Gay Erotic Stories

Best Friends Share A Dirty Little Secret

by Just a Guy

I have known that I was gay for a long time. I have been looking at web sites since junior high school. My best friend knows now, but at the time of this story he didn’t know. For a long time my friend and I had been jerking off together to porn videos that I got from my father’s collection. Most every summer he and I would spend the night at each other’s house almost every night. This summer was the summer after graduation from high school. We decided that we should spend a lot of time together since we were probably not going to see each other for a long time. One night my parents were out and my friend came over to spend the night. We did the usual: swimming nude in my pool, walking around naked, and looking at my dad’s dirty magazines. Later that evening we moved into watching some of the new porn videos that a friend had given to me. I had never given him any reason to suspect that I was gay, so I didn’t think it was wrong to do this. We both sat naked on the couch, almost so close that I could feel his leg hairs touching mine. A little background on my friend and me: I was always into theater and my friend was always into football. He had a beautiful body. His pecs were nicely formed and his stomach was as flat as it could get. He had a nice six-pack going for him and a little fuzz all over his body. I have tried to get him to do some modeling, but he won’t. So there we were on the couch. Watching some straight porn and all the time me looking right at his crotch. His dick was large and thick. He obviously had been blessed with that. We both sat there completely naked and jerking slowly to the video. In this scene, to my surprise, there were two men and one woman. The two men started kissing. This was a bi-video. I had no idea! What luck, I thought. I looked a little nervous, thinking maybe he would put his clothes back on and not want to continue. But he didn’t. He just kept on stroking. I looked at him and he looked back at me. "Hey, what the hell are those guys doing?" he said to me. "I don’t know, I didn't know it was that kind of tape" I was desperatly trying to cover the fact that I had a raging hard-on just looking at him naked next to me. He looked back at the TV and did what I was most dreading; he reached for his shirt and pants and got dressed. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want him to freak out. We went to bed, because it was about 4am. We both slept in the living room on the two couches. I lay there wide awake thinking about his rock hard dick and his sculpted body. I was a little guilty thinking about him in this way. We had been friends forever and were as close as any brothers could be. I knew that he slept deep because once a 4.5 earthquake had not waked him. So when I heard him snore I knew that I had been given my chance. I got out of bed quietly and snuck over to his couch. I looked into his face for what seemed like forever. I wanted to make sure he was asleep. I even called out his name to see if he was awake; he wasn’t! I slowly pulled off the covers, since it was a warm summer night he didn’t seem to notice. I looked at him lying there like an Adonis in his gym shorts and nothing else. I watched him get changed for bed and knew that there was nothing between me and his manhood other than the thin material of the shorts. I reached out and cupped my hand around his package. I could feel the 8 inches of his cock through the shorts. My hard-on instantly sprang back to life. I couldn’t believe it: I was touching my best friend’s package, something that I had been fantasizing about for years. I looked up at him; he didn’t stir. So I slowly started to caress him through his shorts. I could feel him getting hard under there, so I decided to go in for a closer look. I took my fingers and gently pulled his shorts down to his knees. This was no easy task since he had a tight muscular butt and they were not easy to move around. When I finally got the shorts down I looked back and saw his manhood growing with delight. It was semi-hard and I could already see his full form coming to life. I reached out and gently touched his meat. It was so warm, it was better than I had imagined. The shaft was so thick and pulsating with huge veins, his head was getting purple and spongy. I knew that he would need a release because we hadn’t cum after the video. As I was jacking him off with my right hand, I reached around with my left and cupped him under his balls. I massaged them back and forth and moved a finger down toward his hole. GOD I wanted to have sex with him so badly!!! The thought ran through my mind, "Maybe I should help him with his release and finish him off; when he wakes in the morning he'll think it was just a wet dream!" I started jerking faster and moved my left hand to my crotch which was already out of my shorts. I am no small man myself, I hold my own with a good 7.5 inches. I stroked him and myself for a long time. He grew to his full 8 inches and was starting to ooze some precum on his head. I took my finger and rubbed the precum around and used it to lube his shaft. I looked up at his face; nothing. I decided to get closer to his prick and see what it looked like up close. It was dark in the room so I was not able to get a good look at it. As I moved closer my nose brushed his head. The smell engulfed my body and almost made me shoot right on his leg. I pulled back and stopped for a moment. What was I going to do? I had already gone this far, so I should go the distance. I went back to him and took him into my mouth. This was my first time doing anything like this, but the feeling was so natural to me. It was like my mouth knew what it was doing; I was just there for the ride. And ride I did. I moved up and down forever on him. Imitating what I had seen the man doing to his partner on the video earlier. It didn’t take long for his cock to start spasming and shooting his hot cum into my mouth. I took every bit of it, thinking I would not have to clean anything up. I didn’t let any drop leave my mouth. I stayed there for a long time with him in my mouth just sucking on it like a lollipop. It tasted so good to have him in me. My right hand had finished me off and I had exploded all over the side of the couch. I didn’t even realize that we had both climaxed together. As I let him slip out of my mouth I looked around for his shorts; they were still around his ankles like before. I slowly slid them up and put the cover back on him. He had not made a sound the entire time, which made me think I might have known since he snores like all hell. I went back to my couch after cleaning up my mess with a kitchen towel. The next morning went as usual. We woke up and turned on the TV. We watched some cartoons (which we still did even after high school) and ate breakfast. There was not much conversation between us; I thought that it was just because we had gone to bed so late. We were sitting at the breakfast table and he was across from me. We ate cereal. He looked over at me and said, "Hey, you got something on your mouth" "What?" "Milk? No, maybe its a little of my cum left over from last night." I froze. I could not believe what I heard him say. He just looked at me with a little sly smile and then back at his bowl of cereal. That summer we slept at each other’s houses every other night. From then on, there were no more videos, no more straight magazines, and no more sneaking around late at night while others were sleeping.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Just a Guy

Best Friends Share A Dirty Little Secret

I have known that I was gay for a long time. I have been looking at web sites since junior high school. My best friend knows now, but at the time of this story he didn’t know. For a long time my friend and I had been jerking off together to porn videos that I got from my father’s collection. Most every summer he and I would spend the night at each other’s house almost every night.


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