Gay Erotic Stories

Drummer Boy

by Dawson Nash

I was walking my dog, Bob, when I first heard him playing. I live out in the country and usually you don't hear more than the chirping of birds or a far off bark - so I was surprised to hear the beat, beat, beat of drums; especially coming from Old Lady Grady's farm (well it used to be a farm, now she sells antiques). Bob and I stood at the end of her laneway and listened. It was just a little faint but you could hear the pounding coming out from the barn. Mrs. Grady is our closest neighbour, at least she's the neighbour who lives closest to us. Mom and Dad have her over for dinner once and a while and I go there to mow her lawn during the summers, or to fish or take a dip in her pond, she's pretty nice. Now I'm no musician but it sounded kinda good, at least it didn't sound like someone who was just fooling around, but someone who knew what they were doing. Mrs. Grady was in her garden on her knees doing some weeding or planting or other and took time to sit back up and look down the lane at me. "Travis!", she called, and waved a pillowy arm in the air, garden glove on and trowel in hand. "`Lo Mrs. Grady!", I called back, and she waved me to come up. Bob and I walked up the lane to where she was kneeling in the garden. "I was hoping I'd see you young man.", she said. I just looked at her expectantly. "Seem's as though I won't be needing you to mow the lawn this year dear. "My Grandson Jake is staying here for the summer, and he'll be doing chores for me." I was a little disappointed, I liked riding around on her mower, plus the money she gave me was nice too. "He's back there in the barn banging away on his drums. Maybe you can go back and show him how the mower works for me. He's a city boy," she almost whispered that last part, as if in confidence to me, and gave me a knowing wink, "You know how they are...all thumb's." she laughed. "Plus it might be nice for him to have a chum, you're about the same age." "I guess I could do that for you Mrs. Grady.", I politely acknowledged her, "Look's like Bob's already gone to see what the racket is.", I pointed and there he was, running and sniffing his way to the barn. "You go in and get some Iced Tea's for the two of you, and bring them out and make yourselves acquainted now.", she shooed me on, I laughed and thanked her, and did as she said. Mrs. Grady was always cool like that, just go in and make yourself a sandwich, she'd say, or get a drink, she was pretty informal; country living I guess. I had the Iced Tea's in hand and was walking out to the barn. The drumming had stopped and I was worried that Bob might have scared Jack, or Jake, damn, what was his name again. "You lose a dog?". I coulda came right there. There, on his knees playing with Bob, was Mrs. Grady's Grandson. Shirtless and gleaming with sweat. He was absolutely gorgeous! Mussy brown hair and a faint tan. He smiled a cocky smile and his teeth were brilliant - I was taken abreath; as Mom would say. Taut muscles moved under his skin as he twisted this way and that playing a game of side to side tag with Bob. "You gonna come in?", he raised his eyebrows and laughed a little. "Uh, yeah. Hi. Here." I held the Iced Tea out to him and realized I was losing all composure. "Thanks.", he smirked and stood up, dusting off his jeans as he walked over to me. "Jake.", he said, as he took the Tea. "I, umm, Travis.", I laughed now too at my state. "Hope Bob didn't bother you at all."; whew. "Nah, not really, scared me for a sec though, I was into my music.", he nodded his head back towards his drumset, allowing me to steal a delicious view of his neckline. Up close I noticed his heavenly hazel eyes, his smooth firm chest with perfectly plunkered, plum colored nipples, and the beginning of a six pack on his tummy; as well as the bulge in his denim's and his beautiful bare feet. "Yeah.", I managed to cough out. "I heard ya down from the road. You sound good!", I praised him. "Ah.", he wobbled his head and looked around as if from embarrassment, then took a drink of Iced Tea. "I was just fuckin around, needed to burn off some energy.". "Well I liked it.", I said, wanting to praise him more, wanting to tell him I thought he was the most drop dead gorgeous thing I'd ever seen. "I, uh... Your Grandma wanted me to come up and show ya how to work the mower, I usually do the mowing for her, I live a quarter mile down the road there, you can see my house from the hill, but I usually do the mowing for her and so she thought I could show you how to work it and all, being as you're from the city.", Good God was I rambling? "You can show me how to - work it - huh?", he intoned, or would have, if it hadn't been for my naive country boy ears. "Yeah, it's real easy, needs some TLC here and there and a lot of grease, but once you're riding it just purrrs along.", I said, causing a raucous laugh from him, I just looked at him bewildered, which seemed to cause him to laugh all the more. "Cool. Cool man.", he said, holding up a hand to stop his laughing. "I think I'm gonna like you Country.", he said, and I think I blushed right then and there. We finished our Iced Tea's and played some 'keep away' with Bob then he asked me to show him the mower. As I was pointing out the engine to him he kept reaching in to inspect what I was showing and he would run his hand along mine, or brush his arm the length of mine, letting it rest a few seconds here and there. My breath shortened a little and I began to pop a rod. I took to staring at him for lengths at a time and he would look over and smile, then look away. "Boy's! Boy's!", Mrs. Grady's voice cut through the heavy air. "Yeah Grandma?", Jake asked her. "I thought Travis might like to stay for supper, so I called up your Mother and Father and they said that would be alright, and then I asked if it was alright if you spent the night too, if that's ok with you dear, and if you two are getting along friendly-like.". "Sure Grandma!", Jake agreed. "Sure Mrs. Grady!", I chimed right along with him. She smiled and said, good, and I could have kissed her right there. I sent Bob home (he knew the way) and after dinner Jake and I went back out to the barn and his Grandma took to crocheting on the front porch. He was going to show me his drumming. He got behind the set, on his stool - still barefoot, but he had put a shirt on for supper; and began playing. He started slow at first, saying that it was harder to play with no other instruments to bounce off, but he began to give himself over to the playing. Rolls and beats and whatever other drumming terms might be used began to flow from him. He played like he was part of the music. Banging out with his foot on the bass drum. He took time to remove his shirt, which was showing signs of sweat, then he really went to town. Smacking and banging while I watched his muscles tense and release, slam and shake. His sheen of sweat had built again and his hair was getting wet with it. Beads of it poured down and off his face, and I could smell him from where I sat; mesmerized. He played for more than half an hour before he stopped and sat back, exhausted. "Whew!", he exclaimed. "Wow! You're amazing! I could listen to you forever man!", and it was true, I could have. "Well I couldn't play forever!", he remarked as he began to roll his arms around in their sockets. "Man my shoulders are burnin` now.". "I massage!", I blurted out before I could stop myself. "Huh?", he asked. "No, nothing... just ... nothing.". Damn! "That'd be nice man!", there was that killer smile again. "I could use one.". Gulp! In all my eighteen years I'd never really done anything with anyone. Some fumbling about playing spin the bottle and all that with cousins, but... but not this! I really wanted this guy! He got up and grabbed an old blanket off the wall and spread it out on the ground by me, then he laid on it with his arms crossed up so his hands rested under his chin. He turned his head to me and motioned me with it to come over. I went and kneeled beside him and tentatively touched my hands to his back, causing a sigh from him, and he rustled a bit as if trying for a more comfortable position. I kneaded him. I flattened my hands on his shoulder blades then scrunched them up, pulling together mounds of flesh. I was a little twisted over from my position and stroked my hands down the length of his perfectly proportioned back, then up again, walking my fingers. "Mmmmm..", he sighed. I was ear to ear shit eating grin! I rolled my hands around his shoulders, feeling the strength of them, then I tickled my way down his arms a little. I got a little braver and repositioned myself so I had my legs on either side of his thighs (not touching though) and worked the long of his back again. "Does that feel good man?", I panted out, I was seriously horny now and my cock was straining against my pants. "Fuck yeah!", he spat, and rolled side to side, knocking my legs - causing me to lower to him. I worked his back lovingly. Taking every inch into consideration, and doing to him what I thought would feel good. Rolling my fists in balls round in circles, stretching my hands and fluttering my fingers, touching every part of him. He began to hump his hips a little and my crotch was rubbing against his bum cheeks. His musk scent was overwhelming me and he was all I could concentrate on, it was like we were the last two people on earth. At one point I think I moaned out too, and he sighed along with me. I would have been content just to do that for the rest of the night. Hell, I would have been content to do that for the rest of my life. "Your hands are wonderful..", he breathed out to me, "Let me see one.". I put a hand in front of him on the side he was facing and he took it in his own hand and turned it this way and that looking at it, then he did something I'll never forget, he took my thumb right in his mouth and sucked on it. It was so freaking sensual, and I was so much in the moment already, that I came myself, right in my pants. I came, and I shook and grunted as I did. I started to curl up out of embarrassment of what I'd done, but he spun under me so he was on his back holding my hand with both of his and said, "No. No. Don't worry. It's okay. Look man, it's more than okay.", he motioned to his groin and pointed out the hardness that was there, then sucked my thumb some more and brushed my hand with his face. "I came.", I told him. "I know, it's alright man. Do I still make you horny?", he asked. "Hell yes! I can't think of nothing but you! I wanna kiss you so bad!". He smiled. "Ok, c`mere.", and he began pulling me down to him. Locking me in a passionate kiss when I was close enough. His lips 'bit' at my lower lip, then opened to touch along the flesh of both of them, opening slightly, causing mine to open along with them. His tongue slipped in my mouth and I felt it sliding over my own, then he pulled it back into his own mouth, beckoning me to follow. When I did he sucked at my tongue, pulling his head back, twisting and sucking. My hands were on his shoulders and we were making out. Just like I'd seen boys and girls do on TV for years. Here I was, making out with a beautiful boy out in the back of a barn. He moved to lick my neck and chew my earlobe. I could feel his hot breath so close. He was working my shirt so that I knew he wanted it off and I obliged him. Now our naked chests were rubbing against each other. I looked down so that I could see my slightly pinker nipples going back and forth over his darker ones. Contact. This was so much sensory overload that I thought I might shoot another load and had to back away a sec. He took this time to roll me over so that he was on top now, and he began to do things to me that I could only dream of. He nibbled and licked and sucked his way down from my face over my chest and to my nipples, then he kissed his way right down my tummy and began to rub his face side to side over the smoothness there. He chewed at my penis right through my pants and I could see my stain there, but soon it was all wet with his saliva. He flipped the button of my pants and unzipped my fly, then continued his chewing on my underwear. This was amazing, it felt a million times better than anything I could ever do with my hand. I was cooing. He looked up at me and asked me if I wanted him to suck my cock. "Yes!". "Yes what?". "Yes I want you to!". "Yes you want me to what? Tell me.". God this guy was too much! "Yes I want you to suck ... it. I want you to suck on my cock! I want it!", ahh, could a person die of happiness? He took it out of my underwear and licked around the head of it. It looked sticky from what I'd done before, but he didn't seem to mind. Soon he had it in his mouth and was licking and sucking and doing things I never dreamed was possible. Soon, I felt the heat building up in my lowers and tried to warn him, but he stayed locked onto me and sucked and sucked as I cummed. And when I was done, he kept me in his mouth and worked out whatever little bit was still in me. I was staring at him and he was at me too. I was in love. He kept running his fingers over me and I was all goosebumpilly and twitching. He seemed to enjoy this and slid up me and kissed me. I could taste some of my sperm what he had not swallowed in his mouth and kinda like it. "I wanna do you now!", I told him. "Okay, go slow.", he said, and moved to pull down his pants and lay down, so that he was propped up on his elbows, half sitting. I wrapped my hand around him and noticed how big he was. He was at least eight inches, a good inch bigger than me, and he was not circumcised either, and the loose flesh looked funny to me, but tasty too. I licked at the head just like he had done and then wrapped my mouth on him. It felt good in my mouth, full and hard, but good. I went slow like he said and was concentrating on not biting him or hitting it with my teeth (like the jokes I'd heard had warned me not too) and could only get maybe half of him in. He moaned like I was doing something right, so I kept doing that, taking him in and pulling off. My hand was on the bottom part, the part I couldn't get in, and I was rubbing him up and down--like I would to myself if I were having a tug. I couldn't get over the sharp smell there, especially the part under his scrotum, by his leg, where it seemed to be the strongest. He put his hand on my head and followed me up and down and told me I was doing a good job. That encouragement gave me confidence and I tried to take more of him in. I opened the back of my mouth and went down on him, but gagged. He told me to imagine like I was swallowing something, so I tried again and managed to get a little more of him in my mouth. I worked and worked and he asked me if I wanted him to cum in my mouth or not, I told him I wanted to see it come out, I'd never seen anybody else but me cum before, so he told me I better get off it quick. I did - and he did. Boy did he ever. He was like a cannon! He had taken it in his hand and I saw his nuts go right up tight to his body and saw his thing pulsing like it was a beating heart, then it came shooting out. Spurt after spurt came out of his cock and some landed on his chest and some on his stomach and some on the blanket. It went high in the air in an arc and I was awed. I licked it off his stomach and chest and took him back in my mouth again and worked it sucking and releasing, and sucking and releasing, till he started to get soft in my mouth. We laid together for a while snuggling and kissing. Then we got up and went for a jump in the pond with our underwear on. Mrs. Grady had gone inside already, and we went up to the house. She had left sandwiches out for us along with two sleeping bags and pillows and a note. 'Jake and Travis : You boys probably want to sleep outside tonight since it's warm enough and you will most likely be up all night talking. Take some food and drink with you and enjoy. Sleep Tight Love Grandma We both looked at each other like we'd won the lottery and grabbed our necessities and headed back to the barn. We laid the sleeping bags out on the ground and fell on them, kissing each other. We got totally naked and started touching each other all over. We were grabbing at each other’s butts and feeling all over. We were both hard again and we moved to what is called a 69-er. We were lying on our sides and pumping at one another. I came first, and then he did, then we just lay and talked for a long while, while we were just playing with each other’s penis's. Not really jerking them off, but just feeling each other, rubbing and flipping them as we chatted. He told me that he'd never tried fucking before and that he'd like to try it with me before the summer was over, but that not right now because it wasn't time. I was glad, because I was a little scared of the idea, and I just had so much fun sucking on him for now. I told him I loved him and he crinkled his face and kissed me and said he did me too. We fell asleep holding each other, and woke the same way. I woke up first and just lay and watched him breathing for a while, loving him. We go everywhere together now. Movies, swimming, fishing. We still haven't tried the fucking thing yet, but when we do sex things--we are making love, because we both love each other. And we're always sleeping over at the other’s place. I'm really going to miss him when he goes, we're already planning on when I can go to the city and visit him. But it is only August, and the summer's not over yet, so we still have time together, though it will never be enough. He still plays for me, and is teaching me to play the guitar so we can 'Jam'. I'm his 'Country' and he's my 'Drummer Boy'. by Dawson Nash my story characters rarely use protection, that is because writing is safe sex, don't be silly - Rubber it up! e-mail to if you like


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Dawson Nash

Best Friend's Roomie

It was a cold winter and my best friend Jack (who had moved away to go to University) was throwing a keg party. He’s a six foot two blonde jock who’s ruggedly gorgeous; ice-blue eyes, noble nose, luscious lips, and a judicial jaw! We’d been friends since grade 9, we had a few classes together and hung out all the time. I loved him very much, but he’s straight and I would have much

Drummer Boy

I was walking my dog, Bob, when I first heard him playing. I live out in the country and usually you don't hear more than the chirping of birds or a far off bark - so I was surprised to hear the beat, beat, beat of drums; especially coming from Old Lady Grady's farm (well it used to be a farm, now she sells antiques). Bob and I stood at the end of her laneway and listened. It was

Found Out

: names have been changed to protect the innocent "What the Fuck is this?", he asked, dangling my diary from his fingertips. "....huh?", I stammered, feeling trapped and terrified. ---- 'He' was Jeremy Locke. 'He' and I had worked together for three years. 'He' was the object of many of my desires. That day had started out fairly normal. It was a Saturday and we had to


Sometimes having a rumour floating around about you can work to your advantage. Now I'm not saying go out and start a rumour by any means, but when one is out there and you're worried that it might do you some damage, remember that it may just give someone else the courage they need and end up doing you some good. I'm gay, but am a fairly straight acting guy. I suppose I could go


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