Gay Erotic Stories

Butt Busters: Chapter 2-Stowing Their Cargo

by Bad Boy


Anxious to forge ahead with their diabolical inquisition, the three irrepressible thugs moved in on their strapping prisoner and, while Todd hugged the big hunk's waist and held him aloft, Tim and Randy unloosed their captive's now rope-burned and bleeding wrists. Once the debased hunk was disengaged from the tree, Todd released his hold and the big man slid down his assailant's body and crumpled in a whimpering heap of naked and defiled beefcake at their feet. Wasting no time, they flipped the hapless straight man onto his back and, straddling the quaking hunk, Tim twisted the rope once more around the poor man's raw wrists and bound them off tightly. Fear and the heat generated from the violent abuses perpetrated upon his ass had momentarily made Victor dismiss the chill, but now, still at last, his naked, sweat-soaked body broke out in rash of Goosebumps from the brisk breeze that swirled about him. Sitting their handsome captive up, Tim pulled the ends of the rope under the big man's dripping armpits and pulled it taunt against his once beautiful, now tender and welt-covered back, effectively binding his large, well-shaped hands firm against his heaving chest. Todd and Randy then hoisted their dejected captive to his feet and held him firm while Tim shoved the ends of the rope between his sweaty, muscular thighs. Stunned into complacency, Victor allow his body to be manhandled by his abductors, his eyes glazed over by shock and drool dripping out his slack mouth and running down his chin onto his scraped and bleeding chest. Stepping around to face his victim, Tim expertly knotted the two ends of the rope about the base of Victor's normally impressive, but now, from fear and cold, shriveled cock and ball-sack. Drawing them tight, he formed an effective leash with which they could direct the unfortunate man on to their heinous lair. Victor, unable to still the unremitting sobs that wracked his large frame, once more spewed forth with blubbering pleas to his captors to free him. His sniveling annoyed Todd, who exclaimed, "Let's shut this bitch up!" Retrieving the sheared remains of Victor's shorts and jerking the big man's head back sharply by a fistful of his hair, Todd stuffed the shorts into the simpering hunk’s mouth. Shredding the remains of Victor's T-shirt into thin strips, he wrapped them around the pleading man's head, securing his makeshift gag. This accomplished, they once more released the stuporous hunk, who plopped down hard on the forest floor and slumped over, astounded by the unhappy turn of events that had led him into the snare of these sinister lugs. Moving a short distance away from their prisoner, in hushed tones, the three men briefly plotted their next moves. The van must be retrieved and it was decided that Tim would go back and fetch it, while Todd and Randy herded their wretched captive through the woods to the isolated cabin they had commandeered for their fiendish plot. With this agreed, they sprang into action. Gathering up Victor's jeans and the remains of his T-shirt and shoving them into the bag they had brought with them, Tim slung the sack over his shoulder and disappeared off through the woods in the direction of the van. Todd strode over to where their shivering victim crouched and, tugging hard on the cord that was painfully knotted about Victor's privates, he hauled the poor stud to his feet. With the unhappy straight man in tow, he lumbered off into the woods, his desperate captive bobbing along behind. Randy brought up the rear, trotting briskly along, his spirits swelled from having busted this big married man's ass wide open. Todd, a mean fucker, relished his fettered captive's distress as he led the staggering hunk purposefully over the roughest sections of the heavy underbrush. Victor faltered along, his big, thin-skinned city boy feet unseasoned to the sharp abuse afforded them by the prickly forest bed. Todd derided his wretched charge mercilessly, sneering, "Move it, bitch! I ain't got all day!" Victor did his best to appease his abductors, but his legs were weak from struggling and his balls, stretched out obscenely before him by the insidious leash that constrained them, throbbed insufferably. Every fiber of his being was aching from the unthinkable acts these three men had perpetrated on him. He endeavored to force the horrors of the past however many hours from his fevered mind, but every agonizing step he took became a horrifying reminder as he listened to his soppy, sperm-filled ass squishing loudly, filled to the brim with the discharge from his rapists' cocks. Disgust flooded over him as he felt the sticky substance ooze out his anus and trickle down his buttcrack. His mind was a blur of emotions-shame, terror, humiliation; dread-as he asked himself repeatedly what he could had done to deserve such treatment. Distracted by his turbulent thoughts, Victor failed to catch sight of the large tree root that crossed his path until it was too late. As his big foot snagged it, he blundered to the ground with a loud thud that knocked the wind out of him. Squirming like a worm, he did his best to upright himself, as Todd obnoxiously stood over him yelling, "Better get up bitch!" All his efforts proved fruitless, however, as he was hobbled without the use of his arms. Dirt, rocks and molding leaves ground into him, some foreign object stabbing sharply under the nail of his big toe, as he desperately groped about the forest floor. Randy seized this opportunity to lambaste the luckless straight man. Whipping out his pocketknife, he swiftly sliced down a thin, green sapling and charged over to where the frantic stud lay groveling. Wielding the firm young branch as a switch, he brought it harshly across the naked and defenseless hunk's back. At the impact of the blow, Victor screamed into his gag and reinvigorated his struggles to rise, his big, dirty feet swiping and clawing at the ground, shoving his ass obscenely into the air, in a clownish attempt to gain his footing. With relish, Randy laid into the big stud, circling the panicked man and thrashing him soundly across the back, buttocks and thighs. As a reflex to ease his pain, Victor rolled onto his back and instantly caught his mistake as Randy let out a whoop and, whizzing the switch through the air, brought it down hard on the unfortunate hunk's now exposed crotch. Howling in agony at having his privates flogged, the stalwart stud moved to flip back onto his stomach, but his attempt was foiled as Todd gripped his thick ankle firmly and held him in place. Pinioned, the hapless hunk watched aghast as Randy let loose a stream of stinging blows to his sensitive cock and balls that drove the big hunk into hysterics. For several minutes, the scruffy, sinister little man flailed his captive victim's manhood. The besieged straight man, screaming and writhing in agony, mustered all his strength and attempted to pull his ankle from his captor's iron grip, but Todd merely laughed, bending his knees and leaning back for balance, as he braced himself and held firm. Victor's cock and balls were burning from the lacerations of the switch. He was in hell and these sons-of-bitches were the devil. After what felt like an eternity to the wretched straight man, Todd mercifully called his buddy off, reminding Randy that their captive was worth nothing dead. Randy and Todd, glistening from sweat and gasping for breath, stared down at their unfortunate captive, his big battered and denuded body now wracked with spastic convulsions. Peering at their beaten straight man's lacerated crotch; they sniggered in amusement as they observed their hunky straight boy's cock had shriveled to what might be about two inches. It was as if the tortured prick had tried to avoid the blows of the switch by dissolving into the thick mat of curly, dark hair that covered the big stud's loins. "Man, he ain't walking nowhere now," Todd observed and, laughing viscously, he concluded, "Guess will have to drag him back by his balls!" Although he was bordering on a state of shock, Victor was able to make out his tormentor’s threat and sniveled through his gag, "No, please, no. Not that. Please, guys. No." "Just checking to see if you were still with us, bitch!" Todd smirked. Still clasping the unlucky stud’s big ankle tightly, he turned to his partner and said, "Grab the pussy's other foot. We'll drag him back. It can't be that far." The scurvy whipmaster reached down and grasped Victor's free ankle tightly. Together the two bullies began to lug their battered prey off through the trees in the direction of their hideout. With what little energy he could muster, Victor raised his head a bit to protect it from the bumpy floor of the woods as his bare back and ass were scraped painfully along the ground, gathering up all manner of muck and sludge in their wake. His asshole still sloshing over with his rapist’s sperm and his cock and balls throbbing in unbearable agony, he tried in vain to block the horror and shame of his plight from his tortured mind. Confused, the unfortunate hunk was unable to still the thought that he could somehow have prevented this nightmare, though he couldn't figure out how. Already deep in the woods, they soon emerged into a small clearing, in the midst of which there stood a rustic cabin. With the spring sun beaming down and the cheerful woodland sounds all about them, this idyllic setting stood in ironic contrast to the evil mission for which these three men had appropriated it. “Ah, home sweet home,” Todd snidely remarked, then turning upon their soiled and battered cargo, he sneered, “Better get used to it, bitch! This is your home now, too.” Poor Victor could only manage an agonized groan, his backside rubbed raw and besmeared with muck from the rough, savage ride he had taken through the woods, as his abductors once more began to tow his defiled and beaten body towards the cabin. His thoughts turned briefly to his wife and young son. His life with them seemed almost like a fairytale to him at this moment as the horrors of this unbelievable but all too real morning continued. For a moment, he allowed himself to believe that Susan, his wife, would try to call him and discover he had never arrived at his destination. Surely there would be a search for him and he would be rescued from this hellish nightmare. But how long would that be? And how many more obscene acts would he be forced to endure before then. The green van was parked out front so Randy and Todd knew Tim was back. As they arrived at the steps of the cabin, they dropped their grimy prisoner to the ground. Then, slipping their arms under his slimy pits, they lifted the unfortunate straight dude up and proceeded to haul him inside. Victor’s dirt-streaked legs hung limp and his big, now filthy bare feet banged painfully over each step and slid across the plank porch into the cabin, where the hapless hunk was once more plopped down, like a side of beef, onto the cold, hard floor. Tim was stoking the beginnings of a fire in the fireplace when his buddies arrived. He stood and crossed to them, whistling as he got a look at their mucky, ravaged captive. “What happened to him?” He inquired in feigned surprise. “He fell,” Todd stated simply and that’s all he offered. “Musta been some fall,” Tim smirked as he carried a folding chair over to where the brutalized hunk was sprawled. With his buddies’ help, they dragged their disoriented prisoner into the chair. His abased, almost unconscious body slouched down and would have slipped to the floor again, but Todd and Randy steadied him. Tim grabbed the rope leash attached to the poor hunk’s bruised balls and wrapped it tightly around the unfortunate guy’s waist and behind the chair, strapping him down and once more distending his swollen ball sack painfully tight. Victor winced sharply and clenched his eyes shut as his head rolled onto his chest. He was exhausted from his ordeal and dejected. The cool metal of the chair seat stung his ripped and gaping ass, but he was too far-gone to care. Suddenly, his hair and Todd, stood over him, slapping him roughly back and forth across his sullied face several times yanked his head up. “Wake up!” the big, blonde lunatic barked, “We need to have a little talk.” Stunned by the sudden blows, the fog in Victor’s mind lifted a bit and he blinked his eyes several times in an attempt to clear his blurred vision. Loosening the strips of T-shirt that were wrapped around his throbbing head, his attacker pulled Victor’s spit-soaked shorts from his mouth and tossed them all onto a table which Victor now took note stood just before him. Already atop the table were, he noticed, what little remained of his T-shirt, his jeans, his shoes and socks, his keys, his wallet and some loose change that had, no doubt, been in his pocket. Craning his stiff neck carefully about the room, he further observed three simple beds, a large trunk, and a couple of smaller night tables and, in a far corner of the cabin, what could only be a cell with iron bars. Squinting in the direction of one of the beds, he made out what looked to be a riding crop lying across it. His heartbeat raced as he concluded this was no chance encounter with some local rednecks, but some carefully laid plan to which he had fallen prey. As Tim crossed behind the table and sat facing the silent, astonished hunk, Randy reached over the big man and, taking hold of his fingers, began to twist off Victor’s wedding band. “We’ll help ourselves to this as well,” the scruffy man stated flatly as he tugged at the ring. Victor struggled, whimpering, “No that! Please!” Randy snapped, “Yes, that!” as the ring slipped off Victor’s finger and he tossed it onto the table with the distressed hunk’s other belongings. Then the scruffy thief proceeded to unfasten the leather band of Victor’s watch and, holding it up, he sneered “This is junk. It’s smashed.” And he tossed it disgustedly into the pile as well. Victor realized the watch must have been shattered during one of his many struggles, but he had no idea when. God, he was sore. Every muscle and joint in the body he had cultivated so proudly throbbed. His balls felt like they were on fire and he flushed in shame as he felt a wet puddle form beneath him, once more aware that his distended ass was still leaking out his sodomizers’ semen. Feeling like a knife had been stabbed into his anus; he squirmed slightly in the chair, but found no relief from his misery. He watched in confused silence as Todd picked up the shreds of his T-shirt and tossed them onto the small fire. They burst into flame for a brief moment and dissolved. Then his jeans were thrown in and his socks followed with a smirk by his shorts. Tim now had his wallet open and was sorting through its contents. Setting aside the money and credit cards, he handed the remaining articles to Todd, which included pictures of Victor's wife and son, and Todd chucked them into the now roaring blaze. For a fleeting moment, his son's smiling face looked out at him, and then the flames too ate it. A lonely tear squeezed out the corner of the unfortunate man’s eye and rolled slowly down his scratched and smudged cheek. “We’ll dispose of these later,” Tim remarked, as he placed Victor’s leather wallet with his plastic credit cards and broken watch inside one of Victor’s sneakers and set them aside. “Why…my things…what the…what do you want from me?” Victor rasped in despair, his voice almost gone from all the screaming he had done. Leaning forward on the table and staring coolly into Victor’s eyes, Tim simply stated, “All in good time, big boy. All in good time. You’re beginning a new life today, my handsome stallion. In this new life, you will never have the need to cover your naked body with clothes.” And, almost as an afterthought, he added, “And a fine body it is too, my beautiful pet.” Then, holding up a wad of Victor’s cash, he continued, “As for money, from here on out you will have no use for it. Your needs will be simple and, if you’re a good boy, they will all be provided for you.” Then, in a nonchalant gesture towards the fireplace, he added, “As for the rest of it, mementos from a life you had best forget.” A chill ran up Victor's spine as he realized they were destroying all evidence of him. “New life?” he managed to stammer, “What…What are you going to do with me?” “Let’s just say you are no longer your own man and leave it at that for now,” Tim cryptically concluded as he stood and gathered Victor’s keys from the table. Then he turned to Randy and said, “Let’s go find this big fucker’s car and take care of it.” Almost as an afterthought, he snatched up Victor’s stuffed sneakers and tossed them to his scruffy accomplice, saying, and “Take this stuff as well we’ll lose it along with the car.” Then to Todd he added snidely, “Take good care of our new toy!” As the two partners-in-crime filed purposefully out of the cabin, Victor’s mind tossed in a sea of confusion. What did this insane lunatic mean by a new life? No need for clothes? His entire simple needs provided? Where would they take his car? Obviously they didn’t intend to kill him. But what? Rape him again? The thought was too horrific to entertain. What if they never let him go? What if he was never found? These faggots were crazy! What if they sodomized his body again and again until he lost his mind? No! He mustn’t think of that. How could this be happening to him? He was a churchgoer. He had a wife and child who needed him. God would never let this happen to him. But the biting pain in his ass and the throbbing of his balls told him a different story. God had let this happen. Why? What had he done to deserve this nightmare? As he slumped down in his chair, sickened with terror and shame, his mind lost in mass of confusing thoughts, the big crazy man left behind to guard him leaned over the table and smiled menacingly at him a big, toothy grin.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Bad Boy

Butt Busters: Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins

The following story is violent erotic fantasy involving non-consensual sex. The author wishes to state that in no way does he condone non-consensual sex or violence outside the realm of fantasy. If you enjoy it, you may email the author at More will be forthcoming, if response is positive. Victor had been forced to admit his mistake as the deserted highway

Butt Busters: Chapter 2-Stowing Their Cargo

Anxious to forge ahead with their diabolical inquisition, the three irrepressible thugs moved in on their strapping prisoner and, while Todd hugged the big hunk's waist and held him aloft, Tim and Randy unloosed their captive's now rope-burned and bleeding wrists. Once the debased hunk was disengaged from the tree, Todd released his hold and the big man slid down his assailant's body

Butt Busters: Chapter 3-A Chance for Escape

For a several minutes, Todd stood savoring the succulent vision of his distressed charge. The haggard hunk squirmed nervously before him, obviously desperate to avoid further harassment. Todd's lustful stare moved slowly from the weary and battered studs smudged face down to his large, grimy hands, forced firmly to his scraped pecs, and over his tight abs, smeared with muck and grim.

Butt Busters: Chapter 4-How It All Began

Tim and Todd met first in a bar. After several cocktails, they went back to Tim’s place and, after smoking a fat joint, they shared a vigorous fuck. This was fourteen years ago and they were very young. Todd had only had sex with two men before Tim and he was still experimenting. He allowed Tim to take him up the ass. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would get used to it. They

Butt Busters: Chapter 5-New Meat For Their Stable

Victor started awake, his gym-perfected body dripping off rivers of sweat. He had been racing through a hauntingly surreal dreamscape, pursued by giant, disembodied penises of many and varied shapes and sizes. Somehow he had known that the terrifying male organs intended to rape him brutally into submission, and he had ran desperately for his life. After a wild and frenzied race, the

Butt Busters: Chapter 6-Learn 'Em Good

Left alone with his three beautiful charges, Todd felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. He lit a cigarette and stood in the center of the cabin, surveying the straight punks, each one bound tight, naked and at his disposal. It would be at least an hour before his buddies returned and he planned to have some fun while they were away. Besides, he rationalized, these fuckers had to

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two

My First Big Screw Up With Master

I can remember being really fatigued one night upon arriving home. I had had a really busy day at school was just dying to take a nap. Unfortunately, my daily routine does not allow for naps. Every morning I am up at 5 AM, I release the clip attached to my collar, which is attached to the cage, then crawl to the bathroom, flush the toilet and have my morning water. Once


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