Gay Erotic Stories

Boys in Love

by Jase

Hi IM Jase, I'm a 21 year old guy in Australia. This is the story about when I was 18 and my first time with a guy, which changed my life forever. First I’d better tell you a bit about myself. I am 6 foot tall, I have dark-blond hair, blue eyes, and my body is in good shape - I surf at the local beach every day. At the time of this story I was in my last year of high school, and I was also doing part time modeling for a bit of pocket money. It was the mid-year holidays of my final year of school. The same thing had been happening around the place for the last week, partying, hanging out with friends and getting over horror hangovers. So me and one of my mates, Ben decided to go camping. Ben and I have been friends since the start of year 12. As soon as he came to our school the year before I had had my eye on him. He was about 5 foot 10, had brown hair, dark blue eyes, and a beautiful tanned body. He was the kind of guy that everyone liked - especially the girls. He was always getting fucked by the hottest girls in our year, he was hot and he knew it. Me and him hung out together and could score any chick we wanted - I fucked girls every now and then so that people wouldn’t suspect I’m gay. At first there were about six people who were going to go, but when it came to the day before we left, everyone backed out except Ben. Now we had a problem, the two of us couldn’t go on our own so we were frantically trying to find someone to come with us. Eventually Ben got one of the guys from his neighbourhood - Lorrie to come with us. I’d never met him before, but Ben said he was pretty cool, so I didn’t really mind. Friday came and I was all set to go, I went around to Ben’s house and picked him up, then we went around the corner to pick up Lorrie. As we pulled up to his house I saw him standing at the end of his driveway with a sleeping bag and a backpack at his feet. The moment I saw him my heart started to beat faster and I suddenly got that feeling of adrenaline across my body. I just stared at him, and nearly drove into his letterbox as I entered his driveway. He was beautiful! He had dark hair and eyes, he looked like he had Italian in him or something. He had a beautiful slim but muscular body, which glistened from his sweat. He was wearing a black pair of Nike shorts and a faded Grey singlet. He was obviously reasonably well hung because I could see the curve where the airflow material of his shorts covered his crotch. His legs were slightly hairy and I could see a faint trail of hair from his belly button disappearing beneath his shorts ( the front of his singlet was ripped). He had a beautiful tanned complexion, which was spotless and smooth. His eyes were dark in the middle and bright white, around the outside, his teeth were perfect as was his smile. He was the kind of guy you dream about when you're jerking off, and he looked better and better as I got a closer look. I must have been dreaming or something, or overcoming the shock of seeing this 18 year old prince. Before I knew it I was shaking his hand and helping him put his stuff in the boot. I had only met him for about one minute, and I was already falling in love with him - the way he looked at me with his enchanting eyes, the way he smiled at me when he thanked me for my help. When I hopped back into the drivers seat I had a semi – hard on, which I tried desperately to hide from Ben who was in the front - passenger seat. Lorrie was sitting in the back and I rolled up my window so I could smell the sweet smell that was coming from him. It was a mixture between Polo by Ralph Lauren, sweat, and that beautiful smell of sex - he must have jerked of recently. From that moment I knew I was in love, and I knew this holiday was going to be memorable, just the fact that I would be spending time with this guy. But not for a moment did I expect the trip to be as incredible as it was. It took about 2 hours of travelling in the heat to get to the quiet beach town where we were staying. We found an isolated place right on the beach where we started to pitch our tent. It was a 5 man tent, which disappointed me because it meant that there would be plenty of space and we wouldnt have to huddle up together. At about 2pm the temperature must have been about 38 Celsius, and I took the opportunity to show off my body, I took my T-shirt off and mentioned to the guys that it was "fucken hot." To my luck Lorrie agreed and flung his singlet off as he continued unpacking. His body was even better than I imagined underneath his singlet. Completely smooth and glistening from the sweat that was beading down his stomach. He was slim, but slightly muscely and smooth. I couldn’t stop my cock from standing to attention as I watched Lorrie bending over to get something out of his bag. I was standing behind him and I could see the outline of his firm ass through his shorts. I started imaging how much fun we could get up to if only this guy was gay. But I knew he wasn’t - he was the kind of confident, good looking, nice guy that would have a steady girlfriend. Finally we finished unpacking and we went off and explored the beaches a bit, and surfed for a bit until the sun started to go down. We made it back to camp just before dark, and started cooking up a BBQ in the headlights of my car. I offered the guys beers and by about 11:30pm we had all had about 8 beers each. Ben went of to sleep in a drunken state, and me and Lorrie sat around the fire we had lit and talked for a while. We talked about the usual shit and after a while I asked coincidentally if he had a girlfriend, he said "nah they cost to much" then he looked at me and laughed. I laughed to and tried to look him in eyes for as long as I could. He looked away and said "anyway better crash soon if were gonna go fishing early tomorrow." I agreed and we both headed into the tent. He didn’t have a girlfriend! maybe I did have a chance after all I thought to myself optimistically. I thought id try my luck, this was an opportunity I couldn’t miss. Ben was asleep in the bottom left corner of the tent and my mattress and sleeping bag was set up on the other side. I noticed that Lorrie hadn’t brought anything to use as a mattress. I saw this as an opportunity and said "shit you didn’t bring a mattress? Its pretty rocky under the tent man." After a few seconds I hesitated and said "you could grab a bit of mine if you want." Normally I wouldn’t have the guts to come on to a guy in that way, but I had had a few too many beers. To my relief he took up the offer without acting at all surprised. He rolled over next to me laid on his back and closed his eyes. It was still hot and neither of us were using our sleeping bag. We were still in only our shorts and now I had a raging hard-on as I laid there staring at Lorrie in the moonlight. His sweet smell of his warm breath would waft across my face at the same time I watched his chest move up and down as he breathed. The sweet smell of his body was like a drug, by this time he was asleep and I couldn’t resists the temptation. - I moved closer to him and put my right arm around his body, my whole body tingled as our naked upper bodies touched, skin to skin. I moved my face closer to his and I noticed we were both breathing in time, I breathed in as he breathed out. I moved closer so my hard cock was just touching his side (I am uncut and about 7inches hard). I was happy to just lay there like that with him for a few minutes, just to touch his body and breath the same air as him, I was horny as hell and all I could do was lay there and hold him while he slept My eyes started to feel heavy as I nodded off to sleep... I woke suddenly to the feel of someone sucking softly on my neck, there was something hard and moist in my hand. As Lorrie saw my eyes open he whispered in my ear, "I didn’t tell you I sleep very lightly." I didn’t have time to think - my dream had come true, I didn't know what to do, I was happy and shocked fucken horny! I just looked into those beautiful eyes, we both smiled in acknowledgement as I slowly pressed my lips against his. As we gently explored each other’s mouths with our tongues, I eased off my shorts, followed by his. As I pulled down his shorts my hand brushed across his smooth ass, I knew I had to have a piece of that that night. Now he was on top of me, we were both completely naked. His soft, perfect skin felt like silk as I pulled him tight, our cocks were pressing together as we slowly rubbed them into each other. My cock was harder than it had ever been before as it pressed up against his. He was holding my head with both his hands as our kissing became more and more passionate, I was kneading his firm ass with one hand and stroking the back of his balls with the other. Every now and then we whispered in each others ears things like "fuck Lorrie, I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long..." and "Jase I hope this camping trip never ends." After a few minutes of this pure heaven I whispered to him that I wanted his meat in my mouth. He grinned that beautiful smile. He slowly slid his body forwards as I flickered my tongue on his nipples, I licked his body all over until eventually his cock reached my face. He would have been about 7 1/2 inches long which was a good size for our age. He was circumcised, and pretty much perfect - smooth, straight and moist. He knelt and sat up, one knee either side of me, his cock right in front of my face, and his ass sat down on my chest. His balls were resting on my chest near my neck, his hands were holding my head from behind and he just looked into my eyes and smiled as a flickered my tongue across the tip of his perfect cock. I held it in one hand and started licking it up and down, I had never even touched another guys dick before, but everything just happened naturally. My heart was beating heavily as I took most of the length of his dick into my mouth, I licked the underside of the head of his dick, as I let him push it in and out of my mouth. He knelt up and started fucking my face, holding my head from behind. He was smiling now as he rode my face, moaning quietly, his balls swung backwards and forwards into my chin. I could taste the precum in my mouth, I’m 21 now and I’ve sucked several guys cocks, but never have they tasted as nice as Lorrie, I nearly cummed myself I was so turned on by sucking him off. Suddenly he pulled out and whispered that he wanted it to last all night. He slid back down my body, licking my all over until he reached my cock. I spread my legs wider as he started kissing my dick. He started sucking on my balls and on the base of my cock, he slowly worked his way until he was bobbing up and down bringing my closer and closer to exploding. He sucked me until I was about to cum which only took a couple of minutes, at this point I whispered to him that I wanted to fuck his ass. He paused for a moment with my still dick in his mouth and looked at me for a few seconds, he took his mouth off my dick, looked longingly into his eyes as string of saliva and precum stretched between his chin and my cock, he moved up so his face was just above mine, and he stared into my eyes as we kissed more passionately than ever before. We then rolled over so he was under me, I moved down and started to suck on his dick again, then each of his balls, then his beautiful hole. His hole was tight and smooth, I licked up and down on it before inserting my tongue. I tongue fucked him for about five minutes until his asshole was completely lose and lubricated, I pulled his legs up and rested my cock in his crack. He tried his hardest to keep quiet, but I little groan escaped when I first started pushing my cock inside of him. He was hot and wet inside, my cock longed for more as I pushed it all the way in. Both of us had our eyes shut in ecstasy as I slowly started to fuck him. I had always known I wanted to fuck a guy, but I had never knew it would feel as good as it did. My recently sucked cock slid smoothly in and out of his tight hole, I started jerking him of with my right hand and we looked in each others eyes as I started fuck him harder and harder, we were both moaning by now, but Ben was fast asleep and didn’t even roll in his sleep as me and Lorrie started talking to each other we fucked. I wanted to taste his mouth again, so I lay on top of him, still sliding my cock in and out of his body. I put my arms under his and held his shoulders as I kissed and fucked him passionately. I wanted to stay in that moment for ever, I didn’t want Lorrie to leave me ever, I had only met him that day but I was so deeply in love with him, and him with me, that we both cried happy tears as I fucked him. We promised each other we would keep seing each other no matter what. I could feel the cum building up inside of me - I was about to explode. I pulled out at the last moment and jerked of, sending my cum all over his cock, his stomach, and even his face, at least five squirts of cum. He wiped some of the cum of his face and stomach and started rubbing it into his own cock, I sucked on his balls as he jerked off with my cum on his dick. He whispered to me that he was about to cum, I moved my face so it was above his cock as he ejaculated all over my face and in my mouth as I swallowed. I slumped on top of him, worn out from a good two hours of sexual activity. We hardly slept that night, we just lay there in each others arms, talking about life and our sexuality. We shared our most private secrets as the sun came up. That was my first sexual experience with a guy. I am now 21 and I kept my promise to Lorry. We live in a flat together and are still deeply in love, we have great sex like we did that night, most nights of the week and every now and then, we have other hot guys from the local school join in, but we both know there is only one person we truly love and that is each other. This was the first time I’ve written a story, would appreciate any comments -


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Jase

Boys in Love

Hi IM Jase, I'm a 21 year old guy in Australia. This is the story about when I was 18 and my first time with a guy, which changed my life forever. First I’d better tell you a bit about myself. I am 6 foot tall, I have dark-blond hair, blue eyes, and my body is in good shape - I surf at the local beach every day. At the time of this story I was in my last year of high school, and

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