Gay Erotic Stories


by Lift Me

Darren was alone, as usual. He seemed to have been alone for most of his life. At school, the other kids had avoided him, sensing as they do that Darren was different. There are two things you can do with a kid who does not fit in with the rest of the pack - you can pick on them and make their lives' hell, or you can ignore them. Perhaps it was Darren's looks that made his contemporaries choose the latter option. Even now that he was 25, he still had the same blond haired blue eyed look of innocence he had held as a child. Three years ago, Darren had left the town where he had grown up. He turned his back on the mother whom he had loved in protest at her decision to side with the father he hated. When Darren had confessed to his mother that he was gay, he had expected her support - he could even have coped with her sympathy - what he had not bargained for was her hysteria. She had immediately told Darren's father, a rough and ready person, who had condemned Darren's feeling out of hand and ordered him from the house. In a way it had been a relief to escape the small town mentality, to leave behind the sideways looks from his colleagues at work, some of whom he had gone to school with. Now he was in London, city of opportunity. This was where he had been sure his life would really begin. Where the abnormal was accepted and alternative lifestyles were applauded. What he had found since he arrived was a hard and impersonal city where people took advantage of his innocence, or ignored him, as they had at home. Nowadays, Darren spent most of his spare time in his one bedroom flat in Hackney where he worked as a database manager for the local council. He had managed to build up a good collection of video's and CD's, and on the whole he was happy enough entertaining himself. Occasionally he would get days like today when all he wanted was a pair of strong arms to hold him and tell him that everything was going to be OK. His mind started to wander as he replayed his usual fantasy: he would meet a huge muscular man who would do anything for him, be his protector, his lover, his master, his servant and his friend. As usual when he thought of his dream man, Darren lay back on his sofa and ran his hands over his body. Slowly he pulled his white t shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor, revealing a slim but well-muscled torso with a light coating of smooth blond hair. He unbuttoned his 501's and slid his jeans onto the floor. His underpants soon followed, and he was naked. Pictures began to form in his mind of his dream man. Tall, at least 6 foot 5, with arms like tree trunks emerging from broad muscular shoulders. He would have an enormous chest, lightly coated with dark hair which would travel down over a rippling muscular stomach. He would have thighs the size of Darren's waist. Slowly Darren started to massage his dick as he pictured his dream man removing his shorts to reveal his manhood which Darren had decided would be impressive without being monstrous. Darren's breathing became laboured as his strokes increased in fervor. He imagined his god lifting him from the sofa and holding him in his arms as he kissed him passionately yet gently. Just as he was reaching the point of no return, he heard a sound in his bedroom. As he returned to the real world, his mind ran into overdrive. Had he locked the front door when he came in? Had he left his bedroom window open? He held his breath waiting for another sign that there could be someone in there. The small hairs on the back of his neck started to prickle as he felt the presence of danger. A soft creak. There was definitely someone there. Darren wondered what to do next. If he tried to call the police, then the intruder would hear him. He thought about running from the flat for help, but who would he ask? He barely knew his neighbours, with the exception of Eileen, a geriatric madwoman who lived opposite and never answered her door after 4 PM. As he lay as still as possible, a new and unfamiliar feeling started to form deep in the pit of his stomach. There was someone in his flat. The flat he worked so hard for, and had lavished all his money on. Someone was probably looking at his things, evaluating them, deciding what to take and what to leave behind. Darren felt a perverse rush of anger that someone should want to leave any of his things behind. The absurdity of the thought almost made him laugh. He was getting indignant that a burglar could be in his bedroom questioning his taste. He decided that the only realistic option was to face the intruder, and hope that he could scare him off. As quietly as he could, he pulled on his jeans and crept down the hall to his bedroom door. He put his ear to the door. There was no doubt in his mind that someone was there, he could hear the sound of deep breathing. Summoning all his courage, he threw the door open and reached for the light switch. Standing before him was one of the biggest men he had ever seen. Darren's knees turned to water as the man turned and looked at him. He knew instinctively that he was about to die. The man obviously wasn't scared, or even surprised that he had been caught. He just stood there staring. As Darren's eyes travelled over the man's body, his fear became edged with lust. He was tall, at least 6 foot 5, and at first glance seemed to have all the attributes of his dream man. He was wearing a dark T-shirt which was stretched taught around his muscular arms and enormous chest. His dark jeans clung to the biggest thighs that Darren had ever seen. "What are you doing here?" asked Darren, trying desperately to hide the quiver in his voice. "You called me" came the reply. "What do you mean I called you? Who are you?" The tall man looked surprised that Darren should need to ask such a question. "I am Grant. I am your wish. You called me." Slowly Grant removed his t shirt revealing the muscled chest that Darren had seen so many times in his imagination. He walked steadily over to Darren and caught him as he slumped to the floor. This had happened before to Grant, although he wasn't always the shape that he appeared as this time. He laid Darren on the bed and walked over to the mirror. He studied the reflection and smiled. He liked this body, the feeling of strength and vitality was not new to him, but it had never been so pronounced. The last time Grant had been called he had appeared as a doctor in a small village in Central Africa. For as long as man had had dreams, Grant had been fulfilling those of the truly deserving. He had been a knight, a solicitor, a policeman and on one memorable occasion a call girl called Belinda. He liked to be called. It was the reason for his existence. In the times between callings, Grant lived in a world of shadows constantly waiting to be summoned. One moment he would be as insubstantial as the wind whispering through the trees, then he would be real, knowing instinctively what was expected of him. He knew that Darren needed to be loved. He knew that Darren had never had the love of a man. He knew that Darren would be scared. He knew Darren had passions and desires which he himself did not understand and which the world around him would dismiss as perverted and dirty. After Grant had been standing in front of the mirror for a few minutes, Darren started to stir. Grant sat next to him on the bed and cradled Darren's head in his lap. "Don't be afraid" he said " I am here to do whatever you want me to do. Nothing you can ask of me will be too much, or too difficult." As if to demonstrate the extent of his service, Grant lifted Darren into his arms like a baby and kissed him tenderly. The kiss was the sweetest thing that Darren had ever known. His head swam as if he had been intoxicated, and he felt himself melt in the embrace. "I know your dreams" said Grant " I know that you want to be served by a man of great strength, and I am that man." Darren knew now that he must have fallen asleep. He was obviously dreaming, and if this was the case then he saw no reason why he should not make the most of it, after all he could wake at any moment and Grant would be gone. "How strong are you?" asked Darren. In his wildest fantasies, he had been held in the air by one meaty arm while his lover had sucked deeply on his dick. "I am as strong as you want me to be. If there is a challenge of strength which your dreams call for, then I can perform it. The limits of my strength are in your imagination" Grant removed Darren's jeans. He stood up next to the bed, reached across with one hand and lifted Darren into the air. Darren could not believe what was happening to him, could not believe the power that held him at arms length above the head of this god. It seemed that Grant really could see into his mind. Darren's Dick was hard, and just inches from the moist lips of the man who held him with such apparent ease. "Put me down now" said Darren. Immediately he was lowered to the floor, and Grant stood waiting for his next command. "Take off your clothes" said Darren, beginning to realise the potential of the situation. Grant removed his boots and jeans, revealing the perfect member. It was plump and full, without being grotesque. Darren had always secretly thought that men's dicks were a little absurd, but the one before him belied this opinion. Darren reached out timidly and felt the weight of Grants dick. It was soft, warm and heavy in his hand. He leaned forward and closed his lips around the flaccid member, enjoying the feeling as it rolled around on his tongue, and slipped towards the back of his throat. He ran his hands over Grant's stomach, feeling the firm abdominal muscles beneath the taught skin. This was heaven. After a while he began to wonder what this magnificent dick would be like when hard. A soon as the thought entered his mind, he felt the soft dick in his mouth begin to swell and harden as though it was trying to explore him as much as he was it. He pulled his head back, and watched Grant's dick grow. It got to a size which in Darren's opinion was perfect, and immediately stopped. It stood out 9 inches perfectly straight from Grant's groin. Darren had never been so aroused, even in his most vivid fantasies. He knew that all it would take to be one touch, and he would cum as he had never cum before. At this thought, Grant reached out his hand towards Darren's dick. Darren swiftly went to knock Grant's arm to one side - he wasn't ready to cum yet. It was like hitting solid steel. "Hold your arm out to your side, with your palm upwards" commanded Darren. Grant obeyed. Darren reached up and held the arm with both hands. Gingerly he lifted his feet from the floor, but Grants arm did not move. Darren decided to try a chin-up, and still Grants arm remained as steady as an iron girder. Darren swung himself up on to Grants arm, and shuffled along until he was sitting on Grants hand. This was truly incredible, it really must be a dream, no one on Earth was this strong surely? "You're right, no one on Earth is this strong, but you are not dreaming" said Grant softly. He moved his arm slowly round towards his face, holding Darren steady with his other hand to prevent him from falling. Before Darren could think or say anything, Grant took his dick into his mouth and sucked deeply. Darren felt as he never had before. One moment Grants tongue flicked lightly over the head of his dick, the next he felt as though his whole body was being sucked out of him. He felt his own puny muscles tighten as the thrill of orgasm began to take control of his body. With a groan and a shudder, Darren released his hot load down Grants throat, and collapsed into the cradle of Grant's arms. He had never felt so completely fulfilled, and yet so utterly spent. As Darren lay relaxing in his muscular nest, Grant softly and methodically licked and sucked every last trace of spunk from Darren's diminishing dick. "Will you lie on the bed next to me?" asked Darren, suddenly afraid that Grant would disappear as suddenly as he had arrived. Grant gently placed Darren on the bed and lay down next to him, kissing his shoulders and arms. Darren wondered at the complete contentment he felt as Grant's kisses moved over his chest and towards his small erect nipples. He shuddered as Grant started to gently suck and nibble and work his tongue around the sensitive brown skin. Darren's dick had started to take on a life of its' own and hardened again. He felt Grant's hand work its' way down his body, softly kneading and caressing, stroking and examining. He felt the hand that hand demonstrated such power close firmly around his aching balls, and begin to massage them. He reached his own hand over to Grant's body, and followed the contours of the chest and arms that he had dreamed of so often. He too reached down and closed his hand around Grant's tool, still erect and proud. Without thinking, he moved his head down and took Grant into his mouth once again. He moved his head up and down, trying desperately to pleasure Grant in the same way that Grant had pleasured him. The dick in his mouth was hard as steel but warm and pulsating with life. He worked his head faster, and sucked harder, wanting to give Grant a reason to stay for ever. With his hand, he worked firmly up and down the portion of Grant's shaft that would not fit in his mouth. For what seemed like a lifetime he licked and sucked, pulled and massaged. Just as it seemed that he could continue no more, he felt Grant's body tighten, and heard his breathing become rapid and laboured. He looked up towards Grant's face as he continued to suck. Every muscle seemed to be straining to escape from the skin which held it. Grant had his arms above his head, and was flexing them in involuntary spasms, like two trees fighting against a hurricane. A thin layer of sweat had erupted over his entire body and was gleaming in the soft light of the room. Darren could feel Grants thighs beneath him as the muscles tensed and relaxed, tensed and relaxed. Suddenly, Grant sat bolt upright and let out a roar as a stream of lava erupted into Darren's mouth. Preparing to gag on the salty liquid he was expecting, Darren was surprised to find his mouth filled with the taste of honey and cream. This was too much, he had been granted a slave with a body to die for, the sexual prowess of an Olympian god, and spunk that tasted like an expensive dessert! Desperately he lapped at Grant's dick and stomach, determined to savour every last drop of the sweet treat that had burst from his loins. Darren was again fully aroused, and crawled eagerly up Grant's body towards his face. He kissed him with a passion that he had never felt before, forcing his tongue deep into Grant's mouth, and grinding his dick against the muscles of Grant's stomach. Grant responded eagerly, flexing his arms so that Darren's exploring fingers could feel the power contained in them. Darren moved his mouth over to grants biceps and kissed and chewed the enormous mounds, he could smell the heady scent of Grant's sweat, and he flicked his tongue into the cavern of Grant's armpit. Grant let out a soft moan as Darren's tongue continued its journey into the warm moist hair, alternately licking and sucking noisily and greedily. Darren felt Grant's other arm encircle his waist, pulling him closer into their tight embrace. He felt the strong fingers gently massaging his buttocks. Grant slid his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, lifting Darren with him. This was how Darren had always pictured his fantasy. Being carried around, feeling the strength of his partner at work as they made love. Gently Grant put Darren into the easy chair in the corner of the room. "Watch me" he said, "Watch me and think of what you want me to do. How can I prove my power to you?" He started to pose, showing off all his muscles to their maximum potential. He flexed both his arms, making his biceps bulge and contract, turning his head to each arm in turn and licking the muscles provocatively. He turned sideways to Darren and flexed his arm down by his side, making his chest stand out. He put one leg out and his thighs became a writhing mass of pythons. He reached down with his left hand and caressed his erect dick. As Darren watched in awe, he put his legs together, bent over double and started to suck his own dick, greedily savouring the taste of his pre-cum. Finally, Darren could stand it no more, he imagined Grant as a dominant master, standing over him and abusing him. Grant walked over to the chair and pulled Darren roughly to his feet. He pushed Darren's head against his chest and forced his nipple into Darren's mouth. "Suck it you little shit or I'll snap you in two like twig" he ordered. Darren started to do as he was told, a ripple of fear flowing through him. Was this the same gentle man who had been so tender with him moments before, or had he somehow conjured up some darker demon? He felt Grant's hand close around his wrist and lift him into the air until he was dangling with his face at the same level as Grant's. "This is what you want isn't it? If you don't like it then tell me to stop" Grant snarled "You kid yourself that you want to be protected by a big strong man, but you don't do you? You want to be abused." Darren knew that Grant was right, how could he be wrong when he was reading the feelings directly from Darren's very soul? Grant reached down and grabbed hold of Darren's ankle, he lifted his leg into the air, and simultaneously let go of his wrist. Darren felt the blood rush to his head as he hung upside down with his face in Grants groin. He saw Grant's dick hanging heavy and pendulous in front of him. He craned his head forward towards it. He was immediately hoisted up so that he was looking upside down into Grant's face. "Did I tell you to suck it?" Grant asked, his voice cold and hostile. Darren said nothing, afraid and yet thrilled. "I asked you a question" Grant continued. "No" whispered Darren. "Then don't". "You don't do anything unless I tell you to" with that, Grant held Darren at arms length and started to swing him backwards and forwards. Darren started to feel queasy as he swung first away from Grant, and then so that his face was buried in the thick hair around Grant's still flaccid dick. Backwards and forwards he swung, each time getting the smallest taste of the goal he yearned after so much. Just as he thought he was going to be sick, he felt Grant's other hand on the back of his head, and his face was ground into the tumescent flesh of Grant's manhood. "Now you can suck it" he was told. "I feel sick" Darren complained "Do you really want me to stop, because if you do then I will?" Grant replied. Without another word, Darren opened his mouth and once again felt the warm weight of Grant inside him. His own dick was once again erect, although he could hope for little release, as due to his height, it was hovering somewhere near Grant's chest. As he chewed greedily at Grant's member, he felt his buttocks being pushed in towards Grant. He gasped as his dick came into contact with Grant's chest, and he felt the pectoral muscles surround him. His dick was being rubbed up and down in the valley between the mountains of Grant's chest muscles. His rhythm on Grant's dick came into line with the rhythm being enforced upon his own. His ankle was starting to hurt badly with the power of Grant's grip. As soon as he became consciously aware of it, Grant released his ankle, and held Darren with one hand on each of his hips, still rubbing him up and down. Darren felt Grant's dick harden in his mouth, and started to gag as it brushed against the back of his throat. "Don't stop. Don't even think about stopping" said Grant. Obediently, Darren forced as much of Grant as he could into his mouth, sucking and chewing for all he was worth. He reached out with is hands and held Grant's buttocks, increasing the thrust. He grabbed the globes of firm flesh and pulled himself into Grants pulsing cock. As he felt himself reaching his climax, he was pulled away from the haven of Grant's muscle, and held once more at arms length. Once more he was raised so that his face was level with that of his new master. Grant laughed at him, and then tucked him under his arm as though he were a toy and walked into the living room of the flat. Grant sat down on the sofa and positioned Darren in his lap facing him. Darren felt dizzy as he was the right way up for what seemed like the first time in hours. "Lick my armpits little man" said Grant. Without giving him time to answer, Darren's face was pushed into the moist cavity. He licked and sucked as he had been told, feeling Grant's dick probing at the tops of his thighs. Grant stood up suddenly, dropping Darren to the floor. He stood over him looking at this angle like a giant. Slowly he bent over, put his hands under Darren's arms and lifted him again, higher and higher until Darren's head was almost touching the ceiling. "Put your legs around my neck" Grant commanded. Darren did as he was told, and soon felt the warm caress of Grant's mouth around his dick once again. Grant sucked and massaged the meat with his tongue. Darren knew that it would not be long before he came once more. Grant's hands were supporting Darren's back so that he was sitting on Grant's biceps, still marvelling at the barely concealed power in those arms. Backwards and forwards he was moved, his dick disappearing into Grant's mouth and then sliding easily out again. His hands gripped the back of Grant's head, feeling the texture of his soft hair. Grant pulled him away from his mouth, and this time instead of pushing him back in again, he licked the skin between the top of Darren's leg and his tight balls. Shivers of ecstasy coursed through Darren's body as Grant's warm wet tongue slid over the sensitive flesh, moving ever closer to his ass hole. Grant pulled Darren away from him so that his legs slid from over Grant's shoulders and turned him around. Grant pushed his head back, and sat Darren on his face. He started to probe around Darren's ass with his tongue before flicking gently over the puckering hole. Darren gasped as Grant's tongue forced its' way in. He felt the hot muscle probe inside him, and thought he would come there and then. He reached down to his dick, but felt Grant's hand gently push him away. How long would he be able to stand this sublime torture? Grant's tongue pushed in deeper and deeper into Darren's ass hole, searching for its' ultimate goal. He reached up with one hand and started to fondle Darren's nipple, while the other hand went to his aching dick. Just as Grant started to move his hand along the shaft of Darren's cock, his tongue found the prostrate gland, and massaged it firmly. Darren could contain himself no longer, and he shot a jet of steaming spunk into the air as Grant jerked him off, played with his nipple and probed his ass. Every muscle in his body screamed as the orgasm tore through him like a tornado, eventually leaving him as limp as a rag doll. Grant lifted Darren off of his face, and lowered him to the floor, where he lay him gently down before laying on top of him, supporting his weight with his arms so that he would not crush him. Darren could feel Grants dick against the tops of his legs as Grant started to push himself up and down. The erect dick started to force its' way between the tops of this thighs, so Darren parted them just enough to allow it access. Grants breathing became heavier as he performed his press ups over Darren, jerking himself off between his legs. Just as Darren thought that Grant was about to come, he climbed off, and lay face up on the floor next to him. "I can make you insane with my tongue" Grant said "Think how I can make you feel with this" at that, he took Darren's hand and placed it upon his meat. Darren was not sure if he could cope with coming again, but his dick obviously had other ideas as it sprang immediately to attention. Nervously he sat on Grant's stomach, and edged his way back until he felt Grant's member between his buttocks. "It's OK, I won't hurt you. I could never hurt you." Grant said, reverting to his previous tender self. Darren raised himself up on to his knees, and slowly sank down on to Grant's dick. He felt a surge of pleasure as he and Grant became one. Without any pain, he felt Grant delve deeper and deeper inside him, until with a start he realised that he was all the way in. Grant pulled Darren's legs around until they were on his chest, and with one hand on each of Darren's hips he started to slowly lift him up and down on his dick. The feeling was indescribable. It was as though all the pleasure man had ever felt had been given to Darren alone. He reached beneath him and gently massaged Grant's heavy pendulous balls, feeling the shaft of his cock as it disappeared again and again inside him. He ran his hands over the huge muscular thighs beneath him, and over the enormous arms as they lifted and then lowered him. Gently, Grant turned Darren around so that he was facing Grant's feet, and pulled him back so that he had the relaxed muscle of Grant's head as his pillow. Still he lifted Darren's ass up and down on his cock. After a few minutes, the motion stopped and Grant got to his feet, holding Darren around his waist. With his free hand he massaged Darren's cock, his own member still deep in Darren's ass. He relaxed his arm around Darren's waist so that his cock was all that was holding Darren in the air. Darren gasped, wondering if anyone had ever been penetrated so deeply, and felt only pleasure with no pain. Grant ran his hands all over Darren's body, feeling and touching as he leant over and nibbled on his earlobes. Grant placed his arm once more across Darren's waist and leant him forwards. Again he started to move Darren backwards and forwards on his cock. The rhythm became faster, and the fucking became more urgent. Darren could see bright colours across his vision, and started to feel himself swimming in and out of focus as the pressure against his prostate gland became more intense. He felt Grant's grip around his waist become tighter as his muscles coiled ready for the coming explosion. His legs thrashed uselessly in the air looking for something to grip on to, desperately trying to makes Grant's thrusts even deeper. His head started to pound as the message his prostrate was sending ran screaming through his body. He felt Grant's dick pulsating within him, expanding and expanding until it seemed he would burst. As the intensity of the feeling threatened to overwhelm him, he heard Grant gasp as he started to release his hot stream deep within Darren. At the same time, Darren came, dimly aware that this was the third time in as many hours. After Darren's load was spent, it seemed that Grant would go on forever. Eventually, Grant let out another roar, and hoisted Darren high above his head as his muscles took on a life of their own. Grant slowly started to regain his senses, and lowered Darren down from the ceiling, turned him around and kissed him tenderly. "Don't ever leave will you" begged Darren. "As I told you" replied Grant "I am here to do as you ask me" With that, he lifted Darren into his arms and carried him once more into the bedroom.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Lift Me


Darren was alone, as usual. He seemed to have been alone for most of his life. At school, the other kids had avoided him, sensing as they do that Darren was different. There are two things you can do with a kid who does not fit in with the rest of the pack - you can pick on them and make their lives' hell, or you can ignore them. Perhaps it was Darren's looks that made his


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