Gay Erotic Stories

Big Kyle Gets Bigger, Part 4

by Brian W.

My fantasies last night could not have prepared me for what I was experiencing in these short two hours with Kyle’s growing size (make that my own dwindling size). I was now 21” tall and straddling his mammoth cock that in appearance was quickly approaching three feet high. I had nearly forgotten that I would be shrinking faster from my vantage point with each passing minute, and no sooner did I get used to the huge sizes around me, when it would loom even larger.

Had we both been standing yet, I would not have even come up to one of Kyle’s knees, but now that he was lying back on the bed, I had easy reach of his growing, gargantuan cock. As I gloried in stroking his cock with my tiny hands, I noticed his shaft was now even thicker than a loaf of bread, and the balls that draped over the bottom of his cock were as big as volleyballs.

The massive head of his cock grazed my chin repeatedly and I stroked it, with a slit that now looked about 5 inches long across it. Yes, this was going to be quite a gusher when I got him off ! When I was deepest in thought of his load of cum, out gurgled a mass of his cum, more than a quart, and more than I had ever seen in my life ! And to make it more exciting, it had simply been a simple rush of pre-cum !

“Oh, Yeah. . .”, Kyle moaned from behind me as I gathered up his cum and stroked it into his huge girth, making his cockhead gleam, and made the veins on his cock stand out even larger, no longer as thick as pencils, but more like magic markers ! I was so much into wrestling with Kyle’s enormous cock, and I was shrinking so much faster, I hadn’t noticed how fast his cock was rising above me, and how I was soon using less of my hands to stroke his cock, and more of my arms. I was snapped out of my trance by Kyle’s heavy moaning, which seemed to boom ever louder in my ears. At that point, I noticed his cockhead was now over my head. I carefully stood up on Kyle’s hard abdomen, and saw that his giant cock reached up to my chest, meaning I was only about 16” tall now. The massive head on this thing was easily bigger than a basketball now.

“How are you doing?”, Kyle’s voice boomed curiously. “Great, but if you don’t cum soon, I might need your help getting a load out of this schlong !”, I said, which now sounded like it came from a mouse rather than a little kid. “No problem at all.”, said Kyle, “As long as you’re having fun and OK.” I made a dance out of stroking Kyle’s cock for a while, sinking all the way to my knees and back to my feet in a fluid motion. In a way, I was hoping he would cum now, since his gigantic cock was quickly rising up as big as I was, and when it throbbed, I seemed to be pushed slightly by it.

As the head of this monster pushed up towards my neck and chin, I knew I was barely 11” tall, and groping along the girth of a cock that to me looked five feet tall. The head now looked as big as a punchbowl, making me feel not just shrunk, but puny. I was still in ecstasy, though, as long as the process stopped by the time I reached 3”, and I didn’t get crushed by Kyle’s own cock. When I stood nose to nose with top of his shaft, I knew I was 10” tall, and with a slight gasp from Kyle, out oozed another massive load of pre-cum. I looked like over two gallons worth of cum, and I greedily filled my mouth with it as it ran down his cockhead, swallowing four or five big gulps of the hot cream. I had my work cut out for me now, as I slicked up the huge area that was Kyle’s cock, and within a minute, I had to gaze upward to see the top of his cockhead. As my tiny mouth licked the underside of his huge head, it was now almost impossible to reach all the way around the girth of his growing shaft. With Kyle’s cock as big as a small tree, with veins almost as thick as my forearm, and a head the size of an umbrella, it was not going to be long before I needed his help to get him off.

Within another minute, I was 7” tall, and had concede that I couldn’t handle it by myself any longer, especially when the heavy throbbing of his shaft nearly knocked me down a few times.

Kyle watched me approach his face, as I carefully walked up a chest as wide as a driveway. “Need some help ?”, Kyle voice rumbled, as if through a tower speaker. I raised my finger to my lips to motion him to whisper. “ Even your voice is getting to be too big to handle.”, I yelled to Kyle, the power of my own voice diminishing, “ You’ll have to talk quieter from here on in. Besides that, I’ll need help with that silo you have back there.”, pointing to his towering cock. “Glad to help...”, whispered Kyle, as a gigantic arm passed over my head towards the base of his cock. I spotted the clock off in the distance, and although the farther objects were getting fuzzy to my vantage point, I could see it was 5:50 -- 10 minutes left before I stop shrinking.

I didn’t seem to have far to shrink now, since I walked back towards his cock and guessed I was now 6” tall. My guess was right when I got to the silo-sized shaft, looking to be about 10 feet tall. “Careful . . .”, Kyle whispered, as he used his hand to lay the shaft of his cock across his abs. The head of his shaft hit his belly with a small thump, with a slit across its front almost 9 inches long. I could easily have stuck my whole arm into it if I dared. Kyle slowly stroked and caressed the lower 1/3 of his monstrous cock, and by the sounds of his rumbling moans, I was convinced he wasn’t far at all from cumming.

With the upper 2/3 of Kyle’s cock free, I straddled it at first, then draped myself across it as if it were a sofa (which it was certainly big enough to be). When I spotted a huge glob of pre-cum spew forth from the head, I quickly slid off to grab it up, and splashed massive gobs of it into my mouth, covering myself up the front with what was still only his pre-cum, and well over five gallons of it by the looks of things.

I used the cum I could reach to slicken up his huge shaft. Laying across it, I found I could only get my hands half way around it, and I now found it hard to believe this was the same cock I had deep-throated two hours earlier. When I slid off Kyle’s throbbing cock, its girth now appeared to be nearly waist-high. Wow, I thought. There was no way I could be over 3” tall now. My surprise turned to somewhat alarm when I saw that over a few seconds, his gargantuan cock was not just throbbing, but was still growing before me. “Kyle !”, I yelled towards his face, just barely audible to him. I began running towards his face, over a huge chest that was much bigger than I had expected to be seeing. Kyle saw the urgency in my actions, and carefully sat up, placing his palm upright on his chest. The long fingers in front of me were gigantic, and I leapt on to them to the center of his palm. When Kyle saw I was seated, he slowly raised his hand close to his face. I was now 2 1/2” tall. “There’s still 4 minutes to go yet...”, Kyle whispered, “. . .and you’re still shrinking !” I yelled to his huge face, “I wanted so much to see you shoot your load, but how small will I be if this keeps up ?”

“Everything’s going to be fine.”, Kyle whispered, “remember this is only temporary. In fact, if you stay put around my belly button, I’ll be able to watch you closely until this is done, and maybe give you a good bath at the same time”. “I trust you !”, I yelled to him, “let’s do it !” By the time he lowered his hand to his abs, I was 2” tall, and when I climbed out of his palm, his mammoth cock appeared to be 30 feet tall . I stepped into Kyle’s belly button, so he could see I was safe, and looked as though I was seated comfortably in a beanbag. Kyle placed his hand on his huge cock, and laid it back flat on his abs. It hit his belly with a shuddering thump, and a cockhead almost the size of a car was only 15 feet away from me, with a slit a full foot long staring right down at me.

As I gasped, I slid further into Kyle’s belly button, and realized I was still shrinking, now only about 1 1/2” tall. I would have to sit tight now, since I wasn’t very sure Kyle could even hear me if I yelled for help. His cock seemed to writhe slightly as I realized he was stroking himself again. As hot as I was for his load, I couldn’t stop worrying how small I’d become before the shrinking would soon stop. Within another 30 seconds, I was only 1” tall, and I found I could crouch inside his belly button as though it were a small foxhole. Kyle’s cockhead now looked like the nosecone of an airplane pointed at me, with a slit over two feet long.

As the seconds passed, I began to fear the load Kyle was going to shoot like floodwaters towards me, especially when I was less than 3/4” tall with my view dominated by the gigantic cockhead. When I was able to stand inside his belly button, I knew I was about 1/2” tall, and at that point I heard from Kyle what sounded like a thundering, grunting moan. With the slit on his cockhead now 4 feet long, I wasn’t sure whether to crouch down and hide, or watch it head-on. All of a sudden, the sky turned white with a huge sphere of cum, which landed behind me with a loud liquid splat. I crouched down only to feel the next glob land next to his bellybutton, and quickly ooze into the cavern I was hiding . As Kyle’s thunderous moans continued, I first realized I was 1/4” tall, and next that I was literally swimming in hot, white gobs of cum.

After 5 more liquid splashes, I waded out of the gobs that surrounded me, and saw the oozing slit of Kyle’s cock appear to be only 2 feet long now. After another minute, I noticed I was growing back again, and was soon 3 inches tall again.

Kyle placed me back in his palm again, and raised me to his face. “I’m glad you’re OK.” , said Kyle. “That’s the last time I’m using 7 drops of potion. If you want to do this again, you’ll have to settle for 6.” As I wiped thick gobs of cum from my face, I yelled to him, “Sounds fair to me. I already have ideas for next time !” (Horny as always !) The End (for now)


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3 Gay Erotic Stories from Brian W.

Big Kyle Gets Bigger, Part 2

All I could think about through the evening was how Kyle would look 10 feet, 25, or 60 feet tall for that matter, and this wonderful blue bottle in his dorm room. He was true in saying that all of the effects would take a day to wear off - even after several hours, I was light-headed when I stood straight up. About 10:00, Kyle called from his room, and asked, “Are you

Big Kyle Gets Bigger, Part 3

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Big Kyle Gets Bigger, Part 4

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