Gay Erotic Stories

Celebrity Auction

by Navar

A very happy occurrence happened to me. I won the lottery. Naturally I splurged a little, ok a lot, but I soon regained my composure. I didn't want to spend my way back to the poorhouse. However, aside from material things, I wanted to go to places I never could afford before. I went to Broadway shows and fine diners. I had a great time at the infamous Russian Tea Room. There is a distinct society of the wealthy. I wasn't really in it because you had to be in the business, so to speak. You had to be a corporate board member or a celebrity. Something like that. I really didn't mind. Long ago I learned not to put celebrities on a pedestal. Sure, I'm a fan of several actors and get some thrill to seeing them in person, but I refuse to think they are better than me. However, I learned of a celebrity auction for charity. At the auction, you would bid for a date with a celebrity. Nothing romantic or anything, just a dinner and maybe some other event. For example, some soap stars offered a visit to the set of the show where a fan can watch behind the scenes. I decided to go to the auction. I'd might make a bid, but I was concerned they could get pretty high. I won the lottery, but I'm still a bit frugal. I like to get worth for what I'm paying. A so called date with a celebrity would be a frivolous thing. Nothing wrong with being frivolous, but I don't want to spend too much on it. There was a reception before the auction. Not knowing anyone personally, I stood by myself and just watched everyone else. I recognized faces. I concluded many celebrities would be out of my league in terms of bids, but I thought maybe one or two might be possible. It's rude to say they are has-beens, but it's not as if they did any movies or television for the last few years. There were a few non-Hollywood celebrities that could also be in my price range. It was time for the auction. For the really popular ones, even the starting bids were way too high. However, others were manageable if a bit steep. I made a bid here and there but didn't win. I was disappointed in a few of my losses. Some celebs I really wanted to meet; I hadn't gotten rid of all my pedestals. If it's not obvious, most of my bids were for male celebs. I wasn't the only one. Male bidders went for male sports stars and female bidders went for female soap stars. There was nothing unusual going on, so to speak. Of course, glamorous celebs were the opposite - male bidders went for female models and female bidders went for male heart throbs. There were a few same-gender bids for the celebs by "true" fans, but the auctioneer played on flirtations. After a while some lesser well-knowns were offered. They were non-Hollywood. Bids started at lower amounts. No insult was intended, but they weren't expecting to draw in the big bucks. It was here that the "average" citizen could win. I myself was more selective because it was feasible I'd get the highest bid. I couldn't play on fantasy anymore. I'd have to bid only on those I really would like to meet. I found him. It was Jay Cutler, a competitive bodybuilder who has won many titles. The auctioneer played on his "hunk" status for the ladies, but I really wanted to meet him. He looked quite good on stage, wearing a tuxedo. You could tell he was big, but his muscles were covered up well. Still, he had a nice smile. I made a bid. Someone made a higher bid. I bid higher. Soon it was a toss up between me and one woman. It was getting pretty steep and both of us took a moment before topping each other's bid. It was getting serious; the auctioneer stopped his pandering. Cutler didn't seem embarrassed that a guy was bidding for him. He could have been blushing, or at least, I hope he was blushing, because of the interest in him. I was feeling a bit self-conscious because I was in the spotlight, but it was too late to back down because of it. At the moment I had the highest bid. My opponent was pondering whether to raise it. Finally she shook her head. She wasn't going to bid anymore. I won the date with Jay Cutler. When the auction was over, there was another reception for winners to meet their dates. I approached Cutler. We shook hands. "You must be a big fan," he said. "Are you into weightlifting?" "Not exactly. I don't lift weights. Always wanted to, but never had the money for a gym or knowledge on how to go about it. I suppose now I could do it, though, if I set my mind to it. However, I like the sport. I've seen pictures of you in magazines, so I knew who you were." I purposely didn't say I downloaded pictures of him from the Internet. I didn't want to freak him out. He nodded. "Ok. Anyway, what we'll do is go to some fancy restaurant for dinner. You can pick the place. It can even be a comedy club if you'd like. Doesn't matter. Whatever you want. We can see a show, have dinner, and chat. I can tell you about the competition, stories of backstage, and even give you tips for when you decide to lift weights." "Sounds good. When do we do it?" "I'm available any night next week." We set the date for next Wednesday. We would go to a comedy club. Come Wednesday I put on a nice suit and went to the club. He was waiting outside, wearing a suit himself. He looked quite handsome in it. We went inside and the maitre de showed us to a table. We had a delicious meal, and Jay talked about the sport of bodybuilding. He talked about training and the competitions. He provided a few humorous backstage stories. He came here to New York City for a small vacation and a few appearances. Our conversation paused when the show began. I was having a wonderful time. The comedians were funny, and I enjoyed the company. Alas, it was getting late and time for the evening to end. As we stepped outside I was expecting to say good-bye. He paused in the street. "You know, I just don't feel like ending this. It's still early for New York. Want to go to a bar or something?" As much as I wanted to stay with him, bars are not my thing. "I don't drink." "Oh, ok. You don't have to leave now, do you?" "No." "Good, let's walk." We walked the city streets, had small talk. He stopped. "I was thinking, there's a VCR at my hotel room. Care to rent a movie?" Now that was enticing. "Sounds good." We found a video store and went in. "Pick any movie you like." I searched the place, finding many movies I liked. I chose one that recently came out which I missed in the theaters. Jay wasn't with me. He was somewhere else in the store. I caught up to him. He had a video in his hand. "I'm game for two movies; how about you?" "That's fine." Jay paid the rental. We left the store and took a cab ride to his hotel. I was getting more excited the closer the elevator got to his floor. The prospect of being alone in a room with him was intoxicating. Fantasy aside, I really didn't feel like going home. I was glad the night wasn't ending any time soon. The elevator stopped, and the door opened. I walked behind Jay since he had to lead the way. Not helping myself, I looked at his butt as he walked. It was covered by his suit jacket, but I didn't care. I was just enjoying the situation. We got to his room, and he opened the door. It was rather a small room. There was no door between the kitchen and living room, just an archway. There was a dresser and entertainment complex by a wall, a large bed in front of that. The window was floor to ceiling and had a spectacular view of the city. Jay took off his suit jacket and tie. His white shirt clung to his torso; his huge muscles bulging out. He turned for a moment, and this time his butt was not hidden. His slacks fit snugly. As he walked, his muscular buns pushed against the fabric. "Make yourself comfortable." I took off my suit jacket and tie as well. Jay went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He poured me a glass of juice. As I was drinking he put the video I chose into the VCR and turned it on. He took off his shoes and socks and hopped on the bed, prodding the pillows up on the wall. He sat up with his back against the pillow and legs in front of him. He patted the bed next to him. "Hop on." My heart pounding, I took off my shoes and socks as well and sat on the bed next to Jay. When I was close to him, I could see a little bit through his shirt to his bare skin. My heart was a flutter. As we watched the movie I would occasionally glance towards Jay. I was completely fascinated by him. Still, I enjoyed the movie. When it was over, he took the remote to rewind it. "I have a confession to make. The video I took out is kind of racy." He showed it to me. It was a porn tape. "If you don't want to see it we don't have to." I admit I was taken aback. It certainly was not something I was expecting. Even though it's not my type of porn tape, it would be a thrill to watch it with Jay Cutler. "Sure, put it in." He put the video in, started it with the remote, then sat again next to me on the bed. The movie was called "Assault With A Deadly Weapon", a cop film. The first scene was of a cop arresting a female prostitute. To avoid arrest, she would give the cop a blowjob. Naturally she did nothing for me, but the cop was adorable in his uniform and out of it. I would look at Jay during this scene, but his face stared ahead, apparently engrossed in the film. When I turned my head to look back at the screen, my eyes did a double-take. Jay's right hand was on his crotch, and he was fondling himself! He wasn't going at it as in jerking himself. His hand was simply laying on top of himself, and he would stroke his thumb up and down. His hard dick pressed against the front of his pants, forming an outline. I didn't say anything for fear of embarrassing him; instead I enjoyed the show he was giving me. I made sure my head was facing straight ahead toward the TV screen, but my eyes were looking down at his crotch. In the next scene of the film, a male prisoner was being interrogated by a male cop. A second cop came in claiming enough evidence to arrest the prisoner. A strip search was ordered. Once the prisoner was naked, the cops handcuffed his arms and legs to two poles on either side of him, spread eagle. They then had their way with him. While for me this film suddenly got very interesting, I guessed Jay would fast forward through this scene. He didn't reach for the remote, continuing to fondle himself. He did speak up, though. "You know, it's a not so secret that there are gays in the sport. I mean, not just fans in the audience at competitions, but competitors as well. It's no big deal, really. Backstage everyone is very serious. Everyone knows what Duffy and Patterson do, but I guess you can call it ‘Don't ask. Don't Tell'." I looked at Jay, but he continued to stare at the movie. I feigned ignorance. "What do they do?" "They do porn films like this one, only for gays. They use stage names, of course, but everyone knows it's them. There's also Sepe, but he does nudes for women. He was in Playgirl. I was asked to pose for them, but turned them down." "Why?" "I don't know. Embarrassed I guess. The industry doesn't forbid it, but it is frowned upon. I've done posters and pictures in bodybuilding magazines wearing only a thong. My dick and balls were covered, but my ass was almost completely bare. It's fun, and I made good money, but it's just different to do it nude." Excited by this conversation, I found courage to continue it. "I'm sure if you did do a layout for Playgirl, it would sell out fast." He laughed. "Probably." I noticed that Jay was tugging on his dick now. The next scene in the movie was another male/female encounter. Not being interested in it, I continued the conversation. "Do you think you'd ever pose nude in the future?" "I don't know. I suppose not. Like I said, it's just different to do it nude. I'm already a little self-conscious about my pictures being all over the Internet, mostly gay sites. It's flattering, really, but it makes me a little nervous. You must of seen them. You know, that's ok. Being looked at is the business. When you're on stage, you don't wear a three piece suit or a turtleneck sweater. You wear a skimpy speedo. You stand up there and flex your muscles. Your arms and legs are spread out. Your dick and balls are bunched up and bulging out, and you pray you don't get a hard-on. Sometimes your strap tightens up baring a little butt cheek, but that's ok because you workout your glutes as well. You expose yourself, so to speak, live in front of hundreds of people and judged on your looks. You hear cheering and whistles from the audience, and they come from the guys as well. When you're on the stage for the first time it's scary as hell, but soon you learn to enjoy it. Jay turned off the VCR. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. I don't know about you, but I'm getting a bit horny right now. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten the film." He was horny?! I'm about ready to burst. "The film was ok by me." "I know, but I need to calm down. If I get too excited I won't be able to sleep tonight. I have an appearance to make tomorrow afternoon." "All right, maybe I should go now." "No, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm enjoying your company. It's late anyway. You can sleep over." "I don't mind staying, but where would I sleep?" "On the bed. It's big enough for both of us." I certainly wasn't going to protest that idea. "Ok." I put the pillow back down on the bed and laid back. Jay, on the other hand, sat up on the bed and started to unbutton his shirt. With each flip, more of his massive chest was exposed. My heart beat faster and harder. As he wiggled out of his shirt his muscles instinctively flexed and pulsed. He then stood up and took off his pants. His dick was still a bit hard and stretched his underwear from the inside. He then got back into bed, under the covers. Since he had no problem with this situation, I stripped to my underwear as well and joined him under the covers. We laid on our sides, facing each other. He smiled. We continued to stare at each other for a few minutes. Jay licked his lips, and I felt his hand on my leg. Lightning went up my spine. I leaned closer to him to see what would happen, but he didn't move away. Our faces came closer together, and then our lips touched. When he didn't pull away, I put my arm around his shoulder and pressed into a kiss. Jay embraced me in return. Jay pulled me till I was laying on top of him. He held me in a bear hug as we continued to kiss. Our lusts taking over, we were both breathing quite heavily. After a minute I turned my head to kiss Jay's neck. He kissed mine in return. He lifted his head up. "I knew you wanted me. Come and take me." With a frenzy I licked his neck and shoulder. I lifted his arm to lick all over his biceps. He flexed his arms. "Yeah, you want me. You bought me. I'm yours tonight." I started to lick his chest. I move my head around, licking him all over. Jay massaged the nape of my neck and upper back. "Uh huh. Yeah, that's right. Lick me. Taste me." I moved my head further down to lick his stomach. My hands played with his pecs. Jay flexed his muscles. My hands could feel his muscles ripple beneath them. "I'm your muscle man. I'm your sex machine. I'm your fantasy come to life. Come here." Jay lifted me back to his head to kiss me again. I ran my hands through his hair. He rubbed his hands along my back. He gently rocked us back and forth. His legs were wrapped around mine. My dick was on top of his, pressing against each other through our underwear. One of his hands went down my back, into my underwear, and grabbed by ass. He massaged it. One of my hands reach down in between us. I went into his underwear to grab his dick. "Yeah, now you got my manhood. How does it feel? Grab my balls. Play with them. You own me." I did as he said. "Ooh, yeah." I licked his neck again. "Mmmmmmmm, how does it feel? Yeah, you got me good." Jay pulled my underwear off. I pushed his down, and he took it the rest of the way off. He grabbed my dick and gently jerked me. Jay put me on my back. "Now you just lay there. You paid for me. I work for you." Jay began to lick my neck. Flicking his tongue, he slowly went down my chest. He dug his tongue into my bellybutton. He turned around to lay on top of me. He put his chest on my stomach and pressed his dick on my chest. His legs straddled me, his knees bent to lean his feet on the wall. I felt his warm, moist mouth engulf my dick. He went down slowly massaging my dick with his tongue. He sucked on it like a lollipop. Meanwhile, his beautiful muscular ass was staring me in the face. My hands grabbed at it and molded it. As I squeezed his ass cheeks he would flex and relax them. I explored his ass. I spread his cheeks apart and ran a finger between them. As I brushed against his sphincter it twitched. I poked my finger into it. He squeezed his ass around my finger. He took his feet off the wall and lifted his waist. With him kneeling on the bed, his dick and balls hung between his legs. My other hand grabbed his dick. I slowly rubbed on the sensitive spot. I was still thrilled with pleasure from his mouth. As the sensation grew more intense, so too did my finger fuck of his ass. His sucking intensified. He was quickly bobbing his head up and down. He moaned louder and louder. He flexed his sphincter muscles. Soon I could hold it no longer. My dick swelled up with pleasure and cum and I squirted into Jay's mouth. Moaning in approval, Jay swallowed my cum. When he drank me dry he got up, but still kneeling on the bed straddling me. I took my finger out of his ass but continued to mush his butt cheeks. Jay jerked himself into a frenzy. Then he stopped and turned around. He straddled me again, this time facing me. With a smirk on his face he jerked himself again. His muscles rippled with his movement. His other hand rubbed across his chest. "Watch me cum. Watch my muscles ripple in ecstasy. Get my muscle man juice. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yes. Yes. Aaaahhhhh." Jay's cum gushed out of him. He continued to pump himself until every last drop was out of him. When he was done he stared at me and smiled. He slowly laid on top of me and put the covers back on top of us. We kissed. We held each other in the embrace until we fell asleep. When I awoke the next morning I was alone in bed. Jay was making us breakfast. He was wearing only his underwear. "Good morning. There's a ticket for you on the dresser. There's a bodybuilding competition next month at Madison Square Garden. It's a backstage pass. I'll introduce you to the competitors. There are some behind the scenes stories I haven't told you about, but I'll think you'll enjoy experiencing them yourself."


12 Gay Erotic Stories from Navar

Celebrity Auction

A very happy occurrence happened to me. I won the lottery. Naturally I splurged a little, ok a lot, but I soon regained my composure. I didn't want to spend my way back to the poorhouse. However, aside from material things, I wanted to go to places I never could afford before. I went to Broadway shows and fine diners. I had a great time at the infamous Russian Tea Room. There is a

Cruise To Heaven

A friend treated me to a cruise to get away from it all. I was a bit reluctant to go because I don't like just doing nothing. I'm sure there would be activities on a cruise ship but they would be lame. However, I was a little curious about the situation. I've never been on a cruise before so at least having a new experience would be exciting. Thoughts of the "Love Boat" appeared in

Hero Worship

Spiderman was depressed again. It's the same old story. He captures the bad guy to save the city, and he's a hero. Next day, people deride him as a vigilante, question his sanity, or just consider him a menace. People have short memories. He himself declares he would stop being a superhero from time to time, but he always goes back to it. This time though ... It would be nice if he

It's Just A Short Stop To Nirvana

It has been a while, but I return to J’s Hangout; a juice bar upstairs, a j/o club downstairs. All types of guys go downstairs, from the elderly gents to the scrawny twinks to muscle jocks. There are also various personalities like the slut who does anyone, the guy who just won’t shut up, and the mysterious short guy wearing a baseball cap. Perhaps the most frustrating personality is

My Favorite Yankee

In a way you can say I have a dream job. I’m not a CEO and am not a famous movie star. No, I’m a batboy for the New York Yankees. Now, I’m not a boy, but I would feel foolish if I called myself “batman”. Being a batboy is not a high paying job, but there are fringe benefits. For one thing, I attend all the home games for free. When the team’s not playing at home, they usually have

Prince Of A Trainer

I entered a raffle for charity. I didn’t expect to win anything, but it’s fun to play anyway. There were a number of large prizes such as a new car, five thousand dollars, and a family trip to Disney World. As I expected I didn’t win. However, there were a number of smaller prizes, one of which I did win. I won a year’s membership in a gym with trainer. I thought that was cool.

Save For Save

The fire was spreading as I headed out to the roof. The smoke was thick. I was trapped. I didn’t know if anyone saw me go this way. I couldn’t get to the exit doors like everyone else. Their backs were turned to me, and Batman was chasing the Joker. I heard sirens from the street below. I wanted to look over the side of the roof to wave to them so they would know where I was, but

Tarzan Origins

It must have been that last bullet. The jeep was leaking gasoline for the last five miles. I saw the gage on empty. The soldiers were bound to catch up to me. Staying on the road was too dangerous. Running into the jungle was not a good idea either, but there wasn’t much of a choice. I walked a half an hour before coming to a small river. I took the chance and walked upstream.

The Oilman

Times were tough. I needed to get a job, any job. I found work at Madison Square Garden as a janitor. Not a glamorous job, but work is work. I helped clean the arena after sporting events as well as maintain the general cleanliness of the entire building. Once in a while I would be asked to do odd jobs at various events, such as ushering. There was one sporting event that proved

The Photo Shoot

There was a small help wanted ad in the newspaper for an office assistant. I doubt it would pay much, but I needed the job so I had answered it. It was a Manhattan address. It wasn’t in a ritzy neighborhood. However, it wasn’t in a slum either, just a low rent area relatively speaking for Manhattan. I took the elevator to the 7th floor. It opened up into a reception area. I was

Wayne And Kent

“Sir, a reporter from the Daily Planet is here to interview you.” “Thanks, Alfred, show him in.” “Yes sir.” Clark Kent entered the spacious office. There wasn’t much furniture in it. It was mainly for visiting businessmen, as was Mr. Bruce Wayne. Wayne Enterprises is going to help finance a monorail link between Metropolis and Gotham City. Daily Planet editor Perry White sent Kent to

When Titus Was In Jail

As Craig Titus was escorted to his cell he was still muttering under his breath with anger. He knew the charges were trumped. He knew his conviction was merely symbolic. The bodybuilding industry refuses to admit to the wide use of steroids and pretending not to see it. It needs to have a contestant or two banned or arrested to prove its innocence. To now have a celebrity like Craig

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