Gay Erotic Stories

Dev After Dark At The Water Park

by Xander_16

Well hi, it's me Xander_16, the tabloid photographer here to tell you another tale of well, you know. This story is kinda related to the last one I did that was called "Dev And Leo Plus Me Is A Trio". I know I always come up with stupid rhymes for the titles, but hey, it's the only way I can remember all the stories I've written, which so far is 2 not including this one. Anyway, you should read that one before reading this one, because you might not know what I am talking about in certain bits if you don't. Okay let's get straight to it then. It was a hot day and it was the weekend. Not that I could ever usually do anything on the weekend, since I had to be anywhere at any time for my job. I was at this water park, like I said, it was a hot day, but I wasn't there because of work. It was really fun and I'd like to go back there one day, especially if the same thing happens to me that happened when I went before. Okay, this is what happened when I got there. Everything was fine and the water slides were really cool. They gave you this yellow armband to wear to prove you paid to use the water slides, everyone had them on and they made some people look kinda cute. I lined up to go on the water slide and I went on it a couple of times. But on my last go, when I reached the bottom I saw someone who I could swear, looked like Devon Sawa1! He was wearing a dark blue Nike cap and a necklace with a cross. I really thought it was Dev. I followed him around most of the day, mostly going on the water slides and in the pool and that. I still wasn't sure it was him, until I heard him speak. Then I was sure. I was so excited. I was in the same pool and going on the same water slides as Dev. Anyway, he also had a friend with him, I wasn't sure who that was, but he was kinda cute too. He had really short black hair and wore a dark blue basketball singlet. At the end of the day they were gettin ready to leave and I was disappointed, because, first of all, I didn't have my camera, and second of all, I didn't get to see any of them in the change rooms. But then it happened. I saw them walking toward the change block. I was so hard by then, I had to keep my towel in front of myself, so as not to attract any attention to my, uh, situation. I entered the change rooms just after Dev and his friend did, to see them stripping down and getting into the showers. I didn't know what to do. Should I wait until he came out to take a look, or should I go in and see. I took a chance and went into the shower as well. As I entered, I heard some laughter, and I started fantasizing about what they could be doing in there. I went into the shower behind Dev's, so if he turned around--I could face the wall and he wouldn't see my hard dick. I turned on the water and watched the steam fill the whole room. It reminded me of that scene in "School Ties". I watched Dev and his friend out of the corner of my eye; he was so hot I just wanted to jack off right there. I turned on the cold water, hoping that it would suppress my hard dick, it worked, a bit, I wasn't fully hard, but it was good enough. I turned around and I was about to say 'hey aren't you Devon Sawa? That last movie you were in was really cool" when I saw his friends' hand on his ass. I thought am I actually seeing this? Is Dev being fingered in the shower by his friend? I decided to talk to him anyway, and when I said 'Aren't you Devon Sawa', he said, "Yeah". But that's not what I was interested in, I already knew that it was Dev. I wanted to see what he had bellow the waist. He seemed nervous, I looked down as if I was checking my watch and what a sight I did see. He was hard, and not just a bit, really hard! I returned to showering, and tried to watch Dev and his friend at the same time. I saw his friend's hand move back to Dev's ass and he was moving a little up and down. I slid some soap over across the ground in their direction and when Dev bent over to pick it up, I could see he had his other hand on his dick. When he turned around to give it to me (the soap that is), he saw that I was hard and a little smile filled his face. A couple of moments later, Dev's soap slid over my way and I positioned myself, so my ass would be facing them exactly. Then, when i went to pick it up, I felt something. A hand, a dick what? It was Dev with his hard dick touching my ass and his hand starting to rub it. He pulled me towards him. He kissed me and I began to feel his ass myself. His friend came up behind me and started to show me what he had been doing to Dev--it felt so good. I lowered myself down and started to suck on Dev. His dick now pulsing and hot. I felt his friend's finger caress my ass and start to insert, slowly. It drove me wild and Dev started to move his hips forward and back. His friend now moved to feeling my chest and my dick as I continued to suck Dev off. He yelled out "I'm gonna cum, move, I wanna fuck you man" He ran behind me and started to ram his dick in as hard and fast as he could. The first thrust filled my ass with pain, and I nearly fell over his friend, who was now sucking me off. Dev rammed it in again and again, I could feel the power in his thrusts, sending his dick deep into my ass. I felt his hands start to caress my body and we kissed again. His friend was getting tired of sucking me off now and wanted some Action. He put his hand around my dick and guided it into his ass. He grabbed my hands and put them on his dick, telling me to jack him off while I fucked him. Dev seemed to go on forever, he kept sticking it in further and further, his pubic hair rubbing against my ass made me cross the line, I came in his friend's ass just as Dev pulled out of me and came all over my chest. He sat on my knees and rubbed his cum into my pecs and liked my nipples, he moved up and put my dick in his ass. His friend moved around and got Dev to suck him off, while he moved up and down on my dick. I came almost instantly and Dev's friend came all over me. We got up and I said, "Here's your soap". He took it and laughed. We had a proper shower this time and we left. I knew I should have taken my camera to that water park, oh well, maybe next time. Well, now you know why he was so nice to me in the car in "Dev And Leo Plus Me Makes A Trio" I hope you enjoyed the story and if you want to contact me for anything, or have an idea for my next story you can email me at


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Xander_16

Dev After Dark At The Water Park

Well hi, it's me Xander_16, the tabloid photographer here to tell you another tale of well, you know. This story is kinda related to the last one I did that was called "Dev And Leo Plus Me Is A Trio". I know I always come up with stupid rhymes for the titles, but hey, it's the only way I can remember all the stories I've written, which so far is 2 not including this one. Anyway,

Dev And Leo Plus Me Makes A Trio

Hi, its me again, if you have read my other story "Good Will Hunting - For Men", you'll already know a little about me, so before you read this, I suggest you go to read that one. Anyway, the story begins about a couple of weeks after the Academy Awards night. It was a cold raining Monday and I was making my way to the magazine where I work (It's a tabloid magazine called

Good Will Hunting--For Men !

It was the night of the academy awards and I, like all the other Photographers, were ready to take some kick-ass pix of the stars. I was 20 years old and decided I wanted to be a tabloid photographer, when I left school and moved to LA I had no money and it was the only decent job I could get at the time. Besides, the money, I was just soooo excited at the idea of sneaking up on


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