Gay Erotic Stories

Bondage Surprise

by Tdenny The only thing that kept going through my mind was please don't let anyone come in and find me like this. Then I thought, please, let somebody, beside my wife, come in, and find me. Whether someone came in or not was probably a mute point because I think I locked the door and my wife was the only one who could come in. Oh well, it was only going to be five or six more hours before she came home. I could last that long if I tried not to think of what she would say and do when she did come home. Maybe I could work myself out of this situation, I kept telling myself. However, at the same time, I wanted out; the situation was bringing me great pleasure. Every time I tried to move I would get such a wonderful feeling of pleasure coming from my crotch I though I was going to have another orgasm. The morning had started so promising. It was Monday morning, I was on vacation for a week, and my wife wasn't. I was going to have the house, alone, for at least eight hours every day. Finally, I would get to do what I liked to do the most. Wear my leotards and tights around the house all day. In addition, practice my self-bondage. Those were the only two vices I had in life. However, I loved them both. I tried to get my wife interested in both of them but she wouldn't have anything to do with either of them. So, that's why I had to wait until I was alone. I have like wearing tights and leotards for as long as I can remember. When I was in the seventh grade, I used to sneak my sister's tights and leotards out of her underwear drawer and wear them to bed, under my pajamas. Moreover, sometimes I'd wear a pair of tights under my jeans. I think she knew what I was doing but to this day, she has never said anything. I didn't find out I liked to be tied up until the next year, though. We were playing cowboys and Indians and I got captured and they tied me up. In the process of trying to get loose, I rubbed my legs together enough to have an orgasm. Luckily no one noticed but by the time I got home and changed clothes the tights I had on under my clothes were already sticking to my skin. Nevertheless, it felt good, anyway. I didn't get much chance to play around with self-bondage much after that until I got out of school and into my own apartment. I always fantasized about being tied up by someone else but I could never bring myself to mention it to anyone. I had gotten up that morning thinking of nothing but dressing up in my tights and leotards and tying myself up. I tried not to seem like I was in a hurry for my wife to leave the house. I think before she was even out of the driveway I was pulling a pair of black footed tights up on my legs. Then I put on a black, long sleeve body suit with a snap crotch. The feel of the tights on my legs and the way the body suit put pressure on my crotch I started to get an immediate erection. I got all my rope, I used, out on the bed and pulled my black lycra hood out of the drawer and got ready for a good time. I turned the phone, next to the bed, off so it wouldn't disturb me. The only person that knew I was on vacation, other than work, was my friend that I had known for twenty years and I didn't think he was going to bother me. I lay down on the bed and started tying my ankles together as tight as I could stand it. I would usually tie a piece of rope to my ankles, run it up to my wrists, and loop it around my wrists in front of me. Then I would pull my knees up as far as I could and use a piece of tape around the rope on my wrists. That way I didn't have much movement allowed and I certainly couldn't get up and walk. This time, though, I decided to run the rope from my ankles behind my back. It was harder to tie my wrists but it really gave me the feeling that I couldn't get untied. I had already put the hood over my head and tucked it into the turtleneck of the bodysuit so I couldn't see anything. After I finished tying and taping myself I just lay there and enjoyed the feeling of being tied up. It sure didn't take long for me to get that feeling in my crotch. The first time I pulled on my wrists my ankles wouldn't budge, so I knew I had tied myself up tighter than I ever had. As I tried to turn over, I suddenly felt myself starting to orgasm. I shot my load all over the inside of my tights and leotards. It felt so good it took me a few minutes before I felt like moving. Now my crotch was so wet it felt like it was going to spread all the way down my legs, but that was such a good feeling, also. I felt so good, in fact, that I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept, but my arms and legs were stiff from being tied up in that one position. I was still wet from the first orgasm so I knew I couldn't have slept that long. I decided to get up and take a shower before I did anything else so I tried to pull my wrists from the rope that was tied around them. I guess I had wrapped the tape around the rope a little too tight because I couldn't pull my wrists through. "Don't panic," I told myself, "this has happened before and you have always managed to get loose." I tried to pull my hands up to my head so I could take my hood off but I had tied my wrists too close to my ankles to reach my head. Normally I like the feeling of not being able to get loose and this time was no exception. I could feel my penis getting hard again. It felt good, but I knew I had to get loose. One last chance to get loose. I always put a knife on the floor at the end of the bed in case something like this had happened. I scooted across the bed until I was at the end. I managed to turn myself around until my head was hanging off the end. Then I slid off the end of the bed and onto the floor. I landed on my side. Thank goodness, it didn't hurt but all that pulling and straining against the ropes; well it over excited me. I shot off all inside my tights and leotards. It felt wonderful but after it was over all I wanted to do was get loose. I finally came back down to earth and tried to feel around, with my feet, for the knife. I knew exactly where I was supposed to have put it, but it wasn't there. I moved around all over the carpet trying to find the knife. The more I looked the more I started to panic. My hands and arms, still tied behind me to my ankles were beginning to hurt more. To make things worse I moved around so much trying to find the knife I didn't know where on the bedroom floor I was, anymore. Okay, now it was time to really panic. And to make things worse, being totally helpless was getting me excited again. I could feel my crotch beginning to grow. I was already so wet and sticky down there it was becoming uncomfortable. I knew I couldn't reach the doorknob even if I could figure out which direction the door was in. All I could do was lay there and try not to move. My legs and arms were hurting so much now and didn't dare move and I really didn't want to have another orgasm. It would be hard enough to explain to my wife what I was doing on the floor like this. I didn't want to have to tell her how the puddle of sperm I was laying in got there. I was so deep into thinking about how much trouble I was going to be in that the noise from the front door opening didn't register with me at first. When I finally realized what that sound was I didn't know what was going to happen. In addition, I didn't know who it was. Nevertheless, it had to be my wife; she's the only one who has a key. I knew I was going to be in trouble but the thought of her seeing me dressed the way I was making my erection try to poke through my clothes. Well here goes, I thought to myself, I could here the footsteps getting closer. Then they stopped. I could here the doorknob on the bedroom door turning. I waited for her voice but I heard nothing. I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. Neither did my wife. I could feel the air moving as she walked around me. Still no sound. I couldn't stand it any longer. "Say something," I said. Then I heard the sound of someone sitting down on the bed. Then I heard her or what sounded like her taking her pants off. I loved that sound of her sliding her pants of her pantyhose clad legs. It used to be a sexy sound; I didn't know what it meant now. I laid there, helpless, trying to figure out what was going to happen. Maybe she wasn't going to be mad, maybe she thought it was erotic. I know I thought it was very erotic. I heard the mattress moving again then I felt her feet rubbing my face. Well, maybe this wasn't going to be too bad. I could feel her pantyhosed feet sliding against the lycra hood. I was still lying on my side and she reached down and rolled me over on my back. Then she moved her feet down to my crotch. My hands, still tied behind my back were numb now but the pressure she was putting on my penis made all the pain go away. Because my crotch was still so wet, her feet couldn't slide around too easily so I felt her kneel down and put her hands where her feet were. She rubbed for awhile then she did something she hardly ever does. She put her mouth on my penis and starting sucking the wetness right through the material of the tights. All the moving around had shifted my penis and somehow she found the head and moved it around where it was almost coming through the tights. She was sucking and licking so fast now, I knew I couldn't last much longer. It felt so good that I couldn't wait. I could feel the sperm coming up my shaft and shooting out the end of my penis. As soon as it did, she started sucking harder. She didn't stop until I stopped. She must have sucked every drop through the material. Gosh, maybe she enjoyed this as much as me. I didn't know how long this was going to last, though. Now all I could think about was being untied. Moreover, I was starting to have to use the bathroom. Too many cups of coffee. I managed to roll over to where my knees and head were on the floor. However, when I put my head on the floor my butt was sticking up. However, with all the rope behind my body that was the easiest way for her to untie me. The only thing was that she was taking her time. In fact, I thought I heard the video camera running. I hadn't heard it before so maybe I was hearing things. However, she had already surprised me that morning so maybe she was taping our little adventure. I started thinking that maybe she had forgotten about me. I didn't know how, though, with my black tights and leotard on all tied up with my butt still sticking up in the air. So maybe she was going to teach me a lesson. The television had been turned on. I hadn't heard her do that. Maybe she was taping and watching us at the same time. I didn't have long to think about that. I felt her hand between my legs. It was so sudden it scared me. I started to say something but when I did I heard a quiet voice say, "don't talk." Okay, if that's the way she wanted it I wouldn't say a word. She was unsnapping my bodysuit now. She ended up having to use both her hands to unsnap the crotch so by the time she was through fooling down back there I was getting another erection. I think that was going to be a record for me if I had another orgasm. Four in one day. I was proud of myself. After she unsnapped my bodysuit, she pulled my tights down to just above my knees. She reached back up and grabbed the base of my penis. When she did that it became fully erect and I was ready to break my record. She pulled it between my legs where it was sticking out towards my butt. Then she flicked her tongue on and off the tip of it. Spasms of pleasure rippled through my body. She quit when she felt me shiver. I guess she wasn't in a hurry to finish me off, this time. The cold air, in the bedroom, against my bare, wet and sticky butt made me get goose bumps. That had to be a nice sight, my naked butt, covered with goose bumps, sticking up in the air. She was rubbing the cheeks of my butt very slowly which tickled but I couldn't move. One of her fingers would go in the crack of my butt, every time she rubbed her hand across, just lightly touching my butt hole. Strangely, it felt very erotic. It sent more shivers up and down my spine. Although I was still tired and my body was hurting from being like that for so long I felt myself relaxing. As long as she kept rubbing my butt like she was, I could stay tied up for awhile longer. Her hands were still wet from rubbing my wet butt. As I waited for he to move her finger across my hole, I got a rude awakening. I didn't know what she was doing until I felt her finger all the way up my butt. It didn't hurt but it felt weird. It slid in so fast. I could feel her finger moving around inside me. Was I supposed to move around or just be still? No one had ever done that before. I had thought about it before but I had never dared ask her. Then as quickly as she had stuck it in she pulled her finger out. I could tell she was taking her clothes off, now. But all I could think about was what she had just done. It had felt good but I didn't know if I like having something up my butt. I didn't have much time to think about it, though. She had started rubbing her fingers across my butt hole again. Then I felt her hands on each side of my butt. It felt like she was getting ready to stick her thumbs up inside me. Then I had the worst pain in my life. It felt like someone had ripped my butt apart. Then I realized she must have stuck a dildo or something like that inside me. She wasn't moving around and gradually the pain eased. Nevertheless, whatever she had rammed in me was big and felt like it was trying to push everything in my stomach out my throat. I felt her pull out of me, and then she stopped and pushed slowly back in. She did this for awhile gradually increasing the strokes in and out of my butt. When the pain had hit me I lost my erection but now I could feel the blood rushing back to my penis. Finally I relaxed enough and started kind of enjoying her motion. So, this was what it was like to be screwed. I t wasn't so bad. Even though I knew it was just a dildo, it was exciting me. Her thrusts were getting longer and deeper. Moreover, she was really starting to jam it in, now. I could tell she was enjoying it, she was starting to breathe a little heavier now. The faster she thrust inside me the more I thought I was going to shoot off again. I could feel my sperm moving down my shaft. And it seemed like the more I moved my butt back to meet her thrust the better it made me feel. Before I could do anything to stop, I was shooting off all over the floor. This was the most intense orgasm I had today. I couldn't stop. Overtime she would push deeper into me I would squirt more sperm out. I finally calmed down enough to feel that she had stopped her in and out motion and was pushing the dildo in as far as she good. Hopefully she was having an orgasm too. I had seen those two-way dildos in a magazine before. Maybe that's what she had and the other end had stimulated her as much as the end inside me had stimulated me. What was that I felt inside me? I guess it was my imagination or maybe it was just whatever she had used for lubrication, but I could swear I felt something wet inside me. As soon as her orgasm finished, she pulled the dildo out of me. I could feel that my butt hole was dripping wet. However, I was still so wet from the other times I didn't think much about it. She didn't waste any time pulling my tights back up, pulling the bodysuit back in place, and snapping the crotch back. I was hoping she would untie me. However, she wasn't making any movement toward that. I finally had to ask her to please untie me. I rolled over on my side as I ask her. She didn't say anything nor did she touch me. Now I knew I could feel something feeling wetter around my butt hole. Maybe it was just me leaking cum out of my penis. I listened for a minute, before I said anything else, and heard her getting dressed again. When she seemed to have finished, I asked her, again, to untie me. She still didn't say anything but I did feel her trying to untie the knot around my ankles. My ankles were so stiff when she untied them that I couldn't move them. Finally the feeling started to come back and I could at least move my toes. At least I could prop myself up next to the bed. I was hoping she would hurry up and untie my hands. Instead, I felt her start to pull the hood off my face. My eyes took a few seconds before they could focus on anything. And when they did focus, I couldn't see much because there were no lights on in the bedroom. The only light was coming from the television in the corner. I couldn't see my wife but I did see what she had on the television. It was our last session with me bent over and her sticking the dildo up my butt. I'll have to admit it was kind of embarrassing seeing myself dressed like that and to see someone stick something up my butt. The more I looked at the television the more uncomfortable I became. Something was wrong. The camera had been set up wrong and it had cut off my wives head in the picture. Moreover, when she pulled the dildo out of my butt you could see it was dripping. Right after that she sat down on the floor and you could see her face. However, it wasn't her. Finally, my mind clicked. It was my friend Tim that had just rammed his dick up my butt. How could he have done that? How could I have not noticed that it was a mans dick inside me instead of a dildo? Had I become so obsessed with my fantasies that I would do anything? I tried to turn my body around to see who was in the room with me. However, with my hands still tied behind my back I lost my balance and fell over on my side. Then I saw a pair of feet walking toward my head. Whoever it was had pantyhose on and as I followed their legs up, I could see they had a red leotard on over the hose. Then I saw his face staring down at me with a sickening grin on his face. "Hi," he said, "did you enjoy our lovemaking session?" I was so sick to my stomach I couldn't say anything. I finally asked him why he did it and how he had gotten in. I knew I hadn't ever given him a key. "Why," he repeated. "Because I once walked in on you when you were in the den working out and you were wearing exactly what you have on today and you loved it and I loved it too", he finished. Tim went on to tell me that he had always had a fetish just like mine. However, I never had the guts to tell anyone until now. Then when he had come over that morning and found the door unlocked and no one answered he came on in. Then he had found me in the bedroom all tied up and ready as he put it he just decided to do whatever he could. He had always dreamed of having sex with another man and he just couldn't pass it up especially with me lying there helpless. I sat there on the floor thinking about what he had said and about what had happened. All the time he was replaying everything on the VCR. The more I watched it and the more I thought about it the more I started liking what he had done. I admitted to him that I did sort of enjoy the morning's activities and I knew he would never tell anyone. "Let's just watch it again," I told him. By the time we watched it two more times I was getting another erection and the more I looked at him wearing those pantyhose and leotard the more excited I became. He was too; by the way he was rubbing his crotch. "Untie me," I said, "and we can have some more fun." "One more thing before I untie you and you had better be nice," he said as he pulled his leotard and hose down to his knees. I was still lying on my side on the floor so he told me to roll over on my back. When I did he knelt down with a knee on each side of my head and put his penis against my lips. At first, I really didn't want to put him in my mouth but there was no way I could stop him. Besides I could see the television out of the corner of my eye and see us on the television. That's all it took. I slowly opened my mouth and let him slip his penis in. I had never done that kind of thing before and I don't know if I did it right. Nevertheless, it sure didn't take him long before he shot his load down my throat. By the time he finished, I was ready to explode in my tights. Before I could ask him if it was my turn he rolled me over and untied my hands. I looked at the clock and told him we still had a few hours to go before my wife was getting home. "Take a shower first," he said, "then we'll play some more." It took me a minute or two before I could stand up and walk. I finally turned the shower on and got in. I was still wearing my tights and leotard. But I always did that. I loved the feel of the wet material next to my skin. I soap them up and then took them off to rinse them out and soaped myself up. I kept thinking about having his penis in my mouth and the feeling when he shot his load down my throat. I could still taste him. The more I thought about it the more I liked it. I was rock hard when I came out of the bathroom and without a word he motioned me over to the bed and took me in his mouth. I tried to hold off and enjoy the feeling as long as I could but I didn't last long. Before I knew it, I was spent. I did get back up and put on a pair of white seamed tights and a white lycra leotard on. I lay back down on the bed by Tim wondering what was coming next. I didn't have to wait long; he picked up the rope and started tying his ankles together. I guess it was my turn now. I looked at the television and saw that the camera was still recording. The only thing wrong, that I could see, was that I was wearing white. Isn't that for virgins?


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Tdenny

Bondage Surprise The only thing that kept going through my mind was please don't let anyone come in and find me like this. Then I thought, please, let somebody, beside my wife, come in, and find me. Whether someone came in or not was probably a mute point because I think I locked the door and my wife was the only one who could come in. Oh well, it was only going to be five

The Tie That Binds

THE TIE THAT BINDS By Tdenny Jim stood there in the middle of the bedroom waiting for me to do something. I still didn't know what to do or for that matter what to say. He'd called the night before and asked me to come over the next morning to drink some beer and talk. We had known each other for a long time and had always tried to see each other whenever we could. Since both


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