Gay Erotic Stories

Backstreet Desire, Part 1

by Noodle

Kevin Richardson lay on a beach in California, watching his fellow Backstreet Boys play frisbee by the light of the setting sun. His eyes drifted from the running bodies to the distant horizon. The sun burned its way into the ocean, fighting a losing battle against the conquering night sky. A line of Jewel's song "Down So Long" played in his head, "The sun sets across the ocean, a thousand miles from anywhere . . .". He directed his attention back to his friends and bandmates. Their bodies were glistening gold on one side from the sun's last beams, blue on the other from the approaching darkness. He saw Nick trying his hardest to show off, but not succeeding. Howie was playing modestly, Kevin knew Howie had more game in him. Then AJ caught his attention, his hard Latin body throwing the plastic disc back to Nick. Kevin knew he was attracted to AJ, but it was purely sexual lust. The frisbee then flew to Brian, and Kevin was filled with desire. He felt something in his chest reaching to his cousin, trying so hard to bring them together. Kevin knew he couldn't look at Brian for too long or he would get an erection, so he diverted his eyes to his own glowing, chiseled body. Kevin closed his eyes to relax, but this peaceful moment came to an abrupt end when the frisbee crashed into his forehead. He looked up and saw Nick giggling childishly until AJ slapped him across the back of his head. Brian jogged over to where Kevin lay to retrieve the toy. He grasped Kevin on the shoulder and asked, "You alright, bud?" Kevin felt a wave of emotion rush through his body from Brian's touch. "Yeah, I'm fine," replied Kevin, "I was just... daydreaming, I guess." "Alright, cool," said Brian. Kevin desperately wanted to lean forward and kiss Brian, but he resisted. If only he knew what Brian was thinking at the exact same time. He looked up to the other guys, and they were all looking at him with an expression of concern. They resumed their game. Kevin stood up, brushed the sand off his back, and headed up toward the terrazzo beach house. The house was beautiful with large arches and balconies. Thick green vines climbed up the sides of the house and tropical blooming plants grew around the house and in pots on the balconies. The tile roof shone very orange in the failing light. He needed a shower. Kevin entered the house through an arched doorway and climbed up the stairs. The house looked very romantic on the inside in the soft light. The house was decorated with tropical plants, Mexican pottery, and furniture in colors of navy blue, maroon, and forest green. He glanced at a barely lit balcony to his right and wished he had watched the guys from there, where he would have had privacy. He headed to his room, which he shared with AJ. Kevin selected some clothes to put on after his shower; a black t-shirt, white boxer-briefs, and a pair of grey cargo shorts. He walked into the large bathroom, dropped his clothes to the floor, slipped out of his swimming trunks, and turned on the shower. He saw AJ's mess on the counter; toothbrush, toothpaste, hairgel, etc. He disliked AJ's sloppiness. He wished he could be where the sun was setting, a thousand miles from where he was and the life he lived. And who would be with him? Brian, of course. Kevin took a quick shower, only long enough to rinse the sand and sweat off of his body. He dried off and got dressed, then walked out of the bathroom to find the other boys waiting for him. "We need to have a talk, Kev," said AJ. Kevin was confused, but said, "Wuzzup?" Nick was happy to answer, "We feel that you've been distancing yourself from us lately, and you've just been acting weird altogether" "Oh, sorry, you guys. I've just been, well... tired lately," said Kevin, trying to be as convincing as possible. "You sure that's all?" Brian inquired. "Yeah, I'm fine, really." Kevin had no intentions to reveal the real reason. "Great," said AJ, "wanna go grab a bite to eat with us?" "No, thanks," answered Kevin, "I'd better get some sleep" "That's cool," said Nick, "we'll see you later, then." "Yeah, whatever," said Kevin blankly. "You SURE you're OK, Kevy?" said AJ. "I swear, I'm really alright," Kevin defended. "I'd better stay here with you," offered Brian. "No, I'll be OK here by myself." "I won't mind staying, I promise," said Brian, "you guys go ahead, I'll see ya'all later." "Alright, bye, you two," said Howie, "Let's go, guys, I'm starving for some sushi." Nick made a gagging noise and everyone laughed. As soon as the guys left, Brian sat down next to Kevin on a sofa downstairs. "C'mon, man, all the others are gone. Can't you tell your own cousin what's up with you?" Kevin tensed up. He knew he couldn't reveal his secret. He tried to tiptoe around it, "No, I'd like to keep it private until it blows over." "Kev, we want to help you through whatever it is. If you won't tell us, how can we help you?" "It's not a matter of WON'T, it's a matter of CAN'T" "Seriously, how bad can it be?" "REAL bad" "Come ON, man, you can't just lead me around like this. I really want to know. Please let me know what's going on. I really want to help you through whatever's happening to you." Kevin decided there was no backing out of the conversation. How much should he reveal? It would be too much for the group to handle if he expressed his deep desire for his cousin. Well, now or never. "Brian, I'm gay." The room fell silent for what seemed to be ten minutes. Kevin searched Brian's eyes for any sign of comprehension. He not only saw comprehension, but there was something else that Kevin couldn't recognize until a small grin appeared on Brian's face. Kevin saw relief. *What now?* thought Kevin. *Should I reveal the rest? Brian certainly doesn't seem disappointed, so what if? Oh, what the Hell, here goes...* Before a word emerged from Kevin's mouth, Brian kissed him, and Kevin kissed back. Kevin embraced Brian tightly as they kissed, squeezing as much passion out of Brian ass he could. Tongues soon got involved and Brian was on top of Kevin on the sofa. Brian leaned back and peeled off his shirt, revealing his defined torso to Kevin, and then helped Kevin out of his tight T-shirt. They resumed making out and soon their bodies were glistening with sweat. Kevin felt a great love for Brian and yearned to go farther. Brian leaned back again and popped the button open on Kevin's shorts. He got completely off of Kevin before completely removing Kevin's shorts and underwear, as well as his own. Kevin looked at Brian's erect dick and he wanted it so bad. Brian climbed back onto Kevin, this time with his head right over Kevin's meat, and his dick over Kevin's mouth. Kevin eagerly licked and mouthed Brian's cock, and Brian did the same. Kevin was enjoying himself immensely. His orgasm did not take long to arrive because of the love he felt for Brian, and Brian gladly accepted the cum into his hungry mouth. The taste of his cousin's semen soon set him creaming. Brian turned around weakly to face his cousin again. After a few more minutes of passionate kissing they were ready for another round of sex. Kevin asked, "Can we do this in the shower, please?" "Sure," said Brian. They put on their underwear and proceeded up the stairs to the bathroom. Kevin saw that AJ's mess was still there. He thought about asking AJ to use the bathroom downstairs, but realized it would slim the chance of being able to see him naked. The shower was running and the two new lovers removed their underwear and stood under the stream of hot water. "Kevin, will you fuck me?" was all that was said before they were kissing again. The best thing they could find for lube in the bathroom was some Vaseline. Kevin smeared some on Brian's bud and Brian coated Kevin's hard tool. Brian leaned against the shower wall as Kevin slowly pressed his penis against his anus. Kevin pushed in his dick's head and Brian sucked some air in through his teeth making a hissing sound. Kevin slowed down. Inch by inch, Kevin inserted the rest of his cock into Brian. He then waited for Brian's anus to adjust appropriately before moving in and out. Before long, they were in full swing. Downstairs, AJ entered through the front door. He came home because Nick and Howie wanted to see a movie after dinner, but AJ wasn't interested. He noticed Kevin and Brian's clothes on the floor, but assumed that they were just hot and wanted to cool off. He walked upstairs and heard the shower running. “Damn” he thought. “How the hell am I supposed to get ready for bed?”. He saw that the door to Brian's room was closed. *Must be asleep. Wouldn't mind joining him* he smiled to himself. Kevin wouldn't care if he snuck into the bathroom to grab his dental supplied while he was in the shower. They were all pretty close anyway. AJ knocked and said, "Hey, Kev? I need to get my toothpaste" Kevin and Brian freaked out. They never thought to lock the door. "DON'T COME IN!" shouted Kevin. "Why the Hell not? I've seen you naked before. I'm coming in." "NO!" screamed Kevin. AJ ignored him and flung the door open. He froze. They froze. What he saw before him made his eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. They hadn't even bothered to close the curtain. He turned around slowly and closed the door. And locked it. TO BE CONTINUED. . . . Well, here it is, my second attempt at writing a series of celebrity based stories. Feedback is always welcomed. Did you like it? Have a suggestion for the next episode? E-mail me at


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Noodle

Backstreet Desire, Part 1

Kevin Richardson lay on a beach in California, watching his fellow Backstreet Boys play frisbee by the light of the setting sun. His eyes drifted from the running bodies to the distant horizon. The sun burned its way into the ocean, fighting a losing battle against the conquering night sky. A line of Jewel's song "Down So Long" played in his head, "The sun sets across the

Backstreet Desire, Part 2

Hey all! This is the second in my series of Backstreet Desire. For those of you who tried to email me about my first installment I apologize for misprinting my email address. My real address is Here goes... AJ had his back to the bathroom door, head in hands. He was in shock; his two best friends were fucking in the shower. *I'm an idiot,* he thought. *I

Backstreet Desire, Part 3

Nick handed his credit card to the giggling and flustered cashier. He had managed to spend $500 in a half-hour, he was proud. The cashier fumbled at the register to push the right buttons and then scrambled to find a pen. "Don't worry, I've got one," said Nick. "Okay, thanks," she bubbled. Nick signed the receipt and handed it to the nearly hysterical girl. He left the store,

Backstreet Desire, Part 4

The Backstreet Boys were greeted at Blockbuster by a burst of excited whispers and unrestrained squeals. They knew the drill, try to finish their task while signing a seemingly unending number of autographs. However, the store wasn't busy and they only spent a few minutes fulfilling the dreams of the girls present. Nick worked his way to the comedy section, Howie drifted to the drama

Room #69, Part 1

Last summer I was in California on a business trip. We were staying in a Holiday Inn just outside of Hollywood. I had a room by myself, which was room #69. I had just been swimming and, as soon as I walked into my room, I began to strip off my wet speedo. I am about 6'2", i have straight brown hair (parted in the middle), a well built body, and a 7" cut cock. I got into the

Room #69, Part 2

A lot has happened since last summer, and my sexual experience with Brad Pitt. The last time I saw him was in that hotel. Sadly, the business I was working for has fired me since then. To be more accurate, I got laid off. That's okay, though, 'cause I found another job in Colorado. Brad gave me his phone number last summer, which I had to swear I would never give to anyone else.

Room #69, Part 3

After Brad left the room, I was a little curious about who was at the door, so I got out of the bed and quickly dressed myself. Leaving the bedroom, I wandered down the hall until I found my way back to the entryway. Nobody was there, but I heard voices coming from the kitchen and headed down in that direction. When I made it there, I saw Brad, and with him was Tom Cruise and

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