Gay Erotic Stories

Florida Move

by SanPalo

I had moved to Florida about 1994 and lived on the east coast. I had a nice three bedroom house and made a comfortable living. I had moved down from New York where my parents lived. In 1995 my mother passed away, leaving my father in New York by himself. I asked Dad at the funeral if he wanted to come stay with me awhile until he decided what he wanted to do. "Son, I appreciate that, but I want to wait a while and work things out for myself." "Okay Dad, whenever you are ready, let me know and I will come up and help you get things ready." Dad phoned about two months later and said he thought he would give Florida a try, and asked I minded coming up and help him sell the house and get the movers. I asked my boss for a leave of absence for six months to help Dad get settled in Florida. We had already talked about what he wanted and he decided to stay with me a while until he could find a place. We finally got Dad settled in and things were pretty much normal. We had to get used to living with each other again. He had lived with someone else and I was the one having a hard time adjusting. I was used to running around the house nude and did not Anymore, because I did not know how my dad felt about male nudity. "Dad, do you have a swim suit for the pool?" "No son, I sure don't." "Dad, why don't we go to the store tomorrow and buy you a swim suit. What style do you like best the boxer or bikini?" "Son, I don't really know, I have never owned a swim suit before." "Well, we'll go to the store tomorrow and let you try on both styles and see which you prefer." Next morning, Dad and I drove down town to the deptartment store and went into the men's department. We looked around and I found a nice boxer swim suit I thought he would like. He went into the changing room and slipped into the suit. "Son, what do think of this suit?" dad says as he steps out of the changing room." "Well Dad, I don't think it fits you too good, turn around and let me see the back. No, it's too baggy in the seat for you." I went back to the rack and found a bikini I thought might fit Dad and brought it to him in the changing room. "Here Dad, try this one on and see what you think." "Wow", Dad said from the changing room. "What's wrong dad?" "Here, you tell me!" he says, as he walks out of the changing room. Dad lifts his shirt to show me the bikini. I looked down and could see right away it was a little too small. "Dad, it looks great on you, but I am afraid it is a little too small." "What do you mean too small, there is not much to it too begin with." "Dad I mean the pouch is too small for you. Look here the skin on your testicles is showing here at the sides." I reached down to the side of the bikini and run my finger down the side of his suit and show him what I was talking about. "Dad, I didn't know you were so big down there." "Well son, I have had trouble with getting underwear that are comfortable. I have them custom made now in New York City." "Well, I think you can wear this one if you like it, we can cut out the lining in the front and that will give you more room." "I do like it, can you cut out the lining for me when we get home?" "Sure dad, be glad to." Dad purchased the suit and we headed home. I went into the spare room which I used for sewing and odd jobs and got the scissors. "Be careful son, don't cut a hole in them." I finally finished the modification and asked Dad to try them on again. He took the suit and headed to the bathroom, returning shortly thereafter. "How does this look son, any better?" "Come over closer and let me see, Dad." Dad walks up to me as I was sitting in a chair. I reach up and feel both sides of the pouch with my finger. Then asked him to turn around and let me check the back. I ran my hand briefly over the tight material covering his buttocks. "Yeah Dad that is perfect now. You sure have a nice body for that bikini." "Thanks son I have always tried to keep fit although I am a little heavy right now." "Boy you sure fill out the front of that bikini also, Dad." "I inherited that from my grandpa, son." "I bet Mom sure liked it when you made love to her." "Yes son, that's one thing I miss most, the sex we had. She really loved sex and would let me make love to her anytime I needed." "Dad what do you do now when you need sex?" "Well son, I have to masturbate when I need sex." "Dad I am sure that is not the same as mother." "No son, but I don't want to get involved with another woman at this late age. I will just have to be satisfied with masturbation. Son, we'd better stop talking about sex, I'm starting to get an erection." "I can see Dad, and if it keeps getting bigger that bikini won't hold it. Why don't we go for a swim and you can cool down." "Sounds great, I will meet you outside. Go get your suit on." I ran into the bedroom and found my skimpiest bikini I had which only covered the front and almost the rear. I walked out to the pool and noticed Dad giving me the once over. "Son you have a great body also, you take after me I can see." "I don't think I am as heavy as you are in the cock and balls department." Then I put my hand over my mouth for what I had said but daddy seemed to ignore the words. "Where did you get that bikini?" dad asked. "I had this custom made at a friends tailor shop." I turned and posed for Dad and he commented that its was small and did not quite cover my bottom. "Dad I don't usually wear anything in the pool but because you are here I didn't know how you felt about male nudity, so thought I better wear something." "Son I don't mind male nudity, I have been nude quite often when I would go to the downtown athletic club." "Well why are we wearing these suits, let's get rid of them and be comfortable. You can wear your bikini when we go the beach, Dad." "Here catch son." Here flew Dad's bikini right at my face. He was in the water and I stripped on the side and then jumped in. We swam for hours and then got out and enjoyed the sun on the lounges around the pool. "Dad would you like something to drink?" "What do you have? Any hard liquor?" "Yes, I have all kinds. What kind do you usually drink?" "Black Russians, son." "OK Dad, one Black Russian coming up." We sat and drank and chatted and caught up on all the past about he and Mom and what they did on vacations and where they went. He told about China, Russia and Africa which he said was the best place they had gone. Dad had three or four Black Russians and I could tell he was feeling the effects of them. "Son I really miss your mother and I don't think I can go on without her. I miss the closeness and all we had together. I miss the sex we had all the time. That part is the hardest for me because I have a libido that is really strong and I need sex quite often. I am getting tired of masturbating and that gets old real fast. "Dad you're getting hard now you should stop thinking about mom." "It is not just your mother I need sex now." "Dad if you would let me, I could help you sometime when you need sex." "What do you mean you can help." "How can men help other men in sex? "Dad there are several ways I could help you but you have to be comfortable with it." "Well, what are the ways, son." "Sometime men can masturbate each other." "What else." "Well some men suck other men to make them cum." "Cum ? What do you mean, son." "Dad that is what you call ejaculate." "You mean son, some men let other men ejaculate in their mouths? Have you ever let another man ejaculate in your mouth?" "No dad, but I would do anything to help you." "Well, tell me more about how this works and how did you know about these things." "Well dad, I have some books upstairs that I have read about fellatio and the techniques used by men and women." "Fellatio, what's that now?" Son. "Dad that is the name for someone putting a cock, is it alright if I use that word, into their mouth and sucking on it." "Yes son, you use what ever words you normally use." "Son, I could see where the person getting sucked would definitely enjoy the sucking but, what pleasure does the person doing the sucking get?" "Dad, some people get their enjoyment taking the cock into their mouth and feeling the hot meat inside. They enjoy sucking and licking the cock and have a need to satisfy the person they are sucking." "Does the person like for the person they are sucking to what you say cum in their mouths?" "Yes dad, I understand that is the best part for the person doing the sucking is knowing he is able to make the person he is sucking cum in his mouth." "Son, does it take long for someone to be sucked off?" "That depends dad on how horny the person is and how good the cock sucker is." "Cocksucker, son?" "Yes, that is the common name of the person who likes to suck cock." "Son this talk is making me hard as a rock, see." Dad holds his big cock up for me to see. "Yes dad you have a big beautiful cock and balls. I have always admired your body and your cock and balls." "You admired my cock and balls, son?" "Yes dad, many, many years I have wanted to see you naked and see your cock hard." "Well son, have you been wishing you could play with daddy's cock and balls?" "Yes daddy, I couldn't help it, I have dreamed of the day I could feel your cock and balls." "Son have you been reading about cock sucking hoping that I would someday let you suck me off?" "Yes daddy that has been my only wish for many, many years." "Well son I don't know what to say, I am overwhelmed by this whole turn of events. I can't believe you have saved yourself for me and wishing all these years that you would have the chance to suck my cock." "I have mixed feelings about all of this you know, your mother was the only person to touch my cock except me. Now you want me to lay here and let you suck me. Well, you have gotten me so horny, I have got to have some release one way or the other. If you want to try and suck me, I will see how I feel. If I say stop, I want to quit, you have to stop immediately, oaky, son.?" "Yes daddy, I know you will like it and I know I will like it also." I approached the lounge where dad is lying and ask him to spread his legs, so I could get between them. I slowly knelt down and looked over every inch of my daddy's body. "Dad you have the best body I have ever seen, and I love the way your big balls and cock hang down on the lounge. I want to suck you for a long time do you think you can hold back?" "No son, I can't hold back, suck the cum out and I will let you suck me more later, I really need to cum." "Okay Dad, if you promise." I leaned forward and put every technique to work that I had read about. Sucked daddy's cock, sucked his nuts and licked his hole a short while. I went up to his chest and sucked his big nipples and that really turned him on. "Son you better get your mouth on my cock or you aren't going to get the big mouthful of cum you've been waiting for." I obeyed and went back to his cock and deep throated it. I thought he was going to shoot off, then but he was able to hold off. I sucked back to the head and then use several techniques from the book to drive him wild. He started moaning and thrusting his hips up toward my face and then I reached down and felt his big balls as they were drawing up against his body. I had read in the books that when a man is going to cum his nuts draw up. I concentrated on the head and licked the head vigorously and then heard Daddy moan very loudly. "Oh son I'm cumming, keep sucking your daddy's cock. Suck you cock sucker, eat your daddy's cum." Dad shot several wads of cum into my mouth and I didn't swallow right away, I wanted to savor the flavor of my first cum and savor the flavor of daddy's load. I also told dad to lay still I was not through. "Son what more is there you got all the cum daddy had." "Yes and it tastes great, but I want to suck on you some more to satisfy my needs." "What do you mean son," "Well after the man sucks the other, the one who did not cum is still horny and needs to suck more to satisfy his need for cock." "Son it does not have to be hard?" "No daddy, it is just the fact that it is a cock to suck." "You mean son that you would suck my cock even though it was not hard?" "Yes daddy, I have found out I am one of those men who need to suck cock and please men. You have opened my eyes to the fact that I need to suck cock. Did you enjoy it as much as I did, Daddy?" "Son I really did ,I have to admit it was better than having sex with your mother. It was the best sex I have ever had." "You really mean that daddy? Then you want me to suck you again?" "Yes son, I want you to sleep with me tonight and always. I will want you to suck me off every night at least once. If you want to suck any other time you know where my cock and balls are. Listen to me son, I have already started using your language, cock and balls, suck, cock sucker and I am sure you are going to teach me many more words." "Yes dad and you and I can read my books and maybe sometime you will want to try sucking my cock." "Yes son I will be glad to read your books and learn all about cock sucking and man to man sex. I can't believe how much I have learned today and how much I am looking forward to living with you." "I know daddy, I want to satisfy you in every way and will do anything you need to be happy." "Son you just keep sucking my cock the way you did today and I will be completely satisfied. I am curious how a cock feels in my mouth though. If I get brave, maybe tonight I can try to take you in my mouth and suck you." "Daddy, I know you will love it after the first time, I think you have wanted this for a long time but have not had the opportunity." "Son, you might be right. I can remember back when granddad and my daddy would walk around nude, I would get excited but did not understand why. You think it was the fact that I wanted to suck them?" "Yes daddy, that was most likely the case." "Would you mind son if I tried to suck you right now? It looks like you could use some relief." "No daddy, that sounds great but don't do it if you are not comfortable with it." "Well son, I know now this is what I have needed for sometime. I used to suck your mother's tits and think that the nipples were little penises. Your mother also had a big clit and I sucked on it all the time hoping I could get a big mouthful of cum." "Daddy I want to fulfil your dreams the way you have fulfilled mine. Suck my cock daddy, and I will give you that big load of cum you have been dreaming about." "Thank you son, you and I are going to have the best time together for a long time." I was standing next to daddy and he reached up and grabs my cock and pulls it to his mouth. I stand there and let him suck all he wants. He looks up at me pulls my cock out of his mouth and says. "Give me your cum son, I want to see what your juice taste like." "Okay daddy, are you sure you want me to shoot my load into your mouth?" "Yes son, I have to try it once to see if that is what I need." I spread my legs and daddy fondled my nuts and ass as I fucked his mouth. I moaned and told daddy I was going to cum. He just shook his head like yes, yes give me that cum. I tensed my legs and slowly eased my cock out a little, so I would cum on his tongue so he would get the best taste. I started cumming and dad really got excited and started sucking harder. He let the cum shoot out onto his tongue and he showed me how much I had shot. It was the most cum I had ever shot and he had a mouthful. Dad rolled the cum around in his mouth and then swallowed the load. "Oh son, I can not believe how great your cum tasted. What have we been missing all these years. I want all the cum you can give me now." "Daddy I feel the same as you, anytime you need cock you know where it is and don't let me tell you no." "Thanks son I want some more cock tonight, okay?" "Yes daddy, I want some more cock also tonight."


3 Gay Erotic Stories from SanPalo

Florida Move

I had moved to Florida about 1994 and lived on the east coast. I had a nice three bedroom house and made a comfortable living. I had moved down from New York where my parents lived. In 1995 my mother passed away, leaving my father in New York by himself. I asked Dad at the funeral if he wanted to come stay with me awhile until he decided what he wanted to do. "Son, I

Granddaddy Suckles

Late one night I heard someone come into my room, I knew it could only be one person and that was grandpa. He had never come into my room at night to my knowledge. I lay very still as I watched grandpa come over to the bed. Slowly he climbed onto the bed with his face near my crotch. I then felt his tongue licking my cock and balls. He picked up my cock and sucked it for

Workout With Grandpa

"Hi" Grandpa, "you ready to workout? "Yes" son, "let me put on my jock and shorts." "I'll meet you in the garage," grandpa. I went to the garage and started my daily routine of warm-ups then grandpa came in wearing tight workout shorts which to me looked more like bike shorts, I could see his jock through the thin material. We both continued to stretch and do warm-up


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