Gay Erotic Stories

Favorite Part

by Pandaman

Everything in this story has happened in real life, the names have been changed. About a year ago now, I left my parents house to enter a flat with a friend of a girlfriend of me. At the time, I was a second year student at a university in North Western Europe. My flatmate Raymond was a freshmen, although he was 20 years old and I only 18: I'm an early student. We didn't know each other very well: we were just both looking for a flat and were introduced to each other by our mutual girlfriend. The first night in our new apartment, the conversation took until 4 o'clock in the night and was only about sex. We had quite some beers (in Europe one is allowed to drink alcohol at this age) and were very tired of the paintwork and moving our stuff in, but many following nights we had these kinds of conversations about our experiences with girls. During these conversations we both found out that we didn’t dislike homosexuality: we thought it to be strange, but not revolting. During the university-year, we both had some girls-for-a-night, but nothing serious. We both became frustrated: we are young: we want sex! The situation in our flat became very 'liberal': we saw each other naked, we talked about masturbation and much more. Furthermore we became best friends. One night we were both so tired that we continued our conversation in Raymond's bed. No intentions what so ever, just to talk. Of course, the conversation went on about a great part about sex. I told Raymond that I wouldn't have any problems with a guy giving me head or masturbating me: for me it was sex and that is what I wanted. Raymond didn’t discuss this remark. We continued talking, and it was about what part of our bodies we liked most ourselves. Raymond liked his chest, so I touched it. It was the first time for me to touch another guy and I liked it. I touched his chest hair and massaged his nipples just a little bit. He touched my chest and internally I grew wild. My cock started raging in my boxer shorts. I think now is the time to describe me and my flatmate. Raymond is quite tall: about 7 feet, brown hear and looks very strong. I'm somewhat shorter: about 6 ½ feet, normally built, blond and with very strong legs. But to continue the story: my cock grew to about 7 inches and got completely wet with precum. We continued our conversation: I told Raymond I really liked my legs. He touched them, but also my balls, since I was lying on my belly. He didn’t notice it I think, but I did. I was getting completely horny. Then I told him I thought my ass was okay too. He touched it. This was it! I was completely excited. We continued talking, about nothing actually. I turned over to lie on my back: it was dark in his room, so I didn't think my hard-on was going to give me any problems. But suddenly, the conversation went further about our favorite parts of our bodies. Raymond reached out to touch my ass again, but touched my hard-on! I started groaning, I was so horny! He massaged my dripping cock through my boxer shorts. I took his hand and put it under my shorts. He knew what I liked: he massaged my balls, made his hand wet, and started shaking my dick. I thought my dream came true! I took his dick and started masturbating and told him to take his shorts off. He did so: my god: what a cock he had: 8 ½ inches, huge balls (he told me he hadn't masturbated for over a week!), and I continued masturbating. Finally he made me cum and we were both kind of ashamed what happened. Ever since I'm hoping for more, but until now Raymond is still denying his feeling about male-to-male sex.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Pandaman

Favorite Part

Everything in this story has happened in real life, the names have been changed. About a year ago now, I left my parents house to enter a flat with a friend of a girlfriend of me. At the time, I was a second year student at a university in North Western Europe. My flatmate Raymond was a freshmen, although he was 20 years old and I only 18: I'm an early student. We didn't know each


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