Gay Erotic Stories

Brief Test

by Jared

It was a summer day and two young dudes who were bored decided to explore each other's secrets in a truth and dare format. Jason a skinny blonde hair boy with long arms and small waist started out with the question first," What is your favorite piece of clothing?" Daryl a long brown haired boy a year younger than Jason though a little while and said" Underwear." "Now my turn, What kind do you wear?" "Fruit of the Looms, You?" "BVD's" said Daryl. Jason laughed and Daryl got embarrassed and decided to grab Jason by the pants. He quickly pulled down his loose jeans and marveled at the sight of his friends white briefs, the dual colored waist line red blue and yellow and the logo written around five times. Daryl grabbed Jason and yanked the waist band in a tight wedge which caused Jason to yelp like a puppy do as the briefs scrunched his ball sack and cock. Daryl yanked harder until he heard a rip in the waist band the fabric easily tore open and soon Daryl had a sling shot elastic ready to snap against Jason balls, after a couple of wacks Jason cummed and moaned softly with pleasure. "I guess I owe you a pair of briefs" "Lets go to Walmart." The two boys after straightening themselves, soon arrived at the massive shopping store. They wasted no time in going to the boys underwear section, although they were over 18 years old, they both had boy waist sizes. "I never understood why boy underwear stops after a certain size?" Jason said. "I mean what is the difference in men's size and boys'?" Daryl said " Well you see our size is base on our waist not our age, so you are a 28 waist so I will buy you Fruit of the Looms 16" I am 28 too, but BVD's decides to use 18-20 for guys like me, besides Fruit Of the Looms, owns BVD's." The boys bought tees and socks and 6 pair briefs and return home soon. Once in the bedroom. Jason pushed Daryl against the wall and said "Ok boy you will strip for me NOW!" "Yes sir!" Daryl said in a submissive voice; the boys decided to play master and slave to test each other underwear finding out which brand can sustain their weight as they are hung by the waist band. Daryl stripped slowly and soon was naked, Jason ordered him to fold the clothes properly and neatly. Jason opened the BVD's package first and neatly laid out each brief in a folded manner. He separated the socks and tees in a pile Daryl stood getting aroused as his cock began to stiffen. "Pair one prison boy put them on!" Jason flung a pair to his friend who put them on and stood clad in white freshness. Daryl's dick soon poke its head above the waist band and pre-cum dribbled. "Don't cum yet boy!" "Yes sir!" Soon a hook and rope was lowered from a ceiling beam and Jason snagged the waistband on the back pausing to read the tag. "Made in Honduras" "Well see how strong they are!" Soon the boy was hoist up and the wedge caused him to cum inside the crotch. The BVD's ripped immediately! Daryl was then lowered and ordered to put on the rival brand. He was hoisted again and this time Fruit of the Looms sustained the lift and dangle. Daryl cummed again this time really hard. He cried and moaned. The wedgy was so taut! When this test was done Daryl got to spank Jason in his favorite briefs until he too cummed. Both boys love underwear and will always wear these brands! The author likes white briefs too, if you want to explore email me


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Jared

Brief Test

It was a summer day and two young dudes who were bored decided to explore each other's secrets in a truth and dare format. Jason a skinny blonde hair boy with long arms and small waist started out with the question first," What is your favorite piece of clothing?" Daryl a long brown haired boy a year younger than Jason though a little while and said" Underwear." "Now my

Prison Briefs

I am 19 years old and committed to Reform camp to serve my two year sentence as a car burglar. I didn't mean to steal the radio out of a university work truck, one night in November. I was caught by campus security guards who decided to press charges. They took me in the station and called the city police, but before they let me go I had to be strip searched. I was taken into a

Slave Squire

It was a blustery autumn day and the slave was going to meet his master for the first time. Slave-boy Timmy was a young youth of 21, barely mature, but very handsome with a smooth chest, shoulder length, brownish-blond hair, blue eyes and a long skinny frame that makes him a scarecrow boy with his over sized plaid shirts and jeans. He was a typical country boy from Wisconsin, all


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