Gay Erotic Stories

Dark Dreams


Although my stories as all good stories should come from my own life experience, they have been appropriately fictionalized to protect the innocent and entertain the reader. They are intended for adults only. DARK DREAMS BY JIMBO The first few weeks of freshman year were rainy, dreary and lonely. I had enrolled too late to get a room in the dorm and was spending most of my scholarship money to rent a room in a private house off campus. I was homesick. I missed the older man, an Italian construction worker, who had been my lover back home. The college was such a small, conservative liberal arts school that I knew I had to keep my secret very secret or I would be black balled throughout the campus. My only friend was the landlord's son who was also eighteen and a freshman. (Someday I must tell you about him.) But he was a handsome football player who had a reputation of having fucked every girl in town and I was an underweight nerd with no real distinction who liked men. Several weeks after school started I was called to the Dean's office. He said that a room had opened up for me in the dorm and I was thrilled. It would be much cheaper to live on campus and easier for me to make friends, I thought. The Dean said that my roommate would be Don Edwards and my jaw dropped. "You mean I get to room with the captain of the football team, the best singer on campus, and one of the best liked students at the college!" "You don't mind that he's black?" the Dean asked. I was shocked. I had no such prejudice and was ecstatic at the thought of associating, even if briefly, with one of the finest people in the world. So I moved in and in a rather unique way Don and I got along very well. He was as big as I was small. Broad powerful shoulders tapered to an amazingly small waist which rode above the most powerful legs I had ever seen. His beautiful mahogany skin shone like polished wood carvings and encased the most beautifully and perfectly formed muscles I had ever seen. He was twenty- four years old having postponed college for a couple of years to work in a steel mill to earn the money to supplement his athletic scholarship. He was an art student and his impressive work covered the walls of our room. When he was in the dorm, he walked around wearing only the whitest Hanes briefs I had ever seen. They always looked as if they had just come from the package and nightly I dreamed that I could get into his package. He moved with such beauty and grace and spoke so gently and kindly that I was enraptured. One three-day holiday weekend after we had roomed together almost two months, we were among the very few men left in the dorm. It was one of those "dead" weekends when almost everyone went home except the scholarship students who couldn't afford the travel expenses. Friday night we lay on our bunks making "man talk." It didn't work too well. I didn't know much about sports or girls. Finally he said, "I guess you don't get much either." "Much of what?" "Pussy. Girls. You never seem to date and there aren't any black girls on campus for me to date. How come you got no girl?” "I guess they wouldn't be much interested in a skinny shrimp like me." "What do you mean? You' a good lookin' kid and you got as much hose as most any of these white boys." I blushed. Any mention of genitalia sent me into a dither and I was afraid I would say the wrong thing. "Guess I'm not too interested," I blurted out. He sat up on his bunk and exclaimed, "Don't tell me you queer!?" I caught my breath at the shocking word, saw my life pass before my eyes like a dying man, realized that my career at this college was over...and started to cry like a baby. Don moved over onto my bunk and put his arm around my shoulder. "It's okay," he said. "You ain't the first queer I met and probably won't be the last. I don't go for that stuff, but I don't guess you had anything to do with makin' yourself that way. You can't help it. Don't worry. I ain't telling nobody. You' my buddy. Come on. Tell me all about it. We got the whole night to talk." I was sobbing like a small boy and all the pent up frustration of these first months at college spilled out. I told him everything. When I had finished with the story of my life, he walked back over to his bunk, lay on his back with his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes. There was a long silence. When he opened his eyes, he looked at me and said, "What do you guys do anyway?" I thought for awhile and then told him in the most hygienic and sanitized terms possible how homosexuals have sex. Again there was a very long pause as he lay there with his eyes closed. Then he turned his head toward me and said, "White boy like you wouldn't be gettin' no idea about a nigger like me would you?" "How can you call yourself that word. You are the finest person I have ever met...and the kindest...and the most talented...and the most beautiful. And you'd never believe how many times I've cum in my pants just thinking about touching you." There was another long pause. The silence was deafening. Then he opened his eyes again and gave me one of his hypnotic, flashing smiles and said, "Go ahead." "Go ahead -- what?" I said in disbelief. "Hell, man! There ain't nobody around. Lock that door and do whatever you want to me. I can take it. You wouldn't believe what I been through. Go ahead. Touch me if you want to so bad. I locked the door and walked to his bed. I knelt beside the bed on the floor and gingerly touched the nubby hair on his amazing pectorals with the tips of my fingers. When my courage surmounted my pounding heartbeat, I got up the nerve to run my whole hand over his whole chest. I looked up at his beautiful face. His smile lit up the room. "That's all you want? Go ahead. Take all you want. It's all yours. I got no place to go." I got up my nerve and began to run my hands over his whole body, carefully avoiding what was under the Hanes briefs and which was swelling rapidly. "Hey, man, you better get them underwear’s off pretty soon or I'm gonna burst them. And while you're at it get them silly pajamas off. Real men don't wear pajamas to bed. That's for little boys and we real men now. I slid his briefs down and as I stood to remove my boyish pajamas looked at the magnificent body stretched out on that bed. No sculptor could create more beauty with the human form as inspiration. I couldn't restrain myself. Full of shame the tears burst forth again. His long arm shot out and his huge hands caught me at the waist and pulled me down of the bed beside him. His arms and legs entwined my body and I was completely enveloped by the world's most perfectly developed body. I was in heaven and the tears flowed as they hadn't since I was a child. "Hey, man! I thought this was what you wanted. Now quit the crying and do me up the way you wanted to. Teach me, professor." Professor had been my nickname for years. I opened my eyes and looked into his eyes and then I impulsively kissed him on the lips. It was a tiny kiss from a small person. I felt his powerful arms holding me closer and he returned my peck with a French kiss deeper than I had ever felt before or since. I began to cover his face and neck with kisses. I worked my way down his body losing my inhibitions and licking and kissing everything. The six-pack abs were astonishing! But on the abs was the fully erect penis. It was the largest I've seen. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to take it all. I wanted him so badly but I did not want to be face-fucked by that. I began to kiss and lick it. He moaned in pleasure and gently stroked my hair. Bit by bit, I worked my way down to the marvelous testicles covered with and surrounded by the softest nubbiest hair in the world. I licked those balls voraciously and then ate my way up the shaft to the throbbing head. I positioned myself and moved to take the monster into my throat. He was so aroused but so gentle. I heard him murmur that nothing like this had ever happened to him before but, although his entire powerful body seemed to be in motion, he did not force me. The climax when it came was the sweetest I had ever tasted and filled me completely. I drew back and looked apprehensively at him. Would I now get a punch in the mouth or worse? He was still smiling. He pulled me down on top of him and began to move my whole body up and down on his. I weaned to cum, but didn't dare to, and I felt his huge member pressing against my stomach. I was so aroused I couldn't think straight. I realized that I could hold back no longer and that I was going to shoot my wad all over him. But as I climaxed, I realized that he was cumming again! We lay in that position for a long time. I slept and he did too. When I awakened he was looking with a smile into my face. "I think we both need a shower and something to eat," he said. It was an odd time of the evening, but we went into the public gang shower together. I washed his body and kissed him all over in the shower. Finally I knelt before him and sucked him entirely into my mouth. He moaned and groaned with pleasure and when he had shot still another load into my eager mouth, he said, "Damn good thing football season is over. I don't think I'm gong to have the strength left to resist you all weekend." We dressed and went out for pizza. I was thrilled a t being seen in public with him and he introduced me to the few people we met as "my best buddy." We spent most of that weekend in our room. He never became more actively involved or participatory, but as his professor, I was a good teacher and I rejoiced in servicing every part of him. At the end of the weekend he said, "Now do you feel better, little fella?" "Yes, but what happens now?" "Nothing. You won't ever mention this and neither will I. And we won't ever do nothin like this again, okay?" I agreed. But I lied. On at least four more occasions that year I was able to pay full and complete lip service to the most wonderful man I have ever met. I cried when he graduated, but I haven't cried since. However, even today when I see a big powerful black man with a gorgeous smile, I have dark dreams and there is a longing in my body that I know will never be filled quite the same way again.


15 Gay Erotic Stories from JIMBO

A Night At The Theater

My friend Norman and I decided to break up our holiday together which had included plenty of touchy feely stuff and lots more sucky, sucky stuff...but that's another story. We bought tickets to a touring Broadway show and took our seats. There was an empty seat next to me and in my usually grouchy fashion waited for the fat, smelly old lady who usually occupied that seat whenever this


Since his morning classes were on the East Campus and the remainder were late in the day on the West Campus, the professor tended to work out at his gym rather than eat lunch. The men who were regulars at that time provided a real feast for his viewing pleasure and, sometimes, a bit more. Every so often an exhibitionist provided a show in the shower room and he had been involved in

Cement Mixer, Part I

I'm a middle-aged, married college teacher whose main sexual excitement usually comes from looking at, but not touching, the body-builders at the gym where I work out several times a week. However, my real fantasy is to get into bed with a fully natural body...the kind that men develop through hard construction. I am particularly fascinated by men over forty who

Cement Mixer, Part II

CEMENT MIXER PART II When Moose and I had finished dinner, it was still light out and we walked back to the bedroom with our arms around each other's waists. Moose told me about his life and his plans. He was retiring from the fire department and planned to pick up extra cash doing "odd jobs." I explained that there was very little that I had mechanical aptitude for

Cement Mixer, Part III

The cement truck made its first delivery shortly after I had finished my breakfast. I watched with new fascination when "my men" applied their finishing skills to the newly poured cement. While the truck went for a second load, I escorted each of the four men into the bathroom as I had the day before. But there was a difference. Both Moose and Tony asked if it was okay

Dark Dreams

Although my stories as all good stories should come from my own life experience, they have been appropriately fictionalized to protect the innocent and entertain the reader. They are intended for adults only. DARK DREAMS BY JIMBO The first few weeks of freshman year were rainy, dreary and lonely. I had enrolled too late to get a room in the dorm and was spending most of my

Frat Slut

FRAT SLUT BY JIMBO This story is based on true experiences but fictionalized to protect the innocent. It is intended for reading only by adults. It took place before current crises, but only a fool today would have unprotected sex. Attending a small liberal arts college in a rural Midwestern town far from the city is not a wise move for the young, gay male, but,

Give The Man A Cigar

High School graduation was over and college still months in the future when I took a job in a drugstore to help pay my college expenses. Across the street from the store a new church was being built, and I spent many hours looking out the window at the construction workers. I had a lover...sort of...and had established my own sexual identity, but I was far from "out." My

Holiday Red Blazer

CONDOMS CLUTTER EROTIC STORY LINES, BUT ANYONE NOT USING THEM TODAY IS A FOOL. THIS STORY, AS ALL THE OTHER IN THIS SERIES, IS PARTLY FACT AND PARTLY FANTASY BASED ON THE AUTHOR'S PAST. He had settled in to his new teaching job and felt he needed something to keep him in shape physically. Since his classes were divided between two campuses, he took to going to the gym in the

Home Delivery

Everyone seems to fantasize about the UPS man. Not me. I realized long ago that they are too busy to do all the things they are accused of in stories. But I have been very friendly with John, our UPS man. My wife orders lots of stuff from catalogues, so he has become almost one of the family. I once asked my barber about him. My barber knows everyone. He said that John still lives

Psyched Out

Although all literature is based on personal experience, these stories develop a character who has shared some of my experiences but who is not me. He lives in a kinder, gentler world; only a fool would have unprotected sense today. PSYCHED OUT BY JIMBO With his undergraduate degree in hand, he traipsed off reluctantly to do his military duty. That extraordinary experience

Rail Ways

My stories are, of course, based on my own life's experiences, but they have been fictionalized to protect the innocent and are intended for adult reading only. The stories took place in a kinder, gentler time; only a fool today would have unprotected sex, especially with a stranger. He hated to wear the uniform off the post. He realized that there were sometimes fare advantages

Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day By Jimbo Everyone in town seemed to know about "Fairyland Forest." This park conveniently located near the intersection of the two major interstates in town and featuring three parking lots, much undeveloped forest with streams and cliffs, and convenience for the gay population who rushed to its covers all hours of the day and night in spite of the


My stories are loosely based on incidents in my own past but are fictionalized to protect the innocent. They happened in a safer past; only a fool would have unprotected sex today. SOLDIERING BY JIMBO The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or


The war was in its final days. Still, with college degree in hand he reluctantly plodded to the draft board at his summons to do his patriotic duty. Had he been any smaller or any more near-sighted, he would have been rejected and the "Little Professor" ,as his friends called him, was certainly not very good military material. He had never been an athlete and was much too gentle to


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