Gay Erotic Stories

Dawson's Creek, Boys Night In, Part 3

by Kris Stevens

MALE BLACKMAIL PART III OF "BOYS NIGHT IN" WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are of adult age. The actors that play these characters are of adult age ( 19 and 22 and ? ). It contains male/male sex, and if you are not interested in that sort of thing, please do not read on. This story is a continuation of my first "Dawson's Creek" story, BOYS NIGHT IN, and my second story OH BROTHER, and will be much more pleasurable to read and make a whole lot more sense overall if you refer to those before going on. I don't like to waste too much time explaining background info, so if it doesn't make much sense, it may not be my fault. Please read these stories first. If you enjoy it, please feel free to send me comments. Thank you! What follows may be a little corny, but certainly nice to think about! NOTE: This is before the beauty pageant episode of Dawson's Creek MALE BLACKMAIL Sweat slowly trickled down Dawson's forehead as his mind stormed to think of how to get out of the mess he was in. It had all happened just yesterday, but it seemed that the whole situation had been playing over and over again in Dawson's mind for years. Dawson had gone over to Pacey's house with his camera to film a short movie for class. Pacey had offered Dawson the use of his house for the horror movie that Dawson had intended to film, when Dawson's own mother had forbid Dawson to ever film any more movies in their own house. When Dawson arrived to film the movie, Pacey was not yet there, he had been held up in basketball practice. Doug, Pacey's older and very attractive brother had invited Dawson into the house to wait until Pacey got there. Before Dawson could realize what was happening, Doug began seducing Dawson, and the two had made love on the kitchen floor, Dawson's camera filming all the while. When the two traveled upstairs for further passion, Pacey suddenly arrived home. There Dawson was, trapped upstairs with Pacey's older brother that he had just made passionate love to (and they were both in the nude). Pacey had just arrived home, and started calling around the house to see who was home. Well, of course Pacey had found them shortly after, and had very little trouble piecing all the clues together. Pacey had erupted in anger, and stormed out of the house without saying a single word to either of them. At least, Dawson had *thought* that Pacey directly stormed out of the house after finding him with Doug. After Dawson had gathered his clothes and went to retrieve his camera equipment, Dawson found that the video tape in the camera was missing. "Pacey must have the tape," Dawson had thought. What did he intend to do with it? What was he going to do about Pacey? He needed to talk to him badly. Dawson sat slumped on his bed. He was certainly in a pickle. Pacey was mad as hell over what he had done, and Dawson could not help but feel that Pacey had a right to be upset. Even though his first experience with Pacey had not been so long ago, Dawson had felt comfortable with thinking of Pacey as his secret boyfriend, and he was sure that Pacey had thought of Dawson the same way. Giving into his urges with Doug had been cheating on Pacey, and perhaps with the worst of all people. Dawson knew that Pacey resented his brother a bit because of his good looks, and the way that Doug had always picked on him. Some way, Dawson would have to work things out with Pacey....and hopefully get his video back. Dawson lifted his head from his pillow as he heard the phone ring to life, and picked it up. "Hello Dawson", said a bitter voice on the other end of the line. It was Pacey. "Hey Pacey!", Dawson said at he alertly sat up on his bed. "I'm so glad that you called. I really need to talk to you about yesterday and work this all out." "I don't think that you're going to be happy about hearing from me Dawson," Pacey heavily breathed. "You know the video that I stole from your camera?". "Yes...", Dawson spoke, shifting uncomfortably. "I was hoping to talk to you about that. Did you watch it?" "Of course I watched it Dawson." Pacey snapped. "I thought so...", Dawson sighed. "Pacey...listen...what happened was just....I don't know what to say. It's just something that happened." "I appreciate your in-depth explanation Dawson." Pacey said. "So....I did something that also just happened." "What are you talking about Pacey?" Dawson said. Something was up. "Dawson....I don't know how to tell you this", Pacey sarcastically said. Dawson could sense that this was all leading up to something very unpleasant. "After I watched the video of you and my brother...I just...well, I made a copy of it. And somehow....that copy just somehow got sent to Cliff." "What?" Dawson screamed. "You sent the tape to Cliff? Jen's Cliff?" "The very one." Pacey said on the other line. Even though Dawson could not see Pacey, Dawson could tell that a big smile was pasted on his face. "I left it on his doorstep just a few hours ago. Special delivery. I think that he will be talking to you very soon Dawson. I hope that you have fun! Ciao!". With that, Pacey hung up the phone. Dawson's hand shook as he placed the phone down. "Fuck!", he said softly, then again much louder."Fuck! Fuck you Pacey!". Dawson didn't think that he could react in any other way. Had he really done it? No....Pacey would never do that. Pacey had been really angry, but he would never do something as mean as that. He had just been really mad, and had told Dawson he gave the video to Cliff to freak him out. It was just a really mean joke, and nothing more. In just a minute, the phone would ring, and Pacey would tell Dawson that he had just been joking. He was his best friend. Or had he *been* his best friend?As Dawson waited by his phone for several minutes, and as the shock began to slowly die down, Dawson began to ponder that Pacey might actually be angry enough to really Do such a thing. What if he really had sent it to Cliff? What would he do then? Man, Cliff? Cliff was the one of most macho guys in the entire school, and he didn't seem to like Dawson very much. He had been cordial to Dawson over time, but Dawson was sure that Cliff saw him as nothing more than a possible obstacle in getting with Jen. Cliff was so....well, Dawson was sure that Cliff would not be one to stay quiet about this sort of thing. If Cliff did find out, then how would he act around Dawson? Dawson hated to admit it, but he found Cliff very attractive. If Cliff found out, then after he had humiliated Dawson in front of the entire school, Dawson was sure that he was going to steer clear of him for the rest of his life. Dawson would hate that. As much as he resented Cliff for all that he was, Dawson could not help but be attracted. Cliff was a football player, and that meant a hot body with a broad chest, and a hot ass topped off with hot muscles. Dawson had more than once had to force his eyes away from Cliff as he walked down the school halls, his brown hair, his sexy eyes, his strong chin that was always covered with the bristly hairs from a poor shaving. And Cliff knew that he was sexy. He often wore thin white tee-shirts to school, ones that clung tighly to his firm chest and muscles, that outlines his pecs and nipples. For the bottom half of his body, Cliff often wore tight jeans that clung to his firm ass. Whenever Cliff walked down the halls, an erection would always form in Dawson's pants. More than once, Dawson had been forced to hold his folder close to him in order to hide his excitement. While Dawson had learned how to keep his eyes away from most of his school mates (as not to give his secret away), whenever Dawson saw Cliff, it was almost impossible to do so. Dawson felt his tool stiffen as the images of Cliff filled his head. Reaching into his boxers, Dawson have his cock a quick tug to readjust it to a more comfortable position. He didn't feel much like walking the dog after all that had happened. Dawson's Cliff day-dreaming was suddenly brought an end when Dawson heard a rapping on the door. Was it who he thought it was? Dawson thanked God that both his parents were at one of his mom's work's annual television broadcasting conventions. They would be staying in the capital city overnight. If it was Cliff, it would be hard to explain what he wanted to mumsy and daddy. After almost tripping downstairs, Dawson ran to the door and peered out the eye hole. A gasp escaped his mouth as his eyes fixed upon who was standing on his porch. It was Cliff. He had clearly seen the video of him and Doug, and now had come to confront him, Dawson thought. What would he do? Was he going to tell the entire school about Dawson? Cliff had resented Dawson ever since he formed a relationship with Jen. When Cliff had seen the video, Dawson bet that he had seen it as a chance to get back at Dawson for annoying him in film class, as well as getting in the way of the girl that he wanted to date. That fucking Pacey! How could he have done such a thing? " I'm as screwed as I can be", thought Dawson." My life had come to an end!" A million different horrible thoughts ran through Dawson's head, each one causing his stomach to wretch and his body to shake. "Open the door Dawson," Cliff's gruff voice commanded, "I know that you're in there Dawson. I think we need to have a little talk about a little video, if you know what I mean." Dawson again brought himself to look though the eye hole, and now saw the video clutched in Cliff's hand, as he waved it back and forth, a devilish smile fixed upon his face. "If you don't open the door right now Dawson," Cliff continued, "I may have to go into detail how well I know how to use the TWO VCR's in my house. I'm sure that Jen and Joey would like to see your little movie very much, as well as every other student in Capeside." Dawson felt his knees buckle. He was trapped. That fucking Pacey had him trapped. He would have to do whatever Cliff wanted. Perhaps he would have to do all his homework for the rest of his life. Perhaps we would be cleaning the locker room floor with his tongue. Whatever Cliff wanted, Dawson was going to have to do. With a heavy sigh, Dawson opened the front door. "I thought that you would see it my way," Cliff smiled, as he happily walked into the Leary home. As usual, Cliff was sporting his thin white tee-shirt and skin tight jeans. Dawson could see Cliff's nipples though the fabric, and spotted a few chest hairs sprouting from the collar. Dawson felt his cock stir the slightest bit. "Dawson, Dawson, Dawson," Cliff smiled, holding up a video tape in his hands. "Somebody gave me this present today, with a note attached saying..."If you want to get Dawson, then this is how to get him". Well, I couldn't help but be intrigued. After I watched the video, I knew that I had struck gold. I had always thought you were a fag". Dawson flinched slightly at the crude comment, but continued to listen. "You've been a pain in my butt this entire year Dawson, and I think that from now on, things are going to change around here." "What do you want Cliff?", Dawson said meekly. He would have to be very careful not to make Cliff angry. "Hmm....what *do* I want," smiled Cliff. "That's a very good question Dawson. There are so many things that I've wanted for a long time. And looks like I am going to get them." "Like what?", Dawson asked, trying to control himself from breaking into tears. "Well, for starters....", Cliff said, as he began to pace around the room, "I've always hated my Algebra homework. I think that you'll be doing it for me the rest of the year. For seconds....I want you to wash and wax and vacuum my car every weekend. You'll also be writing all my papers in English Class, and in History. I'll also be wanting a substantial cut of your Video Store salary. Things that any good *friend* who keeps secrets deserves." The commands shuffled through Dawson's head, as his feelings about the whole awkward situation began to form. What Pacey had done to Dawson was crueler than anything he had ever experienced, and it was making him angry. And was Cliff, being more an ass than Dawson had ever given him credit for. It was all too much for Dawson to control. Dawson's face began to flush as the anger boiled over, his mouth opening despite his mind's commands that he keep Cliff happy. "Fuck you Cliff", Dawson spurted, realizing his mistake all too late. "What did you say?" Cliff said as his face exploded in anger. "Nothing....", said Dawson. "Oh you said something pal. I heard you!", Cliff suddenly walked forward and pushed Dawson against the wall. Dawson's body slammed loudly against the plaster as Cliff continued to walk forward, placing his arms on each side of Dawson, pinning his arms against the wall. Dawson had forgotten that Cliff had also been a member of the wrestling team. Cliff was bigger and faster and stronger than Dawson. Dawson had made a *huge* mistake. "You better watch what you say you little fucker!", Cliff yelled at Dawson. "Unless you want that video to be made available to every person in Capeside." Cliff's face was only inches from his captive's, his body uncomfortably close. Dawson could feel Cliff's breath spread across his face, and could smell his musky cologne. "I don't think that I like what you said to me, Mr. Leary." Cliff said with a menacing face. "I don't think that I like what you said to me at all." Dawson found Cliff's words difficult to listen to. The closeness of Cliff's hot body, the awkwardness of it all, his sweet breath brushing his face was too much for him. Dawson's cock was springing to full mast , which became very noticeable to Cliff through Dawson's thin boxers. Cliff's eyes traveled down to the boxers, then traveled back up to Dawson. Dawson felt the blood rush to his cheeks, and waited to Cliff to react to what he was seeing. For what seemed like forever, Cliff only looked right back at Dawson. Slowly, however, a sly smile began to spread across Dawson's face. Suddenly, Cliff thrust his pelvis forward, pressing his body tightly against Dawson's. Dawson gasped as his cock swelled at the sudden friction and pressure. Through the thin fabric Dawson could also feel Cliff's tool, which was clearly as hard as Dawson's. Dawson's mind began to spin. "I don't like what you said one bit...", Cliff continued, seeming to pay no attention to the fact he was pressing his cock against Dawson's, "I think I am going to have to shut that mouth of yours right now...". Cliff locked his eyes into Dawson's and began to move his face forward. Dawson's head instinctively tried to move back, but could not move. Cliff moved in and pressed his lips lightly against Dawson's at first, then pressed harder. Before Dawson realized what he was doing, he was inviting Cliff's tongue in, letting it trash wildly inside his mouth. Cliff thrust and searched every inch of the eager mouth, not letting go until his body forced him to pull away and gasp for breath. As he pulled away, Cliff released his hold on Dawson, and backed up. Dawson lurched his body forward to the new freedom, stepping a few feet away from the wall. Cliff was smiling, and once again locked his eyes onto the full mast displayed in Dawson's boxers. "I knew that you wanted me Dawson," Cliff laughed. "Pacey told me that you did." "He told you WHAT?", Dawson gasped. "What was that just then? What's going on?". "I think that I can explain that", a voice said. Pacey stepped out from the kitchen smiling. Cliff turned his head and smiled, welcoming the new guest to the Leary home. "Pacey?", Dawson yelled. "What are you doing here? What's going on?". "Oh...I think that you deserve a little explanation," Cliff smiled. "Pacey? Would you like to explain?". "Well Dawson," Pacey said sporting a devilish grin. "I was so mad when I found you with my brother. I didn't know what I was going to do. I saw that tape in your camera and took it, because I had a pretty good idea of what it had been filming. When I took that tape and watched it, I wanted to kill the both of you. I've had to compete with my brother my entire life, and I felt like now I was going to have to compete with him for you. But, after I talked with my brother about what happened, I came to understand that you didn't seem to have much say in what happened. I couldn't be mad at you for that." Dawson shook his head in disbelief...what was going on? "I watched the tape again, and I know that my brother seduced you. You would be crazy not to have given in on your body's urges," Pacey continued. "My brother is hot, well, I know that he is hot to other people, not me of course. That would be sick. I can just tell by the way that people react to him that people find him attractive. But...I thought about our relationship a lot, and came to the conclusion that if we were both attracted to people, then we should both act on it to satisfy our urges. But TOGETHER. Then I thought of Cliff. I knew that you wanted him, and why the fuck wouldn't you? He hot!". Cliff began to blush slightly as Pacey spoke. "I 've seen Cliff a lot in the locker room at school, taking showers after practice, you know....since I had basketball practice, and he had his sports too. Anyway, I used to watch Cliff because he was so sexy, and I noticed that he would sometimes get an erection when taking showers with the other guys. So, I decided to take a chance and give Cliff a package." "I opened my door, " Cliff said, taking on the story, "And found a note saying "I you want to get Dawson, then watch this. If you know what I mean by this, then give me a call....Pacey." Well....I certainly wanted to get you Dawson. When I watched that video, I was in heaven. I'm sorry about all the hard times that I've given you. I just couldn't deal with the fact that I wanted to fuck a guy. I mean, I realized that the whole reason I started hounding Jen to go out with me was so I could get close to you. When Pacey gave me that video, I knew that he was aware of how I felt, and maybe this was my chance to get what I wanted. So....I gave Pacey a call." "And I thought that we would all meet here." Pacey continued. "I knew that your parents would be gone tonight, so what better chance? I want this to happen Dawson, and so does Cliff." Cliff nodded in agreement. "Do you want this Dawson?", Pacey asked. Dawson remained silent for a long time, as his brain tried to take in all that he had just heard. It was crazy. It was just simply crazy. sounded so good. "Why not?" , Dawson said, smiling. Pacey and Cliff both gave each other a juvenile high five, which caused Dawson to laugh. "Why don't we celebrate this arrangement with a drink?", asked Pacey, as he walked into the kitchen. Pacey then re-entered with a 24 box of beer. Soon, each of them had drunk their share, and any inhibitations that they had about the whole night before were now gone. Taking Dawson's hand, Pacey led Dawson to the couch, and motioned for him to sit down. "Cliff and I talked, and we want to, well, put on a show for you." "Just watch Dawson," Cliff said, once again flashing his sexy smile. Placing his hands on Pacey's shoulders, Cliff began to tug at Pacey's shirt, and tossed it aside. Dawson's eyes scanned his lover's body, the lightly tanned well toned chest, a thin outline of stomach muscles, the small collection of chest hairs between his nipples and the thin circle around them, the even thinner trail that went down his stomach. Pacey then rested his hands on Cliff's chest and began to rip at the thin white tee-shirt. Ripping the shirt away, Dawson leaned back at the sight of Cliff. His chest was that of a greek god's. His pecs were firm and tight, sexy brown chest hairs covered him, trailing down his stomach to his six pack. Football and wrestling and all those sports had done their job to create a body that once again caused Dawson's cock to leap to full mast. Next Cliff began to tug at Pacey's shorts, and removed them. Pacey was now left in his underwear, his erection well outlined by the thin fabric. Bending down on his knees, Cliff then took the elastic band in his mouth and pulled them down, finally releasing Pacey's erect cock, which sprang to attention from it's nest of thick brown hairs at 5 1/2 inches. Dawson shifted on the couch. This was almost much for him. His cock was throbbing, demanding attention, and Dawson was forced to start rubbing it through the fabric of his boxers. Pacey then pulled down Cliff's tight jeans, which at once released his beautiful erect cock at 6 inches. "He wasn't wearing any underwear, " thought Dawson. "That's what I had always figured." Now that the two were undressed, Cliff motioned for Dawson to rise and move to them, which Dawson gladly did. With his hands, Cliff pulled down Dawson's boxers, which at last freed his 7 inch cock. "You were right Pacey," Cliff winked at Pacey, "Dawson does have a huge cock". Pacey then came from behind Dawson, and wrapped his arms around his body, placing his hands onto Dawson's chest. Cliff, from the front bent down onto his knees and took Dawson's large cock in his mouth. Dawson released a small moan of pleasure with the touch. First, Cliff focused his mouth on the head, sucking with a mad eagerness of a passion held back for too long. Slowly though, Cliff began to take in more and more of the cock. Dawson moaned with great pleasure, his body beginning to buck and move with the pleasure that Cliff' mouth was giving him. Pacey was serving as support for Dawson, pressing his body against his back, Pacey's erect cock resting between the cheeks of Dawson's ass. Pacey's hands traveled up and down Dawson's firm chest, the sensual touch arousing Dawson all the more. When Dawson pushed forward, Pacey also pushed forward, the pressure of Dawson's ass cheeks sending wild sensations throughout his body. Soon, Cliff was able to take in almost all of Dawson's cock, his sucking becoming wilder and faster as Dawson's thrusting became more eager. Dawson groaned and moaned with the sensations of pure pleasure that the mouth was creating. Sweat trickled down Dawson's chest, and the blood began to flush his body. Dawson's body screamed for release, and before long, Dawson could not hold back any more. A wild orgasm exploded through Dawson's body. Cliff pulled his mouth away and allowed Dawson's waves of cum to shoot all over his hairy chest. As the orgasm surged, Pacey thrust his pelvis forward to give his cock the pressure it demanded. Knowing that he was going to have to wait to be inside Dawson's ass, Pacey then backed away from Dawson and used his hands to give his cock the final sensations it needed to send Pacey over the edge. Sensing what was coming, Dawson turned to Pacey and caught the streams of cum shooting from Pacey's cock. As the two orgasms came to an end, Cliff and Dawson laid down onto the soft carpet, and allowed Pacey to lick the cum of their chests. After he had finished with Dawson, Pacey moved onto Cliff. Licking the cum away, Pacey matted down Cliff's thick chest hairs with his tongue. Cliff softly moaned as Pacey took one of Cliff's nipples in his mouth and began to suck, then moving onto the next nipple. While Pacey's wild tongue sucked at Cliff's nipples, Dawson ran upstairs and returned with his jar of Vaseline. As Pacey continued to suck on Cliff's chest, Dawson opened the jar of Vaseline and scooped out a generous amount. Taking his hands, Dawson rubbed the Vaseline onto Cliff's erect cock, Cliff gasping at Dawson's soft touch. When Dawson's lubing was done, Dawson then laid onto his stomach, and slightly lifted his cute ass into the air. Pacey pulled away from Cliff and motioned for Cliff to mount the hot young stud he had wanted for so long. With some hesitation, Cliff bent down and placed one of his hands onto Dawson's hip. Using his other hand to guide his tool, Cliff entered Dawson, which caused Dawson to release a small grunt. With time, Cliff began to enter more and more of his cock into Dawson, each thrust causing him to release a loud moan of pleasure. Pacey was not to be left out. Taking the jar of vaseline, Pacey spread some onto his once again firm cock, and approached Cliff. With some difficulty, Pacey was able to enter Cliff, who let out a small cry of pain. "That fuckin hurts!", Cliff said. "Is this how it feels to you Dawson?". "It only hurts for a short time, and then it's replaced by pleasure," Dawson said between his heavy breathing. Soon the three of them had formed a rhythm, thrusting and pulling together. Moans and grunts filled the room, the cries of great pleasure. Sweat poured from all of them, the musky smell of man filled the air, turning all of them on even more. The thrusting became quicker and more urgent, their bodies commanding them to give release. Soon, they could not hold back, and Pacey and Cliff both exploded in orgasm together. Cliff let go a primal scream as his cock began to shoot it's load. Waves of hot pleasure shot through their bodies. After the orgasms were over, the three collapsed onto the floor, and struggled to catch their breaths. "That was fucking awesome", Cliff said, then gave Dawson a quick kiss on the lips. "I never imagined that it could be like this". "Either did I," Dawson smiled, "But obviously someone did,". Dawson turned his head to Pacey and winked. That night, the three of them slept together naked on the floor. THE END Any Comments? Please! Kris Stevens


6 Gay Erotic Stories from Kris Stevens

Dawson's Creek

Discmaimer: This story depicts characters from the television Series "Dawson's Creek". The names and places involved in this story are the property of the show's creator, Kevin Williamson. This story does not reflect the attitudes of the writers, actors, and staff. They are not my creations, I am just having my way with them. Warning: This story contains two young men having

Dawson's Creek, Boys Night In, Part 3

MALE BLACKMAIL PART III OF "BOYS NIGHT IN" WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the

Dawson's Creek, Jay Walking, Boy's Night In, Part

WARNING: Disclaimer: This is a fictional story is based upon characters from the television series "Dawson's Creek", created by Kevin Williamson. This story in no way reflects the feelings or attitudes of the cast and crew. They are not my characters, I am only having my way with them. ---This story is written as if the characters are of adult age. The actors that play these

Full Moon

M/M/F oral sex, M/F sex, anal sex Oz, Willow, and Xander. This story depicts characters from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" created by Joss. It contains boy/boy sex, and boy/girl sex, containig oral and anal sex. If you do not want to read such material, then DON'T FULL MOON 1 Oz peered out his window, once again taking in the terror associated with the setting sun.

Shelving, Parts 1 & 2

Shelving, Part I & II This is a story based upon characters from the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" program. Characters:Mainly Xander and Oz. disclaimer: Everyone in this story is the intellectual property of Joss, WB and the Grr Argh Mutant Enemy. Note: if boy/boy is not your thing, do not read! This story depicts sexual acts between two men. SHELVING PART 1

Shelving, Parts 3 & 4

Shelving, Part III-V PART 3: Oz found himself kissing back, despite the fact that he was closer to being in shock than he ever had before. The kiss was a long one, involved and deep, certainly more sensual that Oz had ever experienced. Cordelia was one lucky girl. Suddenly, Xander pulled back. "Oh my God," said Xander, " I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so


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