Gay Erotic Stories

Business At The Beach

by Oblvius

I had business in Eastern Maryland that would take a couple of days of my time so I booked a motel on the strip in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It was an easy choice over making a daily three hour drive back and forth from Washington, DC. Since it was just after Labor Day in early September, rates were cheap and the place would be somewhat deserted. I was actually looking forward to a little quiet relaxation for a few days. I need to get away every now and then from family and the daily grind of work, wife, and kids. These little breaks are usually enough to invigorate me. Ann doesn't like it much when I go away on business though she understands that it's good for me and something I really enjoy. My trips impose an extra burden on her in terms of getting the kids off to school in the morning and such. I know she likes some time to herself as well. We sometimes have some great stories to tell after our brief times apart. We enjoy a unique but awesome relationship. So, Monday morning I got the kids off to school and day care and headed out. The drive over was uneventful. After meeting with clients all day, I made the short trip out to the beach and checked into the inn around 4 pm. It wasn't a posh room by any standard but clean and fine for my needs. Opening the slider to the beach, I was calmed by the familiar sound of the ocean waves landing ashore. I decided on a shower to freshen up a bit before heading into town. I walked into the bathroom to warm up the water, gazing amusingly at my naked body in the mirror. I like my body okay I guess as I'm in pretty good shape. I'm tall at 6'3" and about 195#. I'm no gym god but I take care of myself by cycling daily and lifting some free weights at home along with a little golf and tennis. At 30, I find that I'm getting hair in a lot of new places and even more in some old places. It's light brown though so I don't look as hairy as I am. The spread across my chest and abs compliments what's on my legs, arms, and ass. I lingered a bit in the shower as I often do, soaping myself up completely, stroking my 7" dick a bit in the process. I always get a hardon in the shower, often slipping a finger up my ass for a moment or two, flexing my sphincter muscles which gives me that warm tingly feeling in my groin and dick. I'm a bit thicker than usual in the cock department but nothing extraordinary. It's fully functional of course -- that's all that matters isn't it? I considered getting off before going to town but decided to save that for later. Dressed in jean shorts, sandals and a T-shirt, I headed out to check out Rehoboth. It really hasn't changed much over the years. There's still the pull-in parking along the main drag and the same little shops along the boardwalk that I'd remembered from my first visits in the early 70's. I understand there's something of a gay element to the town now but, upon first impression, it didn't leap out and grab me. I enjoyed a kind of peaceful reunion with this little beach resort as I walked the boardwalk for the first time since the early 80's. Having not eaten all day, I grabbed a quick sandwich at one of the sidewalk cafes and resumed my stroll along the deck. The place really was pretty quiet. Everything was on sale at the discount stores but no one seemed to be around to shop. As I walked south along the deck, I came upon a beach side amusement park just south of Main Street. The games were beckoning players but there wasn't anyone around to play save for a couple of families with some small children. I did notice one fellow though, early 20's maybe, gyrating at the controls of a video game. He caught my eye because he wasn't wearing much. With his back to me, I gazed at his dark tan and long wavy black hair that fell over his broad shoulders. He wore only black shorts cut out from old sweats and some cheap sandals. The rear view was quite tantalizing. While I didn't pause or otherwise indicate any interest in him as I walked by, I found myself memorizing and reviewing what I had seen as I continued on down the deck. It was the stark tan line at the top of his shorts, made visible by his pants being lowered maybe an inch from where he must normally wear swim trunks. The contrast between the creamy white skin of the top of his ass and the deep tan of his back where his shoulders tapered down to a skinny waist and a smallish but nicely plump butt really sent shivers through my groin. The zinger for me though was the light dusting of silky black hair concentrated at the small of his back that flared out over the top of his ass before disappearing into his shorts. His movements as he handled the video controls kept his butt tight and firm under the flimsy cotton of the shorts. I was becoming aroused! As I walked past, I imagined him naked standing there playing the game, his cock and balls jiggling beneath the black forest of hair that must fill the crack of his bubble butt. Oh well, a nice fantasy I suppose, but just a fantasy. I walked on. It was shaping up to be a beautiful evening. As I drew nearer the south end of the boardwalk, I stopped for a soda. As I paid the kid at the counter, I happened to glance back up the board walk. Who should I see headed the same way but my video game playing stud. He was about a 100 yards back or so. Coincidentally, he stopped to look at some tee shirts at a discount clothing shop at that same moment. This can't be for real I thought. I paid for my drink and headed on down the deck again, now with a wary eye out for my fantasy boy. I had now passed all the commercial shops and was amongst the private homes at the end of the board walk. After six now, the sun was getting ready to set. I sat down on one of the last benches on the deck and gazed out over the calm ocean. I really wasn't relaxed anymore though. I had silky black hairs, tan flesh, and a bubble butt on the brain. I casually glanced back up the deck and there about 15 yards away was my guy! He must have just sat down because he was sitting on a bench that I had walked past only a moment earlier. This scene was moving beyond coincidence. My brain was running at high speed with the possibilities... Now that he was close enough, I could steal a glance or two at the side and front of him. What a specimen! Probably about 6'2", narrow face, long Greek straight nose, thick eyebrows and clean shaven. From the side he had a muscular upper body for such a slender guy. His stomach must be flat too as it curved inward as he slouched on the bench with his legs crossed out in front of him. I figured him to weight 175# or so. Not a gym build by any means but rather a nice natural manly physique, one obtained from some real work. His shoulders were broad and his biceps pronounced since he had practically no body fat on him. There was just a dusting of dark hair around his quarter sized nipples which spread out on a nice set of pecs. It trailed sparsely down his chest in a thin line to the top of his shorts where it disappeared. While we both spent the next few minutes looking out over the water, I could tell that he would glance my way when I wasn't looking. There wasn't anyone else in sight. This was surreal. I'd never even been close to a situation like this before. My shorts were beginning to feel the strain of my growing dick. I first tried to hide the bulge but then decided to let it lie. My heart was racing and my mind was reeling with the possibilities that lay ahead. Would this go anywhere? Was I imagining things? Could this guy really be interested in me? Seconds seemed like minutes. I couldn't take the suspense any more. I got up and headed back up the boardwalk towards town. As I walked by this adonis, I simply nodded and said, "Hi, how's it going?" It was the kind of comment that often doesn't even rate a response. He smiled, stood up, said, "Fine, how you doin?" and pulled in along side me for the walk back to town. "You alone today or just taking a little break from the family vacation?" he asked. "Alone today," I said. "Here for a few days on business. Just came over to wind down a bit. Life's been a little hectic lately." Was he fishing here? What with the family question? I don't wear a ring or anything. "I know what you mean. Same for me. I'm here with my folks. We've been traveling around the east coast for the last month on holiday from the family business. They spend all their time at cocktail parties with friends. Now that the beach season is over, there's nobody left around here. I had a buddy along with me but he had to head back to college last week. I've been pretty bored since he left." "You're not in school yourself?" I queried. "Nope. College just wasn't my speed. I don't really need it since I'm going to take over my Dad's home construction business for him so he and mom can retire. I've been working with his company since I was old enough to swing a hammer. Dad's spent a lot of time teaching me the business end of things. I guess my future's all laid out." I was really going nuts over this guy. Listening to him talk. Looking at his body. He had a deep voice that belied his age. There just wasn't anything to dislike. Now I knew where the nice build and great tan came from; working on his dad's crew building houses. I started to fantasize all over again. As we arrived back in town, I felt an awkward silence like neither of us knew what to do next. Say good-bye and end up abusing myself back at my motel later or play out my hand and see where it goes? This was a no brainer..... I made my move. "What's your name anyway? I'm Dave." "Ron. Nice to meet you Dave." We shook hands. I noticed his firm grip. "Well, Ron, I don't have much planned myself. I was going to find a bar and have a couple of drinks then head back to my motel and relax on the balcony and watch the moon rise. Care to join me for a beer?" "Why not? Let me get a shirt out of my car over here." We were approaching the main drag once again. Without thinking I took a chance. "No need. You look great as you are. We'll just go to an outdoor bar." I immediately regretted what I said, kicking myself inside. Why blow a nice innocent get together with innuendo? Maybe he didn't catch it. He did though. "Thanks Dave. You look good yourself!" he said with a smile. That was the first time I'd really gotten a good look at his whole face. He even had perfect teeth. I was sick with lust. This might actually lead to something. We walked a little further up the board walk to a little beach bar and got a table for two. After our waiter had brought us a couple of beers, I had a chance to really gaze upon his gorgeous face. What a sight! A little five o'clock shadow, white teeth, deep set dark brown eyes that melted me. And those nipples, hardening in the ocean breeze, made my mouth water. The hair on his arms was straight and dark, just like the hair on his legs. We began talking about everything and nothing in general. I found myself wondering if the hair on his legs ran up onto the cheeks of his ass. I hoped so. He must have noticed me ogling him. A few minutes into our conversation, I felt the inside of his leg brush the inside of mine. Normally, when that happens between two guys, one pulls away. He just left his leg against mine though as if he hadn't noticed. Had he? It was driving me wild. I pressed my knee against his just the slightest bit and felt a little resistance from him. He never interrupted the flow of our chat though as if oblivious to our games under the table. I can't even remember now what we were talking about. Something about the trip he'd been on and the houses he and his dad built. It really didn't matter. Every hair on my leg was standing on end as if each was a little hard dick. My senses were near overload. I was sweating even though there was a fresh chill in the evening air. Sitting there, I suddenly felt as though everyone in the place was watching us. They probably weren't but I really didn't want to share this experience so I decided to find a way to get him out of there to someplace more private. "Ron, let's get out of here. This place just doesn't do it for me. We'll pick up some brews and head on over to my motel." That brought a smile "I thought you'd never ask. Let's go." Off we went, hitting the only liquor store on the strip for some import beer. After swinging by his car for a shirt, we headed back to my inn. Once inside my "suite" Ron asked to hose off in the shower real quick. I heard the water come on and glimpsed a sliver of flesh through the cracked doorway but I tried to fight down my growing stiffy and headed with a couple of beers out to the balcony. Trying to calm myself down, I pondered my upcoming business day interspersed with fantasies of the evening that might lay ahead. I must have fallen into a daze because when I returned to reality, Ron was standing right behind me toweling off from his shower. I turned my head slightly and was faced with a beautiful 6" worth of semi-soft cock suspended just above my right shoulder. It was pulsing slightly with the beat of his heart. "Got any fresh clothes I might slip into, Dave?" he said with a wide smirk. I was taken aback but composed myself after only a second. "I'm afraid not, Ron. You'll have to suffer as you are," I grinned back at him as I stuck my tongue out just enough to touch the tip of his dick. It jumped just slightly from my touch. It's size and shape were magnificent. His cock was thick, cut, and completely hairless but surrounded by the thickest forest of black pubic hair I'd ever seen. The head was broad and helmet shaped, darker than the rest of his long and somewhat veiny shaft. His balls were huge and covered in black silky down. One hung significantly lower than the other. The hair on his legs ran nearly all the way up to his hips, just as I had hoped, somewhat hiding his strong muscular thighs. I turned in my chair and reached behind him to pull his groin into me as I engulfed his member down my throat. I felt the same silky hair all over his ass that I now had my nose buried in at his crotch. "Ah, so I was right about you, Dave. Thought you might enjoy this." I didn't even respond. Mom taught me it's not polite to talk with your mouth full. Ron moved around to the front of the balcony with his butt to the railing. If there had been anyone on the beach, they'd have caught quite a show of the two of us on the third floor balcony in full view of a rising half moon. "Suck it, Dave. That's it buddy. I haven't even touched it since Steve left last week. You want a load from me, Dave? Cummon, dude. Take it deep. I knew when I saw you on the board walk that you wanted this." He was now thrusting his hips into my face as his dick hardened and lengthened, growing to at least 7 or 8 inches. Who was counting anyway? It was certainly a mouthful. I came off my chair onto my knees and started grinding my still encased dick against his leg like a dog in heat while I devoured his cock. Ron put his hands on my head as he began thrusting into me. My saliva was running out of my mouth and dripping onto the deck below me. I alternately fondled his balls, licked his cock head, sucked to his root, and stroked him by hand. When I could muster a free hand, I reached up his chest and rubbed his nipples and played with his chest hair or ran my hands over his ass. "Done this before, huh Dave?" "Once or twice," I managed to confess through muffled tones. I reached further behind his furry butt and began to probe his ass hole. His hairy crack was still warm and damp from his shower a few minutes before. "That's it Dave. You want in there, don't you? It's yours for the taking. Shove a finger up there, okay? I need it." I licked my middle finger and pressed against his anal ring. I could feel it opening and closing with my sucking so I pressed inward to the first knuckle when it opened up for me. "Oh yes. You're gonna send me over the edge, buddy!" His hips were bucking towards my face now. That was all the warning I needed. I popped his dick out of my mouth and withdrew my finger from his asshole backing away. "What's going on? I'm on the edge, almost there! Don't do this to me!" "Not so fast, pal. You're not going to get off that easy. We need to relocate." I stood up, led him to into the room and I plopped myself down on the bed. I was still fully clothed! "Strip me," I said lying on my back against the headboard. "I'm overdressed." He smiled and climbed onto the bed between my legs and reached for the button to my shorts. My hardon made removing my pants a chore but he managed to slide them down my legs and off. "Cool! No underwear! You devil! No wonder you showed such a package when you walked by me on the boardwalk." "I wondered if you might notice it. I guess you did." My own rock hard 7" cock sprang free at last. I couldn't remember the last time I was so hard. Ron put his face right in my crotch, grabbing my member with his hand and started slapping his face with it. "Nice, Dave. Thick. That's how I like 'em. I can think of a few things to do with this tonight!" "Do what you will, guy. We've got all night." Ron's long hair, which was dry by now, cascaded down around his face while he took me to the hilt in his wet mouth. I couldn't see what he was doing but I could sure feel it. I gazed down his long torso at the white of his bubble butt, imagining activities for later. He handled my balls and reached under my ass for my hole at the same time. I immediately began to leak a stream of precum as he licked me up one side and down the other. "Come here," I moaned as I pulled him off my dick and up my chest so we were face to face. I brought his face to mine and our lips touched, just barely. He chuckled and ground his face to mine thrusting his tongue into my mouth. We rolled around the bed together, wrestling, as I ran my hands through his hair and alternately down his back to his furry butt. "Let me do you too, Ron." I twisted around so that my face was near his knees as I rolled onto my back and pulled him up on top of me into a 69 position. Ron pulled my thighs apart and consumed my cock again taking it to the base. I was now looking up at a most incredible view. Ron's member, hard and straight as steel, stood up along his belly. His hairy balls hung down low tickling my nose. His thighs straddled my head tightly which caused his ass to clamp firmly shut guarding the mystery of the crevice that I would soon explore. This is one of the most vulnerable and erotic positions two men can be in with one another. I slipped down a bit to take him into my mouth. I couldn't ignore the feeling of ecstasy as he bobbed his face up and down on my cock, fingering my hole gently at the same time "Suck my ass, Dave. I need you to suck my ass." I pulled off of him and shifted up towards his waiting asshole. As I reached up to part his globes with my hands, his quivering ring opened beckoning me forward. The soft hairs around his bud glistened lightly with sweat, plastered to the cheeks of his ass. I craned my neck, extended my tongue, and plunged forward. "Ahhhhhh, yes. That's it, Dave. Fuck me with your tongue." I felt Ron release my throbber as a wet finger eased into my own downey hole. It just can't get any better than this. Ron's wrinkled ring tightened and relaxed as I plunged in and out with my tongue, matting the hairs down onto his butt with my saliva. He started humping his hard dick along my chest, sliming me with his precum. Each time he thrust his cock along my hairy chest, his ass tightened squeezing my face and tongue in his hole. "I gotta have you inside me, man. And soon. I can't take waiting much longer," he groaned. "Only if you promise me a dose of the same," I retorted. "Cool dude! You bet!" "So how do you want me, Dave? I really like it hard and fast." I crawled out from under him. "Stay on your knees. I want to hang on to your ass as I pummel it." I reached over to my shave kit, extracting a handful of condoms and some lube. "Let me put that on you." He turned around to face me, ripped open the package with his teeth, removed the bag and slowly rolled it over my turgid dick. Ron resumed his position on the bed, face down to the mattress, ass high in the air with his knees wide apart. Looking at his gaping orifice, I had to have one last lick before entering him. I knelt behind him and lowered my face once more to his butt, inserting my tongue while I greased up a couple of fingers to shove up him. He moaned again as I inserted the first, then the second up him, sliding in and out. His ring adapted quickly to the intrusion. It practically fucked back at me. I looked off to the side of the bed in the mirror at the sight of us. I oozed some more precum in anticipation of our impending fuck. When I couldn't wait any longer, I got up on my knees once again and brought the head of my cock to his waiting hole. The goo still on my fingers was adequate to grease up the condom and I now slid my dick up and down his furry crack. "Cummon, put it in, Dave! I want it now!" I love to tease so I ever so gently eased just the head into him, pulling right back out. Oh he was tight. "Jesus, Dave! Let's go already!" "We've got plenty of time, guy," I uttered. "You're not going anywhere." I put the head back in and very slowly eased a little further into him. "Wow, it's a tight fit, huh, Dave?" he gasped, backing off of me just a little. "Oh yeah, ok, that's it. I'm ready. Put it all the way in dude." I grasped his hips with both hands and pulled his ass back to me, sinking to the bottom. The snug fit was incredible. I started thrusting just slightly to properly grease the channel. Ron started moving his hips back against me to meet my thrusts and soon I was slamming into him with a slapping sound against his tight white ass. I could feel his balls bouncing off of mine as I hit bottom with each thrust. "Harder, Dave, harder" He moved a hand under us both and pulled on my balls. I let go of his hips, reaching up to his broad shoulders and pulled him up off the bed as I pounded his butt. I chuckled as I looked down upon that tuft of dark hair in the small of his back that had caught my attention earlier in the day at the arcade. What a stud! I began to feel that familiar tingle in the base of my balls. I started thrusting harder and harder. Ron was now frigging his own ample meat with one hand while holding himself up with the other. I sensed that he was close too. With a couple of final mighty thrusts and a lot of moaning, I unleashed my load up his butt. It seemed like a huge amount of cum. After I was finished I kept thrusting cause I knew he was close. With a yowl, he threw himself fully upright and back against me as he shot spurt after spurt out over the bed and onto the floor. I reached around and jacked him the last couple of times, squeezing the last of his seed out of his rock hard cock "That was incredible, Dave," he panted as we fell together onto the bed, my now soft gooey dick popping out of his butt hole. We laid there on our sides, spoon style while I held him tight, caressing his chest and belly and nuzzling his neck with my lips and tongue. What an experience! "Let me rest a bit. Then I want a piece of your ass too," he chuckled "Don't rest long, guy. I'll be ready soon. You're fantastic." We rolled off the bed and walked out onto the balcony to take in the cool evening air and the rising moon over the water. We shared a beer as we stood naked at the railing with our arms around each other. As we finished the beer, I leaned out over the railing to look up and down the deserted beach. Ron dropped to his knees behind me and I felt his hands palm my ass cheeks apart and his tongue began sliding up and down my fuzzy crack. My spent dick rose anew poking out towards the beach between the wrought iron railing. My skin prickled from the cool breeze and the exposure of being in plain view of anyone that might walk along the shore. I've always loved public sex and the thought of being seen was a major turn on. Ron stood up behind me. "Wait here a sec. I'll be right back." He was back in a flash. I felt him reach around to my cock and stroke it through the railing. A second later I felt the cold sensation of a lubed up pair of fingers sliding between my butt cheeks towards my pulsing hole. Ron's assault was sudden for I yelped as both his fingers forced their way up my butt. He shoved them in and out, scraping the back of my balls with each insertion. "Here?" I asked. "Here," he laughed. "Cool. Go for it, guy!" "Bend over some more, Dave." I bent over facing the patio below and hung on. The feeling of nakedness was intense as Ron's cock slid all the way up my ass with one thrust. I quickly revised my size estimate. This must surely be 8" not 7". Here I was, naked as a jaybird, hanging out over a third floor balcony at the beach, looking up and down the rows of other rooms, getting my ass pummeled. Right here in front of anyone that might care to watch. What a turn on! I grabbed hold of my dick and started pumping for all I was worth but Ron knocked my hand away. "That's for me, dude. Hands off," he laughed. So I held on to the railing with both hands and pushed back against him as he slammed home each thrust, jacking my cock for me out over the beach. "I hope you've got some stamina, cause I'll last a while the second time around," Ron moaned to me as he pounded in and out. "I can handle you, don't worry, guy." My ass was on fire with pleasure. I've always felt that orgasming with a pounding cock up your butt is the most intense way to cum. I was starting to realize that I wasn't going to last as long as I thought. I began to feel an intense pressure deep in my gut. "I'm about to shoot, dude," I moaned to him. "Go ahead, I'm not there yet," he answered. "Aaaahhhhh, here it comes!" I shot out into the night sky, showering the patio below with droplets of cum. Ron just kept yanking on my dick till the last bit dribbled down onto the railing and began to soften. His continued pounding into me made the orgasmic peak last well after I was done shooting. I could now concentrate fully on Ron's dick thrusting in and out of my ass. I squeezed and relaxed as I pushed back against each thrust. My ass was still loving the ride. "Here we go, pal," he hissed through gritted teeth. He pounded harder and harder into me and I felt his dick quiver as he sent his load deep into my bowels. "Oh, aaahhhh, oh, yeah. Man, that was great." We fell back away from the railing, his dick plopped out of my ass with a sucking sound. We tumbled into the room and onto the bed. I landed on top of him and put my lips to his again, grinning. We kissed passionately. We crawled under the covers and I noticed on the clock that it was only 8 pm. And this was just the first day of three.... "So much for a restful visit to the beach," I mused. "Maybe next time you come to town you can rest...." I started to laugh softly. "My wife will get a real kick out of this one," I said as I curled up in a ball around Ron nearly asleep "Huh? What did you say?"


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Oblvius

Business At The Beach

I had business in Eastern Maryland that would take a couple of days of my time so I booked a motel on the strip in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It was an easy choice over making a daily three hour drive back and forth from Washington, DC. Since it was just after Labor Day in early September, rates were cheap and the place would be somewhat deserted. I was actually looking

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