Gay Erotic Stories

First Scent, Part 3

by Sandiegopigman

"Cover up stud. Got another little game to play!" he winked at me and disappeared around the corner. I struggled to cover my hard dick, though I noticed that the scare had dampened my spirits somewhat. I was definitely not soft, but I managed to get it all packed up. I scanned the room frantically as I heard the door open, a familiar voice greeting Mike. I finally located the remote and slammed my finger on the stop button just as they entered the room. "Hey Mike! Heard you were having a guy's weekend! Mandy's on the rag, and being a total bitch. Mind if I join?" I stared in disbelief. Steve was one of the crew that Mike and I worked with. And probably the biggest guy I had ever seen. He seemed to take up whatever space he was in, but his easygoing attitude quickly put people at ease. What the hell was he doing here? "Forgot to tell you, bud," Mike said. "When I came in for a smoke, my pager was going off. I gave the little guy here a buzz and thought the more the merrier! Not too often we get to have some 'guy' time anymore." "S-sure. No problem. Make yourself at home, Steve." I wondered what else Mike had told him. I immediately became aware that Mike and I were sitting in a sex-scented room with nothing on but jockstraps. "I'm gonna grab a smoke. Be right back," Mike said, leveling me with a sly grin and heading out back. He knew that I had no idea how to act. I decided to err on the side of caution and act like we were just a couple of buddies hanging out. "Want a brew, Steve?" I managed to say. "Brought some of my own!" he indicated a bag on the floor. Either he had a hell of a lot of beer in there, or he was packing something else, too. He bent to unzip the bag, grabbing two twelve packs and heading in to the kitchen. I heard him put the brew in the fridge as my eyes wandered to the gap in the top of the bag. I could see what looked like several cassette tapes, but not the kind you use in a VCR. They looked like they belonged in a camera. That further added to the confusion swirling in my head. Just then he came back in the room. He had unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it to fall open revealing a heavily muscled and hairy chest and gut. He sat on the couch behind me. "What's new, Mike?" he inquired. I thought about my newfound love of cocksucking, but decided that might not be the best subject. "Not much. Working on the deck. Hot as hell today!" I replied. The weather: always a safe subject, right? Wrong. "Fuck yeah. Speaking of which," he said as he leaned down to untie his work boots. Soon both feet were bare, and a new, spicy scent was added to the rich mix of the room. "Sweating like a bitch today!" "Same here. That's why we're in our jocks. Too fucking hot and no women, so what the hell?" I laughed. An easy explanation for a messy predicament. "When in Rome..." he smiled at me. Then he stood and undid the buttons of his faded jeans. I watched as the hair that trailed down from his belly widened out with the snap of each button. Soon, the pale flesh of his cock showed through the gaping fly. "Damn, I knew I forgot something today! Sorry, guy!" "For what?" Mike had reentered the room. He slapped Steve on the shoulder and let his hand trail down his back. "Get naked if you want. It's just us guys. Ain't like we haven't seen a prick before! If it makes you feel better...." With that, Mike shoved his jock down, kicking it into the middle of the floor next to my leg. "Now we're all even!" "Not all!" Steve said, looking down at me. I stared back, then immediatley slid my jock off, piling it on top of Mike's. I turned back in time to see Steve's jeans slide down, revealing two tree trunk sized legs, covered with hair. He threw the jeans towards his bag. "That's better!" he said. He hefted his nuts, scratching under them and showing, from my vantage point, a hairy patch of skin that disappeared into an even hairier trench between his legs. He sat back on the couch, Mike next to him. We talked and joked for a while. There was an easy camaraderie between us, and my earlier fears of discovery soon vanished. I was sure that Steve was just a cool guy who needed some time away from a nagging spouse. "Shit, turn the channel man. I don't need to see that!" Steve said. I glanced at the TV, where an infomercial for leg wax was showing. "Help yourself!" I replied, tossing him the remote. He caught it, and started pressing buttons. Suddenly the VCR whirred to life, and the porn flick came on. The guy had made progress; while I was swinging on Mike's cock, he had positioned the woman face down and was licking her pussy and ass from behind. "Damn! Your old lady let you watch this stuff?" Steve asked me in amazement. "Naw. We were checking out some scenes earlier," Mike answered for me. "I was gonna say. That's why that fuckin’ bag is so heavy. I got my whole collection in there. With the mood the wife was in when I left, I knew if she found anything it would be gone forever!" Steve said, jerking a thumb to the open bag next to Mike. Mike reached over and pulled the bag open. The first 4 or 5 tapes he pulled out were for a camcorder, followed closely by a stack of regular tapes with no labels. These were quickly joined by a camcorder and tripod. The bag was now deflated and empty. "Jesus, Steve! You do travel well-prepared!" Mike laughed. "Never know, man, you never know!" Steve grinned back. I noticed that his hand was resting in his lap, covering and lightly touching the hidden manhood beneath. "What kind of trash you got?" Mike inquired. "Mostly amateur stuff. Some hot scenes that I dubbed off other flicks." Steve hesitated. Suddenly the air in the room was electric. "Not a lot of mainstream stuff." "Who wants mainstream? We can get that from our wives! I dig that amateur stuff, man," Mike said, tossing his arm up on the back of the couch. Did I see Steve take a sharp breath? Probably just wishful thinking. "Well, this is definitely amateur. Uh..." Steve stammered. I wondered what had him so flustered. He was usually the calm one. "Can we check some of it out?" Mike pushed. He readjusted himself on the couch, and ended up closer still to Steve. My cock started to tingle and I could feel the blood heading south. The scene on the couch was getting me hot. The current that ran between Mike and Steve was almost visible. "I don't know, man. It probably wouldn't be your bag." Steve now looked panicked. "Let us be the judges of that!" Mike said, grabbing the nearest tape and getting up to put it in the VCR. He pushed play as I looked back at a now-flushed Steve. The screen came alive. At first it was difficult to tell what we were seeing. The extreme close-up could have been any body part. All right, any body part with hair. A very pink tongue appeared, flattening the fur as it licked. The camera pulled back, and a built stud was shown, lying on a bed with both hands behind his head. A petite Asian woman was licking enthusiastically on his pits. The stud groaned in pleasure. "Hot damn! What do you know about that, Tony?" Mike asked me. "Steve, you won't believe this, but we were just talking about a pit fetish before you got here." Talking hell, more like sniffing each other like dogs in heat! "No shit? I thought it was my own private perversion!" Steve said, looking much relieved. "Oh no. We're both into the scent thing. Or is it just the ladies licking pits for you?" came Mike's response. "The whole package man! The wife fuckin' hates it though, so I have some tapes to satisfy me!" Steve explained. My cock jumped as I saw the tube in his lap peeking out from under the protective hand. He must be getting hard! The tape stopped abruptly. "Be kind, rewind!" Mike admonished, slapping Steve on the thigh. I thought he let his hand rest a bit long, but Steve didn't seem to notice. "What's next?" Mike found another candidate. As he switched tapes, I could feel Steve slouching on the couch behind me. I move toward his leg a couple of inches. The wiry hair on his shin was brushing my arm lightly. As Mike returned and pushed play, he asked, "What's ‘PS’ stand for, man?" "Fuck. You don't want to see that one!" a panicked Steve dove for the remote in Mike's hand, a desperate look in his eyes. Mike was too quick, though, and grabbed Steve's wrist tightly. "If it's making you this nervous, I gotta see it!" Mike said. I was looking at the two of then when I noticed the fire in Mike's eyes burst into flames. He was staring at the TV. "A little exhibitionism, Stevie boy?" I swung my head around. There was Steve, sitting on a weight bench, his left arm raised, his nose attempting to permanently shove itself into the hairy pit. Sweat beaded on the hair, and you could hear the sniffing as Steve stuck out his tongue and licked his own raunchy pit. "Dude! This is really personal. Quit fuckin' around!" Steve was obviously embarrassed, but I knew that Mike would never turn it off now. The camera pulled back. I wondered who was operating the zoom? Now all of Steve was seen, his big right arm moving rhythmically up and down as he stroked his long, hard cock. We watched in silence. I could feel Steve moving uncomfortably behind me. "Relax, man. Trust me," I heard Mike say softly to Steve. The movement stopped. Without warning, the Steve on screen started to cum. Long ropes of jizz shot up and out of his swollen dick. His balls had nearly disappeared they were so tight against the base of his shaft. Countless throbs of the thick vein running up the bottom of his meat were soon followed with more white-hot dicksnot. After what seemed like at least 5 minutes, the throbbing diminished and the camera zoomed in to scan the white carpet of liquid that coated Steve’s muscled torso. Again, who was on the other end of that camera? His wife? Didn't seem too likely. "You could sell that for some good money, you little stud!" Mike told Steve. "Gotta admit, that's some hot video!" Steve hesitated only a second. He looked at me, then at Mike. "Think so?" he asked. "Hell yeah. There's a huge market for jack-off and fetish stuff, especially amateur. From what I've seen on the Net, this is pretty tame!" Mike assured him. "Well...I do have, naw...never mind…" Steve's voice trailed off. "Who needs a fresh brew?" He quickly rose and headed into the kitchen. "What, Steve? What were you gonna say?" I heard myself ask. I realized I really wanted to know what he was going to say. "Shit, me and my big mouth!" Steve tried to joke as he came back. "You gotta promise not to fuck with me about this later!" Interesting choice of words. "What?" I demanded. "I got some other stuff too. It's not edited, just on those camcorder tapes. It's pretty fucking out there, though. I don't think I want you guys to see it." Mike was off the couch and connecting the camera to the front of the VCR before Steve finished his plea. He turned to us. His dick was at least half hard. "I want to see it," he said in a serious tone. "I totally dig the sniff, sweat stuff too. Okay?" "Whatever..." Steve said in defeat. The screen showed a spread-eagled Steve. His huge cock being slowly stroked by one hand, the other tugging on his hairy balls. The long middle finger moved from his balls to rub the area behind, down to the hair-filled crack of his ass and back. The finger continued, moving lower each time. One of Steve's legs bent at the knee, opening the view of his finger at work. He was rubbing up and down between his muscular cheeks. Then the hand disappeared. The picture abruptly ended, then started again with the camera repositioned. I could see that Steve had filmed himself in a mirror. The finger was back between his now widely spread legs, joined by 2 others as he massaged the still-hidden hole. This time when the hand moved away, we could see what it was busy doing. Steve shoved his fingers under his nose, inhaling deeply. He stroked his meat harder. On the third long sniff, he shot. The cheeks of his ass clenched, forcing the hot slimy load out of his balls and exploding it out the slit of his swollen dick head. The view allowed his entire body to be seen, jerking, muscles contracting as he groaned out loud with pleasure. The tape went black. "That's enough, man!" Steve said. He grabbed the remote from a spellbound Mike and pushed stop. "I can't believe I let you see that." "Well, it ain't like I hated it!" Mike said, slapping his hard cock on his belly. Steve looked shocked. Then he realized that he was among fellow sex pigs, and grinned. "You like that, huh?" Steve asked. "Duh! But it must be a weird feeling to watch yourself," Mike wondered. "I bet it's fuckin' hot as hell!" I put in my opinion. "Both, actually," Steve confirmed. I noticed that his hand was under his balls, the fingers moving. I wondered... Grabbing his wrist, I turned and rose to my knees. I pulled his hand to my face and inhaled the fingers. I couldn't speak, but I guess they got the idea. "How's that smell, bud?" Mike said, his voice thick. "Want to have that shit on your tongue?" Dead silence. Had he crossed the line? "I don't know man, never done that before," Steve said. "What, had your ass licked, or had your ass licked by a dude?" Mike inquired. I noticed that his arm was now loosely draped around Steve, his fingers rubbing the strong shoulders. "Both, man!" Steve insisted. But he did sound interested. His cock was definitely interested. Again, we looked at each other in silence. Something had to give. "How the hell did you film yourself, Steve? Like the zoom stuff?" I inquired. "That's easy!" Steve responded. He stood and walked to his bag on the floor. Reaching in to a side pocket, he produced a small remote control unit. "Everything's integrated. One hand does it all, so to speak!" Steve said. He stood in the center of the room. Mike was on the couch behind him, and I was on the floor in front. Mike reached out and touched his waist. He reached for the remote, examining it closely. His hand slowly stroked Steve's hip. "Pretty slick! Wish I had a blank tape," Mike said. "Why? Ready to become a video star?" Steve laughed. "Yeah, why the fuck not!" Mike challenged. "But first, I gotta pee!" After Mike left the room, Steve sat on the floor next to me. He looked over and grinned. "Shit. Gotta admit I'm a little uncomfortable. I mean, I don't usually sit around with a bunch of naked dudes watching myself jack off on film! How 'bout you?" Steve said. "Well, I guess it was a bit weird at first, but it's kinda hot too." I ventured, looking at his eyes to gauge his reaction: they glowed with heat. "True. That kinda freaks me out too!" "What did I miss now?" Mike startled us both. We looked up at him. "Just talkin' man.” To be continued…


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Sandiegopigman

First Scent, Part 1

"Hey Mike. Looks like you had a wild night!" "That bitch is going to kill me, man! She's gonna fuck the life right out of me!" "You wish!" Typical bullshit. Mike and I had worked together for over a year. Back on the job Monday morning, we exchanged the casual conversation that had become a routine. Mike, married for less then a year, always seemed to come back from a weekend worn

First Scent, Part 2

We had gone out on the deck with our fresh beers. We stood next to each other, silent but with rock-hard cocks pointing straight out from our sweaty bodies. My mind was still spinning with what had transpired in the previous hour: Two straight buddies, married with kids, acting like a couple of cum-hungry fags. I wondered if Mike was thinking the same thing. "I need a smoke, man. Be

First Scent, Part 3

"Cover up stud. Got another little game to play!" he winked at me and disappeared around the corner. I struggled to cover my hard dick, though I noticed that the scare had dampened my spirits somewhat. I was definitely not soft, but I managed to get it all packed up. I scanned the room frantically as I heard the door open, a familiar voice greeting Mike. I finally located the


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