Gay Erotic Stories


by B Jazz

" Bone" The time read 10:47 p.m. Tim glanced nervously at the clock and back at the people sitting in his living room. It wouldn't be long now before he'd be getting the call. It would come at 11:00 p.m. sharp without fail. His brother and his wife along with their bad ass kids still had not left, though they had been hinting at it for the last hour or so. Tim took a deep breath, trying to look like nothing was up and again offered for them to wrap up some of the left over dinner to take with them. Hopefully that would get them up and moving. They declined but finally stood up and began gathering their things. The kids were beginning to get fussy which was a sign of sleepiness, so that was more reason to get going. They'd be staying at a local hotel while they were in town and left that number in case of emergency. The goodnight hugs took forever it seemed, and as always there was a little one who had to go potty at the last minute. So that meant all the little ones were lined up to go potty. Tim thought they'd never hit the door, but ten minutes later he was standing at the front entrance waving as they pulled out of the driveway. With the clock showing 10:58 p.m., he locked the door, turned off everything in the living room and kitchen, then darted to the bedroom to wait. The ringer started singing even before he reached the room and he raced anxiously up the steps, stumping his toe on the top stair. He hobbled to the phone as his toe registered a dull ache. He sat on the bed wincing, took a deep breath and answered. "Sup, its me." the sexy male voice floated from the other end. "Sup, you're early," Tim replied smiling, pleased at how controlled his own voice sounded being he was a little nervous. It was the call he had been anxiously awaiting for from Juan, a guy he met on the singles' chat line. "Oh damn, two minutes." Juan chuckled. Tim could hear the smile in his voice. "Well, I couldn't wait to get back to you," Juan chimed. "I've been thinking about you ever since lunch today. I'm glad you came. Did you make it back in time?" "Yeah, lunch was cool." Tim replied. "And I ended up leaving early to meet my brother and his family back here." Tim replied. "They just left a few minutes ago." "Ooo, so you're alone now." Juan toyed. "Want some more company?" Tim laughed. "Yeah, right. Man, you don't know where my crib is." "How do you know what I know?" Juan teased. "I'm gonna show you what I know soon enough." Tim was melting. Damn! Juan's voice was so stimulating and the thought of him showing Tim what he knew began to arouse him. "Yeah, tru dat." Tim replied. "We're gonna have a show and tell." Juan's laughter was infectious. There was something special about this one, Tim could feel it. "So now, you've got to answer my question, Tim. Don't think you're going to get out of it. You try to play like you're on that shy tip, but I'm not having it." "Alright, no problem." Tim paused stalling and repeated the question. "What do I like about Mr. Juan? Well, I like your personality and your character. I like the way you laugh and the way you talk to me. And you know you're cute as shit, right?" Juan laughed caught off guard by what he was hearing. He too started to become aroused. "Hold on, let me finish. Brother, I think you're a fine motherfucker with a nice ass and I love your stride. And I think that you are someone that I could definitely get to know better. I want to be friends with you and more if that's possible." Tim smiled as he listened to Juan's reaction. His heart was beating faster with this exchange and he was liking it. He gave Juan time to recover. "Oh snap! So you're checking out my ass and everything. Damn, I guess you ain't shy! Ok, I got something that'll take care of that." "Oh really! We'll see who's shy, Mr. Juan." Quietly Tim began squeezing his dick which was slightly bulging in his jeans. "So what about that? What you got to say to me?" "Oh well, I told you earlier today, yo. But hey I'll let you know it again. Because I really admire your sense of self, your confidence. And I like your smile that you like to hide, and I'd like to be the reason you smile. I think we could be very good friends, man. That's cool with me! And I said this before, but you acted like you didn't hear it, but I really want to be with you. For real, kid." Tim moaned slightly at hearing this. His dick was throbbing now and the thought of him and Juan being together was tempting. Meanwhile on the other end of the line, Juan was sitting on his living room floor against the couch with the TV muted. He had taken his erect penis out of his pants and was slowly running his fingertips up and down the shaft. The sensations made him lick his lips as he waited for Tim to speak. "You got quiet on me." "No, I'm just thinking about that, because I want to be with you also." "Bet? Well, you want me to come over." he asked teasingly and heard Tim laugh again. "Yeah, I do. Come on and let's hang out. But I want to see how long it takes you to get here. You keep saying you know the area. We'll see." Tim laughed. "No, you'll see. I'll be there in about half an hour, bet!" "Thirty minutes." "On my way." This was going to be fun, Tim would make sure of it. The opportunity to be alone with Juan for some quality one on one was exactly what he needed. He hoped Juan felt the same way. He must have, otherwise he wouldn't be enroute. The waiting with anticipation for Juan's arrival gave him a slight case of the jitters. Finally he heard a car outside and rushed over to open the door. He saw Juan get out with a bag and as he approached the entrance his drop dead sexy smile could not be mistaken. Tim sized him up as he entered the door. Juan was absolutely the most delicious looking man he had seen in a while. Extremely appealing and dangerously cute, there was a refreshing innocence in his manner, as if he was unaware of just how attractive he was. But of course, Juan knew his gifts quite well. However, all the suave skills in the world didn't prepare him for the influx of stimulation to his senses brought on by Tim. Tim was so fine it was ridiculous and when he smiled it was breathtaking. "That didn't take long at all. What's in the bag." "I stopped by the corner mart and picked up some junk food in case we get the munchies." "Umm" Tim moaned softly, he would get the munchies no doubt but not for the damn chips. "Umm" Juan copied. "Where can I put these?" "Here, I'll put them up." Tim said taking the bag and heading for the dining room. Juan watched him walk out of the room and shook his head in admiration. Tim's physique was tight and thick, just the way he liked it with the kind of ass that just begged to be pinched, or bitten or . . . Damn! Did he have to be so perfect? He desperately wanted to touch him and kiss him and suddenly his feet took flight and he quickly followed Tim into the next room. Just as Tim placed the bag on the dining room table, Juan gently pressed his body against his backside, wrapping his arms around him. He closed his eyes enjoying the feel of Tim's chest and stomach. "I've been waiting to do this all damn day." He spoke softly in Tim's ear. Tim didn't resist and slowly turned to face Juan and they embraced each other kissing deeply and passionately. The minutes floated by effortlessly as the kissing lead to suggestive touching and fondling which soon had them grinding their erections into other. Finding a rhythm, each held the other by the butt and calmly thrust back and forth as if slow dancing to a smooth jam that only the two of them could hear. Neither spoke a word the whole time, only offering quiet moans of contemptuous pleasure. Suddenly the phone rang and startled both of them and they pulled away from each other still spellbound. Tim quickly headed for the phone which was in the living room. "Who the fuck is this?" He said as he plopped down on the love seat. The caller I.D. registered an unfamiliar number, but he answered it anyway. It was his brother calling from the hotel just to say they arrived safely and to ask Tim if he wanted to have breakfast with them in the morning. Tim agreed and said goodnight. After the call, he laid back in the chair and took a deep breath. Juan had come in meanwhile and was sitting on the sofa. The last several minutes had left them both with raging hard ons which were slowly subsiding. The telephone call had temporarily broken the lusty spell and now there was a brief, casual silence as they sat looking at each other from across the room. "What's up?" he taunted. "I'm cool. You expecting somebody?" he asked in reference to the phone call. "Nah, nothing like that." he assured Juan and gave a seductive smile. "What?" he smiled in return. "Why are you sitting way over there? I won't bite unless you want me to." Juan gave an embarrassed laugh and seemed to blush. "And you call me shy . . . but that's good. I like shy." "I ain't shy, man. But I just ain't never done this before. This shit is kinda overwhelming, you know. And I don't want you to be disappointed." "I haven't done this before either, Juan. So it's cool to feel that way. And trust me, I'm already impressed and pleased. "Yeah, so am I." he said softly. "But maybe we should slow down for a bit." "Bet, where's your bedroom?" Tim pointed upstairs and invited him up. The ice had been broken and now was a good time to catch a second wind with getting to know one another. They spent the next couple of hours talking and enjoying Tim's play station as they stretched out across the bed. Later Juan noticed the time and silently began to worry. He for damn sure didn't want to leave but didn't feel it was appropriate for him to stay. Tim sensed the change and asked what was up. "Man, it's gettin' late." he replied putting the game away. "I've got to be gettin' home." "Juan, stop buggin'. You can crash here if you want. I don't have a problem with it. You can leave in the morning." "Man, I can't do that. You hardly know me . . ." "Kid, you need to stop trippin', for real. I know you enough. You make it sound like you're some psycho who's gonna flip and go the fuck off on me or something." "Well, I was planning on tieing you down and having my way wth you." he said smiling. "Then what the hell you waiting for?" Tim smiled in return and laid back on the bed with arms stretched wide as if waiting to be tied. They both laughed at the sight of it and Juan gazed longingly at Tim sprawled across the bed. "You're sure it's okay with you." Tim hesitated then spoke softly and reassuringly. "Juan, come here." He gestured for Juan to get next to him on the bed which he did obediently. "I'd love for you to stay here anytime, man. I told you I want to be with you. So don't say another word about it. Come here." Now he gestured for Juan to kiss him again, and this time the kiss was just as passionate as before. Their breathing became heavy as they fought for air during the exchange, and it wasn't long before the heat of their erections was evident. They wanted each other so badly - they needed to be satisfied so completely that nothing else in the entire world mattered. They pressed their strong, willing bodies into each other like waves crashing on the shore. Their curiosities had to be answered and they submitted their inhibitions onto each other with sweet sacrifice. As if following some extra sensory command they simultaneously got up and faced each other from opposite sides of the bed. Slowly they performed a sensual strip tease for each other. Both of their bodies were equally tight and muscular and their fat erections stood out firm and thick across the bed ready to do battle. They met in the center of the bed on bended knees, feeling and groping. As they kissed, each began stroking the other's dick. Juan's was longer - Tim's was thicker, but that didn't matter to either Juan or Tim, as the electricity they created began to build and engulf them. Finally, Tim broke off the kiss and began to work his mouth down Juan's neck and chest, savoring every inch. He gave plenty attention to his fat nipples, nibbling gently on them which made Juan moan in extreme ecstacy. Tim could feel Juan's dick in his hand getting wet and continued to work his way down to it where he slowly and diligently licked the head. He tasted the semen on his tongue - the salty ooze - and moaned in delight, because it didn't taste as bad as he had expected. He opened his mouth wider to get more of that dick in and as he got half way down he had to pause, because Juan had started to thrust. Tim felt the dick hit his throat and gagged a little, which made Juan pause. "Sorry . . . sorry," he whispered breathing deeply. "Shhhhhh . . ." Tim dismissed it and hungrily took the dick back in his mouth. It was so good to him - devouring that hot, fat muscle - so good that he felt he could just suck it forever. But forever would have to wait, for now Juan was pulling away from him and motioning for Tim to lie down. It was his turn to service and he wasted no time getting down to it. Tim closed his eyes and let his body relax as Juan showered him with wet kisses and lightning licks all over his chest and stomach. The attention he gave to the belly button took Tim's breath away, while he grasped Tim's long jimmy and began stroking it. Like Tim, Juan was new to the game but he took his time and did what felt right and some of the things he had seen done in the pornos. The shit must have been working, because he broke Tim down making him bounce on the bed with his strokes. He felt Tim's hand at the back of his head gently pushing his mouth down on his dick and he loved it. After a few minutes, they repositioned themselves on the bed so that they could 69 and the pleasure was so intense it was almost unbearable. They continued to explore each other's bodies in this position, and it was as if they were playing follow the leader. If one went down on the nuts, the other followed pursuit. When one began to probe and lick the tight ass, the other responded with the same. After another brief pause, they started a final round concentrating on each other's dicks - sucking and jacking, licking and stroking. The bed shook violently as their climaxes loomed near, and their moans of mad delight grew louder as they reached the point of no return. They came like a raging storm showering candy rain on each other, as they helplessly gave into the blinding rush. Finally they collapsed and lay on their backs, their bodies glistening with sweat and with shiny black dicks resting on their stomachs still half erect. The sight of all the cum made them laugh in disbelief. "Man, you got your shit all over me!" "Yeah, don't say I never gave you nothin. Look at this shit all over my sheets." They stripped down the bed and later showered together. And they weren't even out of the shower before they got riled up again. They gave each other slow, sensual rub downs and brief massages under the hot water stream. Then seeing no sense in putting on any clothes, they simply dried off and wrapped themselves in the towels. The next hour or so was spent eating, watching TV and talking. They wanted desparately to go at it again, but instead fell asleep in each other's arms soon after. Sleep was as deep and satisfying as the sex they had just shared - as peaceful as the dawn that caught them as they slept into the morning. Tim was out of if big time, so much so that he didn't detect Juan as he got up around 8:00 a.m. and got dressed to leave. He wasn't aware of the kiss Juan gave him as he lay there, nor did he hear Juan's car as it started up and pulled out of the drive. It wasn't until two hours later that he awoke to the sounds of the doorbell and someone knocking downstairs. He had forgotten all about having breakfast with his family and immediately panicked when he didn't see Juan. But his fears were soon calmed when he found a handwritten note beside the bed saying to call later. Then rushing to put on some clothes and get downstairs to answer the door, he smiled to himself recalling the events of the early morning. Tim knew that it wouldn't be long before he would experience it all over again. Every explicit, delicious moment with Mr. Juan would be better the second time around . . . he would make sure of it. Another B. JAZZ joint . . . send comments to Peace!


2 Gay Erotic Stories from B Jazz


" Bone" The time read 10:47 p.m. Tim glanced nervously at the clock and back at the people sitting in his living room. It wouldn't be long now before he'd be getting the call. It would come at 11:00 p.m. sharp without fail. His brother and his wife along with their bad ass kids still had not left, though they had been hinting at it for the last hour or so. Tim took a deep

Midnight Madness

Before I begin this story, let me admit that I'm not completely proud of this whole situation. In the very least, it's left me in an extremely awkward position, confused, and paranoid as hell. On the other hand, I have to confess that I've enjoyed a lot of it, as most men would. On each night in question, I wait patiently like a predator for the night to fall, my world to settle


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