Gay Erotic Stories

Closet Space

by Paul

My first big step out of the closet was the purchase of a poster of a young bodybuilder wearing only a smile. My next big step out of the closet was finding the courage to hang it up in my room at home and leave it there. I did that, but trembled in fear for my life for the next couple of days. If my parents thought the poster indicated I was attracted to other boys, there would certainly be trouble. Then I saw the same poster in the window of a gym near home. A sign promoting a special weightlifting course covered the lower half. Inside were some really gorgeous guys working out. And the young attendant who greeted me was gorgeous. "D-Do you th-think I could look like that poster boy in your window?" was my question, and the attendant laughed. "Sure, before you know it. But it'll take hard work. No pain, no gain." "I'll work hard," I promised him. Being a new kid, and a skinny one, I attracted interest and concern from some of the regulars there. I accepted every bit of help I got from them and worked my butt off so they would like having me around. It was all work and no nonsense pretty much when the gym was open. After the front door was locked and the lights were turned down, everyone who remained began to . . . relax shall we say? The attendant responsible for closing up was the first one walking around nude, then came the guys who had lingered in the showers. "I wouldn't stand around and stare if I were you," the young attendant said, and I headed for the showers. When I peeked out to check on the goings-on, the young attendant was on his knees giving another guy a blowjob while others watched. One of the regulars caught me peeking and turned from his locker, grinning. I went back to my hot water and a moment later he was beside me. "Looks like the place is beginning to wake up," I heard him say. He was stroking a huge boner waiting for me to notice. When I turned around to show him the one I had, he stepped closer and took it in his hand. In another second or two, we had an audience watching from the doorway. "Initiation time," said the gym attendant stepping into the shower, and the young man in front of me dropped to his knees and took my erection into his mouth. He gave me back the same look of incredulousness I gave him, like he didn't much believe this was happening, either. Then our audience moved in for front-row seats. I replaced that poster in my room at home with the one that had been in the gym's window. It was really beat-up by the time I got to it, but I didn't care. There was a special memory attached to it I didn't ever want to forget.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Paul

Botones en Cancun

Esto paso cuando fuimos de vacaciones a Cancún con mis cuates del colegio para celebrar la graduación del colegio. Éramos como 10, todos teníamos 18 años e íbamos dispuestos a pasárnosla lo mejor que pudiéramos, ir a los antros y beber mucho. Mis mejores amigos iban conmigo. Yo me llamo Julio, Carlos y Pepe (mis mejores cuates) compartimos una habitación con vista al mar. Ese día al llegar nos

Closet Space

My first big step out of the closet was the purchase of a poster of a young bodybuilder wearing only a smile. My next big step out of the closet was finding the courage to hang it up in my room at home and leave it there. I did that, but trembled in fear for my life for the next couple of days. If my parents thought the poster indicated I was attracted to other boys, there

Dawson and Pacey Try Out Jack

With Andie out of town, Pacey was extremely bored. Jen was sick so Jack was out of his company at the house. So, when movie night rolled around and Joey was working, only Pacey and Jack were able to attend the weekly gathering in Dawson's room. The movie of the night was "Total Eclipse". Pacey, Dawson, and Jack were all sitting on Dawson's bed, and they were quite close together,

Fisted and Tattooed

I'll always thank my Uncle Bob for opening areas of me that have changed my life forever. I enjoyed stopping at my father's younger brother's house each day after school. It was on the way home and with Mom and Dad working late each evening, I developed a special bond with my kid uncle. He was an electrical engineer at the local Ford plant and he was usually covered from head to

Sonnet To Axilla

Sonnet to Axilla Oh dewey depth, where pecs and lats conspire, converge to form a hallowed hollow A grotto gracious Nature would bestow, where it's its wont to glow and to perspire, To intoxicate and then inspire. In damp confinement tangled gardens grow With vines and bushes no botanies know A hidden jungle temple of desire Each Paradise with


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