Gay Erotic Stories

Computer Lab Blow Job

by LongMan

During my freshman year at college, there wasn't much for me to do during the week. Since my roommate sucked and we had no computer in our room, I spent many evenings in the computer lab, which stayed open all night. Just beginning to act on my curiosities about other guys, I was responding to gay men's classifieds, and then keeping an e-mail relationship with them . Of course, nothing ever came of these--until I met someone from my own school. Our e-mails were being responded to almost instantaneously, and we were "talking" for about fifteen minutes before we realized we were in the same lab! There were some other people in there still finishing up papers or whatever, so we acted like we didn't know each other. Finally, I suggested we go to the bathroom at the same time. Standing next to the urinals, we admired each other's growing cocks, but still not confronting each other face to face because there was another guy in there washing his hands. When we got back into the lab, we made sure to sit by each other. After awhile, the lab emptied out, leaving just the two of us. I began to feel his bulge under the table when he unzipped his jeans. His cock was so big and strong it hit the top of the table right away. As he began to feel mine, I jerked his mighty flagpole until he moaned. We realized it wasn't safe. He suggested we go somewhere else, so we left the lab. However, on the way out, we realized that one of the closed computer classrooms was left with the door slightly open. We sneaked in there and shut the door. I immediately swallowed his member whole, and pumped up and down until he shot a thick load—half down my throat and half onto a nearby computer screen. He then gave me my first and favorite blow job ever. I came like I didn't know possible. My dick had never been so swollen! Now whenever I need to write a paper I always wait for that desk. What inspiration!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from LongMan

Computer Lab Blow Job

During my freshman year at college, there wasn't much for me to do during the week. Since my roommate sucked and we had no computer in our room, I spent many evenings in the computer lab, which stayed open all night. Just beginning to act on my curiosities about other guys, I was responding to gay men's classifieds, and then keeping an e-mail relationship with them . Of


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