Gay Erotic Stories

Brad from Class

by Kurisu

Everyone knows about this kind of person. It is the person who is in class with you who you know their name and they know yours, but you wouldn't even extend yourself to say hello to this person if you saw them around. There is a kind of silent, not quite disgust, but just contempt towards the person. That is the way it had been between Brad and me the first semester we had class together. He would sit over on the other side of class knowing everything I would know and just going on with his days in a way completely separate from my own. It is not to say that we did not have the opportunity to talk, for we did on multiple occasions, including many where we were the only two people around. These turned out as simply another awkward extended silence. Only adding to this was our shared professor, being a non-native to English and our having somewhat similar last names, would even get our names mixed up, producing a singular incidence of shared laughter and occasionally a wry look at each other. Well anyway, the semester ended all too soon and I went off as did everyone else fully not expecting to see anyone else again. The summer was an almost entire bust and the fall semester could not have come soon enough. So I was there for the first day of classes, early enough to find them definitively and vaguely wondering ‘Will Brad be in this class?' yet truly retaining a realistic view that it was highly unlikely. So I stood outside of the class just looking at the ground and saw a pair of feet walk up. It seemed liked they were familiar for some odd reason, but I did not want to see who the owner of them was for fear of another awkward moment. When the class I was to enter emptied I took the opportunity to see who it was who had come, and sure enough there was Brad. I stopped myself before I could be said to be staring at this 20 year old before me, with the perfect skin and hair with that almost spiked part in the front, and could not help but wonder if he noticed me and could possibly be thinking "Hey, that's Chris…" but there was no sign of any such emotion of any kind on his face. Soon we went into class and I sat a few seats down from him, and the class went on without any communication between us and was over before I could really think. So everyone hurried on to their next class, myself included. On the way to the next class, I saw Brad ahead of me and headed where I was going, and another shining moment of hope was upon me. I made it to the next class before it got out and sure enough there was Brad leaning against the wall in that way he is able to. There was still no conversation, but to be in two classes with the same person in a university the size of mine is an incredible thing of its own. Needless to say, there was no personal contact between the two of us in this class either, but I knew that the opportunity was now spread wide before me and something may come of what there was between us. A few weeks later things began. We were in the library with the earlier class we had together and looking for books for a paper. We were supposed to pair up with someone, but it seemed like everyone had already paired up, and I expected to be doing it alone. It was at this time that he actually spoke to me. "Hey Robenson-san, let's go." (We share a Japanese class you see) For a moment I was surprised by "first contact" of sorts and just stood looking at him, he looked back for a moment and then motioned with his head for me to go over towards where he was. We went to the computer, but didn't do any actual work from then on, we typed some things to seem busy but really just talked to each other and laughed. We went to our next class in such a manner just talking and laughing. Much to my surprise and delight, things continued this way for the rest of the month and then another thing came up. It was mid-term time and everyone was anxious. Brad seemed especially nervous, thinking too much about it being 25% of our grade. So we shared some fears about the test and he suddenly asked me if I wanted to study together. I must have a certain glare come over my face for a moment because he said that I didn't have to, but he had a quiet house with his friend at his parents house and that we could use the opportunity to just go over everything. As soon as I regained complete control of myself I said that I would be more than happy to study with him and asked when he would want to. "I think that Sunday would be good so that we'll actually remember it on Monday, and if it gets too late you can just you could stay over if you want, since you live so far away and whatever." So it was set! We were going to study together on Sunday at 5, and thus at least be together alone. He gave me directions on how to get to his dorm room and by then class had started. The day went on fairly normally, as happens when something good is upon me, I was much more alert and attentive than normal so the time seemed to drag on. As soon as I got home that day, I masturbated to the idea of being alone with Brad and if he would possibly want to do anything. I slept late and went to bed early on Saturday (not knowing if I would sleep the next day) and when I woke up on Sunday, I immediately began getting ready to go over to Brad's house. I made sure every part of me was clean and smelled good, got the best group of clothes I could find together to decide from, and even got my hair to stand up a little in front. For a moment, I was going to the extent of wondering whether I would look cuter with glasses or without them. It was 4:30 before I knew it and I threw all the study materials in the car and left for Brad's dorm. It being a dorm, it wasn't too difficult to find, and I was at his door promptly at 5:07. He came to the door and I smiled, and then he ushered me inside. I admired his room, it being pretty good for a dorm room, and we sat down, me on the couch and him on chair close by. We chatted for a while about how little we had done this weekend just like all the other ones, and by about 5:20 he said we should start studying. From then on, we studied continuously up until about 7 o'clock. At this point we could see the strain on each other's face and Brad suggested that we take a break and go for a walk of something. So we went outside and noticed that it was already dark, it being October and that the campus was extraordinarily empty, as there are usually people around every corner even on the weekend. We noticed that the Student Union was still open and decided to go play a few rounds of Street Fighter. I had found out a few weeks earlier that Brad was something of a Street Fighter master, even going to competitions, and so was not surprised at my multiple defeats by his hand. He eventually got tired of just beating me and so I just watched him play the machine for a while, jolting whenever he would move the joystick, and swaying back and forth. Afterwards, we resumed our walk on the even darker campus, and he said we should go lie down somewhere and he would point out all the things he had learned in astronomy the year before. I wondered if this could be construed as something romantic, but didn't really care. We found a nice grassy and completely deserted area and I laid down and listened as he pointed out all the things that we could see in the sky. He had just finished pointing out the constellation directly overhead when he rolled over onto me and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth and letting me feel all those little pores intertwined with my own. I was a little surprised at first but gave in immediately and kissed him right back. Once the kiss stopped, he lay there on top of me not quite knowing what to do next. He then told me that he had never done anything like this before, and I replied that I hadn't either. With that he smiled and we kissed again, this time using our hands to find every little crevice of the other persons body that we could reach. We even messed up each other's hair that we had spent so much time on, yet we welcomed whatever would come and knew that something had to be done with the heat building between us where our crotches met. Not caring whether anyone was coming, I decided it was my turn to take the initiative and rolled Brad over onto his back. At this point I began sucking and licking his nipples through his shirt, as I had seen in some pictures I had guiltily seen over the Internet at school. From here, I slowly moved his shirt up and was sucking directly on those perfect and hard little things as he was grabbing the grass around us and moaning ever so softly. I had kissed and worked my way down to his navel, and then looked at his face to see what he wanted, and in his eyes there was a look of such lust that should not allow the smallest confusion of what he wanted. With that I began to undo the wide corduroy shorts he had on, savoring every smell emanating from that area. The white of his briefs was now exposed and I felt a hunger of such as I have not known as I saw that protrusion of a favorable size for the frame it was attached to. With his shorts just below the bottom of his briefs I began to lunge myself at that still encased package making the fabric covering it translucent as I heard now more audible groans coming from the head of who I could now call love one. With another look at his face I was pulling down those pure white briefs to get at the wonderful prize inside. All the way out, it pointed towards its owner's head and I followed with a kiss. It was a truly awe inspiring feeling, this, where I for the first time had a man's penis inside my mouth, feeling its warmth expand with every beat of his heart and tasting the slightly salty semen escaping from the tip. I just let it roll around in my mouth for a while, feeling its every part with my tongue so as to savor the experience for my memory. I then began to move down on it ever so slowly and sucked on it, truly making myself an undeniable and no regretting cocksucker. Up and down I went, starting to work out a pattern. Brad at this time even started moving his hips with me, almost as reflex. So it continued with the moaning growing gradually loader until it noticeably changed and I could tell he would spill his load, here in my mouth in the middle of campus. I continued sucking though and did not allow any part of his life fluids to escape from my grasp. With that we just kind of collapsed for a moment until he got that lustful look in his eyes again as he looked at me straight in the eye… To be continued.. Please let me know what you think and anything else as this is my first time writing a story like this.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Kurisu

Brad from Class

Everyone knows about this kind of person. It is the person who is in class with you who you know their name and they know yours, but you wouldn't even extend yourself to say hello to this person if you saw them around. There is a kind of silent, not quite disgust, but just contempt towards the person. That is the way it had been between Brad and me the first semester we had


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