Gay Erotic Stories

Cowboy Up, Part 1

by Rodeopup


The Calgary Rodeo had just finished up the night before as we headed across the border that next night after checking out of our motel late Sunday afternoon. Brian and I were sore from all the work to get the fencing and corrals broken down. We picked up our pay that night, got drunk, passed out and slept late till the motel owner came rapping on our door to wake us up and kick us out. Brian and I travel from rodeo to roundup to work the set-up and breakdown crew. Usually we get paid cash and get paid well since we are off the books. But the best part is getting to hang around with all those sweaty, tight-jeaned guys that ride and rope. Brian and I would never ride a bull. We're too big and tall for that. But we like it rough none the less. On our way past the border station we stopped off in Shelby for the night. We had hours to go before Helena and were too tired to drive on. Wanting to save money, we decided to sleep in the bed of the Chevy that night. We pulled in to a steak joint and woofed on rib eye and snuffed two buckets of six. We were full and blitzed, but we hadn't had any action in days. There were too many "family" men at the rodeo up north and we hadn't had a chance to blow our loads in days. On our way out to the highway to find a quiet rest area to sleep for the night we saw a fine stud around 23 years carrying a large, odd-shaped backpack. As we got closer and flashed on the brights, we saw that it was a saddle and a bedroll. He must have been one of the kids riding for the local circuit in Montana. We pulled over with our beers swinging outside the car doors, waving for him to cross the road and get in the bed of the truck. Brian and I just looked at each other with a coyote on-the-prowl grin when he shook Brian's hand and waved to me and was "much obliged" for the lift. He talked to us though the sliding glass in the rear window as we flew down the road to get away from the city lights. Brian knew the plan. As we made small talk and offered him some longnecks, Brian swerved to "miss" an elk. The kid questioned us as to "what elk?" and I rolled my eyes at him and explained that we had been driving for hours and had maybe too many beers and needed to sleep for the night. His said his name was Joshua and we introduced ourselves, Brian and Micky. I offered him to join us in the bed of the truck since the ground would be cold and damp. He agreed that the bed of the truck would keep the animals from pestering him. Oh, he was about to be pestered all right! I was just worried about Brian. I knew he was horny and he is a mean drunk when that happens. Even though we could see the road in the distance, there was no traffic. The night was still warm and humid outside. Brian and I immediately stripped down to our boxers. Both of us are in out late 20's and working a hard two-weeks out of every month, we were in sturdy shape. My six pack had disappeared last summer due to all the road food. But I could tell by the veins pumping down Brian's cut abs and slithering to his cock under his boxers that he wasn't ready to go to sleep. Josh kinda stood away from the cab of the truck as he got down to a tank top. He was about 5'8" and 160# which was standard for anyone who "rode". Big guys, like Brian and myself, both over 6'2" and over 200# can't take the beating from busting a bronco like the little guys can. We were about to see how much of a beating this kid could take. The light went on as he opened the door to the cab of the Chevy wondering if it might fit him for sleeping. He could tell it would be a tight fit in the bed with the two of us. The only light other than a cloudy moon, we could see he was tight and packed. Strongly built across the back, the muscles flexed as he put his saddle on the hood of the truck. He then stripped off his soaked tank top to reveal an impressive chest and thick forearms with sharp softball sized biceps. He was tan from hiking from ring to ring throughout the season and we could tell he had no problem roping a calf in just 6 seconds. Brian made his move. He told the kid that he didn't like anyone sleeping in the cab of his truck and wanted to lock our stuff in there, including the saddle. Josh agreed and put the saddle in the cab and closed the door. He then grabbed his rope, which had fallen and started to open the door again when Brian asked him to show us some of his roping techniques. Josh wasn't tired so we passed him another beer from the cooler we had dragged out into the field and had him try roping us from about 5 yards. The first try snapped against my neck and chest. Cowboy "cord" is not soft like the rope in gym class. It is hard, stiff and stings when it hits bare skin. I was in heaven. He apologized for hitting me in the head and I told him to try it again. This time it circled right around me and fell to my feet. Josh was getting hot and sweaty and looked so fine with no shirt and tight jeans. Brian decided to get in on this action. He yelled to Josh to try and catch him while he was running. Josh thought this was cool and fell down to the dirt and gravel and took his boots and socks off to make it easier for him to move around the field. Three hot, muscular, sweaty young cowboys running around shirtless, barefoot, with rope? It was gonna be a night that would frighten the possum.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Rodeopup

Cowboy Up, Part 1

The Calgary Rodeo had just finished up the night before as we headed across the border that next night after checking out of our motel late Sunday afternoon. Brian and I were sore from all the work to get the fencing and corrals broken down. We picked up our pay that night, got drunk, passed out and slept late till the motel owner came rapping on our door to wake us up and kick us

Cowboy Up, Part 2

Brian started to run slowly and Josh swung that rope in the air and caught Brian dead center across the chest, but it stayed loose and fell to feet. Brian told him that he wanted to feel the snap of the rope like the calves did once the rope circled the body. Josh warned him it might hurt and caught him dead center again. Josh pulled a little on the rope and the circle moved down

Cowboy Up, Part 3

Like I said, I had only seen Brian like this once before. It was pretty gruesome. Brian took the new unopened bottle and started to shove it down the kid's ass. I pleaded with him to take the serrated cap off, but Brian picked up an old bottle and threw it at my belly. I now knew that I best leave him alone and hope the kid makes it through. Josh let out a muffled scream as the


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