Gay Erotic Stories

Butt Busters: Chapter 4-How It All Began

by Bad Boy


Tim and Todd met first in a bar. After several cocktails, they went back to Tim’s place and, after smoking a fat joint, they shared a vigorous fuck. This was fourteen years ago and they were very young. Todd had only had sex with two men before Tim and he was still experimenting. He allowed Tim to take him up the ass. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would get used to it. They played like this for three weeks before the novelty wore off. Whenever Todd tried to fuck Tim, Tim refused, his macho pride declaiming intensely that he didn’t like it up the ass. Finally, Todd called it quits, saying it hurt too much and he wasn’t in to having his ass fucked either. Although they stopped fucking, they remained fast friends, partying together and picking up other young dudes. One drunken and rowdy night, they were flirting with this young college dude, Jason. The kid was wasted and both buddies got into a contest to see who could take the boy home. In the end, they resolved to share the kid and, luring the besotted boy back to Tim’s place with the promise of drugs, they took turns raping his tight, young ass all night long, sending him staggering home bowlegged the next morning. Both men were so charged by the hot scene that they had repeated it on several occasions with numerous unsuspecting young punks who had too much to drink and fell into the clutches of the insidious fuck buddies. No one ever made trouble for the two men. Their victims’ machismo wouldn’t let them confess to having been overpowered and fucked up the ass against their will. This was how Randy came into the picture. Nine years ago, water that had long since passed under the bridge, they tried their ruthless fuck game on him. Randy was twenty-three at the time and new to the big city. He had escaped the small town in which he grew up because he knew there was something different about him and he wanted the opportunity to explore his urges. Once in the city, he came out with abandon and fell innocently into the clutches of the two handsome blondes one night after four Long Island Ice Teas. Tim and Todd were gods to him, both over six-foot tall and tightly muscled, a state they worked hard to maintain to this very day, and he followed them back to Tim’s place in anticipation of a good time. When things got out of hand, however, the little guy got panicked and fought back. Tim and Todd had never encountered such vigorous resistance and they relented, sending Randy home unscathed. After that night, the two blonde men met up with the scrappy young Randy in the bars several times and the three men became confidants, Tim and Todd even on occasion sharing tales of their sexcapades with their new found friend. Then came a turning point in the three men’s relationship, when they encounter two strapping young sailors on shore leave in a neighborhood gay bar. Tim and Todd conferred, deciding the two navy boys were too much for them to handle alone, and they confided their desire to bone the two uniformed seamen to their buddy. Randy was trepidatous at first, but, after a couple more shots and horny as hell, he firmed his resolve and together, on pretense of joining a rowdy after-hours party, the three men lured the two sailors back to Tim’s place. The two boys were not used to holding their liquor and were quite lit. After a brief but intense struggle, the three buddies managed to overpower the swabbies, and relieving them of their duds, they forced the two sailors to the floor and busted their rosy seapussies wide open. Into the wee hours of the morning, they balled the horny seamen vigorously in every orifice of their tightly muscled young bodies. They then sent the two swabbies on their way, with a bevy of new delights for them to explore with one another on their long voyages. After that first adventure, Randy was a convert, and the two blondes allowed him to tag along occasionally. In one of their hottest scenes together, a little over a year ago, the three buddies broke into a suburban home in the dead of night and subdued a handsome, fortysomething banker and his two college jock sons, home on spring break. At gunpoint, they forced their three victims to strip and spent a horny weekend perpetrating all manners of horny delights on the three men's straight mouths and asses. Finally, under threat of shooting the two boys in the head, they intimidated the father into sodomizing his offspring. Dragging the distraught man back and forth between his sons, they jerked off as they drove the big man to shove his cock up his boys' tight asses again and again until he could stand it no longer and unloaded his spunk into his youngest son's bowels as the kid whimpered, “No, daddy! Please don’t!” They finished off by forcing the two brothers to blow one another. It had been incredible night and they had never topped it since. That’s how, when they met James, an extremely wealthy entrepreneur who just happened to be gay, the three buddies came upon the idea for a business venture that would forever alter the course of their twisted lives and the lives of their unwitting victims. Their first encounter with James was at a local dance club where the three friends often went to shop for beautiful, drunk young men. The distinguished gentleman was seated at the bar, quite handsome in his Armani suit. He appeared to be in his mid-forties and was in great shape. When he offer to buy the three buddies a drink, they eagerly accepted, never ones to turn down free liquor. Besides, James was intriguing. Clearly out of place in the loud, smoky club with lights pulsing and revolving in rhythm to the beat of the dance mix, he sparked their curiosity. When the well-spoken and obviously well off James asked them back to his hotel room for after-hours cocktails, they agreed and, hopping into his limo, they sped off. Back in the swank hotel room, the four men sipped expensive liquor and did a few lines of coke. After relaxing for about an hour and making small talk, James asked Todd to join him in the bedroom, saying he had a business proposition. Tim and Randy sat and drank James’ booze, hearing the low voices of the two men in the other room, but unable to make out what they were saying. After about ten minutes, James reappeared and told the two buddies to make themselves at home, explaining that he and Todd had something to take care of and they would be out shortly. Randy and Tim took their host at his word and, after helping themselves to a couple more lines of coke, they freshened their drinks and moved onto the terrace to take in the night skyline. A short time afterwards, they heard grunting and moaning and, curious, they crept back into the room. Listening intently, it became clear to the two friends that James and Todd were fucking, though they were unable to make out any details. After about twenty minutes or so had passed, Todd stumbled out of the bedroom, clad only in his jeans and carrying his shoes, socks and shirt. Immediately behind him, James appeared, dressing in a black silk robe. Excusing himself politely, James disappeared into the bathroom and Todd, as he dressed himself, hurriedly whispered to his two buddies that James had paid him $500 to let him fuck Todd up the ass. His pud sure was sore, Todd told them, but he had made a bundle for it. When James returned, the three buddies finished their drinks and James offered them his limo to get home. On three more occasions, when James came into the city on business, he called the Todd, and he and his buddies would join James for dinner and drinks. Always, they ended the evening at James’ hotel with Todd, ever the wild one, selling his ass to the dapper gentleman. On his third visit, the three men sat in the hotel room and sipped cocktails after Todd and James had concluded their business. As the four drunks partied away, James made an offhand observation about how discreet he had to be in his line of work and how he wished he could just buy his very own stud to fuck whenever he wanted. The four men sat and joked about James’ fantasy, spinning hot tales of the fun one could have with a male sex slave of one’s own. This heated banter continued for a bit when Tim chimed up with a suggestive “Maybe we could help you out.” When James sparked up and inquired as to what he meant, Tim eyed his two buddies conspiratorially and intimated in cryptic comments that the right men might be able to procure something that could satisfy James’ lustful dream. After that, the conversation heated up, as Tim, working off the top of his head, was encouraged to explore his thesis, suggesting that he and his buddies could most likely supply James with exactly what he was desiring if the terms were sufficient. James countered with assurances that money was no object if discretion could be assured. He further offered that he knew several wealthy associates who, under the right circumstances, would also be interested in such merchandise. Todd and Randy soon saw where Tim was headed and joined the discussion, assuring James that what he wanted could be had for the right price. The four men conferred until dawn, discussing in detail James’ needs and desires and making financial arrangements. The concluded their meeting with James writing Tim a sizable check for seed money and sending the three buddies home in his limo with plans to meet again in one week. He insisted on not being told any details of how the three friends planned to supply him, which was a good thing because they, as yet, had no clear plan of action. That was on a Saturday evening, and the next afternoon the three men gathered to plot the details of their new venture. First, they cleared their schedules for the following week. Todd, a construction worker, had no job for that period, so, for him, it was not a problem. Tim working as an office temp, doing computer work, so he merely phoned his agency and left a message that he was unavailable. For Randy, who waited tables in restaurant he hated, it was a matter of ringing up the manager and resigning. This accomplished, the three men set to work on a plan of action. James had supplied them with enough money purchase a simple van, and they used the remainder of the day to accomplish this task. On Monday morning, the three eager buddies set out on an exploratory mission. Driving several hours out of the city, a state map as their guide, they came across a rather isolated wilderness with a nice lake which afforded occasional fishermen a place to practice their sport. Excited at their find, the three buddies scouted in their van until they discovered the most deserted side of the lake and set out on foot to explore the area. Tangled woods surrounded the lake at this juncture, and they slowly made a path through them, careful to mark their path so they could find their way back to the van. After a couple of hours they came upon an old cabin that didn't appear to be used much anymore. A narrow, overgrown road led up to it. The cabin wasn't locked, so the three men made their way inside to examine their find. It was crude, with a simple wooden table and three single beds, worn from age and dirty from lack of use. There were no amenities other than a rustic fireplace that appeared to be in working order. Night had fallen by now and the three friends agreed to sleep here and make certain their lucky discovery would serve their purposes. When the dawn came, they were up and ready, all three ravenous from not having eaten in so many hours and having exerted themselves so on their hike the prior day. Having agreed that the cabin would suit their purposes, the three men set out on foot and made their way back to their van. Hoping in, they drove for several miles before they came upon a simple general store where they were able to gas up and grab some rations. Then, devouring their meal in the van, they decided it would be a good idea to see if they could find the narrow road that appeared to lead up to their new temporary residence. After several false starts, they finally turned off on an almost obscured rut that did indeed take them to the entrance of the cabin. Inspired by this stroke of good fortune, they headed back to the city to prepare for their libidinous retreat. Sacking out for a much needed night of rest after their adventure, the three men rose and gathered Wednesday morning to access what they would need for their new venture. They made lists and fantasized how their insidious plan would unfold. For the rest of the week, they shopped and schemed, visiting several hardware stores for rope, a small trunk and various tools and accessories that they thought might come in handy. At Todd's insistence, they purchased iron bars for a cage he assured them would be simple to build. Then off to a Wal-Mart Superstore, where they added linens, pillows, towels, bottled water, a large ice chest, some metal folding chairs, toiletries, first aid supplies and an assortment of snacks. Finally, on Friday, they had a blast exploring sex shops and acquiring all manners of lewd and lascivious toys to use for training their impending victims. Their shopping excursions completed, they spent Saturday loading the van and rearranging it to suit their purpose, rushing out occasionally to grab some article that they had overlooked during the week. Randy brought over a large object wrapped tightly in a sheet. He stubbornly refused to tell his buddies what it was, only explaining that it would be surprise that they would like. Even after they tickled him mercilessly, he stuck to his guns and remained silent, until they relented and helped him load it into the van. It felt like a heavy chair, but that’s all they could decipher of the mysterious package. That night, the three buddies had drinks with James and enlightened him with their success, omitting any details which might incriminate the anxious, but giddy man, and returning early to rest up for an prompt start Sunday morning. Setting out by eight on Sunday, they arrived at their temporary residence around one in the afternoon and unloaded their supplies, bustling about the cabin to set up their lair. Randy elicited his friends help in setting up his surprise in one corner of the cabin, but he refused to unwrap it yet. To say Tim and Todd were intrigued would be an understatement, but both agreed to wait until Randy was ready to unveil his project. Once they were unloaded, they took off in the van on an exploration of their unfamiliar territory. The three buddies had to drive for a ways before they found a rest stop where they hung out for a while, checking out the travelers that stopped in, mentally undressing them and boasting about what they would do to the men they encountered, if they had them in their clutches. They paid a visit to the general store and got some beer and smokes and drove around, observing the cars and trucks that past them infrequently, pretending the one's driven by single males were their prey and speculating as to means for capturing them. Finally, at twilight, they returned to their camp and sat up smoking a fat joint and scheming, as excited as three boys on the night before Christmas. To restless to sleep, they worked into the wee hours, Tim and Randy assisting Todd in erecting an iron cage in one corner of the cabin. Rising early, having gotten little sleep in anticipation of their pending adventure, they set out on their inaugural hunt. That's when, after an hour or so, they were overjoyed as they crested that hill to see Victor, innocently ambling into their lurid web. Now, the three brutes sat and devoured their lunch, the poor, unsuspecting hitchhiker shackled to the side of the cage, naked, violated and unconscious, as they boasted as to how easy it had been to manage their first abduction.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Bad Boy

Butt Busters: Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins

The following story is violent erotic fantasy involving non-consensual sex. The author wishes to state that in no way does he condone non-consensual sex or violence outside the realm of fantasy. If you enjoy it, you may email the author at More will be forthcoming, if response is positive. Victor had been forced to admit his mistake as the deserted highway

Butt Busters: Chapter 2-Stowing Their Cargo

Anxious to forge ahead with their diabolical inquisition, the three irrepressible thugs moved in on their strapping prisoner and, while Todd hugged the big hunk's waist and held him aloft, Tim and Randy unloosed their captive's now rope-burned and bleeding wrists. Once the debased hunk was disengaged from the tree, Todd released his hold and the big man slid down his assailant's body

Butt Busters: Chapter 3-A Chance for Escape

For a several minutes, Todd stood savoring the succulent vision of his distressed charge. The haggard hunk squirmed nervously before him, obviously desperate to avoid further harassment. Todd's lustful stare moved slowly from the weary and battered studs smudged face down to his large, grimy hands, forced firmly to his scraped pecs, and over his tight abs, smeared with muck and grim.

Butt Busters: Chapter 4-How It All Began

Tim and Todd met first in a bar. After several cocktails, they went back to Tim’s place and, after smoking a fat joint, they shared a vigorous fuck. This was fourteen years ago and they were very young. Todd had only had sex with two men before Tim and he was still experimenting. He allowed Tim to take him up the ass. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would get used to it. They

Butt Busters: Chapter 5-New Meat For Their Stable

Victor started awake, his gym-perfected body dripping off rivers of sweat. He had been racing through a hauntingly surreal dreamscape, pursued by giant, disembodied penises of many and varied shapes and sizes. Somehow he had known that the terrifying male organs intended to rape him brutally into submission, and he had ran desperately for his life. After a wild and frenzied race, the

Butt Busters: Chapter 6-Learn 'Em Good

Left alone with his three beautiful charges, Todd felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. He lit a cigarette and stood in the center of the cabin, surveying the straight punks, each one bound tight, naked and at his disposal. It would be at least an hour before his buddies returned and he planned to have some fun while they were away. Besides, he rationalized, these fuckers had to

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two

My First Big Screw Up With Master

I can remember being really fatigued one night upon arriving home. I had had a really busy day at school was just dying to take a nap. Unfortunately, my daily routine does not allow for naps. Every morning I am up at 5 AM, I release the clip attached to my collar, which is attached to the cage, then crawl to the bathroom, flush the toilet and have my morning water. Once


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