Gay Erotic Stories

Camp Fuccansucca

by Holden S.

I knew I was going to get some action this camp the minute I met Toby. He was blonde, a hunk, and best of all a newlywed. Toby was one of the volunteer counselors at camp, I was on the paid staff as the director of the boy's cabins. For the next ten days, Toby would be part of my crew while his step-son Rick, another hottie who I'd had my eye on, attended camp. Rick was headed to college in the fall so his step dad was volunteering as a counselor so they could "bond". I was more than willing to "bond" with either one of them. Rick was a question mark as far as that goes. I knew he'd snuck into the woods to meet girls over the last few summers, but I wasn't too sure I hadn't interrupted him and his best friend playing grab ass in the showers last year. So although I'd make a move on the twinkie, I was sure I could get the step-dad. Like I said Toby was a newlywed, married a week, just back from his honeymoon, where he and Rick's mom no doubt fucked like bunnies. And he was going to volunteer at camp for ten days with no conjugal visits? Oh, yeah, by day 2, day 3 at the latest I'd be on my knees introducing myself to his "Mister Happy Stick". My chance came on day 3 as expected. We'd taken a long hike the day before, and had a long night around the campfire. I could tell Toby was a little tired and stiff the next morning, although not the kind of stiff I was interested in yet. He was rubbing his shoulder and knee. After breakfast we sent the kids and volunteers to the far meadow for a little baseball. I mentioned to Toby I had some ointment for his shoulder in my cabin, and if he wanted to stay behind we could go get it. I could tell by his smile he was happy for the chance to miss out on a grueling baseball game. We chatted on the way to my cabin, the last one on the trail towards the lodge and the girl’s camp on the other side. "Welcome to my humble abode. Grab a seat on the bed while I get out the ointment." "Thanks, it must be nice to have a real mattress and a cabin to yourself, the blonde replied. "One of the perks of the job Toby. Here it is," I said, "Now take your shirt off and I'll do you right up." He smiled a brilliant white smile and tugged his camp T-shirt over his head. I almost gasped at his pecs, and the treasure trail of hair that outlined each tit before diving straight for his shorts. I only hoped his cock was that spectacular, if so, he'd definitely be joining my top ten list. I climbed on the bed behind him on my knees and began to rub the ointment on his shoulders. His skin was smooth and cool, and I threw a bone at first contact. "God, your really tense. Relax guy," I told him as I started to massage his shoulders. I trailed my fingers down his back applying firm pressure then a light touch as I went back up. He gasped. "Feel good?," I asked. "Yes indeed," he added. "Then lets take care of that knee," I said. I climbed off the bed and walked around to face him making no effort to hide my tent shaped shorts. His eyes flew open a little wider, but he didn't speak as I knelt before him. Applying ointment to my hand, I started to massage his right knee. It wasn't just wishful thinking that his box started to enlarge as well. Like I said before, the guy was a newlywed. As my fingers made my way slowly up his furry thigh I could tell he was mine. I made contact with his organ through his cotton shorts with my hand. "Can I suck it?" I asked politely. "I don't know what you think.." he started to say, but I never let him finish with his excuses. I made contact with his organ thru the cotton shorts with my mouth. As I mauled the head, he acquiesced. "Oh, shit. Do it! Take it out and do it!" I didn't have to be asked twice. His shorts were around his ankles, and his impressive cock in full view. I went to work on the head, lapping it like a cat does cream. In fact I was rewarded with a little cream as his precum began to flow. Licking the length of his cock, I lapped at his balls. He cursed some and lay back onto the bed. Grabbing his cock by the base I got busy with giving a blowjob. Up and down, round and round, I worked his cock over with my mouth. My free hand was stroking his thighs and balls. Toby's balls were getting tight. I knew it wouldn't be long at this pace, after all he'd been away from his wife for three days, and those balls were ready to unload. "Oh, fuck, fuccckk," he shouted, "Take it! Take my cum." Grabbing my head he held me on his dick as he spewed sperm down my throat. It was the hottest, biggest load I'd ever taken. Toby was gasping air he was cuming so hard. I squeezed his balls to milk him totally dry, and when I finally pulled off his cock it landed with a thud on his belly. "Like it?" I asked, as I ran my hands up his heaving chest and started to play with his tits. "Unbelievable head," he answered, "Where did you learn to suck cock like that?" "Camp Fucansucca of course," I laughed and then bent to kiss his limp penis. I stood up and realized I was still hard. I'd been so into giving him pleasure I'd forgot my own. I took my cock into my hand and with three quick tugs began to erupt. My cum shot out onto his prone body trailing from his thigh to nearly his neck. "Let me clean that up for you," I said as I lowered myself and began to lick him clean. He ran his hands over my back and I realized he'd be willing to go for more. I reached his neck and started to kiss him, but before I could plant my lips on his. There was a knock at the door and then it flew open. "Mr. Snyder," a voice called out, and in stepped one of the female campers. She froze and then giggled when she saw us. "I'm sorry. I should have waited till you came to the door. Ms. Keller sent me to get you. One of the girls broke a leg and we need your help." "Okay,” I answered. I jumped up and began to dress. Toby scrambled for his clothes as well. The girl eyes darted between me and Toby. I guess she figured she might as well get the full view since she was there. "Would you wait outside?" I asked her. As soon as she shut the door, Toby whispered, "What if she tells someone?" "I’ll have a talk with her, besides we're adults. We're allowed to play together. I got to go. Meet me here after lights out?" "Are you crazy? We can't do this again," He whispered as I headed to the door. "After lights out, I'll be waiting, " I said with a smile and shut the door behind me. I knew he'd be back, if not tonight then the next night. We still had things to try, and besides he was a newlywed.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Holden S.

A Boss That Blows

Frieda was blonde, Swedish, a masseuse, and bouncing on my hard-on like crazy. Her ample tits filled my vision as I filled the rubber I was wearing, and although I could hear the door to the therapy room open I couldn't see who had just walked in on my indiscretion. "Ohhhh," squealed Frieda, (She squealed a lot when we were together actually)"I forget to lock the door." I groaned,

A Boss That Blows

Freida was blonde, Swedish, a massuse, and bouncing on my hard-on like crazy. Her ample tits filled my vision as I filled the rubber I was wearing, and although I could hear the door to the therapy room open I couldn't see who had just walked in on my indiscretion. "Ohhhh," squealed Freida, (She squealed a lot when we were together actually)"I forget to lock the door." I

Camp Fuccansucca

I knew I was going to get some action this camp the minute I met Toby. He was blonde, a hunk, and best of all a newlywed. Toby was one of the volunteer counselors at camp, I was on the paid staff as the director of the boy's cabins. For the next ten days, Toby would be part of my crew while his step-son Rick, another hottie who I'd had my eye on, attended camp. Rick was headed to

Caught ... Once Or Twice

Brennan Foster was buck-naked, pounding his thick cock into his girlfriend Kim's cunt on her queen-sized bed. She still lived with her parents although they were both college students in their 20's. Usually they fucked around at his apartment, but Mrs. Austin was out of town, and Dr. Austin never got home from the hospital this early. They had great sex together, Brennan had to

Caught On The First Try

It would never had happened if I hadn't been so horny, not just your average 18 year old's horniness, which I suffered from all the time, but the horniness of a 18 year old virgin. I had gone camping with my best friend Seth's family at a State Park. The Carson's had been like a second family to me since my parent's divorce, so they had gotten permission from my mom to join

Caught With A Blonde

I didn't get to see my daughter often. She was in Oregon at college and my wife and I lived in Boston. I certainly didn't expect to see her making out in the cardio room at my health club, but there she was. Karen was in town for a visit, and a chance for us to meet her new fiancée Tim. I stepped back into the shadows of the locker-room entrance and got my first good look at my

Caught With The College Guy

The first time I saw Ethan, he was dressed in blue jean shorts and an unbuttoned, long sleeve, plaid shirt revealing his smooth chest. The new neighbors, the Stratton's, had moved in about a month earlier and this twink was their son arriving home from college for the summer. I watched as the dishwater blonde youth unloaded his stuff from the car, and thought how nice it would be to


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