Gay Erotic Stories

Butt Busters: Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins

by Bad Boy


The following story is violent erotic fantasy involving non-consensual sex. The author wishes to state that in no way does he condone non-consensual sex or violence outside the realm of fantasy. If you enjoy it, you may email the author at More will be forthcoming, if response is positive. Victor had been forced to admit his mistake as the deserted highway had continued to unfurl before him without so much as a rest stop in sight and he had commenced to chide himself for having ignored the fuel light when he passed that last station. Trying to be economical, he had felt certain he would find a better price on gas further down the road. His hopes had grown dimmer and dimmer as the miles passed without luck. At last his heart had sunk as the engine of his BMW sputtered for several seconds and stalled. Coasting onto the shoulder, he had allowed his car to roll to a stop. For a few moments he had sat and weighed his options before finally resolving to get out, lock the car up and start walking. Now he found himself striding along the side of the deserted highway. No vehicle had passed him in over thirty minutes. Despite the fact that the sun shone brightly, the brisk March air cut through his thin windbreaker like a knife, chilling him to the bone. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he shivered and quickened his pace. Making his way up the hill before him, he hoped beyond hope that there would, at the very least, be a phone on the other side. Then he heard it. Pausing to listen intently for a moment, his spirits rose. It had to be the sound of an engine. As the green van crested the hill, he breathed a sigh of relief and raised his arm to attract it. Seated in the passenger seat, Todd was the first to spot the lone figure ahead. Eagerly he pointed the big fellow out to his two buddies, Tim and Randy, and the three men whooped at their good fortune. Tim slowly brought the van to a halt on the shoulder, a few feet from the hunky hitchhiker. Rolling down the window, he called out with an offer of assistance. Victor trotted over to the van and, after explaining his predicament, innocently accepted a ride from the three strangers. Explaining that he was on a business trip and unfamiliar with the area, he said his thanks and leaped in beside the scruffy, slim man in the backseat. Oblivious to the snide look that passed between the two large blonde men in the front, he grinned at his luck. Traveling down the highway, the four men introduced themselves and chatted amiably. Victor proudly discussed his wife, Susan, and opened his wallet to display a picture of his two-year-old son, Jason. The kid had his father’s beautiful green eyes, Randy noted, as he leaned across the seat to admire the photo. They had just recently relocated from the Midwest, Victor explained, because he had landed a great new position. He talked non-stop about the various minute details involved in setting up a new home in a strange city. Clearly, he was a devoted family man. Quite striking, Victor was tall and had thick, dark hair that hung just over his ears. He had obviously neglected to shave that morning and sported a dark shadow of stubble. His scant T-shirt stretched taunt across his bulging pecs, his two sharp, round nipples straining against the thin cotton fabric of the shirt, no doubt aroused by the chill in the air. His tight jeans showed promised of a firm, muscular physique and an impressive cock. A few miles further down the highway, Tim slowed and guided the van off onto a narrow dirt road. When Victor asked why they were turning, Tim reassured him that a station lay just a short distance away and smiled to himself, as the handsome passenger relaxed back against the seat, obviously satisfied with his answer. As the highway faded into the distance behind them, Victor casually noted that the rambling woods along the side of the road had begun to thicken. Some ten minutes after they had exited off the highway, Tim suddenly pulled over and announced, "Good enough." As Todd bent forward to reach into the glove compartment, Victor leaned up and inquired as to the purpose of their stopping. Suddenly he found himself staring into the barrel of a pistol. With cool satisfaction, Todd cocked it and watched in delight as his handsome prey began to squirm. At the sight of the gun, Victor immediately opened his wallet and, presenting it to the three men, he offered for them to take whatever they liked. The man holding the gun smirked and said, “We’re gonna take what we like, all right, but that ain’t your money.” Then, brandishing the gun at Victor, he demanded that the big man remove his sneakers and socks. Perplexed, Victor complied and soon his large feet were bare. Pale white and crossed with veins, they were nonetheless finely honed. Ordering him out of the van, they stripped their passenger of his windbreaker and tossed it nonchalantly into the back of the van. The slim, scruffy man, Randy, then grabbed a large sack, tossed it over his shoulder and the three buddies, using their pistol as persuasion, shoved the shivering, now barefoot hunk out in the direction of the tangled woods that lay a short distance from the road. Doing his best to tread lightly over the damp and prickly underbrush, the big buck half-skipped and half-hopped before his assailants. Several times he stepped on something so sharp it pierced his bare foot, instinctively forcing him to hop about on one leg. This clearly amused the three men who laughed and shoved their big hunky straight man roughly onward, not allowing him even a moment to pause and remove whatever object was now imbedded in his tender sole. They left the big distressed man no choice but to wince and stumble on. For the most part, the men marched on in silence. The serene woods were a sharp contrast to the rapid beating of Victor's heartbeat. His mind turned over in a frenzied attempt to discern where these lunatics were taking him. Straight as an arrow, he could never in his wildest dreams have imagined what lay in store for him. A simple man with simple dreams, he had no way to foresee the depth of pain and degradation to which these guys would eventually drive him. Death was the worst fear that flashed through his mind. Soon he would learn that there could be worse fates for a man than death. Upon reaching a small clearing in the woods, Todd, the man with the gun, ordered Victor to turn and face a large cedar tree that grew there. With a gun pressed to his temple, Victor complied, fearful of what these lunatics might do if he didn’t. Moving quickly, Tim, the driver of the van, tied off Victor's left wrist with a length of rope. Then he had circled the large tree, rope in hand, and tied off the big guy's other wrist. With his arms out of commission, the big stud was now restrained and at the complete mercy of his sadistic abductors. Realizing that he was now helpless to defend himself, Victor panicked and commenced struggling wildly. As he twisted about frantically, spewing curses at the three men who held him captive, the tight rope cut into his smooth wrists and the sharp bark of the tree scratched his chest. His squirms resulted in his T-shirt snagging the tree bark and tear a small hole, exposing his left nipple which then scraped roughly against the tree. Wincing at the sting of the prick, he felt a thin trickle of what he took to be blood flowing down his chest and onto his stomach. With sadistic glee, the three buddies relished their captive's struggles. The big defenseless man strung up before them alternated between curses and pleas for his release. As he writhed against the tree, they laughed uproariously at his dismay. None of them had ever kidnapped anyone before and they found it gave them a tremendous rush of power and lust. In a matter of minutes, this big gorgeous hunk of a man had become theirs to use and abuse as they saw fit. Randy stepped up to bat first. Frisking his hands over Victor's muscular frame, he sneered lewd comments about the big stud's hot body, alternating tender caresses with rough gropes. All the while, the helpless hunk before him maintained a running tirade of futile objections. Running his hands beneath the sexy man's T-shirt, Randy reached around Victor and brought his hands to rest on the handsome stud's large, firm pecs. Squeezing them suggestively, he remarked, "Nice pair of tits!" When Victor protested that he was a man and didn't have tits, Randy replied crudely, "You got tits if I say you got tits, bitch!" Then, slowly running his hands down the big straight man's body, he slipped them inside the seat of the hapless hunk's jeans. Cupping Victor’s tight, round buttocks with his palms; he groped them like a pair of ripe melons. "Nice ass!" he sneered, and, pulling his hands out, he slapped Victor hard across his right butt cheek, causing the big man to squeal a sharp "Ouch!" Randy then stepped back to give his buddy Tim a turn. Moving in and gripping the collar of Victor's T-shirt firmly, Tim yanked hard, ripping the flimsy cotton garment down the middle and exposing the tall helpless man's smooth, well-defined back and shoulders. The remaining shreds of the T-shirt slipped forward off Victor's shoulders and Tim reached around and easily tore them away. Now naked from the waist up, Victor’s protests intensified. Tim laughed at the panicked hunk's struggles and, slipping his arms around Victor's narrow waist, he deftly unfastened the big stud's belt and slid it out of its loops and off. Doubling the leather belt, Tim gripped both ends of it and snapped it sharply against itself. At the crack of the leather, Victor started and peered back over his shoulder to see what his attacker was doing. Stepping back and recoiling his arm, Tim barked at Victor, "You gotta learn your place, man!” And, without further warning, he slapped the belt down hard across the handsome hunk’s bare back. At the shock of the blow, Victor jerked stiffly forward and cried out, his exposed chest cut once more by the sharp tree bark. Giving the big guy no time to recover, Tim unleashed a string of hard blows across the helpless stud's beautiful back. With each lash, Victor jolted forward and smashed into the tree, sucking air sharply in between his clenched teeth and whistling it back out in a pained “Shit!” Deep red welts began to rise across his smooth, unblemished flesh. Eight lashes landed across the beautiful married man’s exposed back and shoulders before Tim was satisfied and stopped. Victor sighed in relief when it appeared the beating had stopped. Suddenly and without warning, he felt someone’s hands groping crudely about his crotch. He squirmed in dismay as he realized that his attacker was unfastening his jeans. The next thing he felt was a brisk, cool breeze brush against his thighs as his jeans were whisked down and off. What did these crazy assholes want? Tim now whipped out a pocketknife and calmly began to brush it over Victor's almost naked body. At the touch of the cool steel, Victor commenced whimpering feebly, "Don't hurt me!" Tim raked the knife roughly back and forth over the handsome stud's perky nipples several times, chuckling as the big straight hunk winced and blubbered like a baby. Then he pressed the blunt edge against the cheek of Victor's pretty face and ever so slowly he ran the knife down the terrified man's face to his neck, where he paused for moment before swiping it across the big hunk's Adam's apple in a threatening pass. As the blade crossed before him, Victor drew in his breath and every muscle of his body stiffened in anticipation of the violent and possibly fatal act he feared was to come. His sadistic tormentor chuckled at the reaction he earned and continued, running the knife over the terrified man's shoulder and down his side and stopping at the waistband of the big man's shorts. Using one hand to grip the waistband tightly and holding the knife in his other, Tim swiftly sliced through the thin elastic. Moving to the other side, he repeated the procedure and yanked the severed shorts off the trembling stud, triumphantly raising them above his head. Todd and Randy cheered the victory! Victor, now completely naked and horrified, renewed his frenzied pleas for release as Tim casually tossed the shorts to the ground. Todd took charge now. Wrapping one arm around Victor's chest, he pulled the big man close. With his free hand, he tickled his fingers lightly between Victor's butt cheeks and whispered, "Ever been fucked up the ass, big boy?" "No!" Victor cried in protest. His eyes began to tear as he realized what they had planned and, desperately, he begged them not to do this to him, protesting that he was straight and a married man. Aroused by the hunky man's panicked pleas and amused by his logic, Todd began to poke and prod at the helpless man's virgin mancunt with his long, thick fingers, sneering, “Straight man’s ass is my favorite kind!” There was no turning back now. He was so horny that he needed to be inside Victor soon or he would cum in his pants. As he forced three fingers past the hunk’s tight asslips and twisted them about roughly, he knew he could never of imagined in his wildest fantasies it would feel this hot to bust open a straight stud! With his unoccupied hand, he clumsily unfastened his pants and whipped out his raging prick. Since he had spotted Victor first, Todd had assumed the right to pop the handsome stud’s cherry ass and both Randy and Tim allowed him this honor. As their buddy prepare to poke the big, naked straight man, they pulled their cocks out and began stroking them to their full glory. All three were well hung, but Todd, at eleven inches and thick, was undisputedly the king. He smiled proudly at his throbbing member and leered at Victor's tight, virgin hole, stretched to bursting by his three fingers, and he was ready and eager to split the big straight man's ass wide open. Spitting into his palm, Todd lubed his cock sufficient for the purpose and, stepping in close behind Victor, he withdrew his fingers and placed the head of his prick against the entrance of the big hunk's virgin hole. Victor, already crazed from the violent fingering he had just received, was now beside himself in anticipation of being raped. He tugged frantically against his restraints and spewed forth an endless stream of vague promises to reward the three men if they would stop and let him go, assuring them he would never tell a soul. Todd, spurred on by Victor’s desperate ranting, commenced with his assault on the big man’s cherry ass. As he pressed his thick cock roughly against the straight hunk's tiny asshole, Victor clamped it tight instinctively and screamed “PLEASE DON’T!” Todd showed his captive no mercy and for several seconds he forced his rock hard prick against the frantic man's contracted assring, before finally begin rewarded by a loud snap as his throbbing cock slipped past his victim’s tight sphincter, followed by a howl from Victor that would rival that of a wolf caught in a steel trap. Applying steady pressure, Todd slowly drove his cock deep inside the nether regions of the big straight stud's previously unexplored shit chute. Victor’s agonizing screams and violent contortions drove Todd to heights of ecstasy he had never before experienced. Lost in the blissful moment, he taunted the big stud with, "Oooo, your tight ass feels good! What a hot manhole!" Then, with sadistic glee, he boasted, “I’m gonna send you to the moon!” and settled into a steady pounding of the big family man’s never before fucked hole. Victor's eyes bugged out of his head and his panicked screams never ceased as Todd slowly drove in and out of his tight, round ass. Relishing every stroke of the rape, Todd teased the poor man for several minutes with a slow, steady invasion of his virgin man pussy. At last, however, unable to hold off any longer, he switched his attack and began to fiercely ram his cock in and out of the big stud's now stretched and aching hole. At each thrust, Victor roared and each time Todd withdrew the big straight man moaned low and long. Rivers of sweat were running down his beautiful neck and back, making his rippling muscles glisten like diamonds in the sunlight. Finally, unable to contain himself any longer, Todd shouted an ecstatic "OOOH GOD!" and proceeded to spew forth a massive load of jism deep into the bowels of the now deflowered hunk. Victor's eyes grew wide with horror and shame as his ass began to spasm in rhythm to his rapist's cum spurts. Gripping Victor's waist tightly, Todd buried his rod to the hilt inside the humiliated man and held it there until he had emptied himself of every drop he had to give. Then he pulled out sharply, smirking as the big stud's cum-soaked asshole slurped shut with a nasty smack that reminded him of two sets of kissing lips parting. Randy now moved up and, as he pulled Victor’s ass cheeks apart, the horrified hunk began to simper, "No more! Please! No more!" Randy snidely scolded “Don’t be a big ole baby. Take it like a man!" and, aroused by the overwrought hunk's distress, he promptly slammed his cock hard into the helpless man’s tender hole. The impact of the assault knocked Victor's knees out from under him, slamming him into the tree, where he slumped dejectedly, helpless to spare his ass from another violation. Ramming his cock in and out of the hunky stud’s tight hole fast and furiously, Randy chanted, "Take my cock, bitch! You like it, don't you! You like my big cock up your tight ass! Don’t you! Take it! Take my big cock up your tight man pussy! Oh, yeah! I know you love it! You love my big dick inside your hot pussy!" The attack was so quick and constant that Victor just dangled off the tree and grunted a brief and pained, “OW!” after each rapid thrust. Randy suddenly hollered out “Oh, Yeah!” and jerked his cock out of Victor, raining cum over the hunky man's bare backside. The three men whistled lewdly as Gary’s sticky manjuice splashed across Victor's smooth ass and dripped down the backs of his taunt thighs. Victor dissolved into hysterical sobs as Tim moved in to finish the big man off. Once more the big straight stud’s ass was ripped open, searing his flesh as if he were being stabbed. Tim demonstrated more controlled than his buddies had as he gripped Victor's hips firmly in his large hands and settled into a long, slow and deliberate fucking of the big stud's now stretched and aching hole. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast, he varied his pace to throw his victim off balance. Hoarse from screaming, Victor could now only manage deep grunts of pain as his manhood was taken from him a third time. His mind struggled desperately to uncover any clue he might have missed that could have tipped him off to these sadistic faggots intent, but he found none. Tim was a supreme assfucker. After thrusting away at Victor's ass for several minutes, he paused to lift the big hunk off the ground and, supporting the panicked stud in midair, he commenced to pound away at the frantic straight man's ass. For almost thirty minutes he fucked Victor like this, the desperate straight man dangled helplessly like a puppet, feebly kicking the air with his beefy legs. Fifteen minutes or so into the assault, Victor slipped into a state of semi-consciousness. Clenching his eyes tightly shut, he tried to convince his mind to focus on other more pleasant things, but the pain of Tim's cock constantly bruising his tender insides was too much to ignore. Appalled and humiliated, he struggled to make sense of what was happening to him. Hoping beyond hope that perhaps he would wake to find it all a nightmare, in his heart he knew the pain shooting through his battered ass was all too real. Just when he decided his ass busting rape would never end, Victor felt the warm, sticky flow of Tim's cum gushing inside him. For what seemed an eternity, he hung there as a river of jism spilled into his guts. His ass was on fire and, when Tim finally pulled out, he released an agonizing moan. Then the ground was once more beneath his feet. Lacking the strength or will to stand, he slumped, limp and spent, against the tree, still supported by the ropes which, in his struggles, had burned his wrists raw. Dimly he was aware there were birds chirping merrily in the distance and he thought he heard the chatter of a squirrel at play. Shame welled from deep inside him and he dissolved into a mass of gut-wrenching sobs. For a moment the three men just stood in stunned silence, hardly able to believe what they had just done. Tim vigorously shook the remaining drops of cum from his now limp prick. Then he caught his buddies’ eyes and the three men erupted into howls of laughter, slapping one another on the back and congratulating themselves as they stared down at the fruits of their labor. Their big hunky victim's naked and ravaged body was draped loosely down the tree, soaked in sweat and cum, his shoulders shaking violently from his sobs. Leering at the broken straight man's asshole, gaping wide, red, raw and swollen to twice its original size, Tim whistled as he noted it was still pulsing, as though it didn’t realize it was no longer being fucked. He almost felt sorry for the pour sot, innocently dragged out here on this brisk but beautiful day. Almost, but not quite. This is what they were after wasn’t it and he had to admit it had been a blast to break the gorgeous married man’s ass. Besides, he rationalized, what’s one less breeder in the world. Joining his buddies, who were already gathering their clothes and dressing, the chilly air beginning to bother them a bit now that they had stopped moving, the three men joked about how easy it had been. Confident now that their insidious plan would work, they nevertheless agreed that there much to do. They had made a good start on the hunky straight man before them, but he had a ways to go before he would be trained sufficiently to serve their purpose.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Bad Boy

Butt Busters: Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins

The following story is violent erotic fantasy involving non-consensual sex. The author wishes to state that in no way does he condone non-consensual sex or violence outside the realm of fantasy. If you enjoy it, you may email the author at More will be forthcoming, if response is positive. Victor had been forced to admit his mistake as the deserted highway

Butt Busters: Chapter 2-Stowing Their Cargo

Anxious to forge ahead with their diabolical inquisition, the three irrepressible thugs moved in on their strapping prisoner and, while Todd hugged the big hunk's waist and held him aloft, Tim and Randy unloosed their captive's now rope-burned and bleeding wrists. Once the debased hunk was disengaged from the tree, Todd released his hold and the big man slid down his assailant's body

Butt Busters: Chapter 3-A Chance for Escape

For a several minutes, Todd stood savoring the succulent vision of his distressed charge. The haggard hunk squirmed nervously before him, obviously desperate to avoid further harassment. Todd's lustful stare moved slowly from the weary and battered studs smudged face down to his large, grimy hands, forced firmly to his scraped pecs, and over his tight abs, smeared with muck and grim.

Butt Busters: Chapter 4-How It All Began

Tim and Todd met first in a bar. After several cocktails, they went back to Tim’s place and, after smoking a fat joint, they shared a vigorous fuck. This was fourteen years ago and they were very young. Todd had only had sex with two men before Tim and he was still experimenting. He allowed Tim to take him up the ass. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would get used to it. They

Butt Busters: Chapter 5-New Meat For Their Stable

Victor started awake, his gym-perfected body dripping off rivers of sweat. He had been racing through a hauntingly surreal dreamscape, pursued by giant, disembodied penises of many and varied shapes and sizes. Somehow he had known that the terrifying male organs intended to rape him brutally into submission, and he had ran desperately for his life. After a wild and frenzied race, the

Butt Busters: Chapter 6-Learn 'Em Good

Left alone with his three beautiful charges, Todd felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. He lit a cigarette and stood in the center of the cabin, surveying the straight punks, each one bound tight, naked and at his disposal. It would be at least an hour before his buddies returned and he planned to have some fun while they were away. Besides, he rationalized, these fuckers had to

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two

My First Big Screw Up With Master

I can remember being really fatigued one night upon arriving home. I had had a really busy day at school was just dying to take a nap. Unfortunately, my daily routine does not allow for naps. Every morning I am up at 5 AM, I release the clip attached to my collar, which is attached to the cage, then crawl to the bathroom, flush the toilet and have my morning water. Once


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