Gay Erotic Stories

Big Bro's Balls, Part 1

by Remi Raven


Disclaimer: If you're reading this story, you agree to not be offended by it. It involves ball busting and such. If you don't like it, oh well. Enjoy! Comments to It started out as one of their classic "man" matches. One of these little battles would determine the bigger man. Joey had a three year advantage on his eighteen year old brother Brett and had defeated him many times. The rules were simple, one would inflict one attack on the other then reverse roles. Submission came when one could no longer take the abuse. To show submission, the loser would stand spread-eagle with his hands behind his back and say, "Open Season." The winner would then have the luxury of inflicting 5 blows onto the submitter. Open Season meant that any blow would be legal, so naturally at least some of those five would be ball shots. Joey always used all low blows when he won, which was most of the time. When Brett won, he only nailed Joey's nuts one or two times, being a believer in brotherly love. Brett had a short winning streak when Joey entered puberty and his balls became more sensitive. Other than that, Joey almost always won. But Brett had planned for this match. He finally decided to give Joey a run for his money, Joey wouldn't forget this match for a long time. "I'm gonna start out by knocking the wind right out of you bro," Joey taunted. He threw a hard left into Brett's bare chest. Brett took a couple of deep breaths, but it would take a lot more than a punch in the breast bone to end this match. "You still hit like a girl Joe." Then Brett sent his best shot into Joey's chest. The punch didn't seem to be as effective as Joey's was, but it took it's toll. "Your nipples are looking a little crooked there," Joey observed before seizing both of Brett's nipples and twisting them hard. Brett made a small grunt. "Yeah Joey, I think maybe your nipples could use a little straightening out." Then Brett cleverly fired a gut shot at Joey. The sudden pain in his solar plexus shocked Joey and he bucked over, holding his stomach. Brett was only softening his older brother up. "That was dirty, Brett. I think I'm going to have to teach you some dirty fighting. Keep those legs spread, bro." Joey made an evil grin before hammering an uppercut into his brother's package. The pain worked it's way up into the pit of Brett's stomach, but he took it. He was about to make his move. "If that's how you want to play Joe," Brett calmly replied. Joey just smiled and nodded. He knew he could take more low blows than his brother. He would just let Brett take his best shot and then fire one back into Brett's balls. Sooner or later, Brett would submit like he always does. His smile became smug. But his attention should have been focused on Brett's smile; it was the one that gave away a scheme. It was the kind of smile you see on a movie villain. Brett had a plan, and it was about to come together. "Keep those legs open, bro." Brett slammed both his fists into Joey's balls, but Joey felt almost no pain, as if he hadn't even hit him. For a split second anyway. Brett's fists closed around one testicle each and then began to squeeze. Joey's grin faded into a grimace as his throbbing balls sent pain into his already sore stomach. Then the agony worked it's way into his thighs while Brett worked his vice grip tighter and tighter. The strength started to leave Joey's legs. He half dropped to his knees and was essentially being held up by his brother's merciless grip on his jewels. Joey found the strength to cry out, "Open Season! Open Season!" Brett only tightened his grip and shouted back, "Not good enough!" He yanked out hard and Joey screamed once. "5 ball shots aren't going to get you out of this bro, I've got you and there's nothing you can do about it. You can't stand up, and if you so much as move one of your hands..." Brett paused long enough to twist and pull Joey's nuts apart slightly. "I'll crush these nuts so hard you'll be paralyzed." Joey's hands dropped behind him, his remaining strength quickly depleting. "Wha-- What do you want want then?" Joey gasped. "I'm gonna have a little fun with you bro, to make up for all the times you had fun with me. You can follow or I can drag you by your balls." Brett began to pull forward and Joey did his best to follow him. Brett pulled him over to a place in the basement where there were two hooks, shaped in a full circle, where their furnace had once been. Brett yanked Joey's balls to the ground hard, and Joey quickly followed. There was rope already on each of the hooks, Brett was prepared for this. "Stretch your arms above your head." Brett encouraged Joey with another vicious twist of his sore balls. Joey did as instructed. Brett released Joey's left testicle and quickly made a few loops around Joey's left leg with the rope. Then he stepped on the other end of the rope, securing Joey's leg temporarily. Brett grabbed his brother's entire package and gave it a fierce squeeze before releasing the right nut. He secured the right leg in the same fashion as the left. Now Brett fired two quick punches into Joey's sack before working a few knots onto the each of the legs. Brett stood up, proud of his work. He put so much care into this because he couldn't have Joey escape, even in his ball-busted state, he may have been able to over power Brett, and then beat the hell out of his nuts. This was Brett's day for revenge, and he was making sure that it worked out that way. "What the hell is this?" Joey half asked and half pleaded. Brett ignored him for the moment and worked on securing his brothers' arms to a support beam. He had immobilized his bully brother totally. But he wasn't quite vulnerable enough just yet. "I told ya, this is me having a little fun with you." Brett walked down between Joey's legs and pulled the zipper on Joey's jeans. "I think I'll go diving for some treasure." He reached in and worked his fingers through the fly in Joey's boxers and pulled his battered nuts through. They were resting on his fly as if some sort of gourmet dish out for display. "Whattdya know? I found some jewels!! They're pretty small though, better ditch these." Then Brett landed a slap on Joey's little soldiers. The kind of slap that wouldn't hurt across your chest or face, but one that could set your balls on fire. Joey moaned loudly and Brett fired a few more slaps onto Joey's unearthed balls. Brett let out a chuckle before getting a pair of scissors out. Joey's face turned white. "No man!! You-- you can't! I'm your brother man!" "Chill, bro" Brett said sarcastically. "I can't bust your nuts if they're cut off." He then began to cut Joey's blue jeans loose from his body. Joey was left in black boxers, nuts still hanging out. Brett placed his foot on them and slowly added weight. "Feeling a little vulnerable, Joe? I'm almost done." With a single well-placed slice of the scissors Brett cut the boxers free from his brother. "You wanted to look at my cock you little fag?" That earned Joey three rapid kicks to his fully exposed crotch. With each kick Joey bucked, following his instinct to guard his balls, but with legs tied apart and arms above his head, he could to nothing about his brother's cruel ball kicks. "Keep talking your smack bro, and I'll pop those balls like water balloons." Joey's voice was reduced to whisper, "What now?" "Simple bro. I'm going to bust on your nuts for an hour, and then, if you've been real good, I'll untie you and leave those peas you call nuts functional." "An hour? Please man, you--you can't do that to me!" "Alright, half an hour, but if you want the time cut, it stays open season. Meaning I get to stomp on your gut or yank that pathetic prick or any other damn thing I choose to do while your nuts are throbbing." "Yeah--sure, I can't take an hour." Brett grinned. This had been part of his plan as well. Brett kneeled down beside his brother. He grabbed Joey's cock and slid it off of his nuts, leaving him even more vulnerable. Brett made a fist and said "Let the count down begin." He then slammed his fist into Joey's balls, crushing them into the basement floor. Joey's moans could have been heard from any room in the house. "Yell all you want Joe, no one's going to be home all weekend." Brett slammed his fist into Joey's unprotected balls twice more for fun. He dropped a hard elbow into Joey's stomach. Brett picked up Joey's battered balls in his right hand. He placed his index and middle finger on one side of Joey's ball sack, and the other two on the other side. Then he pulled the pair of gems down the bottom of his scrotum. Brett pulled them until they were so snug that the sack skin started to shine. "This is called the nut claw Joey, " he casually informed his brother before pressing his thumb between Joey's balls. At the bottom of Joey's ball bag, his precious nuts had no where do go and they screamed in agony as Brett's thumb pressed deeper. He dropped Joey's sack and said, "Be right back." After running upstairs for a moment, Brett returned with a draw string bag. "Got a few things here Joe. First, I'm gonna do something that'll leave you some explaining to do in the locker room." Joey's eyes got bigger at that remark. Brett pulled Joey's can of shaving cream out of the bag, followed by Joey's razor. "Say good-bye to those prized pubes." "What the fuck? You can't fuckin do that!" "Oh but I can Joey." Brett dropped a fast elbow into Joey's nuts for added effect. He covered Joey's dark pubes with shaving cream. He brought the razor to the base of Joey's cock. "I'd stay real still, bro. Wouldn't want me to uh..slip would ya?" Then he pulled the razor up, leaving a streak of white flesh where there was once a thick jungle of hair. Within a few short slices of the blade, Joey's crotch was smooth and bare. "You fuckin bitch," Joey cursed as he tried his best to spit at Brett. Brett slammed his heel into Joey's balls, causing his to scream out again. "Well, now your pits are next Joe. The guys are gonna think you're some kind of fairy." Brett gave Joey's nads a quick firm squeeze before stripping his pits of all hair. He laughed at his brother. "Ya look pretty girly there Joe." Then he started hammering away at his nuts again. Brett landed around fifteen shots into Joey's aching package, each time there was a smack of flesh against cement heard. Joey's expression had worsened from agony to lifeless. "What's goin on there bro? You aren't going to puss out on me are you? Well, I guess it's time for something to wake you up." The tone of Brett's voice was enough to pull Joey somewhat out of his stupor. He watched as his brother pulled a box of Q-tips out of the bag, followed by a bottle that he couldn't identify. "If you call me a fag Joe," Brett began, "I'm going to squeeze your balls until you pass out." Then he reached down and began running his hand up and down Joey's dick. Despite his present condition, Joey's cock responded quickly to the stimulation and began to harden. Brett continued his work until pecker was extremely hard. Now he dipped the Q-tip into the bottle. Joey still had no idea what was in it. He noticed that the Q-tip was an orange-red color. Brett placed the Q-tip on Brett's piss-slit. Joey screamed and quickly realized what the contents of the bottle were. "Aww Joe, I thought you liked Tobasco sauce." Brett mercilessly worked the Q-tip down the inside of his brother's cock. He continued jacking him off with his other hand, forcing the tortured penis to remain erect. Joey's screams continued and he began to buck in his restraints. Only the end of the Q-tip remained outside of his dick. Brett ripped it out in once single pull. He then placed the Q-tip back in the Tobasco and applied an ample coat just behind the head of Joey's cock. That brought out more screaming. "I can't take it! You--you gotta stop it!" Brett ignored his brother's pleas and grabbed Joey's nut sack. He began twisting it. As the pressure built inside his ball bag, Joey's pleading increased. "Please! Goddammit man, you gotta stop this!" "Tell ya what Joe, I'll cut you a little deal. You can buy a little break from this. I'll let you 'rest' for five minutes, but I get to bust your nuts for an extra ten, besides the time you have left." "Yes, yes gimme five minutes anything!" Joey would have traded his cock for two minutes without torture. He was unable to withstand the pain his brother was inflicting. Brett released his brother's balls and walked upstairs. His smile had once again taken on an evil tone. Joey didn't realize that he'd only taken ten minutes of torture so far. And he just agreed to another ten. This was going to be a fun weekend.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Remi Raven

Big Bro's Balls, Part 1

Disclaimer: If you're reading this story, you agree to not be offended by it. It involves ball busting and such. If you don't like it, oh well. Enjoy! Comments to It started out as one of their classic "man" matches. One of these little battles would determine the bigger man. Joey had a three year advantage on his eighteen year old brother Brett and

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