Gay Erotic Stories

Both Sides

by NickyD

Brad paused in the doorway, undecided. The bedroom was dark, but enough light shone from the hall to illuminate the figure asleep on the bed. Covers pushed half down, legs entangled in the sheets and hair an inky spray across the white pillow slip, Daniel was an enticing sight and Brad sighed, remembering. He couldn't recall when he'd first started having these feelings. Daniel had been in his employ for over a year now, helping him redesign the gardens, freeing Brad from the need to supervise every step, but he hadn't felt this way at the beginning. That Daniel was extremely attractive was obvious to anyone, but it was only upon getting to know him that you'd realise that the attractiveness went far beyond the superficial. Unconsciously graceful, unknowingly beautiful and uncaringly aware of it, everybody fell under his spell without any effort on his part. He had charm, humour, wit and intelligence abounding, he never took any trouble with his appearance, beyond being clean and neat and Brad hadn't known he was hooked until it was far to late to do anything about it. It started when he realised that he was paying attention to the way Daniel looked. Admiring the way his hair always seemed to fall in his eyes no matter how many times it was re-tied at the back. Looking into Daniel’s bottomless dark eyes when they were supposed to be discussing realigning the edges of the rock wall behind the kitchen. Thinking about some funny remark made earlier that day instead of concentrating on the book he was reading and looking out for his arrival in the mornings, hoping to ask him in for coffee and a chat before the workmen arrived for the day. Now, standing in the doorway of his guest bedroom, Brad couldn't fathom how he had come to this point. He was sure that Daniel would reject him again, the way he had earlier that evening after dinner, when Brad had mustered his courage and kissed him. Daniel had been so gentle, pushing him away, looking him straight in the eye, as he always did, saying softly, "No, Brad. This isn't you." He'd protested of course, trying to explain his hopeless confusion and his even more hopeless attraction, but Daniel had been firm. " No. This is my lifestyle, not yours. You're confusing my choices with your own and I won't let this happen." But Brad's hopes hadn't died with those words. The sad expression on Daniel's face and the longing in his eyes were easy to read and although he looked away, it wasn't fast enough. It was that look that had bought him here to this doorway and he prayed he hadn't been mistaken. Standing by the side of the bed he no longer blocked the light and it spilled over the bed, he could see Daniel's chest slowly rise and fall as he breathed, the muscles in his abdomen created plays of light and shadow and the twisted sheets outlined every hard muscle of his thighs. Brad slowly lowered himself to sit on the side of the bed, once again gathering his courage for what he knew would be a battle of wills. Daniel's arms were above his head, his hands under the pillow, so Brad leaned forward, his hands on either side of Daniel's broad shoulders, effectively but loosely trapping him. He knelt on the bed, one leg between Daniel's and slowly leaning forwards he let his lips brush softly against the sleeping face. The pressure was gentle but insistent and Daniel slowly awoke, not at first realising just what it was that had awakened him. Once he did he tried to mutter a protest, but it was a weak, muffled sound, he was still half asleep and Brad quickly silenced him with another kiss and then another, until the protests died and Daniel lost himself in the sensations Brad was awakening with his lips and with the hand that was trailing slowly down his neck onto his chest. His mouth followed his hand, dropping soft kisses on the tender flesh. Daniel turned his head to the side, exposing his neck in capitulation. Triumphant and humbled, Brad moved his attentions to Daniel's chest, taking each nipple in turn and gently sucking until they hardened in arousal. His hand, meanwhile, had moved on down to the covering sheet, tugging it down out of the way. He knew that he needed to guarantee Daniels' continued compliance before he could think of removing his own clothes as he wanted so desperately to do now and he cursed himself for not thinking to do it before he'd entered the room. His hand found what it sought, already semi-hard, he stroked and teased, making the renewed protests dissipate like smoke. Brad straightened so he could strip and met Daniel's eyes as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. The look in those eyes was as soft and as wondering as he knew his own must be, the nervousness and fear of the unknown thing he was doing, swept away by the power of charm of this glorious creature waiting patiently for him He returned to the bed, naked, laying himself full length along Daniel's body, delighting in the different sensations of another man's body, so strange and yet so familiar at the same time. This time the kiss was mutual, passionate and deep, both of them had hands exploring, stroking arms and legs, sweeping through silky skeins of hair, defining muscles and caressing velvety skin. Daniel shifted under him, moving his legs apart, offering his body. Brad's hands returned to their explorations. He caught his breath, feeling the hot, hard shaft beneath his fingers, he cupped Daniel's balls, rolling them gently in his hand and reached behind to feel the smoothness of his ass. He put his lips to Daniel's ear, "Show me how." he breathed. Daniel took his hand from where it had been fondling Brad's own cock and reached sideways, pulling open the drawer and removing a small bag. "Never leave home without it." he smiled into Brad's eyes. In a moment, they were ready and Brad felt Daniel guiding him with his hand..................... DANIEL ******** Daniel relaxed back onto the pillows, his help no longer needed. He couldn't help smiling to himself at Brad's careful movements and for a moment he considered telling him that he didn't need to be so careful. But it felt so good that he closed his eyes instead and joined the insistent rhythmn. Brad's hands felt so cool as they caressed his over-heated skin,he felt the pads of his fingers as they passed over his rib cage and took hold of his hips, moving him . Daniel smiled again, Brad was getting the hang of it. He felt his own passion rise, too soon, to quench it a little he turned his mind elsewhere, back to his first meeting with the man who had so quickly come to mean so much. Daniel had always hated these 'Beverly Hills' jobs. Fussy people with too much time, too much money and outrageously stupid ideas for their garden scenery. He'd been pleasantly surprised when he'd received the draft for his next project although he suspected that some other architectural designer had come up with the original plan, a suspicion that had since proven to be very, very wrong. But as he'd driven up the hill that first morning, toward a job that would consume so much time and imagination and toward a man that would become so important to him, he was still carrying the idea that this employer would be much the same as the rest, demanding, obnoxious and status-driven The polite, handsome young man who'd met him in the driveway as he'd stepped out of his car couldn't be the boss, could he? But he was, and Daniel was as readily impressed by his looks, charm and knowledge of garden structure as he was by his clear vision of what he wanted the grounds to eventually look like. Weeks flowed into months, bouncing new ideas off each other over bottomless cups of coffee, personal trivia and private jokes exchanged and appreciated and a growing sense of danger, that this guy was special and eternally out of reach. But as hard as he tried, no matter how many times he'd chastised himself over it, his feelings grew and, even worse, he began to notice lingering looks and body language that said that Brad was becoming emotionally involved too. Daniel couldn't help but blame himself. It had to be something he was doing or projecting that was affecting Brad this way. He knew damned well that Brad was a straight as a arrow, from conversations they'd had he'd surmised that Brad had never had the sorts of feelings that Daniel was prey to. Women attracted Daniel just as much as men and he'd never made any secret of that, it wasn't something he was particularly proud of ; it just was, like the colour of his hair or the state of his temper. So these reciprocating vibes he was getting from Brad lately had to be his fault, somehow. But no matter what he did or how far he back pedalled, Brad kept on coming, unconsciously at first, a glance, a touch, shoulders rubbing as they passed in the hall when there was plenty of room, a raising of eyes over a coffee mug and the electric jolt that resulted, a curious question or a hand smoothing back his hair for him, it was all almost too much for Daniel's state of mind and a couple of times he'd contemplated resigning , but couldn't bring himself to do it. Lately it had grown even more intense and Brad was far more aware of what he was doing. The touches were deliberate now, resting his hand on Daniel’s back as they pored over plans. Daniel had moved away, but he could always still feel the place where the hand had rested, burning into his flesh and into his heart. Stupidly, he hadn't even had the wit to suspect anything last night. If he hadn't been so befuddled by Brad's proximity he would have, but a couple of glasses of wine with a late dinner after a particularly trying day, a suggestion that perhaps he shouldn't drive and could use the guest bedroom for the night, Daniel had had no suspicion of what Brad was planning to do. He rose from the dinner table, stretching tired muscles and wandered over to the windows, leaning on the wall, looking out at the gardens that had consumed so much of his energy earlier. Brad had come and stood beside him, the words he was speaking a comforting murmur, when Brad's hand had cupped his face and his lips descended in a tentative kiss, Daniel had been totally unprepared for it, automatically responding to the gentle pressure and returning the kiss before his wits had caught up with his wisdom and he'd pushed Brad away. Now wisdom had abandoned him totally, he thought to himself as he lazily opened his eyes, drinking in the look, as well as the feeling, of his lover thrusting above him 'Lover', he thought to himself and was amazed at how easily that word had come to him and how right it sounded. 'So much for my morals and principles,' he added to the thought. Then he thought no more, giving himself over to the moment, reaching up and pulling Brad down into a long, lingering kiss as the moment reached it's crescendo and Brad collapsed, exhausted, into his waiting arms.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from NickyD

Both Sides

Brad paused in the doorway, undecided. The bedroom was dark, but enough light shone from the hall to illuminate the figure asleep on the bed. Covers pushed half down, legs entangled in the sheets and hair an inky spray across the white pillow slip, Daniel was an enticing sight and Brad sighed, remembering. He couldn't recall when he'd first started having these feelings.


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