Gay Erotic Stories

Cousin's Husband


This is a true story about my cousin's husband and me. My name is Chris and I was about 15 at the time. I thought that I was the hottest Latino around. I knew that I was bi since I was about 10 yrs old. I had just moved to Dallas and I was living at my aunt's house in Oak Cliff. I wasn't sure that I could ever be my self. That's until I met Jere. A tall white guy with brown eyes, black hair and a hot body. Jere was always nice to me and he always asked how I was liking it in Dallas or if I had a girlfriend. I would tell him that it was ok and that I didn't have a girlfriend. He always invited me to the store and to jack in the box, or just to go for a cruse. I thought that he was so cool to be around. He and my cousin were having relationship problems and,

I can still remember that very night when he asks me if I wanted to go to a club. My first reaction was yes. He asked me to iron his pants and I was like what am I going to get out of it. He said you will get a surprise later. I was like man Jere aren't those pants kinda tight? He was like. Yes, that's what the girls like. Not knowing I asked what do they like? He responded with. They like to see the ass and to see the bulge in the front of the pants. I was like maybe you have an ass but a big dick, I don't think so. I said white guys don't have anything! (Boy was I wrong ). He was like well this white guys does. I kept telling whatever. And out of my mouth came the remark, the day you have a bigger dick than me is the day that I suck it. He said you're on. I kinda thought what did I just say. After I showered, he got in right after me. I was getting dressed in my room when he walked with a towel around him. Muscles like crazy. I mean he had everything you could ever think of. I look away and I

Continued getting dressed when I realized that he dropped his towel and had put his pants on. I got a small view of his ass and saw only his pubic hairs in front. I wanted to drop to my knees and ask to see his cock. So we finished getting dressed and we were out the door. When he got into the truck he said tonight he was going to get laid no matter what it took. He kept saying that he couldn't wait to blow his load. I was like if the girls can find it. He said they won't have a problem finding this one. I was ok. He said man Chris only if you knew how big I was. My remark came out of my mouth again, Jere the day that you have a bigger dick than me I would suck it. He said well lets drive somewhere so we can see who loses this bet.

To be continued in about two days!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from DALLAS

Cousin's Husband

This is a true story about my cousin's husband and me. My name is Chris and I was about 15 at the time. I thought that I was the hottest Latino around. I knew that I was bi since I was about 10 yrs old. I had just moved to Dallas and I was living at my aunt's house in Oak Cliff. I wasn't sure that I could ever be my self. That's until I met Jere. A tall white guy with brown eyes,


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