm stuck with watch duty." he complained to himself. He sculpted his statue into his teammate, the Flash. His statue was an amazingly accurate projection of Wally West, since it's fueled by his imagination. The projection started to move for Green Lantern,


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