Gay Erotic Stories

Classical Romance

by T.A. Ken

Working as a tutorial assistant to one of the best known paleontologists in Archaeology has always been a great thrill for me. The rewards academically have been astounding including the opportunity to work on archaeological digs in such far away places as Peru and Guatemala; not to mention the badlands of Alberta where some of the best dinosaur remains have been unearthed in the past ten years. Being a tutorial assistant, however, also has its down side, including the marking of scores of undergraduate papers which, to be generous, are often horrible. This is why I was so impressed last October when a paper of outstanding character and depth came mixed up with the rest of the usual rubbage. The student, whose name was Marc, got an A+ and a comment from me on his paper to come up and discuss the merits of his rather unusual thesis regarding the maturation cycle of the triceratops of the Mesozoic era. The week following the return of the students' papers is always a hectic one in which I usually find myself bombarded with requested to reevaluate or remark papers from students who didn't spend the time to research and write a proper paper in the first place. Needless to say this is also a stressful time for me as I really hate giving poor grades but sometimes have no alternative. It was getting late in the evening, going on seven, and I was just about ready to go drown my frustrations in a beer or two at the Graduate Club when a knock at my office door woke me from my dazed stated of mind. "Mr. Williams?" came a voice from the other side of the door, "Are you in?" "Yes, come on in", I replied although I really didn't want to face another student. When the door opened I was greeted to sight that was really rather rare that day, a smiling student. Stepping into my cubby hole which the university deems to call an office, this smiling undergrad offered his hand and when I reached out to shake it said, "I'm Marc Crawford, You wrote on my paper to come and see you sometime and I thought that this might be as good a time as any." It took me a minute to connect this smiling handsome youth with the excellent paper I had read weeks earlier but when it finally hit home I smiled in return and asked him to sit down. "It nice to actually meet you in person Marc", I started, "Its rare that a paper of your caliber crosses my desk these days." "Thanks Sir, I appreciate that." "Wait a minute Marc", I cautioned, "First things first; never call me sir. Save that title for Professor J---------." "Okay Si.... I mean...." Marc stammered. "Just called me Ken" I filled in. "Okay Ken" Marc laughed. "I hope that its not too late in the evening for you" "Well", I replied, "To tell you the truth Marc, I was just about ready to pack it in and go get a bit to eat and grab a beer or two. After all it is Friday." "Hey, no problem man," Marc said getting up from the chair opposite my desk, "I hear you. Perhaps another time?" "Sure," I started, "Perhaps next week sometime...." Then, thinking that it might be nice to have someone interesting to talk with over supper, I continued, "... unless you'd like to talk about your thesis while I wolf down some supper?" "Hey man, that'd be cool with me", Marc said, "But are you sure I won't be interrupting anything on you?" "Don't worry about that Marc," I laughed, "Us T.A.s have no social life don't you know? Besides, if you aren't busy on a Friday night what makes you think I would be?" "Okay... dinner it is" Marc laughed. "Where shall we go?" "Well I was just going to go to the Graduate Pub", I started, "But I guess you can't get in there so I'm open to suggestions." "Do you like Italian?" "Of course" I stated matter of factly, "Who doesn't?" "Great" Marc said reaching for his coat which he had laid over the back of the chair, "I know this great little Bistro with the best food in the city and the best part is that even us students can afford their low prices." With that settled we left the dingy space I call an office behind and left the university campus behind us as Marc drove to a section of the city I'd never had time to explore but which I recognized as being the artsie quarter of town. I thanked him for the ride as my Geo was in the shop for a change of tires. Getting out of the car in Little Italy, as Marc called the street we were on, I felt wonderfully refreshed by the cool autumn breeze and all the stresses of the week seemed to float away with the leaves in the lamp-light of the cobble-stoned street. Marc wasn't at lying about the food or the prices at the little Bistro and I found myself eating more than I usually would and consuming considerably more wine than I was used to as I listened with genuine interest to Marc's theories on the maturation cycle of the Triceratops, interrupting occasionally to ask a question or offer an insight or two. It was a wonderful conversation and I found myself thinking that I couldn't remember the last time I had had such a good time or been so intellectually stimulated. When we finally finished up with our meal I was astonished to find that it was getting on midnight and that the check came to less than $15 each. Leaving a generous tip Marc and I walked out to be greeted by the first soft flakes of gently falling snow - the first snow of the year. Answering Marc's statement that he would be happy to give me a lift home, I looked at Marc and said, "Thanks Marc, but I think that we should both get cabs and leave your car here since we've both had a couple of drinks." "Yeah, I guess you're right" Marc replied. "But to tell you the truth I don't need a cab as I just live a block away from here." "Lucky you", I said, "I live way back over by the campus - I figured I'd give up comfort for convenience." "Hey Ken," Marc invited, "Why don't you come over to my place and we'll have a coffee or two and then I can drive you home later." "Thanks Marc", I murmured, "But I've already stretched the rules of academia by socializing with a student and I've already been more than gracious... I should just get a cab home." "Oh come on," Marc teased, "You only mark the mid-term papers right? So strictly speaking you're not my T.A. anymore and we can be friends." "Well," I smiled, "I guess you're right there, but I still hate taking advantage of your good nature." "That's a load of Bull man", Marc laughed grabbing my elbow and starting me walking up the shallow rise of the street in the falling snow, "I'm the one taking advantage of you; I still have my theory regarding the extinction of the dinosaurs to run by you." "Oh, what the hell", I agreed, "You can give me coffee and I'll shoot down your theory of Dino extinction." Walking the block and a half back to Marc's place I started to become aware of a couple of things which I hadn't really noticed (or had I?) before. The first thing I became aware of was how good looking, in a rugged Adrian Quinn sort of way, Marc was and how appealing his gentle manner and easy-going personality was. The second thing I became aware of was the fact that Marc kept looking at me with a rather peculiar smile/grin on his face and how often he made body contact by touching my elbow or giving me a good-natured punch in the arm. Thirdly, I noticed that for some reason or another, I was getting a rather respectable hard-on as we walked together in the late-night air with our breaths freezing in the crisp autumn air. The final thing I noticed as we approached the stoop of his brownstone apartment building was that the first few flakes of snow had now turned into a considerable flurry of winter activity which threatened to turn into a real winter storm. Smiling we walked up the three flights to Marc's apartment and stepped into a dream in the making. Imagine if you will the stereotypical student apartment and you'll have a completely opposite view of Marc's place. I couldn't believe how neat and tidy and well furnished this loft apartment was; my own bachelor pad paled in comparison and I prided myself on keeping a nice place. The open concept of the loft afforded me a quick easy means of assessing Marc's tastes; comfortable yet stylish furniture, beautiful art work and posters, an amazing assortment of tropical plants and an awesome 8 foot long aquarium were the perfect accents to the old wooden beams and solid construction of the apartment. No television was to be found, the comfortable looking sofa and easy chairs instead angled around a massive and very gothic looking fireplace with high mantle which showcased Marc's collection of trophies, collectibles and oddities including the replication of the famous Tsung Skull. Ushering me in, Marc told me to make myself at home while he brewed some Kenyan blend for us. Noting my admiring stares Marc apologized stating that as much as he disliked it he could not escape his Mother's overindulgence and said that he hoped I would forgive his blueblood ancestry. Settling down on the sofa, I made small talk with Marc as he ground his own beans and set the coffee to brew. The fact that he was obviously from a rich family and rather spoiled made me appreciate his fine paper and keen intellect all the more as I had come across many a spoiled little Lord Fonteroy who thought that money excused them from any intellectual effort. Bringing two steaming cups of deliciously aromatic java with him, Marc came over and sat down next to me on the sofa and asked if there was anything I would like with the coffee. I assured him that the coffee alone was perfect and then started up a new conversation: "So Marc," I began, "What exactly is your theory on Dinosaur extinction, or would you rather discuss something other than Paleontology?" "Well", Marc laughed, "I guess its either a discussion on paleontology or I can bore you with my musings on the social grouping of ancient Greece." An advid lover of ancient Greek and Roman history and art I couldn't believe that Marc had such similar interests and so asked, "What musings? My pet hobby is studying the art of the ancient Greeks; especially vase painting and sculpture". "Hey cool", Marc replied with a note of excitement in his voice, "Perhaps we can talk paleontology another time eh? I'd love to show you my work on social groupings. I think that you'd really find it fascinating as much of my research to date has been based on interpretations of art forms." "Great stuff Marc", I cut in, "I'd really love to see that. What is your main findings so far?" "Well, nothing positive yet, but I think that I may have come across a code representing a secret association" Marc stated, "But I can't say for sure yet." "A secret association?" I asked, "What sort of association?" "Kind of like a brotherhood or Mason sort of deal" Marc called over his shoulder as he opened up a trunk at the far end of the loft and started digging out books and papers stacking them on the large butcher block table that seemed to serve the dual purpose of eating area and desk. "Wow, that would be a cool find" I said. "Yeah, but not that unusual, the Greek and Roman had a lot of secret societies so this will just be one more added to the list" Marc said in his modest way. "Well perhaps your secret society is unique", I volunteered. "Oh, it is unusual" Marc noted, "It's the first one I can ever recall that seems to have existed purely for sexual purposes." "What?" I asked incredulously, "A sex club?" "Yeah", Marc grinned, "That's what it seems like so far based on the pictographic evidence." "Wow," I said for lack of anything better to say. "Yeah, WOW," Marc agreed. "Would you like to see what I've pieced together so far?" "Of course I would" I said with excitement, "It isn't every day that someone is willing to share their research so openly". "Well you're the first" Marc said looking at me, "I trust you to keep my work secret." "Thanks Marc, I appreciate the quote of confidence." "Here is the first clue I had of the secret society" Marc said pointing to a symbol much like a coat of arms in several painting and relief sculptures. For the next ten minutes I listened with great interest to the intricate details of the artistic clues and symbolic references to the secret society Marc seemed to have unearthed. Motioning for me to sit back down on the sofa, Marc then sat next to me and stated that he had finally found the last major piece of the puzzle the week before in an ancient Sanskrit translation from an early Greek work which he identified as being connected with the secret society by virtue of the same symbol he had shown me being inserted periodically within the text. So far, Marc confessed, he had actually been able to piece together several of the groups secret activities. "That's amazing Marc", I said with genuine awe, "I don't suppose that you would share any of these findings would you?" "Well," Marc hedged, "I would but I don't know if you would be offended by it." "Why would I be offended?" I asked, my curiosity now really aroused. "Well," Marc blushed, "It is pretty graphic stuff and is all centered around gay sex". "Oh", I replied, "Well I guess that makes sense considering what we know of ancient Greece. But don't worry, I'm an academic remember?" "That's true", Marc smiled, "Just as long as you're forewarned." "Okay", I laughed, "I've been given the parental warning, "Go ahead do your worse." Grabbing a leather-bound volume from atop the stack of papers at the back of the table, Marc came back to the sofa and sat oppostite me at the other end. "Okay Ken", Marc said clearing his throat, "Here goes. This first part seems to be an initiation rite into the group: .... 'upon entering the sacred chamber the blindfold will remain in place... all members will approach the fledgling and stroke his back, his buttocks, his face, his thighs, and his manhood with the sacred plume' "I not sure what they mean by plume here" Marc said as an aside "I presume some sort of feather such as an Ostrich plume but it could be something else I suppose." .... 'the fledgling will taste of all members in turn, each member imparting to the new member his sacred seed as the fledgling kneels before the assembled group. The seed will be taken willingly and draw from each member by the talent of the fledgling. The seed will not be wasted but taken all in turn as the gift should be." Blushing Marc turned to me and said, "I think that in this passage we've just witnessed a guy being forced to suck off a whole group of men." "Yeah", I stammered, "That's quite the initiation." "Yeah it is," Marc replied, "But that's nothing compared to what comes next. Are you sure you want to hear this?" Loosening my collar I replied that it was fascinating stuff and for Marc to go ahead. "Well," Marc went on, "It would seem that after this first round of initiation that the new member would draw cards from two piles and then go off and perform different sex acts with the different members of the group." "Such as?" I prompted. "Well, in this one case," Marc started to read; .....'the fledgling has draw the card of the member Maxencius along with the card signifying the royal kiss. Retiring to secret chambers the fledgling is given a series of instructions regarding the royal kiss and is then requested to perform this act for Maxencius under the watchful eye of the Grand Patron. Dropping to his knees in front of Maxencius, the Fledgling must first wash the erectness of Maxencius with scented rose water and then annoint the royal scepture with olive oil. Maxentius will initiate the royal kiss by beckoning the youth forward and presenting his manhood to him. The royal kiss will commence with the fledgling licking the length of Maxentius in a slow and spiraling motion while massaging the thighs and buttock of the member. The fledging will kiss the entire shaft and being of the royal scepter ensuring that all surface areas are adequately licked and sucked by the would-be member. The kiss will be continuous and heartfelt; it shall be genuine and real and result in the seed of the member issuing forth and anointing the fledgling.' I watched Marc as he read this passage noting his shallow breathing and flushed look. I also noticed a slight bulge in his 501s and a certain glint in his eyes as he told of the ancient rituals. When he was finished the passage I asked him if he would mind if I used his washroom and told him that the passages were certainly very interesting. Showing me to the washroom, Marc stated that he'd get us another coffee and asked if I though a fire would be nice. I replied in the affirmative and reasoned to myself that while I'd probally regret staying up so late it certainly was an interesting evening thus far. My trip to the washroom gave me a few minutes in which to compose myself and to rearrange my stiffening cock in my jeans; I'd never had a gay experience but I was certainly finding this dialogue rather arousing. Just as I was about to come out of the washroom I noticed that Marc had a Magazine rack next to the toilet and for some reason I decided to look; leafing through the rack I found copies of GQ, This Old House, OutDoorsmen and Playboy. Typical guys stuff, I told myself but then my eye fell on a small magazine laying under the bottom lining of the rack with just the dog-eared corner sticking out. Lifting this secret find out from beneath the other mags, I found that my host had a very dog-eared copy of a Bi magazine as part of his reading collection. I didn't have time to leaf through it much but did notice that the dog-eared pages were those on which photos of guys engaged in oral sex were prevalent. Entering the living room I tried my best to pretend that I hadn't seen the mag as I didn't want to embarrass my new friend. Marc was busy lighting a fire and I asked if you would mind if I looked through his notebook while he went about setting the kindling alight. "Go ahead bud" Marc said, "Make yourself at home." "Thanks," I said sipping my second cup of Joe, "I really appreciate the hospitality." Looking through the books in front of me I noticed the symbol Marc had pointing out and saw several images depicting scenes of gay sex which seemed to support Marc's theory regarding the secret society. Noticing a sketch book at the bottom of the pile I pulled it out and had just opened it when Marc turned around having gotten the fire going. The look on his face when he saw the sketchbook was one of shock and then embarrassment. "Oh man," Marc all by cried, "Those you weren't really supposed to see". Looking at the talented sketches of men engaged in various sex acts before me, I asked "Why not? Aren't these part of your research findings?" "Well," Marc sighed, "Yeah, sort of." Looking up into Marc's gray-blue eyes I asked "Sort of?" "Well yeah," Marc squirmed on the sofa, "Some of the sketches are reproductions from the artwork or text but some are my own." "This is your work?" I asked amazed, "This is beautiful work; you really know how to draw." "Thanks", Marc whispered, "But I didn't want you thinking that I was some sort of freak." "Why would I think that?" I asked making the point of making eye contact with him. "Well, you know, the theme of the sketches and all" Marc said wringing his hands. "Oh for Pete's sake Marc," I laughed, "Don't you think that I've know for the past hour and a half that you are bi if not gay?" "What?" Marc cried in alarm, "How do you know that?" "Take it easy Marc," I said reaching out and laying my hand on his shirt sleeve, "I do know and I don't care. If it makes you feel any better I consider myself bi too, although I've never done anything about it." "Really?" Marc said with obvious relief, "I'm glad to know that you don't consider me a freak then. "Listen Marc", I said drawing closer to him, "I just looked out the window and there is at least four inches of snow on the ground. I don't know about you but I don't really relish the idea of going out in this weather." "Geez", Marc said, "I didn't realize, sorry about that". "Don't be sorry Marc", I said, "But if you'd like to you could make it up to me." Looking at me with a puzzled look, Marc asked, "What do you mean? How can I make it up to you?" "Well, first things first" I said, "You could let me stay here tonight". "Of course Ken, I wouldn't make you get a cab in this weather" Marc laughed nervously, "Is that all?" "No" I smiled, "That's not all... there is a lot more Marc but I suppose you can begin by giving me a Royal Kiss." I thought that Marc was going to faint dead away when I said that but I didn't give him a chance. Knowing that he had, at the very least, fantasized about being with another man, I boldly made my move and the next thing Marc knew I had him pinned to the sofa and was initiating a very hot and tender kiss. After about two seconds I felt the tension flood out of Marc's body in a rush as his lips opened under mine and his arms wrapped around me in a sweet embrace. Sitting with my back against the sofa, my legs spread eagle before me, I eagerly watched as my A+ student illustrated how quick a study he really is. My cock throbbed and pulsed in rhythmic passion to Marc's interpretation of the Royal Kiss. Since that night Marc and I have spent a lot of time going over the old manuscripts and interpreting the various rituals of the club we have revived from the ashes of history. Of course we have to reenact each and every ritual several times to make sure of its accuracy. Perhaps next time I'll write more about these rituals and the pleasures we derive from them. As for Marc and myself, we have decided that paleontology is fine and good but nothing beats Classical studies and research in front of a roaring fire.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from T.A. Ken

Classical Romance

Working as a tutorial assistant to one of the best known paleontologists in Archaeology has always been a great thrill for me. The rewards academically have been astounding including the opportunity to work on archaeological digs in such far away places as Peru and Guatemala; not to mention the badlands of Alberta where some of the best dinosaur remains have been unearthed in the


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