Gay Erotic Stories

David's Torture, Part 2

by Mr X


Raphael stared at his young muscular prisoner; David was lying on the wooden table, moaning. The ass-reaming and abuse that Raphael had given David hurt him. But David was a strong stud; his endurance was phenomenal-even his football coaches wondered how he could work out in the middle of summer heat and never tire. But this was a different situation. Raphael had worked David over for hours. Now, David lay on the table, his dick and balls nearly crushed and barely conscious. David tried to sit up-but Raphael decided it was time for David to sleep. So he grabbed a rag, doused it in chemicals, and violently covered David's mouth and nose. The stud's muffled moans were short lived. Soon, he was unconscious. Hours later, David awoke. Groggy and disoriented, he thought that he had had a bad dream. As his vision cleared, he also realized that he was lying on his back on a table again. Soon he knew that he was still in the same place he was before. "Awake, I see. Sleep good, kid?" Raphael's voice rumbled. David craned his neck to see Raphael emerge from a room in the huge barn like structure. He was drying his naked form off with a towel. His huge dick was awake as well, standing at its full height. Raphael saw David's attention drawn to his dick. "Ready for more, kid?" David sluggishly sat up. Every muscle in his body hurt. He groaned "Ohhh…damn…" he whispered as he sat up. His neck hurt, his ass was throbbing and his head wouldn't stop pounding. "Please, just let me go, ok?" Raphael stood very close to David and glared. David braced himself for another assault. Instead, Raphael caressed David's tender dick. His hands were amazingly smooth as they stroked David's fat, juicy piece. Not again, David thought. "No," he whispered. "Don't hurt it." "I won't." Raphael replied just before he knelt down and took David's penis into his mouth. David quivered as Raphael's mouth worked his dick. Soon, David's "big soldier" began growing. Despite the pain his dick had been put through, it grew, larger and larger, filling Raphael's mouth. Raphael continued sucking, his tongue slurping all over David's huge member. David moaned softly. The sensations overwhelmed him as his sore yet hard dick pulsed. "Yeah…suck it…ah…ah…" he breathed. Abruptly, Raphael popped David's dick out of his mouth and stood up, leaving David's piece dripping from the mixture of his own precum juices and Raphael's saliva. He wrapped his enormous arms around David in a bear hug, hefted the jock off the table and flung him to the hard, compacted dirt. David's muscular body tumbled to the ground. David quickly recovered and swayed to his feet. He tried to run for what he thought was a door, but Raphael was too quick. Raphael tackled him from behind with full force, knocking the wind out of the young man. The two men fell to the ground, their bodies entangled in a battle for dominance. The two men were stark contrasts: David with a shorter, stockier, muscular build was mismatched against Raphael's 6'5", 270lb heavily muscled build. David knew a few wrestling moves and tried to use them, to some success. As they tussled, David was able to nearly throw Raphael off a couple of times. But Raphael was faster than David, and was able to almost totally dominate him. Raphael used chokeholds, leglocks, anything he could think of to wrestle David into submission. Finally, Raphael clinched David in a half-nelson, his powerful hands pressing against David's neck. He lifted David off the ground, then rammed him into the barn's walls. David dropped to the dirt floor, defeated. He was on all fours, trying to catch his breath, when Raphael's foot shot out and caught him square in the solar plexus! The savage kick knocked all the wind out of the muscle boy. He rolled over onto his back, groaning. "I…I…" he panted. Raphael grabbed David by his hair and dragged him into another room. He picked David up and sat him in a wooden chair. The chair was somewhat small, but what drew attention to it were the devices on and around the chair. Cattle prods, dildoes with electrodes, car batteries and power generators ringed the chair. Chains, hooks of all sorts, and shackles were also plentiful. Raphael parted David's legs, and fastend a cuff around each of David's ankles. He took David's hands and forced them behind the wooden chair where he cuffed them at the wrist. He stood back, and looked at David's strapping chest and his juicy nipples. David was at his mercy again. Raphael went to a box and pulled out some battery cables. He attached one of the ends to a battery, which, in turn, was hooked up to a generator. Then he walked toward David. Realizing what might happen, David began squirming violently in his chair. "Get that shit away from me!" He shouted. He struggled to get free, but the manacles held him firmly in his seat. Raphael clamped one of the cables onto David's right nipple. David's body contorted in pain as the cold metal bit into his sensitive flesh. "YAGGH! SHIT!!" He screamed. David screamed just as loudly when Raphael snapped the other cable onto his left nipple. His beautiful body jerked and spasmed as Raphael twisted the clamps around, squeezing and tightening around his succulent nips. "STOOOP! OH, GAHHH!" David cried out. Then, Raphael stopped. He walked away, only to come back with a 16" spiked dildo. At it's tip was a wicked looking electrode. He reached out, grabbed David's balls and yanked forward. David had no choice but to slide forward, exposing his ripe young asshole. David begged Raphael "No, man, I'll do anything…just don't put that th-AGGHHHKK!!!" David felt his world explode in pain as Raphael thrust the dildo into his throbbing, pained ass. He felt the unyielding device rape him, felt it split him wide open. It ripped a tremendous yell from deep within David, a desperate scream. "AWWRRGHAA!!!!" Raphael smiled at the young stud sitting powerless before him. He flicked a switch at the base of the dildo. A surge of electricity leaped from the tip of the dildo and tore through David's exhausted body. So powerful was the jolt, that David could only gasp breathlessly in torment. His muscular torso pitched forward, his powerful arms strained against the cuffs. "Man, please, stop," David wheezed. "My name is Daddy!" Raphael snapped. He flicked another switch, increasing the voltage. "I'm gonna fry yo' yellow ass!" The increased voltage was matched only by David's tortured screams. "NOOO! ARRRGHHH!!!" "Feels good, don't it, kid?" Raphael laughed. Sweat began to pour down David's ripped body. The rivulets of sweat only highlighted just how muscular this stud was. Raphael remembered that David's dick hadn't had any attention paid to it in a while. He seized the plump head and began crushing it. Raphael began twisting it again, causing David to cry out again. Raphael then powerfully grabbed David's balls. He began grinding the young stud's nuts in his massive fists. David's thick, muscled legs instinctively moved to protect his testicles, but they were held fast. "F-fu-fuck…you…" David gasped, still grimacing from the pain of the foot-and-a-half dildo drilling deeply into his ass. "You fuckin half-breed bastard," Raphael spat. He then ripped the nipple clamps off David's tits and clamped them onto David's wretched and worked-over balls. He then put the full weight of his forceful arms on the clamps, pulping David's balls. "AGGHHHGGHH!! OK! DAAADY! STOP!! AGGHHH!!!" Raphael removed the clamps. David slumped in the chair, spent. Raphael smiled, knowing that he was close to breaking this half-breed jock. He seized David's thick, curly black hair and wrenched his handsome face back to face his. Raphael then smother David with a wet, long kiss. David struggled against Raphael. Even in the midst of his torture, he couldn't believe this, this man was kissing him! "MMPHPHHH!!" was all David could say as Raphael's juicy lips subdued his cries. Then, Raphael released David from his smothering kiss. He moved behind David, and released him from handcuffs. Raphael then moved between David's legs. This is my chance, David thought. He lashed out with his remaining strength and socked Raphael in the face. He would have gotten off another punch, but Raphael was too swift. Raphael grabbed David's fist, then launched a punch of his own. It landed squarely on David's windpipe, choking him. While David gagged, Raphael uncuffed David's legs. He dragged David off the chair by his legs. The dirt floor ground into David's back; the dildo remained in David's ass, releasing periodic high voltage shocks through David's body. David flailed helplessly as Raphael dragged the football player across the room to a support beam. He hoisted David's limp form up into a sitting position. Raphael took some rope and tied it around David's anguished dick and nuts. As Raphael tightened the noose, David feebly struggled, to no avail. Raphael tossed the noose up and over a high ceiling beam and began to heave David into the air by his dick! With each pull of the rope, the rope tightened, pulverizing David's muscular, juicy dick and his meaty balls. "ARRGHHH!! PLEASEEEAARRRGHH!" Pull. "NOOO! LETMEGO! PLEASE!!ARRGGGHH!!" Pull. "MY DICKKK!!!!SHIIITTT!!! YO-YOU'RE TEARIN' IT AP---ARRGGHH!" Pull. Finally, Raphael had finished. He fastened the loose end of the dicknoose in a metal loop on the other end of the room. David's jockstud body hung helplessly by his nuts and dick. The rope bit viciously into David's penis, crushing the feeling out of it. All David could do was groan in the throes of sexual torture. Raphael walked up to his hanging victim. David's upside down head was even with Raphael's head. His muscular arms hung helplesly. His powerful, beautifully sculpted thighs and calves which brought him fame as a running back, now flailed in the air, adding to the bite of the rope in David's dick. Through the haze, David asked weakly, "Wh…what you gonna do?" "Easy," Raphael said sinisterly, staring into the dark, handsome eyes of his young muscled victim. "You're my new punching bag, kid."


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Mr X

Barber Shop Rough Fuck

"Shit!" exclaimed Trey as he whipped his car into the nearly empty parking lot of his barber shop. It was five minutes past six, and he knew that Kevin was closing the shop for the weekend. Trey would have just gone home, but he really needed to get his black, curly hair trimmed and his goatee edged up. Trey jumped out of his car and rushed to the door. Fortunately, it was still

David's Torture, Part 1

David eased his weary body into the shower. It had been a long day…first, football practice at 5 a.m., then a grueling day of classes, then more practice, and then a long meeting with one of the coaches and then a workout. And he hadn't eaten since lunch. It seemed as if he couldn't catch a break between trying to maintain a decent G.P.A. and being a decent tight end for the

David's Torture, Part 2

Raphael stared at his young muscular prisoner; David was lying on the wooden table, moaning. The ass-reaming and abuse that Raphael had given David hurt him. But David was a strong stud; his endurance was phenomenal-even his football coaches wondered how he could work out in the middle of summer heat and never tire. But this was a different situation. Raphael had worked David over for


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