Gay Erotic Stories

Backstreet Desire, Part 4

by Noodle

The Backstreet Boys were greeted at Blockbuster by a burst of excited whispers and unrestrained squeals. They knew the drill, try to finish their task while signing a seemingly unending number of autographs. However, the store wasn't busy and they only spent a few minutes fulfilling the dreams of the girls present. Nick worked his way to the comedy section, Howie drifted to the drama area, and Kevin and AJ were browsing along the new release wall. Brian pursued Kevin and AJ to talk to them. "Hey, guys," he said, "did you get a whiff of Nick and Howie? Smelled suspicious to me." "Yep. I smelled cum and sweat all over them," replied AJ. "Think they've been fucking around with each other?" "I think they are," said Kevin "How can we find out?" asked Brian. "I mean, we can't just ask them." "I say we just tell them about us. Maybe that'll spark something in them," said AJ. "Sounds like a plan to me. So, what movie did you two get?" asked Brian "I got 'Pulp Fiction'," said AJ. Kevin said, "I have 'Kiss Me Guido'. It's really funny, you guys'll like it" "Cool. Let's go," said Brian. The five of them checked out with their videos and they headed to the beach house. Kevin continually eyed Howie and Nick, wondering if it was really true. Brian and AJ were doing the same. When they arrived at the house they started "Kiss Me Guido" and sat around the couch. Brian, AJ, and Kevin sat on the couch, and Nick and Howie sat in front of the sofa on the floor. Whenever the main character Frankie would show some skin, Kevin would watch Nick adjust his hardening cock in his pants. Kevin smiled to himself. He knew it was true. After the movie, Brian decided to let the skeleton out of the closet. "Um, Nick and Howie?" he began, "We've got something to tell you two. Kevin and AJ and I have been… well, sleeping together. It's only been happening since last night." "Holy shit!" exclaimed Nick. He stood up abruptly. Then Howie stood up calmly. "Holy shit," repeated Nick. "Um, wow," said Howie. "Wow. I had no idea… well, as long as we're being open about things…" "No! Shut up, Howie. We promised we wouldn't say anything," interrupted Nick. Howie argued back, "Well, now the situation is different." "What aren't you supposed to tell?" asked Kevin, innocently. He knew what it was. "Nick and I have been sleeping together for about a year now. There, now you know," answered Howie. Nick was disgusted. "That's good to know, you guys. And congratulations on your relationship," said Brian. "I'm going to bed. I hate all of you," said Nick, coldly. He stormed upstairs and went into his room. "Nick, c'mon, I'm sorry!" Howie yelled. He followed Nick up and entered the bedroom. "Well, THAT was interesting," said AJ. "I think I'm gonna go to bed, too. Any other takers?" Brian, Kevin, and AJ went upstairs to prepare for bed. They changed into their night clothes, washed their faces and brushed their teeth. Then they proceeded to Kevin and AJ's room. Kevin got in his bed, followed by AJ and Brian. "Sorry, guys, not tonight," said Kevin. "I'm tired and I'm not feeling well." "Okay, suit yourself," said AJ. Brian and AJ left Kevin's bed and got into AJ's. They began kissing and groping each other, ripping off their pajamas, which probably shouldn't have been put on in the first place. AJ started moving his face along Brian's chest and abs, working his way to suck Brian's cock. AJ gave Brian a skilled blowjob, causing Brian to squirm and cum in a short amount of time. Before long AJ was on top of Brian, intent on fucking his brains out. Kevin was sickened and left the room. He went to Nick and Howie's room to see if they would talk to him, but he heard the sounds of sex from behind the door. "Well, it sounds like they made up," he said to himself. He sighed and headed for Brian's room. He got into Brian's bed cried. Violent thoughts rocked in his head. *What the hell is Brian thinking? He's MY boyfriend, he should only have sex with AJ when I'm there to. I wish there was an even number of guys in this band. Then I wouldn't be stuck in here by myself while the others fuck each other senseless. Why am I letting this happen? Brian IS my boyfriend, but I love AJ, too. I shouldn't be selfish like that. Maybe I'm not as unwilling to have sex as I thought I was…* He got up out of Brian's bed, took off his clothes, and went back to his room. AJ and Brian were still busy fucking, but that didn't stop him. He got up behind AJ and stuck his now erect cock straight up AJ's ass. AJ yelped a little but soon began to enjoy the sensation. They were now in the same position they were in earlier that day, but AJ and Kevin had switched places. Kevin rubbed his hands all over AJ's torso and groin, and worked up a good sweat. Kevin came first and his body relaxed against AJ's steamy wet body. AJ came to his climax soon after. They separated from each other to get under the sheets. Kevin and Brian embraced each other and kissed for a while. AJ got behind Kevin and pressed his body up against him, slowly caressing his body. Then Nick and Howie entered the room. They were a little surprised at first, but then smiled. "Hey, everyone," said Nick. The three lovers in the bed looked up at the onlookers. "Sorry for blowing up earlier. I've made up with Howie, and I wanted to apologize to you guys, too." "Apology accepted," said Brian. "Yeah," said AJ, "you two come over here and give us all a kiss." Nick and Howie walked over to the bed and leaped onto it, pouncing the defenseless naked threesome. They all made out for a few minutes, then Nick and Howie got under the covers with AJ, Brian, and Kevin. The warmth and love coming from that group was overwhelming. They fell asleep that way, in total bliss. TO BE CONTINUED? What do you think? This may be the last addition to the story. E-mail me with your thoughts at Sorry I took so long getting this one written, I've been busy.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Noodle

Backstreet Desire, Part 1

Kevin Richardson lay on a beach in California, watching his fellow Backstreet Boys play frisbee by the light of the setting sun. His eyes drifted from the running bodies to the distant horizon. The sun burned its way into the ocean, fighting a losing battle against the conquering night sky. A line of Jewel's song "Down So Long" played in his head, "The sun sets across the

Backstreet Desire, Part 2

Hey all! This is the second in my series of Backstreet Desire. For those of you who tried to email me about my first installment I apologize for misprinting my email address. My real address is Here goes... AJ had his back to the bathroom door, head in hands. He was in shock; his two best friends were fucking in the shower. *I'm an idiot,* he thought. *I

Backstreet Desire, Part 3

Nick handed his credit card to the giggling and flustered cashier. He had managed to spend $500 in a half-hour, he was proud. The cashier fumbled at the register to push the right buttons and then scrambled to find a pen. "Don't worry, I've got one," said Nick. "Okay, thanks," she bubbled. Nick signed the receipt and handed it to the nearly hysterical girl. He left the store,

Backstreet Desire, Part 4

The Backstreet Boys were greeted at Blockbuster by a burst of excited whispers and unrestrained squeals. They knew the drill, try to finish their task while signing a seemingly unending number of autographs. However, the store wasn't busy and they only spent a few minutes fulfilling the dreams of the girls present. Nick worked his way to the comedy section, Howie drifted to the drama

Room #69, Part 1

Last summer I was in California on a business trip. We were staying in a Holiday Inn just outside of Hollywood. I had a room by myself, which was room #69. I had just been swimming and, as soon as I walked into my room, I began to strip off my wet speedo. I am about 6'2", i have straight brown hair (parted in the middle), a well built body, and a 7" cut cock. I got into the

Room #69, Part 2

A lot has happened since last summer, and my sexual experience with Brad Pitt. The last time I saw him was in that hotel. Sadly, the business I was working for has fired me since then. To be more accurate, I got laid off. That's okay, though, 'cause I found another job in Colorado. Brad gave me his phone number last summer, which I had to swear I would never give to anyone else.

Room #69, Part 3

After Brad left the room, I was a little curious about who was at the door, so I got out of the bed and quickly dressed myself. Leaving the bedroom, I wandered down the hall until I found my way back to the entryway. Nobody was there, but I heard voices coming from the kitchen and headed down in that direction. When I made it there, I saw Brad, and with him was Tom Cruise and


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